Co-authored-by: Steven Allen <> Co-authored-by: Raul Kripalani <> Co-authored-by: Kevin Li <> Co-authored-by: vyzo <> Co-authored-by: Ian Davis <> Co-authored-by: Aayush Rajasekaran <> Co-authored-by: Jiaying Wang <> Co-authored-by: Jennifer Wang <> Co-authored-by: Geoff Stuart <> Co-authored-by: Shrenuj Bansal <> Co-authored-by: Shrenuj Bansal <> Co-authored-by: Geoff Stuart <> Co-authored-by: Aayush Rajasekaran <aayushrajasekaran@Aayushs-MacBook-Pro.local> Co-authored-by: ZenGround0 <> Co-authored-by: zenground0 <>
905 lines
28 KiB
905 lines
28 KiB
package filcns
import (
cbor ""
logging ""
pubsub ""
cbg ""
builtintypes ""
blockadt ""
bstore ""
var log = logging.Logger("fil-consensus")
type FilecoinEC struct {
// The interface for accessing and putting tipsets into local storage
store *store.ChainStore
// handle to the random beacon for verification
beacon beacon.Schedule
// the state manager handles making state queries
sm *stmgr.StateManager
verifier storiface.Verifier
genesis *types.TipSet
// Blocks that are more than MaxHeightDrift epochs above
// the theoretical max height based on systime are quickly rejected
const MaxHeightDrift = 5
func NewFilecoinExpectedConsensus(sm *stmgr.StateManager, beacon beacon.Schedule, verifier storiface.Verifier, genesis chain.Genesis) consensus.Consensus {
if build.InsecurePoStValidation {
log.Warn(" [INSECURE-POST-VALIDATION] Insecure test validation is enabled. If you see this outside of a test, it is a severe bug! ")
return &FilecoinEC{
store: sm.ChainStore(),
beacon: beacon,
sm: sm,
verifier: verifier,
genesis: genesis,
func (filec *FilecoinEC) ValidateBlock(ctx context.Context, b *types.FullBlock) (err error) {
if err := blockSanityChecks(b.Header); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("incoming header failed basic sanity checks: %w", err)
h := b.Header
baseTs, err :=, types.NewTipSetKey(h.Parents...))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("load parent tipset failed (%s): %w", h.Parents, err)
winPoStNv :=, baseTs.Height())
lbts, lbst, err := stmgr.GetLookbackTipSetForRound(ctx,, baseTs, h.Height)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get lookback tipset for block: %w", err)
prevBeacon, err :=, baseTs)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get latest beacon entry: %w", err)
// fast checks first
if h.Height <= baseTs.Height() {
return xerrors.Errorf("block height not greater than parent height: %d != %d", h.Height, baseTs.Height())
nulls := h.Height - (baseTs.Height() + 1)
if tgtTs := baseTs.MinTimestamp() + build.BlockDelaySecs*uint64(nulls+1); h.Timestamp != tgtTs {
return xerrors.Errorf("block has wrong timestamp: %d != %d", h.Timestamp, tgtTs)
now := uint64(build.Clock.Now().Unix())
if h.Timestamp > now+build.AllowableClockDriftSecs {
return xerrors.Errorf("block was from the future (now=%d, blk=%d): %w", now, h.Timestamp, consensus.ErrTemporal)
if h.Timestamp > now {
log.Warn("Got block from the future, but within threshold", h.Timestamp, build.Clock.Now().Unix())
msgsCheck := async.Err(func() error {
if b.Cid() == build.WhitelistedBlock {
return nil
if err := filec.checkBlockMessages(ctx, b, baseTs); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("block had invalid messages: %w", err)
return nil
minerCheck := async.Err(func() error {
if err := filec.minerIsValid(ctx, h.Miner, baseTs); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("minerIsValid failed: %w", err)
return nil
baseFeeCheck := async.Err(func() error {
baseFee, err :=, baseTs)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("computing base fee: %w", err)
if types.BigCmp(baseFee, b.Header.ParentBaseFee) != 0 {
return xerrors.Errorf("base fee doesn't match: %s (header) != %s (computed)",
b.Header.ParentBaseFee, baseFee)
return nil
pweight, err :=, baseTs)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting parent weight: %w", err)
if types.BigCmp(pweight, b.Header.ParentWeight) != 0 {
return xerrors.Errorf("parrent weight different: %s (header) != %s (computed)",
b.Header.ParentWeight, pweight)
stateRootCheck := async.Err(func() error {
stateroot, precp, err :=, baseTs)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get tipsetstate(%d, %s) failed: %w", h.Height, h.Parents, err)
if stateroot != h.ParentStateRoot {
msgs, err :=, baseTs)
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to load messages for tipset during tipset state mismatch error: ", err)
} else {
log.Warn("Messages for tipset with mismatching state:")
for i, m := range msgs {
mm := m.VMMessage()
log.Warnf("Message[%d]: from=%s to=%s method=%d params=%x", i, mm.From, mm.To, mm.Method, mm.Params)
return xerrors.Errorf("parent state root did not match computed state (%s != %s)", h.ParentStateRoot, stateroot)
if precp != h.ParentMessageReceipts {
return xerrors.Errorf("parent receipts root did not match computed value (%s != %s)", precp, h.ParentMessageReceipts)
return nil
// Stuff that needs worker address
waddr, err := stmgr.GetMinerWorkerRaw(ctx,, lbst, h.Miner)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("GetMinerWorkerRaw failed: %w", err)
winnerCheck := async.Err(func() error {
if h.ElectionProof.WinCount < 1 {
return xerrors.Errorf("block is not claiming to be a winner")
eligible, err := stmgr.MinerEligibleToMine(ctx,, h.Miner, baseTs, lbts)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("determining if miner has min power failed: %w", err)
if !eligible {
return xerrors.New("block's miner is ineligible to mine")
rBeacon := *prevBeacon
if len(h.BeaconEntries) != 0 {
rBeacon = h.BeaconEntries[len(h.BeaconEntries)-1]
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := h.Miner.MarshalCBOR(buf); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to marshal miner address to cbor: %w", err)
vrfBase, err := rand.DrawRandomness(rBeacon.Data, crypto.DomainSeparationTag_ElectionProofProduction, h.Height, buf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("could not draw randomness: %w", err)
if err := VerifyElectionPoStVRF(ctx, waddr, vrfBase, h.ElectionProof.VRFProof); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("validating block election proof failed: %w", err)
slashed, err := stmgr.GetMinerSlashed(ctx,, baseTs, h.Miner)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to check if block miner was slashed: %w", err)
if slashed {
return xerrors.Errorf("received block was from slashed or invalid miner")
mpow, tpow, _, err := stmgr.GetPowerRaw(ctx,, lbst, h.Miner)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed getting power: %w", err)
j := h.ElectionProof.ComputeWinCount(mpow.QualityAdjPower, tpow.QualityAdjPower)
if h.ElectionProof.WinCount != j {
return xerrors.Errorf("miner claims wrong number of wins: miner: %d, computed: %d", h.ElectionProof.WinCount, j)
return nil
blockSigCheck := async.Err(func() error {
if err := sigs.CheckBlockSignature(ctx, h, waddr); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("check block signature failed: %w", err)
return nil
beaconValuesCheck := async.Err(func() error {
if os.Getenv("LOTUS_IGNORE_DRAND") == "_yes_" {
return nil
nv :=, h.Height)
if err := beacon.ValidateBlockValues(filec.beacon, nv, h, baseTs.Height(), *prevBeacon); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to validate blocks random beacon values: %w", err)
return nil
tktsCheck := async.Err(func() error {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := h.Miner.MarshalCBOR(buf); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to marshal miner address to cbor: %w", err)
if h.Height > build.UpgradeSmokeHeight {
beaconBase := *prevBeacon
if len(h.BeaconEntries) != 0 {
beaconBase = h.BeaconEntries[len(h.BeaconEntries)-1]
vrfBase, err := rand.DrawRandomness(beaconBase.Data, crypto.DomainSeparationTag_TicketProduction, h.Height-build.TicketRandomnessLookback, buf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to compute vrf base for ticket: %w", err)
err = VerifyElectionPoStVRF(ctx, waddr, vrfBase, h.Ticket.VRFProof)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("validating block tickets failed: %w", err)
return nil
wproofCheck := async.Err(func() error {
if err := filec.VerifyWinningPoStProof(ctx, winPoStNv, h, *prevBeacon, lbst, waddr); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("invalid election post: %w", err)
return nil
await := []async.ErrorFuture{
var merr error
for _, fut := range await {
if err := fut.AwaitContext(ctx); err != nil {
merr = multierror.Append(merr, err)
if merr != nil {
mulErr := merr.(*multierror.Error)
mulErr.ErrorFormat = func(es []error) string {
if len(es) == 1 {
return fmt.Sprintf("1 error occurred:\n\t* %+v\n\n", es[0])
points := make([]string, len(es))
for i, err := range es {
points[i] = fmt.Sprintf("* %+v", err)
return fmt.Sprintf(
"%d errors occurred:\n\t%s\n\n",
len(es), strings.Join(points, "\n\t"))
return mulErr
return nil
func blockSanityChecks(h *types.BlockHeader) error {
if h.ElectionProof == nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("block cannot have nil election proof")
if h.Ticket == nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("block cannot have nil ticket")
if h.BlockSig == nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("block had nil signature")
if h.BLSAggregate == nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("block had nil bls aggregate signature")
if h.Miner.Protocol() != address.ID {
return xerrors.Errorf("block had non-ID miner address")
return nil
func (filec *FilecoinEC) VerifyWinningPoStProof(ctx context.Context, nv network.Version, h *types.BlockHeader, prevBeacon types.BeaconEntry, lbst cid.Cid, waddr address.Address) error {
if build.InsecurePoStValidation {
if len(h.WinPoStProof) == 0 {
return xerrors.Errorf("[INSECURE-POST-VALIDATION] No winning post proof given")
if string(h.WinPoStProof[0].ProofBytes) == "valid proof" {
return nil
return xerrors.Errorf("[INSECURE-POST-VALIDATION] winning post was invalid")
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := h.Miner.MarshalCBOR(buf); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to marshal miner address: %w", err)
rbase := prevBeacon
if len(h.BeaconEntries) > 0 {
rbase = h.BeaconEntries[len(h.BeaconEntries)-1]
rand, err := rand.DrawRandomness(rbase.Data, crypto.DomainSeparationTag_WinningPoStChallengeSeed, h.Height, buf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get randomness for verifying winning post proof: %w", err)
mid, err := address.IDFromAddress(h.Miner)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get ID from miner address %s: %w", h.Miner, err)
xsectors, err := stmgr.GetSectorsForWinningPoSt(ctx, nv, filec.verifier,, lbst, h.Miner, rand)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting winning post sector set: %w", err)
sectors := make([]proof.SectorInfo, len(xsectors))
for i, xsi := range xsectors {
sectors[i] = proof.SectorInfo{
SealProof: xsi.SealProof,
SectorNumber: xsi.SectorNumber,
SealedCID: xsi.SealedCID,
ok, err := ffiwrapper.ProofVerifier.VerifyWinningPoSt(ctx, proof.WinningPoStVerifyInfo{
Randomness: rand,
Proofs: h.WinPoStProof,
ChallengedSectors: sectors,
Prover: abi.ActorID(mid),
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to verify election post: %w", err)
if !ok {
log.Errorf("invalid winning post (block: %s, %x; %v)", h.Cid(), rand, sectors)
return xerrors.Errorf("winning post was invalid")
return nil
func IsValidForSending(nv network.Version, act *types.Actor) bool {
// Before nv18 (Hygge), we only supported built-in account actors as senders.
// Note: this gate is probably superfluous, since:
// 1. Placeholder actors cannot be created before nv18.
// 2. EthAccount actors cannot be created before nv18.
// 3. Delegated addresses cannot be created before nv18.
// But it's a safeguard.
// Note 2: ad-hoc checks for network versions like this across the codebase
// will be problematic with networks with diverging version lineages
// (e.g. Hyperspace). We need to revisit this strategy entirely.
if nv < network.Version18 {
return builtin.IsAccountActor(act.Code)
// After nv18, we also support other kinds of senders.
if builtin.IsAccountActor(act.Code) || builtin.IsEthAccountActor(act.Code) {
return true
// Allow placeholder actors with a delegated address and nonce 0 to send a message.
// These will be converted to an EthAccount actor on first send.
if !builtin.IsPlaceholderActor(act.Code) || act.Nonce != 0 || act.Address == nil || act.Address.Protocol() != address.Delegated {
return false
// Only allow such actors to send if their delegated address is in the EAM's namespace.
id, _, err := varint.FromUvarint(act.Address.Payload())
return err == nil && id == builtintypes.EthereumAddressManagerActorID
// TODO: We should extract this somewhere else and make the message pool and miner use the same logic
func (filec *FilecoinEC) checkBlockMessages(ctx context.Context, b *types.FullBlock, baseTs *types.TipSet) error {
var sigCids []cid.Cid // this is what we get for people not wanting the marshalcbor method on the cid type
var pubks [][]byte
for _, m := range b.BlsMessages {
sigCids = append(sigCids, m.Cid())
pubk, err :=, m.From, baseTs)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load bls public to validate block: %w", err)
pubks = append(pubks, pubk)
if err := consensus.VerifyBlsAggregate(ctx, b.Header.BLSAggregate, sigCids, pubks); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("bls aggregate signature was invalid: %w", err)
nonces := make(map[address.Address]uint64)
stateroot, _, err :=, baseTs)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to compute tipsettate for %s: %w", baseTs.Key(), err)
st, err := state.LoadStateTree(, stateroot)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load base state tree: %w", err)
nv :=, b.Header.Height)
pl := vm.PricelistByEpoch(b.Header.Height)
var sumGasLimit int64
checkMsg := func(msg types.ChainMsg) error {
m := msg.VMMessage()
// Phase 1: syntactic validation, as defined in the spec
minGas := pl.OnChainMessage(msg.ChainLength())
if err := m.ValidForBlockInclusion(minGas.Total(), nv); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("msg %s invalid for block inclusion: %w", m.Cid(), err)
// ValidForBlockInclusion checks if any single message does not exceed BlockGasLimit
// So below is overflow safe
sumGasLimit += m.GasLimit
if sumGasLimit > build.BlockGasLimit {
return xerrors.Errorf("block gas limit exceeded")
// Phase 2: (Partial) semantic validation:
// the sender exists and is an account actor, and the nonces make sense
var sender address.Address
if nv >= network.Version13 {
sender, err = st.LookupID(m.From)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to lookup sender %s: %w", m.From, err)
} else {
sender = m.From
if _, ok := nonces[sender]; !ok {
// `GetActor` does not validate that this is an account actor.
act, err := st.GetActor(sender)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get actor: %w", err)
if !IsValidForSending(nv, act) {
return xerrors.New("Sender must be an account actor")
nonces[sender] = act.Nonce
if nonces[sender] != m.Nonce {
return xerrors.Errorf("wrong nonce (exp: %d, got: %d)", nonces[sender], m.Nonce)
return nil
// Validate message arrays in a temporary blockstore.
tmpbs := bstore.NewMemory()
tmpstore := blockadt.WrapStore(ctx, cbor.NewCborStore(tmpbs))
bmArr := blockadt.MakeEmptyArray(tmpstore)
for i, m := range b.BlsMessages {
if err := checkMsg(m); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("block had invalid bls message at index %d: %w", i, err)
c, err := store.PutMessage(ctx, tmpbs, m)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to store message %s: %w", m.Cid(), err)
k := cbg.CborCid(c)
if err := bmArr.Set(uint64(i), &k); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to put bls message at index %d: %w", i, err)
smArr := blockadt.MakeEmptyArray(tmpstore)
for i, m := range b.SecpkMessages {
if nv >= network.Version14 && !chain.IsValidSecpkSigType(nv, m.Signature.Type) {
return xerrors.Errorf("block had invalid signed message at index %d: %w", i, err)
if err := checkMsg(m); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("block had invalid secpk message at index %d: %w", i, err)
// `From` being an account actor is only validated inside the `vm.ResolveToDeterministicAddr` call
// in `StateManager.ResolveToDeterministicAddress` here (and not in `checkMsg`).
kaddr, err :=, m.Message.From, baseTs)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to resolve key addr: %w", err)
if err := chain.AuthenticateMessage(m, kaddr); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to validate signature: %w", err)
c, err := store.PutMessage(ctx, tmpbs, m)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to store message %s: %w", m.Cid(), err)
k := cbg.CborCid(c)
if err := smArr.Set(uint64(i), &k); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to put secpk message at index %d: %w", i, err)
bmroot, err := bmArr.Root()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to root bls msgs: %w", err)
smroot, err := smArr.Root()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to root secp msgs: %w", err)
mrcid, err := tmpstore.Put(ctx, &types.MsgMeta{
BlsMessages: bmroot,
SecpkMessages: smroot,
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to put msg meta: %w", err)
if b.Header.Messages != mrcid {
return fmt.Errorf("messages didnt match message root in header")
// Finally, flush.
err = vm.Copy(ctx, tmpbs,, mrcid)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to flush:%w", err)
return nil
func (filec *FilecoinEC) IsEpochBeyondCurrMax(epoch abi.ChainEpoch) bool {
if filec.genesis == nil {
return false
now := uint64(build.Clock.Now().Unix())
return epoch > (abi.ChainEpoch((now-filec.genesis.MinTimestamp())/build.BlockDelaySecs) + MaxHeightDrift)
func (filec *FilecoinEC) minerIsValid(ctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, baseTs *types.TipSet) error {
act, err :=, power.Address, baseTs)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load power actor: %w", err)
powState, err := power.Load(, act)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load power actor state: %w", err)
_, exist, err := powState.MinerPower(maddr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to look up miner's claim: %w", err)
if !exist {
return xerrors.New("miner isn't valid")
return nil
func VerifyElectionPoStVRF(ctx context.Context, worker address.Address, rand []byte, evrf []byte) error {
return VerifyVRF(ctx, worker, rand, evrf)
func VerifyVRF(ctx context.Context, worker address.Address, vrfBase, vrfproof []byte) error {
_, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "VerifyVRF")
defer span.End()
sig := &crypto.Signature{
Type: crypto.SigTypeBLS,
Data: vrfproof,
if err := sigs.Verify(sig, worker, vrfBase); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("vrf was invalid: %w", err)
return nil
var ErrSoftFailure = errors.New("soft validation failure")
var ErrInsufficientPower = errors.New("incoming block's miner does not have minimum power")
func (filec *FilecoinEC) ValidateBlockPubsub(ctx context.Context, self bool, msg *pubsub.Message) (pubsub.ValidationResult, string) {
if self {
return filec.validateLocalBlock(ctx, msg)
// track validation time
begin := build.Clock.Now()
defer func() {
log.Debugf("block validation time: %s", build.Clock.Since(begin))
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.BlockReceived.M(1))
recordFailureFlagPeer := func(what string) {
// bv.Validate will flag the peer in that case
blk, what, err := filec.decodeAndCheckBlock(msg)
if err != nil {
log.Error("got invalid block over pubsub: ", err)
return pubsub.ValidationReject, what
// validate the block meta: the Message CID in the header must match the included messages
err = filec.validateMsgMeta(ctx, blk)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("error validating message metadata: %s", err)
return pubsub.ValidationReject, "invalid_block_meta"
reject, err := filec.validateBlockHeader(ctx, blk.Header)
if err != nil {
if reject == "" {
log.Warn("ignoring block msg: ", err)
return pubsub.ValidationIgnore, reject
return pubsub.ValidationReject, reject
// all good, accept the block
msg.ValidatorData = blk
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.BlockValidationSuccess.M(1))
return pubsub.ValidationAccept, ""
func (filec *FilecoinEC) validateLocalBlock(ctx context.Context, msg *pubsub.Message) (pubsub.ValidationResult, string) {
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.BlockPublished.M(1))
if size := msg.Size(); size > 1<<20-1<<15 {
log.Errorf("ignoring oversize block (%dB)", size)
return pubsub.ValidationIgnore, "oversize_block"
blk, what, err := filec.decodeAndCheckBlock(msg)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("got invalid local block: %s", err)
return pubsub.ValidationIgnore, what
msg.ValidatorData = blk
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.BlockValidationSuccess.M(1))
return pubsub.ValidationAccept, ""
func (filec *FilecoinEC) decodeAndCheckBlock(msg *pubsub.Message) (*types.BlockMsg, string, error) {
blk, err := types.DecodeBlockMsg(msg.GetData())
if err != nil {
return nil, "invalid", xerrors.Errorf("error decoding block: %w", err)
if count := len(blk.BlsMessages) + len(blk.SecpkMessages); count > build.BlockMessageLimit {
return nil, "too_many_messages", fmt.Errorf("block contains too many messages (%d)", count)
// make sure we have a signature
if blk.Header.BlockSig == nil {
return nil, "missing_signature", fmt.Errorf("block without a signature")
return blk, "", nil
func (filec *FilecoinEC) validateMsgMeta(ctx context.Context, msg *types.BlockMsg) error {
// TODO there has to be a simpler way to do this without the blockstore dance
// block headers use adt0
store := blockadt.WrapStore(ctx, cbor.NewCborStore(bstore.NewMemory()))
bmArr := blockadt.MakeEmptyArray(store)
smArr := blockadt.MakeEmptyArray(store)
for i, m := range msg.BlsMessages {
c := cbg.CborCid(m)
if err := bmArr.Set(uint64(i), &c); err != nil {
return err
for i, m := range msg.SecpkMessages {
c := cbg.CborCid(m)
if err := smArr.Set(uint64(i), &c); err != nil {
return err
bmroot, err := bmArr.Root()
if err != nil {
return err
smroot, err := smArr.Root()
if err != nil {
return err
mrcid, err := store.Put(store.Context(), &types.MsgMeta{
BlsMessages: bmroot,
SecpkMessages: smroot,
if err != nil {
return err
if msg.Header.Messages != mrcid {
return fmt.Errorf("messages didn't match root cid in header")
return nil
func (filec *FilecoinEC) validateBlockHeader(ctx context.Context, b *types.BlockHeader) (rejectReason string, err error) {
// we want to ensure that it is a block from a known miner; we reject blocks from unknown miners
// to prevent spam attacks.
// the logic works as follows: we lookup the miner in the chain for its key.
// if we can find it then it's a known miner and we can validate the signature.
// if we can't find it, we check whether we are (near) synced in the chain.
// if we are not synced we cannot validate the block and we must ignore it.
// if we are synced and the miner is unknown, then the block is rejcected.
key, err := filec.checkPowerAndGetWorkerKey(ctx, b)
if err != nil {
if err != ErrSoftFailure && filec.isChainNearSynced() {
log.Warnf("received block from unknown miner or miner that doesn't meet min power over pubsub; rejecting message")
return "unknown_miner", err
log.Warnf("cannot validate block message; unknown miner or miner that doesn't meet min power in unsynced chain: %s", b.Cid())
return "", err // ignore
if b.ElectionProof.WinCount < 1 {
log.Errorf("block is not claiming to be winning")
return "not_winning", xerrors.Errorf("block not winning")
err = sigs.CheckBlockSignature(ctx, b, key)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("block signature verification failed: %s", err)
return "signature_verification_failed", err
return "", nil
func (filec *FilecoinEC) checkPowerAndGetWorkerKey(ctx context.Context, bh *types.BlockHeader) (address.Address, error) {
// we check that the miner met the minimum power at the lookback tipset
baseTs :=
lbts, lbst, err := stmgr.GetLookbackTipSetForRound(ctx,, baseTs, bh.Height)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("failed to load lookback tipset for incoming block: %s", err)
return address.Undef, ErrSoftFailure
key, err := stmgr.GetMinerWorkerRaw(ctx,, lbst, bh.Miner)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("failed to resolve worker key for miner %s and block height %d: %s", bh.Miner, bh.Height, err)
return address.Undef, ErrSoftFailure
// NOTE: we check to see if the miner was eligible in the lookback
// tipset - 1 for historical reasons. DO NOT use the lookback state
// returned by GetLookbackTipSetForRound.
eligible, err := stmgr.MinerEligibleToMine(ctx,, bh.Miner, baseTs, lbts)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("failed to determine if incoming block's miner has minimum power: %s", err)
return address.Undef, ErrSoftFailure
if !eligible {
log.Warnf("incoming block's miner is ineligible")
return address.Undef, ErrInsufficientPower
return key, nil
func (filec *FilecoinEC) isChainNearSynced() bool {
ts :=
timestamp := ts.MinTimestamp()
timestampTime := time.Unix(int64(timestamp), 0)
return build.Clock.Since(timestampTime) < 6*time.Hour
var _ consensus.Consensus = &FilecoinEC{}