1. Include the builtin-actors in the lotus source tree. 2. Embed the bundle on build instead of downloading at runtime. 3. Avoid reading the bundle whenever possible by including bundle metadata (the bundle CID, the actor CIDs, etc.). 4. Remove everything related to dependency injection. 1. We're no longer downloading the bundle, so doing anything ahead of time doesn't really help. 2. We register the manifests on init because, unfortunately, they're global. 3. We explicitly load the current actors bundle in the genesis state-tree method. 4. For testing, we just change the in-use bundle with a bit of a hack. It's not great, but using dependency injection doesn't make any sense either because, again, the manifest information is global. 5. Remove the bundle.toml file. Bundles may be overridden by specifying an override path in the parameters file, or an environment variable. fixes #8701
255 lines
8.0 KiB
255 lines
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//stm: #integration
package itests
import (
blocks "github.com/ipfs/go-block-format"
// use the mainnet carfile as text fixture: it will always be here
// https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafy2bzacecnamqgqmifpluoeldx7zzglxcljo6oja4vrmtj7432rphldpdmm2/8/1/8/1/0/1/0
var (
sourceCar = "../build/genesis/mainnet.car"
carRoot, _ = cid.Parse("bafy2bzacecnamqgqmifpluoeldx7zzglxcljo6oja4vrmtj7432rphldpdmm2")
carCommp, _ = cid.Parse("baga6ea4seaqmrivgzei3fmx5qxtppwankmtou6zvigyjaveu3z2zzwhysgzuina")
selectedCid, _ = cid.Parse("bafkqaetgnfwc6mjpon2g64tbm5sxa33xmvza")
carPieceSize = abi.PaddedPieceSize(2097152)
textSelector = api.Selector("8/1/8/1/0/1/0")
textSelectorNonLink = api.Selector("8/1/8/1/0/1")
textSelectorNonexistent = api.Selector("42")
expectedResult = "fil/1/storagepower"
func TestPartialRetrieval(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
client, miner, ens := kit.EnsembleMinimal(t, kit.ThroughRPC(), kit.MockProofs(), kit.SectorSize(512<<20))
dh := kit.NewDealHarness(t, client, miner, miner)
ens.InterconnectAll().BeginMining(50 * time.Millisecond)
_, err := client.ClientImport(ctx, api.FileRef{Path: sourceCar, IsCAR: true})
require.NoError(t, err)
caddr, err := client.WalletDefaultAddress(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// first test retrieval from local car, then do an actual deal
for _, exportMerkleProof := range []bool{false, true} {
for _, fullCycle := range []bool{false, true} {
var retOrder api.RetrievalOrder
var eref api.ExportRef
if !fullCycle {
eref.FromLocalCAR = sourceCar
} else {
dp := dh.DefaultStartDealParams()
dp.Data = &storagemarket.DataRef{
// FIXME: figure out how to do this with an online partial transfer
TransferType: storagemarket.TTManual,
Root: carRoot,
PieceCid: &carCommp,
PieceSize: carPieceSize.Unpadded(),
proposalCid := dh.StartDeal(ctx, dp)
// Wait for the deal to reach StorageDealCheckForAcceptance on the client
cd, err := client.ClientGetDealInfo(ctx, *proposalCid)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
cd, _ := client.ClientGetDealInfo(ctx, *proposalCid)
return cd.State == storagemarket.StorageDealCheckForAcceptance
}, 30*time.Second, 1*time.Second, "actual deal status is %s", storagemarket.DealStates[cd.State])
err = miner.DealsImportData(ctx, *proposalCid, sourceCar)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Wait for the deal to be published, we should be able to start retrieval right away
dh.WaitDealPublished(ctx, proposalCid)
offers, err := client.ClientFindData(ctx, carRoot, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, offers, "no offers")
retOrder = offers[0].Order(caddr)
retOrder.DataSelector = &textSelector
eref.DAGs = append(eref.DAGs, api.DagSpec{
DataSelector: &textSelector,
ExportMerkleProof: exportMerkleProof,
eref.Root = carRoot
// test retrieval of either data or constructing a partial selective-car
for _, retrieveAsCar := range []bool{false, true} {
outFile, err := ioutil.TempFile(t.TempDir(), "ret-file")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer outFile.Close() //nolint:errcheck
require.NoError(t, testGenesisRetrieval(
Path: outFile.Name(),
IsCAR: retrieveAsCar,
// UGH if I do not sleep here, I get things like:
retrieval failed: Retrieve failed: there is an active retrieval deal with peer 12D3KooWK9fB9a3HZ4PQLVmEQ6pweMMn5CAyKtumB71CPTnuBDi6 for payload CID bafy2bzacecnamqgqmifpluoeldx7zzglxcljo6oja4vrmtj7432rphldpdmm2 (retrieval deal ID 1631259332180384709, state DealStatusFinalizingBlockstore) - existing deal must be cancelled before starting a new retrieval deal:
// ensure non-existent paths fail
Root: carRoot,
DataSelector: &textSelectorNonexistent,
Root: carRoot,
FromLocalCAR: sourceCar,
DAGs: []api.DagSpec{{DataSelector: &textSelectorNonexistent}},
fmt.Sprintf("parsing dag spec: path selection does not match a node within %s", carRoot),
// ensure non-boundary retrievals fail
Root: carRoot,
DataSelector: &textSelectorNonLink,
Root: carRoot,
FromLocalCAR: sourceCar,
DAGs: []api.DagSpec{{DataSelector: &textSelectorNonLink}},
fmt.Sprintf("parsing dag spec: error while locating partial retrieval sub-root: unsupported selection path '%s' does not correspond to a block boundary (a.k.a. CID link)", textSelectorNonLink),
func testGenesisRetrieval(ctx context.Context, client *kit.TestFullNode, retOrder api.RetrievalOrder, eref api.ExportRef, retRef *api.FileRef, outFile *os.File) error {
if retOrder.Total.Nil() {
retOrder.Total = big.Zero()
if retOrder.UnsealPrice.Nil() {
retOrder.UnsealPrice = big.Zero()
if eref.FromLocalCAR == "" {
rr, err := client.ClientRetrieve(ctx, retOrder)
if err != nil {
return err
eref.DealID = rr.DealID
if err := client.ClientRetrieveWait(ctx, rr.DealID); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("retrieval wait: %w", err)
err := client.ClientExport(ctx, eref, *retRef)
if err != nil {
return err
var data []byte
if !retRef.IsCAR {
data, err = io.ReadAll(outFile)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
cr, err := car.NewCarReader(outFile)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(cr.Header.Roots) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("expected a single root in result car, got %d", len(cr.Header.Roots))
} else if eref.DAGs[0].ExportMerkleProof && cr.Header.Roots[0].String() != carRoot.String() {
return fmt.Errorf("expected root cid '%s', got '%s'", carRoot.String(), cr.Header.Roots[0].String())
} else if !eref.DAGs[0].ExportMerkleProof && cr.Header.Roots[0].String() != selectedCid.String() {
return fmt.Errorf("expected root cid '%s', got '%s'", selectedCid.String(), cr.Header.Roots[0].String())
blks := make([]blocks.Block, 0)
for {
b, err := cr.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
return err
blks = append(blks, b)
if (eref.DAGs[0].ExportMerkleProof && len(blks) != 3) || (!eref.DAGs[0].ExportMerkleProof && len(blks) != 1) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected a car file with 3/1 blocks, got one with %d instead", len(blks))
data = blks[len(blks)-1].RawData()
if string(data) != expectedResult {
return fmt.Errorf("retrieved data mismatch: expected '%s' got '%s'", expectedResult, data)
return nil