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package sealing
import (
var DealSectorPriority = 1024
var MaxTicketAge = policy.MaxPreCommitRandomnessLookback
func (m *Sealing) handlePacking(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
// make sure we not accepting deals into this sector
for _, c := range m.assignedPieces[m.minerSectorID(sector.SectorNumber)] {
pp := m.pendingPieces[c]
delete(m.pendingPieces, c)
if pp == nil {
log.Errorf("nil assigned pending piece %s", c)
// todo: return to the sealing queue (this is extremely unlikely to happen)
pp.accepted(sector.SectorNumber, 0, xerrors.Errorf("sector entered packing state early"))
delete(m.openSectors, m.minerSectorID(sector.SectorNumber))
delete(m.assignedPieces, m.minerSectorID(sector.SectorNumber))
log.Infow("performing filling up rest of the sector...", "sector", sector.SectorNumber)
var allocated abi.UnpaddedPieceSize
for _, piece := range sector.Pieces {
allocated += piece.Piece.Size.Unpadded()
ssize, err := sector.SectorType.SectorSize()
if err != nil {
return err
ubytes := abi.PaddedPieceSize(ssize).Unpadded()
if allocated > ubytes {
return xerrors.Errorf("too much data in sector: %d > %d", allocated, ubytes)
fillerSizes, err := fillersFromRem(ubytes - allocated)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(fillerSizes) > 0 {
log.Warnf("Creating %d filler pieces for sector %d", len(fillerSizes), sector.SectorNumber)
fillerPieces, err := m.padSector(sector.sealingCtx(ctx.Context()), m.minerSector(sector.SectorType, sector.SectorNumber), sector.existingPieceSizes(), fillerSizes...)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("filling up the sector (%v): %w", fillerSizes, err)
return ctx.Send(SectorPacked{FillerPieces: fillerPieces})
func (m *Sealing) padSector(ctx context.Context, sectorID storage.SectorRef, existingPieceSizes []abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, sizes ...abi.UnpaddedPieceSize) ([]abi.PieceInfo, error) {
if len(sizes) == 0 {
return nil, nil
log.Infof("Pledge %d, contains %+v", sectorID, existingPieceSizes)
out := make([]abi.PieceInfo, len(sizes))
for i, size := range sizes {
ppi, err := m.sealer.AddPiece(ctx, sectorID, existingPieceSizes, size, NewNullReader(size))
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("add piece: %w", err)
existingPieceSizes = append(existingPieceSizes, size)
out[i] = ppi
return out, nil
func checkTicketExpired(sector SectorInfo, epoch abi.ChainEpoch) bool {
return epoch-sector.TicketEpoch > MaxTicketAge // TODO: allow configuring expected seal durations
func (m *Sealing) getTicket(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) (abi.SealRandomness, abi.ChainEpoch, error) {
tok, epoch, err := m.api.ChainHead(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handlePreCommit1: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil, 0, nil
ticketEpoch := epoch - policy.SealRandomnessLookback
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := m.maddr.MarshalCBOR(buf); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
pci, err := m.api.StateSectorPreCommitInfo(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, sector.SectorNumber, tok)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, xerrors.Errorf("getting precommit info: %w", err)
if pci != nil {
ticketEpoch = pci.Info.SealRandEpoch
if checkTicketExpired(sector, ticketEpoch) {
return nil, 0, xerrors.Errorf("ticket expired for precommitted sector")
rand, err := m.api.ChainGetRandomnessFromTickets(ctx.Context(), tok, crypto.DomainSeparationTag_SealRandomness, ticketEpoch, buf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return abi.SealRandomness(rand), ticketEpoch, nil
func (m *Sealing) handleGetTicket(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
ticketValue, ticketEpoch, err := m.getTicket(ctx, sector)
if err != nil {
allocated, aerr := m.api.StateMinerSectorAllocated(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, sector.SectorNumber, nil)
if aerr != nil {
log.Errorf("error checking if sector is allocated: %+v", aerr)
if allocated {
if sector.CommitMessage != nil {
// Some recovery paths with unfortunate timing lead here
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("sector %s is committed but got into the GetTicket state", sector.SectorNumber)})
log.Errorf("Sector %s precommitted but expired", sector.SectorNumber)
return ctx.Send(SectorRemove{})
return ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("getting ticket failed: %w", err)})
return ctx.Send(SectorTicket{
TicketValue: ticketValue,
TicketEpoch: ticketEpoch,
func (m *Sealing) handlePreCommit1(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
if err := checkPieces(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, sector, m.api); err != nil { // Sanity check state
switch err.(type) {
case *ErrApi:
log.Errorf("handlePreCommit1: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
case *ErrInvalidDeals:
log.Warnf("invalid deals in sector %d: %v", sector.SectorNumber, err)
return ctx.Send(SectorInvalidDealIDs{Return: RetPreCommit1})
case *ErrExpiredDeals: // Probably not much we can do here, maybe re-pack the sector?
return ctx.Send(SectorDealsExpired{xerrors.Errorf("expired dealIDs in sector: %w", err)})
return xerrors.Errorf("checkPieces sanity check error: %w", err)
_, height, err := m.api.ChainHead(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handlePreCommit1: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
if checkTicketExpired(sector, height) {
return ctx.Send(SectorOldTicket{}) // go get new ticket
pc1o, err := m.sealer.SealPreCommit1(sector.sealingCtx(ctx.Context()), m.minerSector(sector.SectorType, sector.SectorNumber), sector.TicketValue, sector.pieceInfos())
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("seal pre commit(1) failed: %w", err)})
return ctx.Send(SectorPreCommit1{
PreCommit1Out: pc1o,
func (m *Sealing) handlePreCommit2(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
cids, err := m.sealer.SealPreCommit2(sector.sealingCtx(ctx.Context()), m.minerSector(sector.SectorType, sector.SectorNumber), sector.PreCommit1Out)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit2Failed{xerrors.Errorf("seal pre commit(2) failed: %w", err)})
if cids.Unsealed == cid.Undef {
return ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("seal pre commit(2) returned undefined CommD")})
return ctx.Send(SectorPreCommit2{
Unsealed: cids.Unsealed,
Sealed: cids.Sealed,
// TODO: We should probably invoke this method in most (if not all) state transition failures after handlePreCommitting
func (m *Sealing) remarkForUpgrade(sid abi.SectorNumber) {
err := m.MarkForUpgrade(sid)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error re-marking sector %d as for upgrade: %+v", sid, err)
func (m *Sealing) handlePreCommitting(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
tok, height, err := m.api.ChainHead(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handlePreCommitting: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
mi, err := m.api.StateMinerInfo(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, tok)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handlePreCommitting: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
if err := checkPrecommit(ctx.Context(), m.Address(), sector, tok, height, m.api); err != nil {
switch err := err.(type) {
case *ErrApi:
log.Errorf("handlePreCommitting: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
case *ErrBadCommD: // TODO: Should this just back to packing? (not really needed since handlePreCommit1 will do that too)
return ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("bad CommD error: %w", err)})
case *ErrExpiredTicket:
return ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("ticket expired: %w", err)})
case *ErrBadTicket:
return ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("bad ticket: %w", err)})
case *ErrInvalidDeals:
log.Warnf("invalid deals in sector %d: %v", sector.SectorNumber, err)
return ctx.Send(SectorInvalidDealIDs{Return: RetPreCommitting})
case *ErrExpiredDeals:
return ctx.Send(SectorDealsExpired{xerrors.Errorf("sector deals expired: %w", err)})
case *ErrPrecommitOnChain:
return ctx.Send(SectorPreCommitLanded{TipSet: tok}) // we re-did precommit
case *ErrSectorNumberAllocated:
log.Errorf("handlePreCommitFailed: sector number already allocated, not proceeding: %+v", err)
// TODO: check if the sector is committed (not sure how we'd end up here)
return nil
return xerrors.Errorf("checkPrecommit sanity check error: %w", err)
expiration, err := m.pcp.Expiration(ctx.Context(), sector.Pieces...)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("handlePreCommitting: failed to compute pre-commit expiry: %w", err)})
// Sectors must last _at least_ MinSectorExpiration + MaxSealDuration.
// TODO: The "+10" allows the pre-commit to take 10 blocks to be accepted.
nv, err := m.api.StateNetworkVersion(ctx.Context(), tok)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("failed to get network version: %w", err)})
msd := policy.GetMaxProveCommitDuration(actors.VersionForNetwork(nv), sector.SectorType)
if minExpiration := height + msd + miner.MinSectorExpiration + 10; expiration < minExpiration {
expiration = minExpiration
// TODO: enforce a reasonable _maximum_ sector lifetime?
params := &miner.SectorPreCommitInfo{
Expiration: expiration,
SectorNumber: sector.SectorNumber,
SealProof: sector.SectorType,
SealedCID: *sector.CommR,
SealRandEpoch: sector.TicketEpoch,
DealIDs: sector.dealIDs(),
depositMinimum := m.tryUpgradeSector(ctx.Context(), params)
enc := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := params.MarshalCBOR(enc); err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("could not serialize pre-commit sector parameters: %w", err)})
collateral, err := m.api.StateMinerPreCommitDepositForPower(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, *params, tok)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting initial pledge collateral: %w", err)
deposit := big.Max(depositMinimum, collateral)
goodFunds := big.Add(deposit, m.feeCfg.MaxPreCommitGasFee)
from, _, err := m.addrSel(ctx.Context(), mi, api.PreCommitAddr, goodFunds, deposit)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("no good address to send precommit message from: %w", err)})
log.Infof("submitting precommit for sector %d (deposit: %s): ", sector.SectorNumber, deposit)
mcid, err := m.api.SendMsg(ctx.Context(), from, m.maddr, miner.Methods.PreCommitSector, deposit, m.feeCfg.MaxPreCommitGasFee, enc.Bytes())
if err != nil {
if params.ReplaceCapacity {
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("pushing message to mpool: %w", err)})
return ctx.Send(SectorPreCommitted{Message: mcid, PreCommitDeposit: deposit, PreCommitInfo: *params})
func (m *Sealing) handlePreCommitWait(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
if sector.PreCommitMessage == nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("precommit message was nil")})
// would be ideal to just use the events.Called handler, but it wouldn't be able to handle individual message timeouts
log.Info("Sector precommitted: ", sector.SectorNumber)
mw, err := m.api.StateWaitMsg(ctx.Context(), *sector.PreCommitMessage)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{err})
switch mw.Receipt.ExitCode {
case exitcode.Ok:
// this is what we expect
case exitcode.SysErrInsufficientFunds:
case exitcode.SysErrOutOfGas:
// gas estimator guessed a wrong number / out of funds:
return ctx.Send(SectorRetryPreCommit{})
log.Error("sector precommit failed: ", mw.Receipt.ExitCode)
err := xerrors.Errorf("sector precommit failed: %d", mw.Receipt.ExitCode)
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{err})
log.Info("precommit message landed on chain: ", sector.SectorNumber)
return ctx.Send(SectorPreCommitLanded{TipSet: mw.TipSetTok})
func (m *Sealing) handleWaitSeed(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
tok, _, err := m.api.ChainHead(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handleWaitSeed: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
pci, err := m.api.StateSectorPreCommitInfo(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, sector.SectorNumber, tok)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting precommit info: %w", err)
if pci == nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{error: xerrors.Errorf("precommit info not found on chain")})
randHeight := pci.PreCommitEpoch + policy.GetPreCommitChallengeDelay()
err = m.events.ChainAt(func(ectx context.Context, _ TipSetToken, curH abi.ChainEpoch) error {
// in case of null blocks the randomness can land after the tipset we
// get from the events API
tok, _, err := m.api.ChainHead(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handleCommitting: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := m.maddr.MarshalCBOR(buf); err != nil {
return err
rand, err := m.api.ChainGetRandomnessFromBeacon(ectx, tok, crypto.DomainSeparationTag_InteractiveSealChallengeSeed, randHeight, buf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
err = xerrors.Errorf("failed to get randomness for computing seal proof (ch %d; rh %d; tsk %x): %w", curH, randHeight, tok, err)
_ = ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{error: err})
return err
_ = ctx.Send(SectorSeedReady{SeedValue: abi.InteractiveSealRandomness(rand), SeedEpoch: randHeight})
return nil
}, func(ctx context.Context, ts TipSetToken) error {
log.Warn("revert in interactive commit sector step")
// TODO: need to cancel running process and restart...
return nil
}, InteractivePoRepConfidence, randHeight)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("waitForPreCommitMessage ChainAt errored: ", err)
return nil
func (m *Sealing) handleCommitting(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
if sector.CommitMessage != nil {
log.Warnf("sector %d entered committing state with a commit message cid", sector.SectorNumber)
ml, err := m.api.StateSearchMsg(ctx.Context(), *sector.CommitMessage)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("sector %d searching existing commit message %s: %+v", sector.SectorNumber, *sector.CommitMessage, err)
if ml != nil {
// some weird retry paths can lead here
return ctx.Send(SectorRetryCommitWait{})
log.Info("scheduling seal proof computation...")
log.Infof("KOMIT %d %x(%d); %x(%d); %v; r:%x; d:%x", sector.SectorNumber, sector.TicketValue, sector.TicketEpoch, sector.SeedValue, sector.SeedEpoch, sector.pieceInfos(), sector.CommR, sector.CommD)
if sector.CommD == nil || sector.CommR == nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("sector had nil commR or commD")})
cids := storage.SectorCids{
Unsealed: *sector.CommD,
Sealed: *sector.CommR,
c2in, err := m.sealer.SealCommit1(sector.sealingCtx(ctx.Context()), m.minerSector(sector.SectorType, sector.SectorNumber), sector.TicketValue, sector.SeedValue, sector.pieceInfos(), cids)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorComputeProofFailed{xerrors.Errorf("computing seal proof failed(1): %w", err)})
proof, err := m.sealer.SealCommit2(sector.sealingCtx(ctx.Context()), m.minerSector(sector.SectorType, sector.SectorNumber), c2in)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorComputeProofFailed{xerrors.Errorf("computing seal proof failed(2): %w", err)})
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitted{
Proof: proof,
func (m *Sealing) handleSubmitCommit(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
tok, _, err := m.api.ChainHead(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handleCommitting: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
if err := m.checkCommit(ctx.Context(), sector, sector.Proof, tok); err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("commit check error: %w", err)})
enc := new(bytes.Buffer)
params := &miner.ProveCommitSectorParams{
SectorNumber: sector.SectorNumber,
Proof: sector.Proof,
if err := params.MarshalCBOR(enc); err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("could not serialize commit sector parameters: %w", err)})
mi, err := m.api.StateMinerInfo(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, tok)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handleCommitting: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
pci, err := m.api.StateSectorPreCommitInfo(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, sector.SectorNumber, tok)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting precommit info: %w", err)
if pci == nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{error: xerrors.Errorf("precommit info not found on chain")})
collateral, err := m.api.StateMinerInitialPledgeCollateral(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, pci.Info, tok)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting initial pledge collateral: %w", err)
collateral = big.Sub(collateral, pci.PreCommitDeposit)
if collateral.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
collateral = big.Zero()
goodFunds := big.Add(collateral, m.feeCfg.MaxCommitGasFee)
from, _, err := m.addrSel(ctx.Context(), mi, api.CommitAddr, goodFunds, collateral)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("no good address to send commit message from: %w", err)})
// TODO: check seed / ticket / deals are up to date
mcid, err := m.api.SendMsg(ctx.Context(), from, m.maddr, miner.Methods.ProveCommitSector, collateral, m.feeCfg.MaxCommitGasFee, enc.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("pushing message to mpool: %w", err)})
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitSubmitted{
Message: mcid,
func (m *Sealing) handleCommitWait(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
if sector.CommitMessage == nil {
log.Errorf("sector %d entered commit wait state without a message cid", sector.SectorNumber)
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("entered commit wait with no commit cid")})
mw, err := m.api.StateWaitMsg(ctx.Context(), *sector.CommitMessage)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("failed to wait for porep inclusion: %w", err)})
switch mw.Receipt.ExitCode {
case exitcode.Ok:
// this is what we expect
case exitcode.SysErrInsufficientFunds:
case exitcode.SysErrOutOfGas:
// gas estimator guessed a wrong number / out of funds
return ctx.Send(SectorRetrySubmitCommit{})
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("submitting sector proof failed (exit=%d, msg=%s) (t:%x; s:%x(%d); p:%x)", mw.Receipt.ExitCode, sector.CommitMessage, sector.TicketValue, sector.SeedValue, sector.SeedEpoch, sector.Proof)})
si, err := m.api.StateSectorGetInfo(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, sector.SectorNumber, mw.TipSetTok)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("proof validation failed, calling StateSectorGetInfo: %w", err)})
if si == nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("proof validation failed, sector not found in sector set after cron")})
return ctx.Send(SectorProving{})
func (m *Sealing) handleFinalizeSector(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
// TODO: Maybe wait for some finality
cfg, err := m.getConfig()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting sealing config: %w", err)
if err := m.sealer.FinalizeSector(sector.sealingCtx(ctx.Context()), m.minerSector(sector.SectorType, sector.SectorNumber), sector.keepUnsealedRanges(false, cfg.AlwaysKeepUnsealedCopy)); err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorFinalizeFailed{xerrors.Errorf("finalize sector: %w", err)})
return ctx.Send(SectorFinalized{})
func (m *Sealing) handleProvingSector(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
// TODO: track sector health / expiration
log.Infof("Proving sector %d", sector.SectorNumber)
cfg, err := m.getConfig()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting sealing config: %w", err)
if err := m.sealer.ReleaseUnsealed(ctx.Context(), m.minerSector(sector.SectorType, sector.SectorNumber), sector.keepUnsealedRanges(true, cfg.AlwaysKeepUnsealedCopy)); err != nil {
// TODO: Watch termination
// TODO: Auto-extend if set
return nil