However, we're leaving the default at 1.25x for backwards compatibility, for now. Also: 1. Actually use the configured replace fee ratio. 2. Store said ratios as percentages instead of floats. 1.25, or 1+1/(2^2), can be represented as a float. 1.1, or 1 + 1/(2 * 5), cannot. fixes #10415
587 lines
19 KiB
587 lines
19 KiB
// stm: #unit
package cli
import (
func TestStat(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("local", func(t *testing.T) {
app, mockApi, buf, done := NewMockAppWithFullAPI(t, WithCategory("mpool", MpoolStat))
defer done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// add blocks to the chain
first := mock.TipSet(mock.MkBlock(nil, 5, 4))
head := mock.TipSet(mock.MkBlock(first, 15, 7))
// create a signed message to be returned as a pending message
w, _ := wallet.NewWallet(wallet.NewMemKeyStore())
senderAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
toAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
sm := mock.MkMessage(senderAddr, toAddr, 1, w)
// mock actor to return for the sender
actor := types.Actor{Nonce: 2, Balance: big.NewInt(200000)}
mockApi.EXPECT().ChainHead(ctx).Return(head, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().ChainGetTipSet(ctx, head.Parents()).Return(first, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().WalletList(ctx).Return([]address.Address{senderAddr, toAddr}, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPending(ctx, types.EmptyTSK).Return([]*types.SignedMessage{sm}, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().StateGetActor(ctx, senderAddr, head.Key()).Return(&actor, nil),
//stm: @CLI_MEMPOOL_STAT_002
err = app.Run([]string{"mpool", "stat", "--basefee-lookback", "1", "--local"})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), "Nonce past: 1")
t.Run("all", func(t *testing.T) {
app, mockApi, buf, done := NewMockAppWithFullAPI(t, WithCategory("mpool", MpoolStat))
defer done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// add blocks to the chain
first := mock.TipSet(mock.MkBlock(nil, 5, 4))
head := mock.TipSet(mock.MkBlock(first, 15, 7))
// create a signed message to be returned as a pending message
w, _ := wallet.NewWallet(wallet.NewMemKeyStore())
senderAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
toAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
sm := mock.MkMessage(senderAddr, toAddr, 1, w)
// mock actor to return for the sender
actor := types.Actor{Nonce: 2, Balance: big.NewInt(200000)}
mockApi.EXPECT().ChainHead(ctx).Return(head, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().ChainGetTipSet(ctx, head.Parents()).Return(first, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPending(ctx, types.EmptyTSK).Return([]*types.SignedMessage{sm}, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().StateGetActor(ctx, senderAddr, head.Key()).Return(&actor, nil),
//stm: @CLI_MEMPOOL_STAT_001
err = app.Run([]string{"mpool", "stat", "--basefee-lookback", "1"})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), "Nonce past: 1")
func TestPending(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("all", func(t *testing.T) {
app, mockApi, buf, done := NewMockAppWithFullAPI(t, WithCategory("mpool", MpoolPending))
defer done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// create a signed message to be returned as a pending message
w, _ := wallet.NewWallet(wallet.NewMemKeyStore())
senderAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
toAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
sm := mock.MkMessage(senderAddr, toAddr, 1, w)
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPending(ctx, types.EmptyTSK).Return([]*types.SignedMessage{sm}, nil),
err = app.Run([]string{"mpool", "pending", "--cids"})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), sm.Cid().String())
t.Run("local", func(t *testing.T) {
app, mockApi, buf, done := NewMockAppWithFullAPI(t, WithCategory("mpool", MpoolPending))
defer done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// create a signed message to be returned as a pending message
w, _ := wallet.NewWallet(wallet.NewMemKeyStore())
senderAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
toAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
sm := mock.MkMessage(senderAddr, toAddr, 1, w)
mockApi.EXPECT().WalletList(ctx).Return([]address.Address{senderAddr}, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPending(ctx, types.EmptyTSK).Return([]*types.SignedMessage{sm}, nil),
err = app.Run([]string{"mpool", "pending", "--local"})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), sm.Cid().String())
t.Run("to", func(t *testing.T) {
app, mockApi, buf, done := NewMockAppWithFullAPI(t, WithCategory("mpool", MpoolPending))
defer done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// create a signed message to be returned as a pending message
w, _ := wallet.NewWallet(wallet.NewMemKeyStore())
senderAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
toAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
sm := mock.MkMessage(senderAddr, toAddr, 1, w)
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPending(ctx, types.EmptyTSK).Return([]*types.SignedMessage{sm}, nil),
err = app.Run([]string{"mpool", "pending", "--to", sm.Message.To.String()})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), sm.Cid().String())
t.Run("from", func(t *testing.T) {
app, mockApi, buf, done := NewMockAppWithFullAPI(t, WithCategory("mpool", MpoolPending))
defer done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// create a signed message to be returned as a pending message
w, _ := wallet.NewWallet(wallet.NewMemKeyStore())
senderAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
toAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
sm := mock.MkMessage(senderAddr, toAddr, 1, w)
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPending(ctx, types.EmptyTSK).Return([]*types.SignedMessage{sm}, nil),
err = app.Run([]string{"mpool", "pending", "--from", sm.Message.From.String()})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), sm.Cid().String())
func TestReplace(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("manual", func(t *testing.T) {
app, mockApi, buf, done := NewMockAppWithFullAPI(t, WithCategory("mpool", MpoolReplaceCmd))
defer done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// create a signed message to be returned as a pending message
w, _ := wallet.NewWallet(wallet.NewMemKeyStore())
senderAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
toAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
sm := mock.MkMessage(senderAddr, toAddr, 1, w)
mockApi.EXPECT().ChainGetMessage(ctx, sm.Cid()).Return(&sm.Message, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().ChainHead(ctx).Return(nil, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPending(ctx, types.EmptyTSK).Return([]*types.SignedMessage{sm}, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().WalletSignMessage(ctx, sm.Message.From, &sm.Message).Return(sm, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPush(ctx, sm).Return(sm.Cid(), nil),
err = app.Run([]string{"mpool", "replace", "--gas-premium", "1", "--gas-feecap", "100", sm.Cid().String()})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), sm.Cid().String())
t.Run("auto", func(t *testing.T) {
app, mockApi, buf, done := NewMockAppWithFullAPI(t, WithCategory("mpool", MpoolReplaceCmd))
defer done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// create a signed message to be returned as a pending message
w, _ := wallet.NewWallet(wallet.NewMemKeyStore())
senderAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
toAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
sm := mock.MkMessage(senderAddr, toAddr, 1, w)
// gas fee param should be equal to the one passed in the cli invocation (used below)
maxFee := "1000000"
parsedFee, err := types.ParseFIL(maxFee)
if err != nil {
mss := api.MessageSendSpec{MaxFee: abi.TokenAmount(parsedFee)}
mockApi.EXPECT().ChainGetMessage(ctx, sm.Cid()).Return(&sm.Message, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().ChainHead(ctx).Return(nil, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPending(ctx, types.EmptyTSK).Return([]*types.SignedMessage{sm}, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolGetConfig(ctx).Return(messagepool.DefaultConfig(), nil),
// use gomock.any to match the message in expected api calls
// since the replace function modifies the message between calls, it would be pointless to try to match the exact argument
mockApi.EXPECT().GasEstimateMessageGas(ctx, gomock.Any(), &mss, types.EmptyTSK).Return(&sm.Message, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().WalletSignMessage(ctx, sm.Message.From, gomock.Any()).Return(sm, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPush(ctx, sm).Return(sm.Cid(), nil),
err = app.Run([]string{"mpool", "replace", "--auto", "--fee-limit", maxFee, sm.Cid().String()})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), sm.Cid().String())
t.Run("sender / nonce", func(t *testing.T) {
app, mockApi, buf, done := NewMockAppWithFullAPI(t, WithCategory("mpool", MpoolReplaceCmd))
defer done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// create a signed message to be returned as a pending message
w, _ := wallet.NewWallet(wallet.NewMemKeyStore())
senderAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
toAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
sm := mock.MkMessage(senderAddr, toAddr, 1, w)
// gas fee param should be equal to the one passed in the cli invocation (used below)
maxFee := "1000000"
parsedFee, err := types.ParseFIL(maxFee)
if err != nil {
mss := api.MessageSendSpec{MaxFee: abi.TokenAmount(parsedFee)}
mockApi.EXPECT().ChainHead(ctx).Return(nil, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPending(ctx, types.EmptyTSK).Return([]*types.SignedMessage{sm}, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolGetConfig(ctx).Return(messagepool.DefaultConfig(), nil),
// use gomock.any to match the message in expected api calls
// since the replace function modifies the message between calls, it would be pointless to try to match the exact argument
mockApi.EXPECT().GasEstimateMessageGas(ctx, gomock.Any(), &mss, types.EmptyTSK).Return(&sm.Message, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().WalletSignMessage(ctx, sm.Message.From, gomock.Any()).Return(sm, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPush(ctx, sm).Return(sm.Cid(), nil),
err = app.Run([]string{"mpool", "replace", "--auto", "--fee-limit", maxFee, sm.Message.From.String(), fmt.Sprint(sm.Message.Nonce)})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), sm.Cid().String())
func TestFindMsg(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("from", func(t *testing.T) {
app, mockApi, buf, done := NewMockAppWithFullAPI(t, WithCategory("mpool", MpoolFindCmd))
defer done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// create a signed message to be returned as a pending message
w, _ := wallet.NewWallet(wallet.NewMemKeyStore())
senderAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
toAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
sm := mock.MkMessage(senderAddr, toAddr, 1, w)
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPending(ctx, types.EmptyTSK).Return([]*types.SignedMessage{sm}, nil),
//stm: @CLI_MEMPOOL_FIND_001
err = app.Run([]string{"mpool", "find", "--from", sm.Message.From.String()})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), sm.Cid().String())
t.Run("to", func(t *testing.T) {
app, mockApi, buf, done := NewMockAppWithFullAPI(t, WithCategory("mpool", MpoolFindCmd))
defer done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// create a signed message to be returned as a pending message
w, _ := wallet.NewWallet(wallet.NewMemKeyStore())
senderAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
toAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
sm := mock.MkMessage(senderAddr, toAddr, 1, w)
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPending(ctx, types.EmptyTSK).Return([]*types.SignedMessage{sm}, nil),
//stm: @CLI_MEMPOOL_FIND_002
err = app.Run([]string{"mpool", "find", "--to", sm.Message.To.String()})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), sm.Cid().String())
t.Run("method", func(t *testing.T) {
app, mockApi, buf, done := NewMockAppWithFullAPI(t, WithCategory("mpool", MpoolFindCmd))
defer done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// create a signed message to be returned as a pending message
w, _ := wallet.NewWallet(wallet.NewMemKeyStore())
senderAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
toAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
sm := mock.MkMessage(senderAddr, toAddr, 1, w)
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPending(ctx, types.EmptyTSK).Return([]*types.SignedMessage{sm}, nil),
//stm: @CLI_MEMPOOL_FIND_003
err = app.Run([]string{"mpool", "find", "--method", sm.Message.Method.String()})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), sm.Cid().String())
func TestGasPerf(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("all", func(t *testing.T) {
app, mockApi, buf, done := NewMockAppWithFullAPI(t, WithCategory("mpool", MpoolGasPerfCmd))
defer done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// add blocks to the chain
first := mock.TipSet(mock.MkBlock(nil, 5, 4))
head := mock.TipSet(mock.MkBlock(first, 15, 7))
// create a signed message to be returned as a pending message
w, _ := wallet.NewWallet(wallet.NewMemKeyStore())
senderAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
toAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
sm := mock.MkMessage(senderAddr, toAddr, 13, w)
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPending(ctx, types.EmptyTSK).Return([]*types.SignedMessage{sm}, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().ChainHead(ctx).Return(head, nil),
err = app.Run([]string{"mpool", "gas-perf", "--all", "true"})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), sm.Message.From.String())
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), fmt.Sprint(sm.Message.Nonce))
t.Run("local", func(t *testing.T) {
app, mockApi, buf, done := NewMockAppWithFullAPI(t, WithCategory("mpool", MpoolGasPerfCmd))
defer done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// add blocks to the chain
first := mock.TipSet(mock.MkBlock(nil, 5, 4))
head := mock.TipSet(mock.MkBlock(first, 15, 7))
// create a signed message to be returned as a pending message
w, _ := wallet.NewWallet(wallet.NewMemKeyStore())
senderAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
toAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
sm := mock.MkMessage(senderAddr, toAddr, 13, w)
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolPending(ctx, types.EmptyTSK).Return([]*types.SignedMessage{sm}, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().WalletList(ctx).Return([]address.Address{senderAddr}, nil),
mockApi.EXPECT().ChainHead(ctx).Return(head, nil),
err = app.Run([]string{"mpool", "gas-perf"})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), sm.Message.From.String())
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), fmt.Sprint(sm.Message.Nonce))
func TestConfig(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("get", func(t *testing.T) {
app, mockApi, buf, done := NewMockAppWithFullAPI(t, WithCategory("mpool", MpoolConfig))
defer done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
w, _ := wallet.NewWallet(wallet.NewMemKeyStore())
senderAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
mpoolCfg := &types.MpoolConfig{PriorityAddrs: []address.Address{senderAddr}, SizeLimitHigh: 1234567, SizeLimitLow: 6, ReplaceByFeeRatio: types.Percent(25)}
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolGetConfig(ctx).Return(mpoolCfg, nil),
err = app.Run([]string{"mpool", "config"})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), mpoolCfg.PriorityAddrs[0].String())
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), fmt.Sprint(mpoolCfg.SizeLimitHigh))
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), fmt.Sprint(mpoolCfg.SizeLimitLow))
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), fmt.Sprint(mpoolCfg.ReplaceByFeeRatio))
t.Run("set", func(t *testing.T) {
app, mockApi, _, done := NewMockAppWithFullAPI(t, WithCategory("mpool", MpoolConfig))
defer done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
w, _ := wallet.NewWallet(wallet.NewMemKeyStore())
senderAddr, err := w.WalletNew(context.Background(), types.KTSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
mpoolCfg := &types.MpoolConfig{PriorityAddrs: []address.Address{senderAddr}, SizeLimitHigh: 234567, SizeLimitLow: 3, ReplaceByFeeRatio: types.Percent(33)}
mockApi.EXPECT().MpoolSetConfig(ctx, mpoolCfg).Return(nil),
bytes, err := json.Marshal(mpoolCfg)
if err != nil {
err = app.Run([]string{"mpool", "config", string(bytes)})
assert.NoError(t, err)