1312 lines
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1312 lines
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package sealer
import (
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
var log = logging.Logger("advmgr")
var ErrNoWorkers = errors.New("no suitable workers found")
type Worker interface {
TaskTypes(context.Context) (map[sealtasks.TaskType]struct{}, error)
// Returns paths accessible to the worker
Paths(context.Context) ([]storiface.StoragePath, error)
Info(context.Context) (storiface.WorkerInfo, error)
Session(context.Context) (uuid.UUID, error)
Close() error // TODO: do we need this?
type SectorManager interface {
var ClosedWorkerID = uuid.UUID{}
type Manager struct {
ls paths.LocalStorage
storage paths.Store
localStore *paths.Local
remoteHnd *paths.FetchHandler
index paths.SectorIndex
sched *Scheduler
windowPoStSched *poStScheduler
winningPoStSched *poStScheduler
localProver storiface.ProverPoSt
workLk sync.Mutex
work *statestore.StateStore
parallelCheckLimit int
singleCheckTimeout time.Duration
partitionCheckTimeout time.Duration
disableBuiltinWindowPoSt bool
disableBuiltinWinningPoSt bool
disallowRemoteFinalize bool
callToWork map[storiface.CallID]WorkID
// used when we get an early return and there's no callToWork mapping
callRes map[storiface.CallID]chan result
results map[WorkID]result
waitRes map[WorkID]chan struct{}
var _ storiface.ProverPoSt = &Manager{}
type result struct {
r interface{}
err error
type StorageAuth http.Header
type WorkerStateStore *statestore.StateStore
type ManagerStateStore *statestore.StateStore
func New(ctx context.Context, lstor *paths.Local, stor paths.Store, ls paths.LocalStorage, si paths.SectorIndex, sc config.SealerConfig, pc config.ProvingConfig, wss WorkerStateStore, mss ManagerStateStore) (*Manager, error) {
prover, err := ffiwrapper.New(&readonlyProvider{stor: lstor, index: si})
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("creating prover instance: %w", err)
sh, err := newScheduler(ctx, sc.Assigner)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m := &Manager{
ls: ls,
storage: stor,
localStore: lstor,
remoteHnd: &paths.FetchHandler{Local: lstor, PfHandler: &paths.DefaultPartialFileHandler{}},
index: si,
sched: sh,
windowPoStSched: newPoStScheduler(sealtasks.TTGenerateWindowPoSt),
winningPoStSched: newPoStScheduler(sealtasks.TTGenerateWinningPoSt),
localProver: prover,
parallelCheckLimit: pc.ParallelCheckLimit,
singleCheckTimeout: time.Duration(pc.SingleCheckTimeout),
partitionCheckTimeout: time.Duration(pc.PartitionCheckTimeout),
disableBuiltinWindowPoSt: pc.DisableBuiltinWindowPoSt,
disableBuiltinWinningPoSt: pc.DisableBuiltinWinningPoSt,
disallowRemoteFinalize: sc.DisallowRemoteFinalize,
work: mss,
callToWork: map[storiface.CallID]WorkID{},
callRes: map[storiface.CallID]chan result{},
results: map[WorkID]result{},
waitRes: map[WorkID]chan struct{}{},
go m.sched.runSched()
localTasks := []sealtasks.TaskType{
sealtasks.TTCommit1, sealtasks.TTProveReplicaUpdate1, sealtasks.TTFinalize, sealtasks.TTFetch, sealtasks.TTFinalizeUnsealed, sealtasks.TTFinalizeReplicaUpdate,
if sc.AllowSectorDownload {
localTasks = append(localTasks, sealtasks.TTDownloadSector)
if sc.AllowAddPiece {
localTasks = append(localTasks, sealtasks.TTAddPiece, sealtasks.TTDataCid)
if sc.AllowPreCommit1 {
localTasks = append(localTasks, sealtasks.TTPreCommit1)
if sc.AllowPreCommit2 {
localTasks = append(localTasks, sealtasks.TTPreCommit2)
if sc.AllowCommit {
localTasks = append(localTasks, sealtasks.TTCommit2)
if sc.AllowUnseal {
localTasks = append(localTasks, sealtasks.TTUnseal)
if sc.AllowReplicaUpdate {
localTasks = append(localTasks, sealtasks.TTReplicaUpdate)
if sc.AllowProveReplicaUpdate2 {
localTasks = append(localTasks, sealtasks.TTProveReplicaUpdate2)
if sc.AllowRegenSectorKey {
localTasks = append(localTasks, sealtasks.TTRegenSectorKey)
wcfg := WorkerConfig{
IgnoreResourceFiltering: sc.ResourceFiltering == config.ResourceFilteringDisabled,
TaskTypes: localTasks,
Name: sc.LocalWorkerName,
worker := NewLocalWorker(wcfg, stor, lstor, si, m, wss)
err = m.AddWorker(ctx, worker)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("adding local worker: %w", err)
return m, nil
func (m *Manager) AddLocalStorage(ctx context.Context, path string) error {
path, err := homedir.Expand(path)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("expanding local path: %w", err)
if err := m.localStore.OpenPath(ctx, path); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("opening local path: %w", err)
if err := m.ls.SetStorage(func(sc *storiface.StorageConfig) {
sc.StoragePaths = append(sc.StoragePaths, storiface.LocalPath{Path: path})
}); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get storage config: %w", err)
return nil
func (m *Manager) DetachLocalStorage(ctx context.Context, path string) error {
path, err := homedir.Expand(path)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("expanding local path: %w", err)
// check that we have the path opened
lps, err := m.localStore.Local(ctx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting local path list: %w", err)
var localPath *storiface.StoragePath
for _, lp := range lps {
if lp.LocalPath == path {
lp := lp // copy to make the linter happy
localPath = &lp
if localPath == nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("no local paths match '%s'", path)
// drop from the persisted storage.json
var found bool
if err := m.ls.SetStorage(func(sc *storiface.StorageConfig) {
out := make([]storiface.LocalPath, 0, len(sc.StoragePaths))
for _, storagePath := range sc.StoragePaths {
if storagePath.Path != path {
out = append(out, storagePath)
found = true
sc.StoragePaths = out
}); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("set storage config: %w", err)
if !found {
// maybe this is fine?
return xerrors.Errorf("path not found in storage.json")
// unregister locally, drop from sector index
return m.localStore.ClosePath(ctx, localPath.ID)
func (m *Manager) RedeclareLocalStorage(ctx context.Context, id *storiface.ID, dropMissing bool) error {
return m.localStore.Redeclare(ctx, id, dropMissing)
func (m *Manager) AddWorker(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
sessID, err := w.Session(ctx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting worker session: %w", err)
if sessID == ClosedWorkerID {
return xerrors.Errorf("worker already closed")
wid := storiface.WorkerID(sessID)
whnd, err := newWorkerHandle(ctx, w)
if err != nil {
return err
tasks, err := w.TaskTypes(ctx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting worker tasks: %w", err)
if m.windowPoStSched.MaybeAddWorker(wid, tasks, whnd) ||
m.winningPoStSched.MaybeAddWorker(wid, tasks, whnd) {
return nil
return m.sched.runWorker(ctx, wid, whnd)
func (m *Manager) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
m.remoteHnd.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func schedNop(context.Context, Worker) error {
return nil
func (m *Manager) schedFetch(sector storiface.SectorRef, ft storiface.SectorFileType, ptype storiface.PathType, am storiface.AcquireMode) func(context.Context, Worker) error {
return func(ctx context.Context, worker Worker) error {
_, err := m.waitSimpleCall(ctx)(worker.Fetch(ctx, sector, ft, ptype, am))
return err
// SectorsUnsealPiece will Unseal the Sealed sector file for the given sector.
// It will schedule the Unsealing task on a worker that either already has the sealed sector files or has space in
// one of it's sealing scratch spaces to store them after fetching them from another worker.
// If the chosen worker already has the Unsealed sector file, we will NOT Unseal the sealed sector file again.
func (m *Manager) SectorsUnsealPiece(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, offset storiface.UnpaddedByteIndex, size abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, ticket abi.SealRandomness, unsealed *cid.Cid) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
log.Debugf("acquire unseal sector lock for sector %d", sector.ID)
if err := m.index.StorageLock(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTSealed|storiface.FTCache|storiface.FTUpdate|storiface.FTUpdateCache, storiface.FTUnsealed); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("acquiring unseal sector lock: %w", err)
// if the selected worker does NOT have the sealed files for the sector, instruct it to fetch it from a worker that has them and
// put it in the sealing scratch space.
sealFetch := func(ctx context.Context, worker Worker) error {
log.Debugf("copy sealed/cache sector data for sector %d", sector.ID)
_, err := m.waitSimpleCall(ctx)(worker.Fetch(ctx, sector, storiface.FTSealed|storiface.FTCache, storiface.PathSealing, storiface.AcquireCopy))
_, err2 := m.waitSimpleCall(ctx)(worker.Fetch(ctx, sector, storiface.FTUpdate|storiface.FTUpdateCache, storiface.PathSealing, storiface.AcquireCopy))
if err != nil && err2 != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("cannot unseal piece. error fetching sealed data: %w. error fetching replica data: %w", err, err2)
return nil
if unsealed == nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("cannot unseal piece (sector: %d, offset: %d size: %d) - unsealed cid is undefined", sector, offset, size)
ssize, err := sector.ProofType.SectorSize()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting sector size: %w", err)
// selector will schedule the Unseal task on a worker that either already has the sealed sector files or has space in
// one of it's sealing scratch spaces to store them after fetching them from another worker.
selector := newExistingSelector(m.index, sector.ID, storiface.FTSealed|storiface.FTCache, true)
log.Debugf("will schedule unseal for sector %d", sector.ID)
err = m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTUnseal, selector, sealFetch, func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
// TODO: make restartable
// NOTE: we're unsealing the whole sector here as with SDR we can't really
// unseal the sector partially. Requesting the whole sector here can
// save us some work in case another piece is requested from here
log.Debugf("calling unseal sector on worker, sectoID=%d", sector.ID)
// Note: This unseal piece call will essentially become a no-op if the worker already has an Unsealed sector file for the given sector.
_, err := m.waitSimpleCall(ctx)(w.UnsealPiece(ctx, sector, 0, abi.PaddedPieceSize(ssize).Unpadded(), ticket, *unsealed))
log.Debugf("completed unseal sector %d", sector.ID)
return err
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("worker UnsealPiece call: %s", err)
// get a selector for moving unsealed sector into long-term storage
fetchSel := newMoveSelector(m.index, sector.ID, storiface.FTUnsealed, storiface.PathStorage, !m.disallowRemoteFinalize)
// move unsealed sector to long-term storage
// Possible TODO: Add an option to not keep the unsealed sector in long term storage?
err = m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTFetch, fetchSel,
m.schedFetch(sector, storiface.FTUnsealed, storiface.PathStorage, storiface.AcquireMove),
func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
_, err := m.waitSimpleCall(ctx)(w.MoveStorage(ctx, sector, storiface.FTUnsealed))
return err
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("moving unsealed sector to long term storage: %w", err)
return nil
func (m *Manager) NewSector(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef) error {
log.Warnf("stub NewSector")
return nil
func (m *Manager) DataCid(ctx context.Context, pieceSize abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, pieceData storiface.Data) (abi.PieceInfo, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
selector := newTaskSelector()
var out abi.PieceInfo
err := m.sched.Schedule(ctx, storiface.NoSectorRef, sealtasks.TTDataCid, selector, schedNop, func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
p, err := m.waitSimpleCall(ctx)(w.DataCid(ctx, pieceSize, pieceData))
if err != nil {
return err
if p != nil {
out = p.(abi.PieceInfo)
return nil
return out, err
func (m *Manager) AddPiece(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, existingPieces []abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, sz abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, r io.Reader) (abi.PieceInfo, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
if err := m.index.StorageLock(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTNone, storiface.FTUnsealed); err != nil {
return abi.PieceInfo{}, xerrors.Errorf("acquiring sector lock: %w", err)
var selector WorkerSelector
var err error
if len(existingPieces) == 0 { // new
selector = newAllocSelector(m.index, storiface.FTUnsealed, storiface.PathSealing)
} else { // use existing
selector = newExistingSelector(m.index, sector.ID, storiface.FTUnsealed, false)
var out abi.PieceInfo
err = m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTAddPiece, selector, schedNop, func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
p, err := m.waitSimpleCall(ctx)(w.AddPiece(ctx, sector, existingPieces, sz, r))
if err != nil {
return err
if p != nil {
out = p.(abi.PieceInfo)
return nil
return out, err
func (m *Manager) SealPreCommit1(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, ticket abi.SealRandomness, pieces []abi.PieceInfo) (out storiface.PreCommit1Out, err error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
wk, wait, cancel, err := m.getWork(ctx, sealtasks.TTPreCommit1, sector, ticket, pieces)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("getWork: %w", err)
defer cancel()
var waitErr error
waitRes := func() {
p, werr := m.waitWork(ctx, wk)
if werr != nil {
waitErr = werr
if p != nil {
out = p.(storiface.PreCommit1Out)
if wait { // already in progress
return out, waitErr
if err := m.index.StorageLock(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTUnsealed, storiface.FTSealed|storiface.FTCache); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("acquiring sector lock: %w", err)
// TODO: also consider where the unsealed data sits
selector := newAllocSelector(m.index, storiface.FTCache|storiface.FTSealed, storiface.PathSealing)
err = m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTPreCommit1, selector, m.schedFetch(sector, storiface.FTUnsealed, storiface.PathSealing, storiface.AcquireMove), func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
err := m.startWork(ctx, w, wk)(w.SealPreCommit1(ctx, sector, ticket, pieces))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, waitErr
func (m *Manager) SealPreCommit2(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, phase1Out storiface.PreCommit1Out) (out storiface.SectorCids, err error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
wk, wait, cancel, err := m.getWork(ctx, sealtasks.TTPreCommit2, sector, phase1Out)
if err != nil {
return storiface.SectorCids{}, xerrors.Errorf("getWork: %w", err)
defer cancel()
var waitErr error
waitRes := func() {
p, werr := m.waitWork(ctx, wk)
if werr != nil {
waitErr = werr
if p != nil {
out = p.(storiface.SectorCids)
if wait { // already in progress
return out, waitErr
if err := m.index.StorageLock(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTSealed, storiface.FTCache); err != nil {
return storiface.SectorCids{}, xerrors.Errorf("acquiring sector lock: %w", err)
selector := newExistingSelector(m.index, sector.ID, storiface.FTCache|storiface.FTSealed, true)
err = m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTPreCommit2, selector, m.schedFetch(sector, storiface.FTCache|storiface.FTSealed, storiface.PathSealing, storiface.AcquireMove), func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
err := m.startWork(ctx, w, wk)(w.SealPreCommit2(ctx, sector, phase1Out))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return storiface.SectorCids{}, err
return out, waitErr
func (m *Manager) SealCommit1(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, ticket abi.SealRandomness, seed abi.InteractiveSealRandomness, pieces []abi.PieceInfo, cids storiface.SectorCids) (out storiface.Commit1Out, err error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
wk, wait, cancel, err := m.getWork(ctx, sealtasks.TTCommit1, sector, ticket, seed, pieces, cids)
if err != nil {
return storiface.Commit1Out{}, xerrors.Errorf("getWork: %w", err)
defer cancel()
var waitErr error
waitRes := func() {
p, werr := m.waitWork(ctx, wk)
if werr != nil {
waitErr = werr
if p != nil {
out = p.(storiface.Commit1Out)
if wait { // already in progress
return out, waitErr
if err := m.index.StorageLock(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTSealed, storiface.FTCache); err != nil {
return storiface.Commit1Out{}, xerrors.Errorf("acquiring sector lock: %w", err)
// NOTE: We set allowFetch to false in so that we always execute on a worker
// with direct access to the data. We want to do that because this step is
// generally very cheap / fast, and transferring data is not worth the effort
selector := newExistingSelector(m.index, sector.ID, storiface.FTCache|storiface.FTSealed, false)
err = m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTCommit1, selector, m.schedFetch(sector, storiface.FTCache|storiface.FTSealed, storiface.PathSealing, storiface.AcquireMove), func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
err := m.startWork(ctx, w, wk)(w.SealCommit1(ctx, sector, ticket, seed, pieces, cids))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, waitErr
func (m *Manager) SealCommit2(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, phase1Out storiface.Commit1Out) (out storiface.Proof, err error) {
wk, wait, cancel, err := m.getWork(ctx, sealtasks.TTCommit2, sector, phase1Out)
if err != nil {
return storiface.Proof{}, xerrors.Errorf("getWork: %w", err)
defer cancel()
var waitErr error
waitRes := func() {
p, werr := m.waitWork(ctx, wk)
if werr != nil {
waitErr = werr
if p != nil {
out = p.(storiface.Proof)
if wait { // already in progress
return out, waitErr
selector := newTaskSelector()
err = m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTCommit2, selector, schedNop, func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
err := m.startWork(ctx, w, wk)(w.SealCommit2(ctx, sector, phase1Out))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, waitErr
// sectorStorageType tries to figure out storage type for a given sector; expects only a single copy of the file in the
// storage system
func (m *Manager) sectorStorageType(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, ft storiface.SectorFileType) (sectorFound bool, ptype storiface.PathType, err error) {
stores, err := m.index.StorageFindSector(ctx, sector.ID, ft, 0, false)
if err != nil {
return false, "", xerrors.Errorf("finding sector: %w", err)
if len(stores) == 0 {
return false, "", nil
for _, store := range stores {
if store.CanSeal {
return true, storiface.PathSealing, nil
return true, storiface.PathStorage, nil
func (m *Manager) FinalizeSector(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
if err := m.index.StorageLock(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTNone, storiface.FTSealed|storiface.FTUnsealed|storiface.FTCache); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("acquiring sector lock: %w", err)
We want to:
- Trim cache
- Move stuff to long-term storage
// remove redundant copies if there are any
if err := m.storage.RemoveCopies(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTUnsealed); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("remove copies (sealed): %w", err)
if err := m.storage.RemoveCopies(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTSealed); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("remove copies (sealed): %w", err)
if err := m.storage.RemoveCopies(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTCache); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("remove copies (cache): %w", err)
// Make sure that the cache files are still in sealing storage; In case not,
// we want to do finalize in long-term storage
_, cachePathType, err := m.sectorStorageType(ctx, sector, storiface.FTCache)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("checking cache storage type: %w", err)
// do the cache trimming wherever the likely still very large cache lives.
// we really don't want to move it.
selector := newExistingSelector(m.index, sector.ID, storiface.FTCache, false)
err = m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTFinalize, selector,
m.schedFetch(sector, storiface.FTCache, cachePathType, storiface.AcquireMove),
func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
_, err := m.waitSimpleCall(ctx)(w.FinalizeSector(ctx, sector))
return err
if err != nil {
return err
// get a selector for moving stuff into long-term storage
fetchSel := newMoveSelector(m.index, sector.ID, storiface.FTCache|storiface.FTSealed, storiface.PathStorage, !m.disallowRemoteFinalize)
// only move the unsealed file if it still exists and needs moving
moveUnsealed := storiface.FTUnsealed
found, unsealedPathType, err := m.sectorStorageType(ctx, sector, storiface.FTUnsealed)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("checking cache storage type: %w", err)
if !found || unsealedPathType == storiface.PathStorage {
moveUnsealed = storiface.FTNone
// move stuff to long-term storage
err = m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTFetch, fetchSel,
m.schedFetch(sector, storiface.FTCache|storiface.FTSealed|moveUnsealed, storiface.PathStorage, storiface.AcquireMove),
func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
_, err := m.waitSimpleCall(ctx)(w.MoveStorage(ctx, sector, storiface.FTCache|storiface.FTSealed|moveUnsealed))
return err
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("moving sector to storage: %w", err)
return nil
func (m *Manager) FinalizeReplicaUpdate(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
if err := m.index.StorageLock(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTNone, storiface.FTSealed|storiface.FTUnsealed|storiface.FTCache|storiface.FTUpdate|storiface.FTUpdateCache); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("acquiring sector lock: %w", err)
// Make sure that the update file is still in sealing storage; In case it already
// isn't, we want to do finalize in long-term storage
pathType := storiface.PathStorage
sealedStores, err := m.index.StorageFindSector(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTUpdate, 0, false)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("finding sealed sector: %w", err)
for _, store := range sealedStores {
if store.CanSeal {
pathType = storiface.PathSealing
// do the cache trimming wherever the likely still large cache lives.
// we really don't want to move it.
selector := newExistingSelector(m.index, sector.ID, storiface.FTUpdateCache, false)
err := m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTFinalizeReplicaUpdate, selector,
m.schedFetch(sector, storiface.FTCache|storiface.FTUpdateCache, pathType, storiface.AcquireMove),
func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
_, err := m.waitSimpleCall(ctx)(w.FinalizeReplicaUpdate(ctx, sector))
return err
if err != nil {
return err
move := func(types storiface.SectorFileType) error {
// get a selector for moving stuff into long-term storage
fetchSel := newMoveSelector(m.index, sector.ID, types, storiface.PathStorage, !m.disallowRemoteFinalize)
err = m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTFetch, fetchSel,
m.schedFetch(sector, types, storiface.PathStorage, storiface.AcquireMove),
func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
_, err := m.waitSimpleCall(ctx)(w.MoveStorage(ctx, sector, types))
return err
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("moving sector to storage: %w", err)
return nil
err = multierr.Append(move(storiface.FTUpdate|storiface.FTUpdateCache), move(storiface.FTCache))
err = multierr.Append(err, move(storiface.FTSealed)) // Sealed separate from cache just in case ReleaseSectorKey was already called
unsealedStores, ferr := m.index.StorageFindSector(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTUnsealed, 0, false)
if err != nil {
err = multierr.Append(err, xerrors.Errorf("find unsealed sector before move: %w", ferr))
} else if len(unsealedStores) > 0 {
// if we found unsealed files, AND have been asked to keep at least one piece, move unsealed
err = multierr.Append(err, move(storiface.FTUnsealed))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("moving sector to storage: %w", err)
return nil
func (m *Manager) ReleaseUnsealed(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, keepUnsealed []storiface.Range) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
if err := m.index.StorageLock(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTNone, storiface.FTUnsealed); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("acquiring sector lock: %w", err)
found, pathType, err := m.sectorStorageType(ctx, sector, storiface.FTUnsealed)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("checking cache storage type: %w", err)
if !found {
// already removed
return nil
selector := newExistingSelector(m.index, sector.ID, storiface.FTUnsealed, false)
return m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTFinalizeUnsealed, selector, m.schedFetch(sector, storiface.FTUnsealed, pathType, storiface.AcquireMove), func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
_, err := m.waitSimpleCall(ctx)(w.ReleaseUnsealed(ctx, sector, keepUnsealed))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Manager) ReleaseSectorKey(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
if err := m.index.StorageLock(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTNone, storiface.FTSealed); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("acquiring sector lock: %w", err)
return m.storage.Remove(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTSealed, true, nil)
func (m *Manager) ReleaseReplicaUpgrade(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
if err := m.index.StorageLock(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTNone, storiface.FTUpdateCache|storiface.FTUpdate); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("acquiring sector lock: %w", err)
if err := m.storage.Remove(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTUpdateCache, true, nil); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("removing update cache: %w", err)
if err := m.storage.Remove(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTUpdate, true, nil); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("removing update: %w", err)
return nil
func (m *Manager) GenerateSectorKeyFromData(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, commD cid.Cid) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
wk, wait, cancel, err := m.getWork(ctx, sealtasks.TTRegenSectorKey, sector, commD)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getWork: %w", err)
defer cancel()
var waitErr error
waitRes := func() {
_, werr := m.waitWork(ctx, wk)
if werr != nil {
waitErr = werr
if wait { // already in progress
return waitErr
if err := m.index.StorageLock(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTUnsealed|storiface.FTUpdate|storiface.FTUpdateCache, storiface.FTSealed|storiface.FTCache); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("acquiring sector lock: %w", err)
// NOTE: We set allowFetch to false in so that we always execute on a worker
// with direct access to the data. We want to do that because this step is
// generally very cheap / fast, and transferring data is not worth the effort
selector := newExistingSelector(m.index, sector.ID, storiface.FTUnsealed|storiface.FTUpdate|storiface.FTUpdateCache|storiface.FTCache, true)
err = m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTRegenSectorKey, selector, m.schedFetch(sector, storiface.FTUpdate|storiface.FTUnsealed, storiface.PathSealing, storiface.AcquireMove), func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
err := m.startWork(ctx, w, wk)(w.GenerateSectorKeyFromData(ctx, sector, commD))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return waitErr
func (m *Manager) Remove(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
if err := m.index.StorageLock(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTNone, storiface.FTSealed|storiface.FTUnsealed|storiface.FTCache|storiface.FTUpdate|storiface.FTUpdateCache); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("acquiring sector lock: %w", err)
var err error
if rerr := m.storage.Remove(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTSealed, true, nil); rerr != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, xerrors.Errorf("removing sector (sealed): %w", rerr))
if rerr := m.storage.Remove(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTCache, true, nil); rerr != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, xerrors.Errorf("removing sector (cache): %w", rerr))
if rerr := m.storage.Remove(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTUnsealed, true, nil); rerr != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, xerrors.Errorf("removing sector (unsealed): %w", rerr))
if rerr := m.storage.Remove(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTUpdate, true, nil); rerr != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, xerrors.Errorf("removing sector (unsealed): %w", rerr))
if rerr := m.storage.Remove(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTUpdateCache, true, nil); rerr != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, xerrors.Errorf("removing sector (unsealed): %w", rerr))
return err
func (m *Manager) ReplicaUpdate(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, pieces []abi.PieceInfo) (out storiface.ReplicaUpdateOut, err error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
log.Debugf("manager is doing replica update")
wk, wait, cancel, err := m.getWork(ctx, sealtasks.TTReplicaUpdate, sector, pieces)
if err != nil {
return storiface.ReplicaUpdateOut{}, xerrors.Errorf("getWork: %w", err)
defer cancel()
var waitErr error
waitRes := func() {
p, werr := m.waitWork(ctx, wk)
if werr != nil {
waitErr = xerrors.Errorf("waitWork: %w", werr)
if p != nil {
out = p.(storiface.ReplicaUpdateOut)
if wait { // already in progress
return out, waitErr
if err := m.index.StorageLock(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTUnsealed|storiface.FTSealed|storiface.FTCache, storiface.FTUpdate|storiface.FTUpdateCache); err != nil {
return storiface.ReplicaUpdateOut{}, xerrors.Errorf("acquiring sector lock: %w", err)
selector := newAllocSelector(m.index, storiface.FTUpdate|storiface.FTUpdateCache, storiface.PathSealing)
err = m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTReplicaUpdate, selector, m.schedFetch(sector, storiface.FTUnsealed|storiface.FTSealed|storiface.FTCache, storiface.PathSealing, storiface.AcquireCopy), func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
err := m.startWork(ctx, w, wk)(w.ReplicaUpdate(ctx, sector, pieces))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("startWork: %w", err)
return nil
if err != nil {
return storiface.ReplicaUpdateOut{}, xerrors.Errorf("Schedule: %w", err)
return out, waitErr
func (m *Manager) ProveReplicaUpdate1(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, sectorKey, newSealed, newUnsealed cid.Cid) (out storiface.ReplicaVanillaProofs, err error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
wk, wait, cancel, err := m.getWork(ctx, sealtasks.TTProveReplicaUpdate1, sector, sectorKey, newSealed, newUnsealed)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("getWork: %w", err)
defer cancel()
var waitErr error
waitRes := func() {
p, werr := m.waitWork(ctx, wk)
if werr != nil {
waitErr = werr
if p != nil {
out = p.(storiface.ReplicaVanillaProofs)
if wait { // already in progress
return out, waitErr
if err := m.index.StorageLock(ctx, sector.ID, storiface.FTSealed|storiface.FTUpdate|storiface.FTCache|storiface.FTUpdateCache, storiface.FTNone); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("acquiring sector lock: %w", err)
// NOTE: We set allowFetch to false in so that we always execute on a worker
// with direct access to the data. We want to do that because this step is
// generally very cheap / fast, and transferring data is not worth the effort
selector := newExistingSelector(m.index, sector.ID, storiface.FTUpdate|storiface.FTUpdateCache, false)
err = m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTProveReplicaUpdate1, selector, m.schedFetch(sector, storiface.FTSealed|storiface.FTCache|storiface.FTUpdate|storiface.FTUpdateCache, storiface.PathSealing, storiface.AcquireCopy), func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
err := m.startWork(ctx, w, wk)(w.ProveReplicaUpdate1(ctx, sector, sectorKey, newSealed, newUnsealed))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, waitErr
func (m *Manager) ProveReplicaUpdate2(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, sectorKey, newSealed, newUnsealed cid.Cid, vanillaProofs storiface.ReplicaVanillaProofs) (out storiface.ReplicaUpdateProof, err error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
wk, wait, cancel, err := m.getWork(ctx, sealtasks.TTProveReplicaUpdate2, sector, sectorKey, newSealed, newUnsealed, vanillaProofs)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("getWork: %w", err)
defer cancel()
var waitErr error
waitRes := func() {
p, werr := m.waitWork(ctx, wk)
if werr != nil {
waitErr = werr
if p != nil {
out = p.(storiface.ReplicaUpdateProof)
if wait { // already in progress
return out, waitErr
selector := newTaskSelector()
err = m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTProveReplicaUpdate2, selector, schedNop, func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
err := m.startWork(ctx, w, wk)(w.ProveReplicaUpdate2(ctx, sector, sectorKey, newSealed, newUnsealed, vanillaProofs))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, waitErr
func (m *Manager) DownloadSectorData(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, finalized bool, src map[storiface.SectorFileType]storiface.SectorLocation) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
var toFetch storiface.SectorFileType
// get a sorted list of sectors files to make a consistent work key from
ents := make([]struct {
T storiface.SectorFileType
S storiface.SectorLocation
}, 0, len(src))
for fileType, data := range src {
if len(fileType.AllSet()) != 1 {
return xerrors.Errorf("sector data entry must be for a single file type")
toFetch |= fileType
ents = append(ents, struct {
T storiface.SectorFileType
S storiface.SectorLocation
}{T: fileType, S: data})
sort.Slice(ents, func(i, j int) bool {
return ents[i].T < ents[j].T
// get a work key
wk, wait, cancel, err := m.getWork(ctx, sealtasks.TTDownloadSector, sector, ents)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getWork: %w", err)
defer cancel()
var waitErr error
waitRes := func() {
_, werr := m.waitWork(ctx, wk)
if werr != nil {
waitErr = werr
if wait { // already in progress
return waitErr
ptype := storiface.PathSealing
if finalized {
ptype = storiface.PathStorage
selector := newAllocSelector(m.index, toFetch, ptype)
err = m.sched.Schedule(ctx, sector, sealtasks.TTDownloadSector, selector, schedNop, func(ctx context.Context, w Worker) error {
err := m.startWork(ctx, w, wk)(w.DownloadSectorData(ctx, sector, finalized, src))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return waitErr
func (m *Manager) ReturnDataCid(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, pi abi.PieceInfo, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, pi, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnAddPiece(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, pi abi.PieceInfo, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, pi, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnSealPreCommit1(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, p1o storiface.PreCommit1Out, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, p1o, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnSealPreCommit2(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, sealed storiface.SectorCids, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, sealed, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnSealCommit1(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, out storiface.Commit1Out, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, out, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnSealCommit2(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, proof storiface.Proof, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, proof, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnFinalizeSector(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, nil, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnReleaseUnsealed(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, nil, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnReplicaUpdate(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, out storiface.ReplicaUpdateOut, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, out, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnProveReplicaUpdate1(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, out storiface.ReplicaVanillaProofs, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, out, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnProveReplicaUpdate2(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, proof storiface.ReplicaUpdateProof, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, proof, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnFinalizeReplicaUpdate(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, nil, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnGenerateSectorKeyFromData(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, nil, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnMoveStorage(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, nil, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnUnsealPiece(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, nil, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnReadPiece(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, ok bool, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, ok, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnDownloadSector(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, nil, err)
func (m *Manager) ReturnFetch(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, err *storiface.CallError) error {
return m.returnResult(ctx, callID, nil, err)
func (m *Manager) StorageLocal(ctx context.Context) (map[storiface.ID]string, error) {
l, err := m.localStore.Local(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out := map[storiface.ID]string{}
for _, st := range l {
out[st.ID] = st.LocalPath
return out, nil
func (m *Manager) FsStat(ctx context.Context, id storiface.ID) (fsutil.FsStat, error) {
return m.storage.FsStat(ctx, id)
func (m *Manager) SchedDiag(ctx context.Context, doSched bool) (interface{}, error) {
if doSched {
select {
case m.sched.workerChange <- struct{}{}:
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
si, err := m.sched.Info(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
type SchedInfo interface{}
i := struct {
ReturnedWork []string
Waiting []string
CallToWork map[string]string
EarlyRet []string
SchedInfo: si,
CallToWork: map[string]string{},
for w := range m.results {
i.ReturnedWork = append(i.ReturnedWork, w.String())
for id := range m.callRes {
i.EarlyRet = append(i.EarlyRet, id.String())
for w := range m.waitRes {
i.Waiting = append(i.Waiting, w.String())
for c, w := range m.callToWork {
i.CallToWork[c.String()] = w.String()
return i, nil
func (m *Manager) RemoveSchedRequest(ctx context.Context, schedId uuid.UUID) error {
return m.sched.RemoveRequest(ctx, schedId)
func (m *Manager) Close(ctx context.Context) error {
return m.sched.Close(ctx)
var _ Unsealer = &Manager{}
var _ SectorManager = &Manager{}