hannahhoward 61e2568b8d feat(datatransfer): implement and extract
feat(datatransfer): setup implementation path

Sets up a path to implementation, offering both the dagservice implementation and a future graphsync
implement, establishes message interfaces and network layer, and isolates the datatransfer module
from the app

WIP using CBOR encoding for dataxfermsg

* Bring cbor-gen stuff into datatransfer package
* make transferRequest private struct
* add transferResponse + funcs
* Rename VoucherID to VoucherType
* more tests passing

WIP trying out some stuff
* Embed request/response in message so all the interfaces work AND the CBOR unmarshaling works: this is more like the spec anyway
* get rid of pb stuff

all message tests passing, some others in datatransfer

Some cleanup for PR

Cleanup for PR, clarifying and additional comments

mod tidy

Respond to PR comments:
* Make DataTransferRequest/Response be returned in from Net
* Regenerate cbor_gen and fix the generator caller so it works better
* Please the linters

Fix tests

Initiate push and pull requests (#536)

* add issue link for data TransferID generation
* comment out failing but not relevant tests
* finish voucher rename from Identifier --> Type

tests passing

cleanup for PR

remove unused fmt import in graphsync_test

a better reflection

send data transfer response

other tests passing

feat(datatransfer): milestone 2 infrastructure

Setup test path for all tickets for milestone 2

responses alert subscribers when request is not accepted (#607)

Graphsync response is scheduled when a valid push request is received (#625)

fix(datatransfer): fix tests

fix an error with read buffers in tests

fix(deps): fix go.sum

Feat/dt graphsync pullreqs (#627)

* graphsync responses to pull requests

Feat/dt initiator cleanup (#645)

* ChannelID.To --> ChannelID.Initiator
* We now store our peer ID (from host.ID()) so it can be used when creating ChannelIDs.
* InProgressChannels returns all of impl.channels, currently just for testing
* Implements go-data-transfer issue
* Some assertions were changed based on the above.
* Renamed some variables and added some assertions based on the new understanding
* Updated SHA for graphsync module
* Updated fakeGraphSync test structs to use new interfaces from new SHA above

Techdebt/dt split graphsync impl receiver (#651)

* Split up graphsyncImpl and graphsyncReceiver
* rename graphsync to utils

DTM sends data over graphsync for validated push requests (#665)

* create channels when a request is received. register push request hook with graphsync. fix tests.
* better NewReaders
* use mutex lock around impl.channels access
* fix(datatransfer): fix test uncertainty
* fix a data race and also don't use random bytes in basic block which can fail
* privatize 3 funcs

with @hannahhoward

Feat/dt gs pullrequests (#693)

* Implements DTM Sends Data Over Graphsync For Validated Pull Requests
* rename a field in a test struct
* refactor a couple of private functions (one was refactored out of existence)

Feat/dt subscribe, file Xfer round trip (#720)

Implements the rest of Subscriber Is Notified When Request Completed #24:
* send a graphsync message within a go func and consume responses until error or transfer is complete.
* notify subscribers of results.
* Rename datatransfer.Event to EventCode.
* datatransfer.Event is now a struct that includes a message and a timestamp as well as the Event.Code int, formerly Event, update all uses
* Add extension data to graphsync request hook, gsReq
* rename sendRequest to sendDtRequest, to distinguish it from sendGsRequest, where Dt = datatransfer, Gs = graphsync
* use a mutex lock for last transfer ID
* obey the linter

Don't respond with error in gsReqRcdHook when we can't find the datatransfer extension. (#754)

* update to correct graphsync version, update tests & code to call the new graphsync hooks
* getExtensionData returns an empty struct + nil if we can't find our extension
* Don't respond with error when we can't find the extension.
* Test for same
* mod tidy

minor fix to go.sum

feat(datatransfer): switch to graphsync implementation

Move over to real graphsync implementation of data transfer, add constructors for graphsync
instances on client and miner side

fix(datatransfer): Fix validators

Validators were checking payload cid against commP -- which are not the same any more. Added a
payloadCid to client deal to maintain the record, fixed validator logic

Feat/dt extraction use go-fil-components/datatransfer (#770)

* Initial commit after changing to go-fil-components/datatransfer
* blow away the datatransfer dir
* use go-fil-components master after its PR #1 was merged
* go mod tidy

use a package

updates after rebase with master
2020-01-08 14:19:28 +01:00

109 lines
4.8 KiB

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