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308 lines
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package sealing
import (
func (m *Sealing) handlePacking(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
log.Infow("performing filling up rest of the sector...", "sector", sector.SectorID)
var allocated abi.UnpaddedPieceSize
for _, piece := range sector.Pieces {
allocated += piece.Size
ubytes := abi.PaddedPieceSize(m.sb.SectorSize()).Unpadded()
if allocated > ubytes {
return xerrors.Errorf("too much data in sector: %d > %d", allocated, ubytes)
fillerSizes, err := fillersFromRem(ubytes - allocated)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(fillerSizes) > 0 {
log.Warnf("Creating %d filler pieces for sector %d", len(fillerSizes), sector.SectorID)
pieces, err := m.pledgeSector(ctx.Context(), sector.SectorID, sector.existingPieces(), fillerSizes...)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("filling up the sector (%v): %w", fillerSizes, err)
return ctx.Send(SectorPacked{pieces: pieces})
func (m *Sealing) handleUnsealed(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
if err := checkPieces(ctx.Context(), sector, m.api); err != nil { // Sanity check state
switch err.(type) {
case *ErrApi:
log.Errorf("handleUnsealed: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
case *ErrInvalidDeals:
return ctx.Send(SectorPackingFailed{xerrors.Errorf("invalid deals in sector: %w", err)})
case *ErrExpiredDeals: // Probably not much we can do here, maybe re-pack the sector?
return ctx.Send(SectorPackingFailed{xerrors.Errorf("expired deals in sector: %w", err)})
return xerrors.Errorf("checkPieces sanity check error: %w", err)
log.Infow("performing sector replication...", "sector", sector.SectorID)
ticket, err := m.tktFn(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorSealFailed{xerrors.Errorf("getting ticket failed: %w", err)})
sealed, unsealed, err := m.sb.SealPreCommit(ctx.Context(), sector.SectorID, ticket.Value, sector.pieceInfos())
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorSealFailed{xerrors.Errorf("seal pre commit failed: %w", err)})
return ctx.Send(SectorSealed{
commD: unsealed,
commR: sealed,
ticket: *ticket,
func (m *Sealing) handlePreCommitting(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
if err := checkSeal(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, sector, m.api); err != nil {
switch err.(type) {
case *ErrApi:
log.Errorf("handlePreCommitting: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
case *ErrBadCommD: // TODO: Should this just back to packing? (not really needed since handleUnsealed will do that too)
return ctx.Send(SectorSealFailed{xerrors.Errorf("bad CommD error: %w", err)})
case *ErrExpiredTicket:
return ctx.Send(SectorSealFailed{xerrors.Errorf("bad CommD error: %w", err)})
return xerrors.Errorf("checkSeal sanity check error: %w", err)
params := &miner.SectorPreCommitInfo{
Expiration: 10000000, // TODO: implement
SectorNumber: sector.SectorID,
RegisteredProof: sector.SectorType,
SealedCID: *sector.CommR,
SealRandEpoch: sector.Ticket.Epoch,
DealIDs: sector.deals(),
enc, aerr := actors.SerializeParams(params)
if aerr != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorPreCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("could not serialize commit sector parameters: %w", aerr)})
msg := &types.Message{
To: m.maddr,
From: m.worker,
Method: builtin.MethodsMiner.PreCommitSector,
Params: enc,
Value: types.NewInt(0), // TODO: need to ensure sufficient collateral
GasLimit: types.NewInt(1000000 /* i dont know help */),
GasPrice: types.NewInt(1),
log.Info("submitting precommit for sector: ", sector.SectorID)
smsg, err := m.api.MpoolPushMessage(ctx.Context(), msg)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorPreCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("pushing message to mpool: %w", err)})
return ctx.Send(SectorPreCommitted{message: smsg.Cid()})
func (m *Sealing) handleWaitSeed(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
// would be ideal to just use the events.Called handler, but it wouldnt be able to handle individual message timeouts
log.Info("Sector precommitted: ", sector.SectorID)
mw, err := m.api.StateWaitMsg(ctx.Context(), *sector.PreCommitMessage)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorPreCommitFailed{err})
if mw.Receipt.ExitCode != 0 {
log.Error("sector precommit failed: ", mw.Receipt.ExitCode)
err := xerrors.Errorf("sector precommit failed: %d", mw.Receipt.ExitCode)
return ctx.Send(SectorPreCommitFailed{err})
log.Info("precommit message landed on chain: ", sector.SectorID)
randHeight := mw.TipSet.Height() + miner.PreCommitChallengeDelay - 1 // -1 because of how the messages are applied
log.Infof("precommit for sector %d made it on chain, will start proof computation at height %d", sector.SectorID, randHeight)
err = m.events.ChainAt(func(ectx context.Context, ts *types.TipSet, curH abi.ChainEpoch) error {
rand, err := m.api.ChainGetRandomness(ectx, ts.Key(), crypto.DomainSeparationTag_InteractiveSealChallengeSeed, randHeight, nil)
if err != nil {
err = xerrors.Errorf("failed to get randomness for computing seal proof: %w", err)
ctx.Send(SectorFatalError{error: err})
return err
ctx.Send(SectorSeedReady{seed: api.SealSeed{
Epoch: randHeight,
Value: abi.InteractiveSealRandomness(rand),
return nil
}, func(ctx context.Context, ts *types.TipSet) error {
log.Warn("revert in interactive commit sector step")
// TODO: need to cancel running process and restart...
return nil
}, build.InteractivePoRepConfidence, mw.TipSet.Height()+miner.PreCommitChallengeDelay)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("waitForPreCommitMessage ChainAt errored: ", err)
return nil
func (m *Sealing) handleCommitting(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
log.Info("scheduling seal proof computation...")
log.Infof("KOMIT %d %x(%d); %x(%d); %v; r:%x; d:%x", sector.SectorID, sector.Ticket.Value, sector.Ticket.Epoch, sector.Seed.Value, sector.Seed.Epoch, sector.pieceInfos(), sector.CommR, sector.CommD)
proof, err := m.sb.SealCommit(ctx.Context(), sector.SectorID, sector.Ticket.Value, sector.Seed.Value, sector.pieceInfos(), *sector.CommR, *sector.CommD)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorComputeProofFailed{xerrors.Errorf("computing seal proof failed: %w", err)})
// TODO: Consider splitting states and persist proof for faster recovery
params := &miner.ProveCommitSectorParams{
SectorNumber: sector.SectorID,
Proof: proof,
enc, aerr := actors.SerializeParams(params)
if aerr != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("could not serialize commit sector parameters: %w", aerr)})
msg := &types.Message{
To: m.maddr,
From: m.worker,
Method: builtin.MethodsMiner.ProveCommitSector,
Params: enc,
Value: types.NewInt(0), // TODO: need to ensure sufficient collateral
GasLimit: types.NewInt(1000000 /* i dont know help */),
GasPrice: types.NewInt(1),
// TODO: check seed / ticket are up to date
smsg, err := m.api.MpoolPushMessage(ctx.Context(), msg)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("pushing message to mpool: %w", err)})
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitted{
proof: proof,
message: smsg.Cid(),
func (m *Sealing) handleCommitWait(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
if sector.CommitMessage == nil {
log.Errorf("sector %d entered commit wait state without a message cid", sector.SectorID)
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("entered commit wait with no commit cid")})
mw, err := m.api.StateWaitMsg(ctx.Context(), *sector.CommitMessage)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("failed to wait for porep inclusion: %w", err)})
if mw.Receipt.ExitCode != 0 {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("submitting sector proof failed (exit=%d, msg=%s) (t:%x; s:%x(%d); p:%x)", mw.Receipt.ExitCode, sector.CommitMessage, sector.Ticket.Value, sector.Seed.Value, sector.Seed.Epoch, sector.Proof)})
return ctx.Send(SectorProving{})
func (m *Sealing) handleFinalizeSector(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
// TODO: Maybe wait for some finality
if err := m.sb.FinalizeSector(ctx.Context(), sector.SectorID); err != nil {
if !xerrors.Is(err, fs.ErrNoSuitablePath) {
return ctx.Send(SectorFinalizeFailed{xerrors.Errorf("finalize sector: %w", err)})
log.Warnf("finalize sector: %v", err)
if err := m.sb.DropStaged(ctx.Context(), sector.SectorID); err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorFinalizeFailed{xerrors.Errorf("drop staged: %w", err)})
return ctx.Send(SectorFinalized{})
func (m *Sealing) handleFaulty(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
// TODO: check if the fault has already been reported, and that this sector is even valid
// TODO: coalesce faulty sector reporting
bf := abi.NewBitField()
enc, aerr := actors.SerializeParams(&miner.DeclareTemporaryFaultsParams{
SectorNumbers: bf,
Duration: 99999999, // TODO: This is very unlikely to be the correct number
if aerr != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to serialize declare fault params: %w", aerr)
msg := &types.Message{
To: m.maddr,
From: m.worker,
Method: builtin.MethodsMiner.DeclareTemporaryFaults,
Params: enc,
Value: types.NewInt(0), // TODO: need to ensure sufficient collateral
GasLimit: types.NewInt(1000000 /* i dont know help */),
GasPrice: types.NewInt(1),
smsg, err := m.api.MpoolPushMessage(ctx.Context(), msg)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to push declare faults message to network: %w", err)
return ctx.Send(SectorFaultReported{reportMsg: smsg.Cid()})
func (m *Sealing) handleFaultReported(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
if sector.FaultReportMsg == nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("entered fault reported state without a FaultReportMsg cid")
mw, err := m.api.StateWaitMsg(ctx.Context(), *sector.FaultReportMsg)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to wait for fault declaration: %w", err)
if mw.Receipt.ExitCode != 0 {
log.Errorf("UNHANDLED: declaring sector fault failed (exit=%d, msg=%s) (id: %d)", mw.Receipt.ExitCode, *sector.FaultReportMsg, sector.SectorID)
return xerrors.Errorf("UNHANDLED: submitting fault declaration failed (exit %d)", mw.Receipt.ExitCode)
return ctx.Send(SectorFaultedFinal{})