
443 lines
13 KiB

package itests
import (
market2 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/v2/actors/builtin/market"
func TestDealCyclesConcurrent(t *testing.T) {
blockTime := 10 * time.Millisecond
// For these tests where the block time is artificially short, just use
// a deal start epoch that is guaranteed to be far enough in the future
// so that the deal starts sealing in time
dealStartEpoch := abi.ChainEpoch(2 << 12)
runTest := func(t *testing.T, n int, fastRetrieval bool, carExport bool) {
client, miner, ens := kit.EnsembleMinimal(t, kit.MockProofs())
dh := kit.NewDealHarness(t, client, miner)
errgrp, _ := errgroup.WithContext(context.Background())
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
i := i
errgrp.Go(func() (err error) {
defer func() {
// This is necessary because we use require, which invokes t.Fatal,
// and that's not
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("deal failed: %s", r)
deal, res, inPath := dh.MakeOnlineDeal(context.Background(), 5+i, fastRetrieval, dealStartEpoch)
outPath := dh.PerformRetrieval(context.Background(), deal, res.Root, carExport)
kit.FilesEqual(t, inPath, outPath)
return nil
require.NoError(t, errgrp.Wait())
cycles := []int{1, 2, 4, 8}
for _, n := range cycles {
ns := fmt.Sprintf("%d", n)
t.Run(ns+"-fastretrieval-CAR", func(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, n, true, true) })
t.Run(ns+"-fastretrieval-NoCAR", func(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, n, true, false) })
t.Run(ns+"-stdretrieval-CAR", func(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, n, true, false) })
t.Run(ns+"-stdretrieval-NoCAR", func(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, n, false, false) })
// func TestAPIDealFlowReal(t *testing.T) {
// if testing.Short() {
// t.Skip("skipping test in short mode")
// }
// kit.QuietMiningLogs()
// // TODO: just set this globally?
// oldDelay := policy.GetPreCommitChallengeDelay()
// policy.SetPreCommitChallengeDelay(5)
// t.Cleanup(func() {
// policy.SetPreCommitChallengeDelay(oldDelay)
// })
// t.Run("basic", func(t *testing.T) {
// runFullDealCycles(t, 1, kit.FullNodeBuilder, time.Second, false, false, 0)
// })
// t.Run("fast-retrieval", func(t *testing.T) {
// runFullDealCycles(t, 1, kit.FullNodeBuilder, time.Second, false, true, 0)
// })
// t.Run("retrieval-second", func(t *testing.T) {
// runSecondDealRetrievalTest(t, kit.FullNodeBuilder, time.Second)
// })
// }
func TestPublishDealsBatching(t *testing.T) {
var (
ctx = context.Background()
publishPeriod = 10 * time.Second
maxDealsPerMsg = uint64(2) // Set max deals per publish deals message to 2
startEpoch = abi.ChainEpoch(2 << 12)
opts := node.Override(new(*storageadapter.DealPublisher),
storageadapter.NewDealPublisher(nil, storageadapter.PublishMsgConfig{
Period: publishPeriod,
MaxDealsPerMsg: maxDealsPerMsg,
client, miner, ens := kit.EnsembleMinimal(t, kit.MockProofs(), kit.ExtraNodeOpts(opts))
ens.InterconnectAll().BeginMining(10 * time.Millisecond)
dh := kit.NewDealHarness(t, client, miner)
// Starts a deal and waits until it's published
runDealTillPublish := func(rseed int) {
res, _ := client.CreateImportFile(ctx, rseed, 0)
upds, err := client.ClientGetDealUpdates(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
dh.StartDeal(ctx, res.Root, false, startEpoch)
// TODO: this sleep is only necessary because deals don't immediately get logged in the dealstore, we should fix this
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
for upd := range upds {
if upd.DataRef.Root == res.Root && upd.State == storagemarket.StorageDealAwaitingPreCommit {
done <- struct{}{}
// Run three deals in parallel
done := make(chan struct{}, maxDealsPerMsg+1)
for rseed := 1; rseed <= 3; rseed++ {
rseed := rseed
go func() {
done <- struct{}{}
// Wait for two of the deals to be published
for i := 0; i < int(maxDealsPerMsg); i++ {
// Expect a single PublishStorageDeals message that includes the first two deals
msgCids, err := client.StateListMessages(ctx, &api.MessageMatch{To: market.Address}, types.EmptyTSK, 1)
require.NoError(t, err)
count := 0
for _, msgCid := range msgCids {
msg, err := client.ChainGetMessage(ctx, msgCid)
require.NoError(t, err)
if msg.Method == market.Methods.PublishStorageDeals {
var pubDealsParams market2.PublishStorageDealsParams
err = pubDealsParams.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(msg.Params))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, pubDealsParams.Deals, int(maxDealsPerMsg))
require.Equal(t, 1, count)
// The third deal should be published once the publish period expires.
// Allow a little padding as it takes a moment for the state change to
// be noticed by the client.
padding := 10 * time.Second
select {
case <-time.After(publishPeriod + padding):
require.Fail(t, "Expected 3rd deal to be published once publish period elapsed")
case <-done: // Success
func TestFirstDealEnablesMining(t *testing.T) {
// test making a deal with a fresh miner, and see if it starts to mine.
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("skipping test in short mode")
var (
client kit.TestFullNode
genMiner kit.TestMiner // bootstrap
provider kit.TestMiner // no sectors, will need to create one
ens := kit.NewEnsemble(t)
ens.FullNode(&client, kit.MockProofs())
ens.Miner(&genMiner, &client, kit.MockProofs())
ens.Miner(&provider, &client, kit.MockProofs(), kit.PresealSectors(0))
ens.Start().InterconnectAll().BeginMining(50 * time.Millisecond)
ctx := context.Background()
dh := kit.NewDealHarness(t, &client, &provider)
ref, _ := client.CreateImportFile(ctx, 5, 0)
t.Log("FILE CID:", ref.Root)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
// start a goroutine to monitor head changes from the client
// once the provider has mined a block, thanks to the power acquired from the deal,
// we pass the test.
providerMined := make(chan struct{})
heads, err := client.ChainNotify(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
go func() {
for chg := range heads {
for _, c := range chg {
if c.Type != "apply" {
for _, b := range c.Val.Blocks() {
if b.Miner == provider.ActorAddr {
// now perform the deal.
deal := dh.StartDeal(ctx, ref.Root, false, 0)
// TODO: this sleep is only necessary because deals don't immediately get logged in the dealstore, we should fix this
dh.WaitDealSealed(ctx, deal, false, false, nil)
func TestOfflineDealFlow(t *testing.T) {
blocktime := 10 * time.Millisecond
// For these tests where the block time is artificially short, just use
// a deal start epoch that is guaranteed to be far enough in the future
// so that the deal starts sealing in time
startEpoch := abi.ChainEpoch(2 << 12)
runTest := func(t *testing.T, fastRet bool) {
ctx := context.Background()
client, miner, ens := kit.EnsembleMinimal(t, kit.MockProofs())
dh := kit.NewDealHarness(t, client, miner)
// Create a random file and import on the client.
res, inFile := client.CreateImportFile(ctx, 1, 0)
// Get the piece size and commP
rootCid := res.Root
pieceInfo, err := client.ClientDealPieceCID(ctx, rootCid)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Log("FILE CID:", rootCid)
// Create a storage deal with the miner
maddr, err := miner.ActorAddress(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
addr, err := client.WalletDefaultAddress(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Manual storage deal (offline deal)
dataRef := &storagemarket.DataRef{
TransferType: storagemarket.TTManual,
Root: rootCid,
PieceCid: &pieceInfo.PieceCID,
PieceSize: pieceInfo.PieceSize.Unpadded(),
proposalCid, err := client.ClientStartDeal(ctx, &api.StartDealParams{
Data: dataRef,
Wallet: addr,
Miner: maddr,
EpochPrice: types.NewInt(1000000),
DealStartEpoch: startEpoch,
MinBlocksDuration: uint64(build.MinDealDuration),
FastRetrieval: fastRet,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Wait for the deal to reach StorageDealCheckForAcceptance on the client
cd, err := client.ClientGetDealInfo(ctx, *proposalCid)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
cd, _ := client.ClientGetDealInfo(ctx, *proposalCid)
return cd.State == storagemarket.StorageDealCheckForAcceptance
}, 30*time.Second, 1*time.Second, "actual deal status is %s", storagemarket.DealStates[cd.State])
// Create a CAR file from the raw file
carFileDir := t.TempDir()
carFilePath := filepath.Join(carFileDir, "out.car")
err = client.ClientGenCar(ctx, api.FileRef{Path: inFile}, carFilePath)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Import the CAR file on the miner - this is the equivalent to
// transferring the file across the wire in a normal (non-offline) deal
err = miner.DealsImportData(ctx, *proposalCid, carFilePath)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Wait for the deal to be published
dh.WaitDealPublished(ctx, proposalCid)
t.Logf("deal published, retrieving")
// Retrieve the deal
outFile := dh.PerformRetrieval(ctx, proposalCid, rootCid, false)
equal := kit.FilesEqual(t, inFile, outFile)
require.True(t, equal)
t.Run("NormalRetrieval", func(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, false) })
t.Run("FastRetrieval", func(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, true) })
// func runFastRetrievalDealFlowT(t *testing.T, b kit.APIBuilder, blocktime time.Duration, startEpoch abi.ChainEpoch) {
// ctx := context.Background()
// var (
// nb = kit.NewNodeBuilder(t)
// full = nb.FullNode()
// miner = nb.Miner(full)
// )
// nb.Create()
// kit.ConnectAndStartMining(t, blocktime, miner, full)
// dh := kit.NewDealHarness(t, full, miner)
// data := make([]byte, 1600)
// rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(8))).Read(data)
// r := bytes.NewReader(data)
// fcid, err := full.FullNode.(*impl.FullNodeAPI).ClientImportLocal(ctx, r)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// fmt.Println("FILE CID: ", fcid)
// deal := dh.StartDeal(ctx, fcid, true, startEpoch)
// dh.WaitDealPublished(ctx, deal)
// fmt.Println("deal published, retrieving")
// // Retrieval
// info, err := full.ClientGetDealInfo(ctx, *deal)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// dh.PerformRetrieval(ctx, fcid, &info.PieceCID, false, data)
// }
// func runSecondDealRetrievalTest(t *testing.T, b kit.APIBuilder, blocktime time.Duration) {
// ctx := context.Background()
// fulls, miners := b(t, kit.OneFull, kit.OneMiner)
// client, miner := fulls[0].FullNode.(*impl.FullNodeAPI), miners[0]
// kit.ConnectAndStartMining(t, blocktime, miner, client)
// dh := kit.NewDealHarness(t, client, miner)
// {
// data1 := make([]byte, 800)
// rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(3))).Read(data1)
// r := bytes.NewReader(data1)
// fcid1, err := client.ClientImportLocal(ctx, r)
// if err != nil {
// t.Fatal(err)
// }
// data2 := make([]byte, 800)
// rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(9))).Read(data2)
// r2 := bytes.NewReader(data2)
// fcid2, err := client.ClientImportLocal(ctx, r2)
// if err != nil {
// t.Fatal(err)
// }
// deal1 := dh.StartDeal(ctx, fcid1, true, 0)
// // TODO: this sleep is only necessary because deals don't immediately get logged in the dealstore, we should fix this
// time.Sleep(time.Second)
// dh.WaitDealSealed(ctx, deal1, true, false, nil)
// deal2 := dh.StartDeal(ctx, fcid2, true, 0)
// time.Sleep(time.Second)
// dh.WaitDealSealed(ctx, deal2, false, false, nil)
// // Retrieval
// info, err := client.ClientGetDealInfo(ctx, *deal2)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// rf, _ := miner.SectorsRefs(ctx)
// fmt.Printf("refs: %+v\n", rf)
// dh.PerformRetrieval(ctx, fcid2, &info.PieceCID, false, data2)
// }
// }
// func runZeroPricePerByteRetrievalDealFlow(t *testing.T, b kit.APIBuilder, blocktime time.Duration, startEpoch abi.ChainEpoch) {
// ctx := context.Background()
// fulls, miners := b(t, kit.OneFull, kit.OneMiner)
// client, miner := fulls[0].FullNode.(*impl.FullNodeAPI), miners[0]
// kit.ConnectAndStartMining(t, blocktime, miner, client)
// dh := kit.NewDealHarness(t, client, miner)
// // Set price-per-byte to zero
// ask, err := miner.MarketGetRetrievalAsk(ctx)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// ask.PricePerByte = abi.NewTokenAmount(0)
// err = miner.MarketSetRetrievalAsk(ctx, ask)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// dh.MakeOnlineDeal(ctx, 6, false, false, startEpoch)
// }