Andrew Jackson (Ajax) 81ba6ab6f0
feat: Curio - Easy Migration (#11617)
* feat: lp mig - first few steps

* lp mig: default tasks

* code comments

* docs

* lp-mig-progress

* shared

* comments and todos

* fix: curio: rename lotus-provider to curio (#11645)

* rename provider to curio

* install gotext

* fix lint errors, mod tidy

* fix typo

* fix API_INFO and add gotext to circleCI

* add back gotext

* add gotext after remerge

* lp: channels doc

* finish easy-migration TODOs

* out generate

* merging and more renames

* avoid make-all

* minor doc stuff

* cu: make gen

* make gen fix

* make gen

* tryfix

* go mod tidy

* minor ez migration fixes

* ez setup - ui cleanups

* better error message

* guided setup colors

* better path to saveconfigtolayer

* loadconfigwithupgrades fix

* readMiner oops

* guided - homedir

* err if miner is running

* prompt error should exit

* process already running, miner_id sectors in migration

* dont prompt for language a second time

* check miner stopped

* unlock repo

* render and sql oops

* curio easyMig - some fixes

* easyMigration runs successfully

* lint

* review fixes

* fix backup path

* fixes1

* fixes2

* fixes 3


Co-authored-by: LexLuthr <88259624+LexLuthr@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: LexLuthr <lexluthr@protocol.ai>
2024-03-15 16:38:13 -05:00

591 lines
18 KiB

// guidedSetup for migration from lotus-miner to Curio
// follow instructions at ../internal/translations/translations.go
// }
package guidedsetup
import (
cliutil "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/cli/util"
_ "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/cmd/curio/internal/translations"
// URL to upload user-selected fields to help direct developer's focus.
const DeveloperFocusRequestURL = "https://curiostorage.org/cgi-bin/savedata.php"
var GuidedsetupCmd = &cli.Command{
Name: "guided-setup",
Usage: "Run the guided setup for migrating from lotus-miner to Curio",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
&cli.StringFlag{ // for cliutil.GetFullNodeAPI
Name: "repo",
EnvVars: []string{"LOTUS_PATH"},
Hidden: true,
Value: "~/.lotus",
Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) (err error) {
T, say := SetupLanguage()
say(header, "This interactive tool migrates lotus-miner to Curio in 5 minutes.")
say(notice, "Each step needs your confirmation and can be reversed. Press Ctrl+C to exit at any time.")
// Run the migration steps
migrationData := MigrationData{
T: T,
say: say,
selectTemplates: &promptui.SelectTemplates{
Help: T("Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ← "),
cctx: cctx,
for _, step := range migrationSteps {
for _, closer := range migrationData.closers {
return nil
func setupCtrlC(say func(style lipgloss.Style, key message.Reference, a ...interface{})) {
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
say(notice, "Ctrl+C pressed in Terminal")
var (
header = lipgloss.NewStyle().
notice = lipgloss.NewStyle().
green = lipgloss.NewStyle().
plain = lipgloss.NewStyle().Align(lipgloss.Left)
section = lipgloss.NewStyle().
code = lipgloss.NewStyle().
func SetupLanguage() (func(key message.Reference, a ...interface{}) string, func(style lipgloss.Style, key message.Reference, a ...interface{})) {
langText := "en"
problem := false
if len(os.Getenv("LANG")) > 1 {
langText = os.Getenv("LANG")[:2]
} else {
problem = true
lang, err := language.Parse(langText)
if err != nil {
lang = language.English
problem = true
fmt.Println("Error parsing language")
langs := message.DefaultCatalog.Languages()
have := lo.SliceToMap(langs, func(t language.Tag) (string, bool) { return t.String(), true })
if _, ok := have[lang.String()]; !ok {
lang = language.English
problem = true
if problem {
_ = os.Setenv("LANG", "en-US") // for later users of this function
Render("$LANG=" + langText + " unsupported. Available: " + strings.Join(lo.Keys(have), ", "))
fmt.Println("Defaulting to English. Please reach out to the Curio team if you would like to have additional language support.")
return func(key message.Reference, a ...interface{}) string {
return message.NewPrinter(lang).Sprintf(key, a...)
}, func(sty lipgloss.Style, key message.Reference, a ...interface{}) {
msg := message.NewPrinter(lang).Sprintf(key, a...)
type migrationStep func(*MigrationData)
var migrationSteps = []migrationStep{
readMinerConfig, // Tells them to be on the miner machine
yugabyteConnect, // Miner is updated
configToDB, // work on base configuration migration.
verifySectors, // Verify the sectors are in the database
type MigrationData struct {
T func(key message.Reference, a ...interface{}) string
say func(style lipgloss.Style, key message.Reference, a ...interface{})
selectTemplates *promptui.SelectTemplates
MinerConfigPath string
MinerConfig *config.StorageMiner
DB *harmonydb.DB
MinerID address.Address
full v0api.FullNode
cctx *cli.Context
closers []jsonrpc.ClientCloser
func complete(d *MigrationData) {
stepCompleted(d, d.T("Lotus-Miner to Curio Migration."))
d.say(plain, "Try the web interface with %s for further guided improvements.", "--layers=gui")
d.say(plain, "You can now migrate your market node (%s), if applicable.", "Boost")
func configToDB(d *MigrationData) {
d.say(section, "Migrating lotus-miner config.toml to Curio in-database configuration.")
var closer jsonrpc.ClientCloser
var err error
d.full, closer, err = cliutil.GetFullNodeAPI(d.cctx)
d.closers = append(d.closers, closer)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error getting API: %s", err.Error())
ainfo, err := cliutil.GetAPIInfo(d.cctx, repo.FullNode)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "could not get API info for FullNode: %w", err)
token, err := d.full.AuthNew(context.Background(), api.AllPermissions)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error getting token: %s", err.Error())
chainApiInfo := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", string(token), ainfo.Addr)
d.MinerID, err = SaveConfigToLayer(d.MinerConfigPath, "", false, chainApiInfo)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error saving config to layer: %s. Aborting Migration", err.Error())
// bucket returns the power's 4 highest bits (rounded down).
func bucket(power *api.MinerPower) uint64 {
rawQAP := power.TotalPower.QualityAdjPower.Uint64()
magnitude := lo.Max([]int{bits.Len64(rawQAP), 5})
// shifting erases resolution so we cannot distinguish SPs of similar scales.
return rawQAP >> (uint64(magnitude) - 4) << (uint64(magnitude - 4))
type uploadType int
const uploadTypeIndividual uploadType = 0
const uploadTypeAggregate uploadType = 1
// const uploadTypeHint uploadType = 2
const uploadTypeNothing uploadType = 3
func oneLastThing(d *MigrationData) {
d.say(section, "The Curio team wants to improve the software you use. Tell the team you're using `%s`.", "curio")
i, _, err := (&promptui.Select{
Label: d.T("Select what you want to share with the Curio team."),
Items: []string{
d.T("Individual Data: Miner ID, Curio version, chain (%s or %s). Signed.", "mainnet", "calibration"),
d.T("Aggregate-Anonymous: version, chain, and Miner power (bucketed)."),
d.T("Hint: I am someone running Curio on whichever chain."),
Templates: d.selectTemplates,
preference := uploadType(i)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Aborting remaining steps.", err.Error())
if preference != uploadTypeNothing {
msgMap := map[string]any{
"domain": "curio-newuser",
"net": build.BuildTypeString(),
if preference == uploadTypeIndividual || preference == uploadTypeAggregate {
// articles of incorporation
power, err := d.full.StateMinerPower(context.Background(), d.MinerID, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error getting miner power: %s", err.Error())
msgMap["version"] = build.BuildVersion
msgMap["net"] = build.BuildType
msgMap["power"] = map[uploadType]uint64{
uploadTypeIndividual: power.MinerPower.QualityAdjPower.Uint64(),
uploadTypeAggregate: bucket(power)}[preference]
if preference == uploadTypeIndividual { // Sign it
msgMap["miner_id"] = d.MinerID
msg, err := json.Marshal(msgMap)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error marshalling message: %s", err.Error())
mi, err := d.full.StateMinerInfo(context.Background(), d.MinerID, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error getting miner info: %s", err.Error())
sig, err := d.full.WalletSign(context.Background(), mi.Worker, msg)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error signing message: %s", err.Error())
msgMap["signature"] = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(sig.Data)
msg, err := json.Marshal(msgMap)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error marshalling message: %s", err.Error())
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Post(DeveloperFocusRequestURL, "application/json", bytes.NewReader(msg))
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error sending message: %s", err.Error())
if resp != nil {
defer func() { _ = resp.Body.Close() }()
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
b, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err == nil {
d.say(notice, "Error sending message: Status %s, Message: ", resp.Status, string(b))
} else {
stepCompleted(d, d.T("Message sent."))
func doc(d *MigrationData) {
d.say(plain, "Documentation: ")
d.say(plain, "The '%s' layer stores common configuration. All curio instances can include it in their %s argument.", "base", "--layers")
d.say(plain, "You can add other layers for per-machine configuration changes.")
d.say(plain, "Filecoin %s channels: %s and %s", "Slack", "#fil-curio-help", "#fil-curio-dev")
d.say(plain, "Start multiple Curio instances with the '%s' layer to redundancy.", "post")
//d.say(plain, "Point your browser to your web GUI to complete setup with %s and advanced featues.", "Boost")
d.say(plain, "One database can serve multiple miner IDs: Run a migration for each lotus-miner.")
func verifySectors(d *MigrationData) {
var i []int
var lastError string
d.say(section, "Please start (or restart) %s now that database credentials are in %s.", "lotus-miner", "config.toml")
d.say(notice, "Waiting for %s to write sectors into Yugabyte.", "lotus-miner")
mid, err := address.IDFromAddress(d.MinerID)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error interpreting miner ID: %s: ID: %s", err.Error(), d.MinerID.String())
for {
err := d.DB.Select(context.Background(), &i, `
SELECT count(*) FROM sector_location WHERE miner_id=$1`, mid)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != lastError {
d.say(notice, "Error verifying sectors: %s", err.Error())
lastError = err.Error()
if i[0] > 0 {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
d.say(plain, "The sectors are in the database. The database is ready for %s.", "Curio")
d.say(notice, "Now shut down lotus-miner and move the systems to %s.", "Curio")
_, err = (&promptui.Prompt{Label: d.T("Press return to continue")}).Run()
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Aborting migration.")
stepCompleted(d, d.T("Sectors verified. %d sector locations found.", i))
func yugabyteConnect(d *MigrationData) {
harmonyCfg := config.DefaultStorageMiner().HarmonyDB //copy the config to a local variable
if d.MinerConfig != nil {
harmonyCfg = d.MinerConfig.HarmonyDB //copy the config to a local variable
var err error
d.DB, err = harmonydb.NewFromConfig(harmonyCfg)
if err == nil {
goto yugabyteConnected
for {
i, _, err := (&promptui.Select{
Label: d.T("Enter the info to connect to your Yugabyte database installation (https://download.yugabyte.com/)"),
Items: []string{
d.T("Host: %s", strings.Join(harmonyCfg.Hosts, ",")),
d.T("Port: %s", harmonyCfg.Port),
d.T("Username: %s", harmonyCfg.Username),
d.T("Password: %s", harmonyCfg.Password),
d.T("Database: %s", harmonyCfg.Database),
d.T("Continue to connect and update schema.")},
Size: 6,
Templates: d.selectTemplates,
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Database config error occurred, abandoning migration: %s ", err.Error())
switch i {
case 0:
host, err := (&promptui.Prompt{
Label: d.T("Enter the Yugabyte database host(s)"),
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "No host provided")
harmonyCfg.Hosts = strings.Split(host, ",")
case 1, 2, 3, 4:
val, err := (&promptui.Prompt{
Label: d.T("Enter the Yugabyte database %s", []string{"port", "username", "password", "database"}[i-1]),
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "No value provided")
switch i {
case 1:
harmonyCfg.Port = val
case 2:
harmonyCfg.Username = val
case 3:
harmonyCfg.Password = val
case 4:
harmonyCfg.Database = val
case 5:
d.DB, err = harmonydb.NewFromConfig(harmonyCfg)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() == "^C" {
d.say(notice, "Error connecting to Yugabyte database: %s", err.Error())
goto yugabyteConnected
d.say(plain, "Connected to Yugabyte. Schema is current.")
if !reflect.DeepEqual(harmonyCfg, d.MinerConfig.HarmonyDB) || !d.MinerConfig.Subsystems.EnableSectorIndexDB {
d.MinerConfig.HarmonyDB = harmonyCfg
d.MinerConfig.Subsystems.EnableSectorIndexDB = true
d.say(plain, "Enabling Sector Indexing in the database.")
buf, err := config.ConfigUpdate(d.MinerConfig, config.DefaultStorageMiner())
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error encoding config.toml: %s", err.Error())
_, err = (&promptui.Prompt{
Label: d.T("Press return to update %s with Yugabyte info. A Backup file will be written to that folder before changes are made.", "config.toml")}).Run()
if err != nil {
p, err := homedir.Expand(d.MinerConfigPath)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error expanding path: %s", err.Error())
tomlPath := path.Join(p, "config.toml")
stat, err := os.Stat(tomlPath)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error reading filemode of config.toml: %s", err.Error())
fBackup, err := os.CreateTemp(p, "config-backup-*.toml")
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error creating backup file: %s", err.Error())
fBackupContents, err := os.ReadFile(tomlPath)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error reading config.toml: %s", err.Error())
_, err = fBackup.Write(fBackupContents)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error writing backup file: %s", err.Error())
err = fBackup.Close()
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error closing backup file: %s", err.Error())
filemode := stat.Mode()
err = os.WriteFile(path.Join(p, "config.toml"), buf, filemode)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Error writing config.toml: %s", err.Error())
d.say(section, "Restart Lotus Miner. ")
stepCompleted(d, d.T("Connected to Yugabyte"))
func readMinerConfig(d *MigrationData) {
d.say(plain, "To start, ensure your sealing pipeline is drained and shut-down lotus-miner.")
verifyPath := func(dir string) (*config.StorageMiner, error) {
cfg := config.DefaultStorageMiner()
dir, err := homedir.Expand(dir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = toml.DecodeFile(path.Join(dir, "config.toml"), &cfg)
return cfg, err
dirs := map[string]*config.StorageMiner{"~/.lotusminer": nil, "~/.lotus-miner-local-net": nil}
if v := os.Getenv("LOTUS_MINER_PATH"); v != "" {
dirs[v] = nil
for dir := range dirs {
cfg, err := verifyPath(dir)
if err != nil {
delete(dirs, dir)
dirs[dir] = cfg
var otherPath bool
if len(dirs) > 0 {
_, str, err := (&promptui.Select{
Label: d.T("Select the location of your lotus-miner config directory?"),
Items: append(lo.Keys(dirs), d.T("Other")),
Templates: d.selectTemplates,
if err != nil {
if err.Error() == "^C" {
otherPath = true
} else {
if str == d.T("Other") {
otherPath = true
} else {
d.MinerConfigPath = str
d.MinerConfig = dirs[str]
if otherPath {
str, err := (&promptui.Prompt{
Label: d.T("Enter the path to the configuration directory used by %s", "lotus-miner"),
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "No path provided, abandoning migration ")
cfg, err := verifyPath(str)
if err != nil {
d.say(notice, "Cannot read the config.toml file in the provided directory, Error: %s", err.Error())
goto minerPathEntry
d.MinerConfigPath = str
d.MinerConfig = cfg
// Try to lock Miner repo to verify that lotus-miner is not running
r, err := repo.NewFS(d.MinerConfigPath)
if err != nil {
d.say(plain, "Could not create repo from directory: %s. Aborting migration", err.Error())
lr, err := r.Lock(repo.StorageMiner)
if err != nil {
d.say(plain, "Could not lock miner repo. Your miner must be stopped: %s\n Aborting migration", err.Error())
_ = lr.Close()
stepCompleted(d, d.T("Read Miner Config"))
func stepCompleted(d *MigrationData, step string) {
fmt.Print(green.Render("✔ "))
d.say(plain, "Step Complete: %s\n", step)