hannahhoward 5b74a71dd3 feat(retrievalmarket): extract skeleton interfaces
Define all types to spec, modify interfaces, wrap old code

fix(builder): use client blockstore for retrieval

feat(retrieval): add node implementations

add node adapters for client & provider so that retrieval can be extracted
2020-01-08 12:45:43 -08:00

365 lines
12 KiB

package retrievalmarket
import (
// type aliases
// TODO: Remove and use native types or extract for
// https://github.com/filecoin-project/go-retrieval-market-project/issues/5
// BigInt is used for token amounts in retrieval deals
type BigInt = types.BigInt
// Address is an address in the filecoin network
type Address = address.Address
// SignedVoucher is a signed payment voucher
type SignedVoucher = types.SignedVoucher
// ProtocolID is the protocol for proposing / responding to retrieval deals
const ProtocolID = "/fil/retrieval/0.0.1"
// QueryProtocolID is the protocol for querying infromation about retrieval
// deal parameters
const QueryProtocolID = "/fil/retrieval/qry/0.0.1" // TODO: spec
// Unsubscribe is a function that unsubscribes a subscriber for either the
// client or the provider
type Unsubscribe func()
// ClientDealState is the current state of a deal from the point of view
// of a retrieval client
type ClientDealState struct {
Status DealStatus
Sender peer.ID
TotalReceived uint64
FundsSpent BigInt
// ClientEvent is an event that occurs in a deal lifecycle on the client
type ClientEvent uint64
const (
// ClientEventOpen indicates a deal was initiated
ClientEventOpen ClientEvent = iota
// ClientEventFundsExpended indicates a deal has run out of funds in the payment channel
// forcing the client to add more funds to continue the deal
ClientEventFundsExpended // when totalFunds is expended
// ClientEventProgress indicates more data was received for a retrieval
// ClientEventError indicates an error occurred during a deal
// ClientEventComplete indicates a deal has completed
// ClientSubscriber is a callback that is registered to listen for retrieval events
type ClientSubscriber func(event ClientEvent, state ClientDealState)
// RetrievalClient is a client interface for making retrieval deals
type RetrievalClient interface {
// V0
// Find Providers finds retrieval providers who may be storing a given piece
FindProviders(pieceCID []byte) []RetrievalPeer
// Query asks a provider for information about a piece it is storing
ctx context.Context,
p RetrievalPeer,
pieceCID []byte,
params QueryParams,
) (QueryResponse, error)
// Retrieve retrieves all or part of a piece with the given retrieval parameters
ctx context.Context,
pieceCID []byte,
params Params,
totalFunds BigInt,
miner peer.ID,
clientWallet Address,
minerWallet Address,
) DealID
// SubscribeToEvents listens for events that happen related to client retrievals
SubscribeToEvents(subscriber ClientSubscriber) Unsubscribe
// V1
AddMoreFunds(id DealID, amount BigInt) error
CancelDeal(id DealID) error
RetrievalStatus(id DealID)
ListDeals() map[DealID]ClientDealState
// RetrievalClientNode are the node depedencies for a RetrevalClient
type RetrievalClientNode interface {
// GetOrCreatePaymentChannel sets up a new payment channel if one does not exist
// between a client and a miner and insures the client has the given amount of funds available in the channel
GetOrCreatePaymentChannel(ctx context.Context, clientAddress Address, minerAddress Address, clientFundsAvailable BigInt) (Address, error)
// Allocate late creates a lane within a payment channel so that calls to
// CreatePaymentVoucher will automatically make vouchers only for the difference
// in total
AllocateLane(paymentChannel Address) (uint64, error)
// CreatePaymentVoucher creates a new payment voucher in the given lane for a
// given payment channel so that all the payment vouchers in the lane add up
// to the given amount (so the payment voucher will be for the difference)
CreatePaymentVoucher(ctx context.Context, paymentChannel Address, amount BigInt, lane uint64) (*SignedVoucher, error)
// ProviderDealState is the current state of a deal from the point of view
// of a retrieval provider
type ProviderDealState struct {
Status DealStatus
Receiver peer.ID
TotalSent uint64
FundsReceived BigInt
// ProviderEvent is an event that occurs in a deal lifecycle on the provider
type ProviderEvent uint64
const (
// ProviderEventOpen indicates a new deal was received from a client
ProviderEventOpen ProviderEvent = iota
// ProviderEventProgress indicates more data was sent to a client
// ProviderEventError indicates an error occurred in processing a deal for a client
// ProviderEventComplete indicates a retrieval deal was completed for a client
// ProviderDealID is a unique identifier for a deal on a provider -- it is
// a combination of DealID set by the client and the peer ID of the client
type ProviderDealID struct {
From peer.ID
// ProviderSubscriber is a callback that is registered to listen for retrieval events on a provider
type ProviderSubscriber func(event ProviderEvent, state ProviderDealState)
// RetrievalProvider is an interface by which a provider configures their
// retrieval operations and monitors deals received and process
type RetrievalProvider interface {
// Start begins listening for deals on the given host
// V0
// SetPricePerByte sets the price per byte a miner charges for retrievals
SetPricePerByte(price BigInt)
// SetPaymentInterval sets the maximum number of bytes a a provider will send before
// requesting further payment, and the rate at which that value increases
SetPaymentInterval(paymentInterval uint64, paymentIntervalIncrease uint64)
// SubscribeToEvents listens for events that happen related to client retrievals
SubscribeToEvents(subscriber ProviderSubscriber) Unsubscribe
// V1
SetPricePerUnseal(price BigInt)
ListDeals() map[ProviderDealID]ProviderDealState
// RetrievalProviderNode are the node depedencies for a RetrevalProvider
type RetrievalProviderNode interface {
SavePaymentVoucher(ctx context.Context, paymentChannel address.Address, voucher *SignedVoucher, proof []byte, expectedAmount BigInt) (BigInt, error)
// PeerResolver is an interface for looking up providers that may have a piece
type PeerResolver interface {
GetPeers(data cid.Cid) ([]RetrievalPeer, error) // TODO: channel
// RetrievalPeer is a provider address/peer.ID pair (everything needed to make
// deals for with a miner)
type RetrievalPeer struct {
Address Address
ID peer.ID // optional
// QueryResponseStatus indicates whether a queried piece is available
type QueryResponseStatus uint64
const (
// QueryResponseAvailable indicates a provider has a piece and is prepared to
// return it
QueryResponseAvailable QueryResponseStatus = iota
// QueryResponseUnavailable indicates a provider either does not have or cannot
// serve the queried piece to the client
// QueryItemStatus (V1) indicates whether the requested part of a piece (payload or selector)
// is available for retrieval
type QueryItemStatus uint64
const (
// QueryItemAvailable indicates requested part of the piece is available to be
// served
QueryItemAvailable QueryItemStatus = iota
// QueryItemUnavailable indicates the piece either does not contain the requested
// item or it cannot be served
// QueryItemUnknown indicates the provider cannot determine if the given item
// is part of the requested piece (for example, if the piece is sealed and the
// miner does not maintain a payload CID index)
// QueryParams indicate what specific information about a piece that a retrieval
// client is interested in, as well as specific parameters the client is seeking
// for the retrieval deal
type QueryParams struct {
PayloadCID cid.Cid // optional, query if miner has this cid in this piece. some miners may not be able to respond.
Selector ipld.Node // optional, query if miner has this cid in this piece. some miners may not be able to respond.
MaxPricePerByte BigInt // optional, tell miner uninterested if more expensive than this
MinPaymentInterval uint64 // optional, tell miner uninterested unless payment interval is greater than this
MinPaymentIntervalIncrease uint64 // optional, tell miner uninterested unless payment interval increase is greater than this
// Query is a query to a given provider to determine information about a piece
// they may have available for retrieval
type Query struct {
PieceCID []byte // V0
// QueryParams // V1
// QueryResponse is a miners response to a given retrieval query
type QueryResponse struct {
Status QueryResponseStatus
//PayloadCIDFound QueryItemStatus // V1 - if a PayloadCid was requested, the result
//SelectorFound QueryItemStatus // V1 - if a Selector was requested, the result
Size uint64 // Total size of piece in bytes
//ExpectedPayloadSize uint64 // V1 - optional, if PayloadCID + selector are specified and miner knows, can offer an expected size
PaymentAddress Address // address to send funds to -- may be different than miner addr
MinPricePerByte BigInt
MaxPaymentInterval uint64
MaxPaymentIntervalIncrease uint64
// QueryResponseUndefined is an empty QueryResponse
var QueryResponseUndefined = QueryResponse{}
// PieceRetrievalPrice is the total price to retrieve the piece (size * MinPricePerByte)
func (qr QueryResponse) PieceRetrievalPrice() BigInt {
return types.BigMul(qr.MinPricePerByte, types.NewInt(qr.Size))
// PayloadRetrievalPrice is the expected price to retrieve just the given payload
// & selector (V1)
//func (qr QueryResponse) PayloadRetrievalPrice() BigInt {
// return types.BigMul(qr.MinPricePerByte, types.NewInt(qr.ExpectedPayloadSize))
// DealStatus is the status of a retrieval deal returned by a provider
// in a DealResponse
type DealStatus uint64
const (
// DealStatusAccepted means a deal has been accepted by a provider
// and its is ready to proceed with retrieval
DealStatusAccepted DealStatus = iota
// DealStatusFailed indicates something went wrong during a retrieval
// DealStatusRejected indicates the provider rejected a client's deal proposal
// for some reason
// DealStatusUnsealing indicates the provider is currently unsealing the sector
// needed to serve the retrieval deal
// DealStatusFundsNeeded indicates the provider is awaiting a payment voucher to
// continue processing the deal
// DealStatusOngoing indicates the provider is continuing to process a deal
// DealStatusFundsNeededLastPayment indicates the provider is awaiting funds for
// a final payment in order to complete a deal
// DealStatusCompleted indicates a deal is complete
// DealStatusDealNotFound indicates an update was received for a deal that could
// not be identified
// Params are the parameters requested for a retrieval deal proposal
type Params struct {
//PayloadCID cid.Cid // V1
//Selector ipld.Node // V1
PricePerByte BigInt
PaymentInterval uint64
PaymentIntervalIncrease uint64
// DealID is an identifier for a retrieval deal (unique to a client)
type DealID uint64
// DealProposal is a proposal for a new retrieval deal
type DealProposal struct {
PieceCID []byte
// Block is an IPLD block in bitswap format
type Block struct {
Prefix []byte
Data []byte
// DealResponse is a response to a retrieval deal proposal
type DealResponse struct {
Status DealStatus
// payment required to proceed
PaymentOwed BigInt
Message string
Blocks []Block // V0 only
// DealPayment is a payment for an in progress retrieval deal
type DealPayment struct {
PaymentChannel address.Address
PaymentVoucher *types.SignedVoucher