2022-06-14 17:00:51 +02:00

377 lines
11 KiB

//stm: #integration
package itests
import (
cbor "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-cbor"
minertypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v8/miner"
miner2 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/v2/actors/builtin/miner"
// TestDeadlineToggling:
// * spins up a v3 network (miner A)
// * creates an inactive miner (miner B)
// * creates another miner, pledges a sector, waits for power (miner C)
// * goes through v4 upgrade
// * goes through PP
// * creates minerD, minerE
// * makes sure that miner B/D are inactive, A/C still are
// * pledges sectors on miner B/D
// * precommits a sector on minerE
// * disables post on miner C
// * goes through PP 0.5PP
// * asserts that minerE is active
// * goes through rest of PP (1.5)
// * asserts that miner C loses power
// * asserts that miner B/D is active and has power
// * asserts that minerE is inactive
// * disables post on miner B
// * terminates sectors on miner D
// * goes through another PP
// * asserts that miner B loses power
// * asserts that miner D loses power, is inactive
func TestDeadlineToggling(t *testing.T) {
const sectorsC, sectorsD, sectorsB = 10, 9, 8
var (
upgradeH abi.ChainEpoch = 4000
provingPeriod abi.ChainEpoch = 2880
blocktime = 2 * time.Millisecond
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
var (
client kit.TestFullNode
minerA kit.TestMiner
minerB kit.TestMiner
minerC kit.TestMiner
minerD kit.TestMiner
minerE kit.TestMiner
opts := []kit.NodeOpt{kit.WithAllSubsystems()}
ens := kit.NewEnsemble(t, kit.MockProofs(), kit.TurboUpgradeAt(upgradeH)).
FullNode(&client, opts...).
Miner(&minerA, &client, opts...).
opts = append(opts, kit.OwnerAddr(client.DefaultKey))
ens.Miner(&minerB, &client, opts...).
Miner(&minerC, &client, opts...).
defaultFrom, err := client.WalletDefaultAddress(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
maddrA, err := minerA.ActorAddress(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
maddrB, err := minerB.ActorAddress(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
maddrC, err := minerC.ActorAddress(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
ssz, err := minerC.ActorSectorSize(ctx, maddrC)
require.NoError(t, err)
// pledge sectors on C, go through a PP, check for power
minerC.PledgeSectors(ctx, sectorsC, 0, nil)
di, err := client.StateMinerProvingDeadline(ctx, maddrC, types.EmptyTSK)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Log("Running one proving period (miner C)")
t.Logf("End for head.Height > %d", di.PeriodStart+di.WPoStProvingPeriod*2)
for {
head, err := client.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
if head.Height() > di.PeriodStart+provingPeriod*2 {
t.Logf("Now head.Height = %d", head.Height())
expectedPower := types.NewInt(uint64(ssz) * sectorsC)
p, err := client.StateMinerPower(ctx, maddrC, types.EmptyTSK)
require.NoError(t, err)
// make sure it has gained power.
require.Equal(t, p.MinerPower.RawBytePower, expectedPower)
// go through upgrade + PP
for {
head, err := client.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
if head.Height() > upgradeH+provingPeriod {
t.Logf("Now head.Height = %d", head.Height())
checkMiner := func(ma address.Address, power abi.StoragePower, active, activeIfCron bool, tsk types.TipSetKey) {
p, err := client.StateMinerPower(ctx, ma, tsk)
require.NoError(t, err)
// make sure it has the expected power.
require.Equal(t, p.MinerPower.RawBytePower, power)
mact, err := client.StateGetActor(ctx, ma, tsk)
require.NoError(t, err)
mst, err := miner.Load(adt.WrapStore(ctx, cbor.NewCborStore(blockstore.NewAPIBlockstore(client))), mact)
require.NoError(t, err)
act, err := mst.DeadlineCronActive()
require.NoError(t, err)
if tsk != types.EmptyTSK {
ts, err := client.ChainGetTipSet(ctx, tsk)
require.NoError(t, err)
di, err := mst.DeadlineInfo(ts.Height())
require.NoError(t, err)
// cron happened on the same epoch some other condition would have happened
if di.Open == ts.Height() {
act, err := mst.DeadlineCronActive()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, activeIfCron, act)
require.Equal(t, active, act)
// check that just after the upgrade minerB was still active
uts, err := client.ChainGetTipSetByHeight(ctx, upgradeH+2, types.EmptyTSK)
require.NoError(t, err)
checkMiner(maddrB, types.NewInt(0), true, true, uts.Key())
nv, err := client.StateNetworkVersion(ctx, types.EmptyTSK)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.GreaterOrEqual(t, nv, network.Version12)
ens.Miner(&minerD, &client, opts...).
Miner(&minerE, &client, opts...).
maddrD, err := minerD.ActorAddress(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
maddrE, err := minerE.ActorAddress(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// first round of miner checks
checkMiner(maddrA, types.NewInt(uint64(ssz)*kit.DefaultPresealsPerBootstrapMiner), true, true, types.EmptyTSK)
checkMiner(maddrC, types.NewInt(uint64(ssz)*sectorsC), true, true, types.EmptyTSK)
checkMiner(maddrB, types.NewInt(0), false, false, types.EmptyTSK)
checkMiner(maddrD, types.NewInt(0), false, false, types.EmptyTSK)
checkMiner(maddrE, types.NewInt(0), false, false, types.EmptyTSK)
// pledge sectors on minerB/minerD, stop post on minerC
minerB.PledgeSectors(ctx, sectorsB, 0, nil)
checkMiner(maddrB, types.NewInt(0), true, true, types.EmptyTSK)
minerD.PledgeSectors(ctx, sectorsD, 0, nil)
checkMiner(maddrD, types.NewInt(0), true, true, types.EmptyTSK)
// precommit a sector on minerE
head, err := client.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
cr, err := cid.Parse("bagboea4b5abcatlxechwbp7kjpjguna6r6q7ejrhe6mdp3lf34pmswn27pkkiekz")
require.NoError(t, err)
params := &minertypes.SectorPreCommitInfo{
Expiration: 2880 * 300,
SectorNumber: 22,
SealProof: kit.TestSpt,
SealedCID: cr,
SealRandEpoch: head.Height() - 200,
enc := new(bytes.Buffer)
require.NoError(t, params.MarshalCBOR(enc))
m, err := client.MpoolPushMessage(ctx, &types.Message{
To: maddrE,
From: defaultFrom,
Value: types.FromFil(1),
Method: builtin.MethodsMiner.PreCommitSector,
Params: enc.Bytes(),
}, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
r, err := client.StateWaitMsg(ctx, m.Cid(), 2, api.LookbackNoLimit, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, exitcode.Ok, r.Receipt.ExitCode)
// go through 0.5 PP
for {
head, err := client.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
if head.Height() > upgradeH+provingPeriod+(provingPeriod/2) {
t.Logf("Now head.Height = %d", head.Height())
checkMiner(maddrE, types.NewInt(0), true, true, types.EmptyTSK)
// go through rest of the PP
for {
head, err := client.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
if head.Height() > upgradeH+(provingPeriod*3) {
t.Logf("Now head.Height = %d", head.Height())
// second round of miner checks
checkMiner(maddrA, types.NewInt(uint64(ssz)*kit.DefaultPresealsPerBootstrapMiner), true, true, types.EmptyTSK)
checkMiner(maddrC, types.NewInt(0), true, true, types.EmptyTSK)
checkMiner(maddrB, types.NewInt(uint64(ssz)*sectorsB), true, true, types.EmptyTSK)
checkMiner(maddrD, types.NewInt(uint64(ssz)*sectorsD), true, true, types.EmptyTSK)
checkMiner(maddrE, types.NewInt(0), false, false, types.EmptyTSK)
// disable post on minerB
// terminate sectors on minerD
var terminationDeclarationParams []miner2.TerminationDeclaration
secs, err := minerD.SectorsList(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, secs, sectorsD)
for _, sectorNum := range secs {
sectorbit := bitfield.New()
loca, err := client.StateSectorPartition(ctx, maddrD, sectorNum, types.EmptyTSK)
require.NoError(t, err)
para := miner2.TerminationDeclaration{
Deadline: loca.Deadline,
Partition: loca.Partition,
Sectors: sectorbit,
terminationDeclarationParams = append(terminationDeclarationParams, para)
terminateSectorParams := &miner2.TerminateSectorsParams{
Terminations: terminationDeclarationParams,
sp, aerr := actors.SerializeParams(terminateSectorParams)
require.NoError(t, aerr)
smsg, err := client.MpoolPushMessage(ctx, &types.Message{
From: defaultFrom,
To: maddrD,
Method: builtin.MethodsMiner.TerminateSectors,
Value: big.Zero(),
Params: sp,
}, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Log("sent termination message:", smsg.Cid())
r, err := client.StateWaitMsg(ctx, smsg.Cid(), 2, api.LookbackNoLimit, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, exitcode.Ok, r.Receipt.ExitCode)
// assert inactive if the message landed in the tipset we run cron in
checkMiner(maddrD, types.NewInt(0), true, false, r.TipSet)
// go through another PP
for {
head, err := client.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
if head.Height() > upgradeH+(provingPeriod*5) {
t.Logf("Now head.Height = %d", head.Height())
checkMiner(maddrA, types.NewInt(uint64(ssz)*kit.DefaultPresealsPerBootstrapMiner), true, true, types.EmptyTSK)
checkMiner(maddrC, types.NewInt(0), true, true, types.EmptyTSK)
checkMiner(maddrB, types.NewInt(0), true, true, types.EmptyTSK)
checkMiner(maddrD, types.NewInt(0), false, false, types.EmptyTSK)