This PR adds a `TestVector` to the `TestDriver` so that test driver methods that apply messages can be recorded in the test vector. refs #194
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package drivers
import (
abi_spec "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/abi"
big_spec "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/abi/big"
miner_spec "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/builtin/miner"
power_spec "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/builtin/power"
adt_spec "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/util/adt"
cbg "github.com/whyrusleeping/cbor-gen"
builtin_spec "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/builtin"
account_spec "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/builtin/account"
var (
SECP = address.SECP256K1
BLS = address.BLS
// StateDriver mutates and inspects a state.
type StateDriver struct {
st *StateWrapper
w *KeyManager
rs RandomnessSource
minerInfo *MinerInfo
// Mapping for IDAddresses to their pubkey/actor addresses. Used for lookup when signing messages.
actorIDMap map[address.Address]address.Address
// info about the state drivers builtin miner
type MinerInfo struct {
Owner address.Address
OwnerID address.Address
Worker address.Address
WorkerID address.Address
// NewStateDriver creates a new state driver for a state.
func NewStateDriver(st *StateWrapper, w *KeyManager) *StateDriver {
return &StateDriver{st, w, NewRandomnessSource(), nil, make(map[address.Address]address.Address)}
// State returns the state.
func (d *StateDriver) State() *StateWrapper {
return d.st
func (d *StateDriver) Wallet() *KeyManager {
return d.w
func (d *StateDriver) Randomness() RandomnessSource {
return d.rs
func (d *StateDriver) GetState(c cid.Cid, out cbg.CBORUnmarshaler) {
err := d.st.StoreGet(c, out)
require.NoError(T, err)
func (d *StateDriver) PutState(in cbg.CBORMarshaler) cid.Cid {
c, err := d.st.StorePut(in)
require.NoError(T, err)
return c
func (d *StateDriver) GetActorState(actorAddr address.Address, out cbg.CBORUnmarshaler) {
actor, err := d.State().Actor(actorAddr)
require.NoError(T, err)
require.NotNil(T, actor)
d.GetState(actor.Head(), out)
// NewAccountActor installs a new account actor, returning the address.
func (d *StateDriver) NewAccountActor(addrType address.Protocol, balanceAttoFil abi_spec.TokenAmount) (pubkey address.Address, id address.Address) {
var addr address.Address
switch addrType {
case address.SECP256K1:
addr = d.w.NewSECP256k1AccountAddress()
case address.BLS:
addr = d.w.NewBLSAccountAddress()
require.FailNowf(T, "unsupported address", "protocol for account actor: %v", addrType)
_, idAddr, err := d.st.CreateActor(builtin_spec.AccountActorCodeID, addr, balanceAttoFil, &account_spec.State{Address: addr})
require.NoError(T, err)
d.actorIDMap[idAddr] = addr
return addr, idAddr
func (d *StateDriver) ActorPubKey(idAddress address.Address) address.Address {
if idAddress.Protocol() != address.ID {
T.Fatalf("ActorPubKey methods expects ID protocol address. actual: %v", idAddress.Protocol())
pubkeyAddr, found := d.actorIDMap[idAddress]
if !found {
T.Fatalf("Failed to find pubkey address for: %s", idAddress)
return pubkeyAddr
func (d *StateDriver) BuiltinMinerInfo() *MinerInfo {
return d.minerInfo
// create miner without sending a message. modify the init and power actor manually
func (d *StateDriver) newMinerAccountActor(sealProofType abi_spec.RegisteredSealProof, periodBoundary abi_spec.ChainEpoch) address.Address {
// creat a miner, owner, and its worker
minerOwnerPk, minerOwnerID := d.NewAccountActor(address.SECP256K1, big_spec.NewInt(1_000_000_000))
minerWorkerPk, minerWorkerID := d.NewAccountActor(address.BLS, big_spec.Zero())
expectedMinerActorIDAddress := chain.MustNewIDAddr(chain.MustIDFromAddress(minerWorkerID) + 1)
minerActorAddrs := computeInitActorExecReturn(minerWorkerPk, 0, 1, expectedMinerActorIDAddress)
d.minerInfo = &MinerInfo{
Owner: minerOwnerPk,
OwnerID: minerOwnerID,
Worker: minerWorkerPk,
WorkerID: minerWorkerID,
ss, err := sealProofType.SectorSize()
require.NoError(T, err)
ps, err := sealProofType.WindowPoStPartitionSectors()
require.NoError(T, err)
mi := &miner_spec.MinerInfo{
Owner: minerOwnerID,
Worker: minerWorkerID,
PendingWorkerKey: nil,
PeerId: abi_spec.PeerID("chain-validation"),
Multiaddrs: nil,
SealProofType: sealProofType,
SectorSize: ss,
WindowPoStPartitionSectors: ps,
mc, err := d.st.StorePut(mi)
require.NoError(T, err)
// create the miner actor s.t. it exists in the init actors map
minerState, err := miner_spec.ConstructState(mc, periodBoundary, EmptyBitfieldCid, EmptyArrayCid, EmptyMapCid, EmptyDeadlinesCid)
require.NoError(T, err)
_, minerActorIDAddr, err := d.State().CreateActor(builtin_spec.StorageMinerActorCodeID, minerActorAddrs.RobustAddress, big_spec.Zero(), minerState)
require.NoError(T, err)
require.Equal(T, expectedMinerActorIDAddress, minerActorIDAddr)
// a miner actor has been created, exists in the state tree, and has an entry in the init actor.
// next update the storage power actor to track the miner
var spa power_spec.State
d.GetActorState(builtin_spec.StoragePowerActorAddr, &spa)
// set the miners claim
hm, err := adt_spec.AsMap(AsStore(d.State()), spa.Claims)
require.NoError(T, err)
// add claim for the miner
err = hm.Put(adt_spec.AddrKey(minerActorIDAddr), &power_spec.Claim{
RawBytePower: abi_spec.NewStoragePower(0),
QualityAdjPower: abi_spec.NewTokenAmount(0),
require.NoError(T, err)
// save the claim
spa.Claims, err = hm.Root()
require.NoError(T, err)
// update miner count
spa.MinerCount += 1
// update storage power actor's state in the tree
return minerActorIDAddr
func AsStore(vmw *StateWrapper) adt_spec.Store {
return &storeWrapper{vmw: vmw}
type storeWrapper struct {
vmw *StateWrapper
func (s storeWrapper) Context() context.Context {
return context.TODO()
func (s storeWrapper) Get(ctx context.Context, c cid.Cid, out interface{}) error {
return s.vmw.StoreGet(c, out.(runtime.CBORUnmarshaler))
func (s storeWrapper) Put(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (cid.Cid, error) {
return s.vmw.StorePut(v.(runtime.CBORMarshaler))