1. Miners wait for all client's signal to stop mining 2. Miners don't care about client addresses 3. Moved collect methods to node.go
281 lines
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281 lines
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package main
import (
files "github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs-files"
ipld "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-format"
dag "github.com/ipfs/go-merkledag"
dstest "github.com/ipfs/go-merkledag/test"
unixfile "github.com/ipfs/go-unixfs/file"
// This is the basline test; Filecoin 101.
// A network with a bootstrapper, a number of miners, and a number of clients/full nodes
// is constructed and connected through the bootstrapper.
// Some funds are allocated to each node and a number of sectors are presealed in the genesis block.
// The test plan:
// One or more clients store content to one or more miners, testing storage deals.
// The plan ensures that the storage deals hit the blockchain and measure the time it took.
// Verification: one or more clients retrieve and verify the hashes of stored content.
// The plan ensures that all (previously) published content can be correctly retrieved
// and measures the time it took.
// Preparation of the genesis block: this is the responsibility of the bootstrapper.
// In order to compute the genesis block, we need to collect identities and presealed
// sectors from each node.
// The we create a genesis block that allocates some funds to each node and collects
// the presealed sectors.
var baselineRoles = map[string]func(*TestEnvironment) error{
"bootstrapper": runBaselineBootstrapper,
"miner": runBaselineMiner,
"client": runBaselineClient,
func runBaselineBootstrapper(t *TestEnvironment) error {
t.RecordMessage("running bootstrapper")
_, err := prepareBootstrapper(t)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx := context.Background()
t.SyncClient.MustSignalAndWait(ctx, stateDone, t.TestInstanceCount)
return nil
func runBaselineMiner(t *TestEnvironment) error {
t.RecordMessage("running miner")
miner, err := prepareMiner(t)
if err != nil {
return err
// mine / stop mining
mine := true
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(done)
for mine {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
//t.RecordMessage("mine one block")
// wait and synchronise
if err := miner.MineOne(context.TODO(), func(bool) {
// after a block is mined
}); err != nil {
// wait for a signal from all clients to stop mining
clients := t.IntParam("clients")
err = <-t.SyncClient.MustBarrier(context.Background(), stateStopMining, clients).C
if err != nil {
return err
mine = false
t.RecordMessage("shutting down mining")
t.SyncClient.MustSignalAndWait(context.Background(), stateDone, t.TestInstanceCount)
return nil
func runBaselineClient(t *TestEnvironment) error {
t.RecordMessage("running client")
cl, err := prepareClient(t)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx := context.Background()
addrs, err := collectMinerAddrs(t, ctx, t.IntParam("miners"))
if err != nil {
return err
client := cl.fullApi.(*impl.FullNodeAPI)
t.RecordMessage("got %v miner addrs", len(addrs))
// select a random miner
minerAddr := addrs[rand.Intn(len(addrs))]
if err := client.NetConnect(ctx, minerAddr.PeerAddr); err != nil {
return err
t.RecordMessage("selected %s as the miner", minerAddr.ActorAddr)
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
// generate random data
data := make([]byte, 1600)
r := bytes.NewReader(data)
fcid, err := client.ClientImportLocal(ctx, r)
if err != nil {
return err
t.RecordMessage("file cid: %s", fcid)
// start deal
deal := startDeal(ctx, minerAddr.ActorAddr, client, fcid)
t.RecordMessage("started deal: %s", deal)
// TODO: this sleep is only necessary because deals don't immediately get logged in the dealstore, we should fix this
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
t.RecordMessage("waiting for deal to be sealed")
waitDealSealed(t, ctx, client, deal)
carExport := true
t.RecordMessage("trying to retrieve %s", fcid)
retrieveData(t, ctx, err, client, fcid, carExport, data)
t.SyncClient.MustSignalEntry(ctx, stateStopMining)
// TODO broadcast published content CIDs to other clients
// TODO select a random piece of content published by some other client and retrieve it
t.SyncClient.MustSignalAndWait(ctx, stateDone, t.TestInstanceCount)
return nil
func startDeal(ctx context.Context, minerActorAddr address.Address, client *impl.FullNodeAPI, fcid cid.Cid) *cid.Cid {
addr, err := client.WalletDefaultAddress(ctx)
if err != nil {
deal, err := client.ClientStartDeal(ctx, &api.StartDealParams{
Data: &storagemarket.DataRef{Root: fcid},
Wallet: addr,
Miner: minerActorAddr,
EpochPrice: types.NewInt(1000000),
MinBlocksDuration: 1000,
if err != nil {
return deal
func waitDealSealed(t *TestEnvironment, ctx context.Context, client *impl.FullNodeAPI, deal *cid.Cid) {
for {
di, err := client.ClientGetDealInfo(ctx, *deal)
if err != nil {
switch di.State {
case storagemarket.StorageDealProposalRejected:
panic("deal rejected")
case storagemarket.StorageDealFailing:
panic("deal failed")
case storagemarket.StorageDealError:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("deal errored %s", di.Message))
case storagemarket.StorageDealActive:
t.RecordMessage("completed deal: %s", di)
break loop
t.RecordMessage("deal state: %s", storagemarket.DealStates[di.State])
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
func retrieveData(t *TestEnvironment, ctx context.Context, err error, client *impl.FullNodeAPI, fcid cid.Cid, carExport bool, data []byte) {
offers, err := client.ClientFindData(ctx, fcid)
if err != nil {
if len(offers) < 1 {
panic("no offers")
rpath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "lotus-retrieve-test-")
if err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(rpath)
caddr, err := client.WalletDefaultAddress(ctx)
if err != nil {
ref := &api.FileRef{
Path: filepath.Join(rpath, "ret"),
IsCAR: carExport,
err = client.ClientRetrieve(ctx, offers[0].Order(caddr), ref)
if err != nil {
rdata, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(rpath, "ret"))
if err != nil {
if carExport {
rdata = extractCarData(ctx, rdata, rpath)
if !bytes.Equal(rdata, data) {
panic("wrong data retrieved")
t.RecordMessage("retrieved successfully")
func extractCarData(ctx context.Context, rdata []byte, rpath string) []byte {
bserv := dstest.Bserv()
ch, err := car.LoadCar(bserv.Blockstore(), bytes.NewReader(rdata))
if err != nil {
b, err := bserv.GetBlock(ctx, ch.Roots[0])
if err != nil {
nd, err := ipld.Decode(b)
if err != nil {
dserv := dag.NewDAGService(bserv)
fil, err := unixfile.NewUnixfsFile(ctx, dserv, nd)
if err != nil {
outPath := filepath.Join(rpath, "retLoadedCAR")
if err := files.WriteTo(fil, outPath); err != nil {
rdata, err = ioutil.ReadFile(outPath)
if err != nil {
return rdata