2021-03-05 14:48:57 +02:00

317 lines
12 KiB

package metrics
import (
rpcmetrics "github.com/filecoin-project/go-jsonrpc/metrics"
// Distribution
var defaultMillisecondsDistribution = view.Distribution(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 16, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 65, 80, 100, 130, 160, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 650, 800, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 7500, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000)
var workMillisecondsDistribution = view.Distribution(
250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10_000, 30_000, 60_000, 2*60_000, 5*60_000, 10*60_000, 15*60_000, 30*60_000, // short sealing tasks
40*60_000, 45*60_000, 50*60_000, 55*60_000, 60*60_000, 65*60_000, 70*60_000, 75*60_000, 80*60_000, 85*60_000, 100*60_000, 120*60_000, // PC2 / C2 range
130*60_000, 140*60_000, 150*60_000, 160*60_000, 180*60_000, 200*60_000, 220*60_000, 260*60_000, 300*60_000, // PC1 range
350*60_000, 400*60_000, 600*60_000, 800*60_000, 1000*60_000, 1300*60_000, 1800*60_000, 4000*60_000, 10000*60_000, // intel PC1 range
// Global Tags
var (
// common
Version, _ = tag.NewKey("version")
Commit, _ = tag.NewKey("commit")
NodeType, _ = tag.NewKey("node_type")
PeerID, _ = tag.NewKey("peer_id")
MinerID, _ = tag.NewKey("miner_id")
FailureType, _ = tag.NewKey("failure_type")
// chain
Local, _ = tag.NewKey("local")
MessageFrom, _ = tag.NewKey("message_from")
MessageTo, _ = tag.NewKey("message_to")
MessageNonce, _ = tag.NewKey("message_nonce")
ReceivedFrom, _ = tag.NewKey("received_from")
Endpoint, _ = tag.NewKey("endpoint")
APIInterface, _ = tag.NewKey("api") // to distinguish between gateway api and full node api endpoint calls
// miner
TaskType, _ = tag.NewKey("task_type")
WorkerHostname, _ = tag.NewKey("worker_hostname")
// Measures
var (
// common
LotusInfo = stats.Int64("info", "Arbitrary counter to tag lotus info to", stats.UnitDimensionless)
PeerCount = stats.Int64("peer/count", "Current number of FIL peers", stats.UnitDimensionless)
APIRequestDuration = stats.Float64("api/request_duration_ms", "Duration of API requests", stats.UnitMilliseconds)
// chain
ChainNodeHeight = stats.Int64("chain/node_height", "Current Height of the node", stats.UnitDimensionless)
ChainNodeHeightExpected = stats.Int64("chain/node_height_expected", "Expected Height of the node", stats.UnitDimensionless)
ChainNodeWorkerHeight = stats.Int64("chain/node_worker_height", "Current Height of workers on the node", stats.UnitDimensionless)
MessagePublished = stats.Int64("message/published", "Counter for total locally published messages", stats.UnitDimensionless)
MessageReceived = stats.Int64("message/received", "Counter for total received messages", stats.UnitDimensionless)
MessageValidationFailure = stats.Int64("message/failure", "Counter for message validation failures", stats.UnitDimensionless)
MessageValidationSuccess = stats.Int64("message/success", "Counter for message validation successes", stats.UnitDimensionless)
BlockPublished = stats.Int64("block/published", "Counter for total locally published blocks", stats.UnitDimensionless)
BlockReceived = stats.Int64("block/received", "Counter for total received blocks", stats.UnitDimensionless)
BlockValidationFailure = stats.Int64("block/failure", "Counter for block validation failures", stats.UnitDimensionless)
BlockValidationSuccess = stats.Int64("block/success", "Counter for block validation successes", stats.UnitDimensionless)
BlockValidationDurationMilliseconds = stats.Float64("block/validation_ms", "Duration for Block Validation in ms", stats.UnitMilliseconds)
BlockDelay = stats.Int64("block/delay", "Delay of accepted blocks, where delay is >5s", stats.UnitMilliseconds)
PubsubPublishMessage = stats.Int64("pubsub/published", "Counter for total published messages", stats.UnitDimensionless)
PubsubDeliverMessage = stats.Int64("pubsub/delivered", "Counter for total delivered messages", stats.UnitDimensionless)
PubsubRejectMessage = stats.Int64("pubsub/rejected", "Counter for total rejected messages", stats.UnitDimensionless)
PubsubDuplicateMessage = stats.Int64("pubsub/duplicate", "Counter for total duplicate messages", stats.UnitDimensionless)
PubsubRecvRPC = stats.Int64("pubsub/recv_rpc", "Counter for total received RPCs", stats.UnitDimensionless)
PubsubSendRPC = stats.Int64("pubsub/send_rpc", "Counter for total sent RPCs", stats.UnitDimensionless)
PubsubDropRPC = stats.Int64("pubsub/drop_rpc", "Counter for total dropped RPCs", stats.UnitDimensionless)
VMFlushCopyDuration = stats.Float64("vm/flush_copy_ms", "Time spent in VM Flush Copy", stats.UnitMilliseconds)
VMFlushCopyCount = stats.Int64("vm/flush_copy_count", "Number of copied objects", stats.UnitDimensionless)
// miner
WorkerCallsStarted = stats.Int64("sealing/worker_calls_started", "Counter of started worker tasks", stats.UnitDimensionless)
WorkerCallsReturnedCount = stats.Int64("sealing/worker_calls_returned_count", "Counter of returned worker tasks", stats.UnitDimensionless)
WorkerCallsReturnedDuration = stats.Float64("sealing/worker_calls_returned_ms", "Counter of returned worker tasks", stats.UnitMilliseconds)
WorkerUntrackedCallsReturned = stats.Int64("sealing/worker_untracked_calls_returned", "Counter of returned untracked worker tasks", stats.UnitDimensionless)
// splitstore
SplitstoreMiss = stats.Int64("splitstore/miss", "Number of misses in hotstre access", stats.UnitDimensionless)
SplitstoreCompactionTimeSeconds = stats.Float64("splitstore/compaction_time", "Compaction time in seconds", stats.UnitSeconds)
SplitstoreCompactionHot = stats.Int64("splitstore/hot", "Number of hot blocks in last compaction", stats.UnitDimensionless)
SplitstoreCompactionCold = stats.Int64("splitstore/cold", "Number of cold blocks in last compaction", stats.UnitDimensionless)
SplitstoreCompactionDead = stats.Int64("splitstore/dead", "Number of dead blocks in last compaction", stats.UnitDimensionless)
var (
InfoView = &view.View{
Name: "info",
Description: "Lotus node information",
Measure: LotusInfo,
Aggregation: view.LastValue(),
TagKeys: []tag.Key{Version, Commit},
ChainNodeHeightView = &view.View{
Measure: ChainNodeHeight,
Aggregation: view.LastValue(),
ChainNodeHeightExpectedView = &view.View{
Measure: ChainNodeHeightExpected,
Aggregation: view.LastValue(),
ChainNodeWorkerHeightView = &view.View{
Measure: ChainNodeWorkerHeight,
Aggregation: view.LastValue(),
BlockReceivedView = &view.View{
Measure: BlockReceived,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
BlockValidationFailureView = &view.View{
Measure: BlockValidationFailure,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
TagKeys: []tag.Key{FailureType},
BlockValidationSuccessView = &view.View{
Measure: BlockValidationSuccess,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
BlockValidationDurationView = &view.View{
Measure: BlockValidationDurationMilliseconds,
Aggregation: defaultMillisecondsDistribution,
BlockDelayView = &view.View{
Measure: BlockDelay,
TagKeys: []tag.Key{MinerID},
Aggregation: func() *view.Aggregation {
var bounds []float64
for i := 5; i < 29; i++ { // 5-29s, step 1s
bounds = append(bounds, float64(i*1000))
for i := 30; i < 60; i += 2 { // 30-58s, step 2s
bounds = append(bounds, float64(i*1000))
for i := 60; i <= 300; i += 10 { // 60-300s, step 10s
bounds = append(bounds, float64(i*1000))
bounds = append(bounds, 600*1000) // final cutoff at 10m
return view.Distribution(bounds...)
MessagePublishedView = &view.View{
Measure: MessagePublished,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
MessageReceivedView = &view.View{
Measure: MessageReceived,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
MessageValidationFailureView = &view.View{
Measure: MessageValidationFailure,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
TagKeys: []tag.Key{FailureType, Local},
MessageValidationSuccessView = &view.View{
Measure: MessageValidationSuccess,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
PeerCountView = &view.View{
Measure: PeerCount,
Aggregation: view.LastValue(),
PubsubPublishMessageView = &view.View{
Measure: PubsubPublishMessage,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
PubsubDeliverMessageView = &view.View{
Measure: PubsubDeliverMessage,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
PubsubRejectMessageView = &view.View{
Measure: PubsubRejectMessage,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
PubsubDuplicateMessageView = &view.View{
Measure: PubsubDuplicateMessage,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
PubsubRecvRPCView = &view.View{
Measure: PubsubRecvRPC,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
PubsubSendRPCView = &view.View{
Measure: PubsubSendRPC,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
PubsubDropRPCView = &view.View{
Measure: PubsubDropRPC,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
APIRequestDurationView = &view.View{
Measure: APIRequestDuration,
Aggregation: defaultMillisecondsDistribution,
TagKeys: []tag.Key{APIInterface, Endpoint},
VMFlushCopyDurationView = &view.View{
Measure: VMFlushCopyDuration,
Aggregation: view.Sum(),
VMFlushCopyCountView = &view.View{
Measure: VMFlushCopyCount,
Aggregation: view.Sum(),
// miner
WorkerCallsStartedView = &view.View{
Measure: WorkerCallsStarted,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
TagKeys: []tag.Key{TaskType, WorkerHostname},
WorkerCallsReturnedCountView = &view.View{
Measure: WorkerCallsReturnedCount,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
TagKeys: []tag.Key{TaskType, WorkerHostname},
WorkerUntrackedCallsReturnedView = &view.View{
Measure: WorkerUntrackedCallsReturned,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
WorkerCallsReturnedDurationView = &view.View{
Measure: WorkerCallsReturnedDuration,
Aggregation: workMillisecondsDistribution,
TagKeys: []tag.Key{TaskType, WorkerHostname},
// splitstore
SplitstoreMissView = &view.View{
Measure: SplitstoreMiss,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
SplitstoreCompactionTimeSecondsView = &view.View{
Measure: SplitstoreCompactionTimeSeconds,
Aggregation: view.LastValue(),
SplitstoreCompactionHotView = &view.View{
Measure: SplitstoreCompactionHot,
Aggregation: view.LastValue(),
SplitstoreCompactionColdView = &view.View{
Measure: SplitstoreCompactionCold,
Aggregation: view.Sum(),
SplitstoreCompactionDeadView = &view.View{
Measure: SplitstoreCompactionDead,
Aggregation: view.Sum(),
// DefaultViews is an array of OpenCensus views for metric gathering purposes
var DefaultViews = func() []*view.View {
views := []*view.View{
views = append(views, blockstore.DefaultViews...)
views = append(views, rpcmetrics.DefaultViews...)
return views
var ChainNodeViews = append([]*view.View{
}, DefaultViews...)
var MinerNodeViews = append([]*view.View{
}, DefaultViews...)
// SinceInMilliseconds returns the duration of time since the provide time as a float64.
func SinceInMilliseconds(startTime time.Time) float64 {
return float64(time.Since(startTime).Nanoseconds()) / 1e6
// Timer is a function stopwatch, calling it starts the timer,
// calling the returned function will record the duration.
func Timer(ctx context.Context, m *stats.Float64Measure) func() {
start := time.Now()
return func() {
stats.Record(ctx, m.M(SinceInMilliseconds(start)))