Steven Allen 5733c71c50 Lint everything
We were ignoring quite a few error cases, and had one case where we weren't
actually updating state where we wanted to. Unfortunately, if the linter doesn't
pass, nobody has any reason to actually check lint failures in CI.

There are three remaining XXXs marked in the code for lint.
2020-08-20 20:46:36 -07:00

419 lines
11 KiB

//go:generate go run ./gen
package sealing
import (
statemachine "github.com/filecoin-project/go-statemachine"
func (m *Sealing) Plan(events []statemachine.Event, user interface{}) (interface{}, uint64, error) {
next, err := m.plan(events, user.(*SectorInfo))
if err != nil || next == nil {
return nil, uint64(len(events)), err
return func(ctx statemachine.Context, si SectorInfo) error {
err := next(ctx, si)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unhandled sector error (%d): %+v", si.SectorNumber, err)
return nil
return nil
}, uint64(len(events)), nil // TODO: This processed event count is not very correct
var fsmPlanners = map[SectorState]func(events []statemachine.Event, state *SectorInfo) error{
// Sealing
UndefinedSectorState: planOne(
on(SectorStart{}, Empty),
on(SectorStartCC{}, Packing),
Empty: planOne(on(SectorAddPiece{}, WaitDeals)),
WaitDeals: planOne(
on(SectorAddPiece{}, WaitDeals),
on(SectorStartPacking{}, Packing),
Packing: planOne(on(SectorPacked{}, PreCommit1)),
PreCommit1: planOne(
on(SectorPreCommit1{}, PreCommit2),
on(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{}, SealPreCommit1Failed),
on(SectorPackingFailed{}, PackingFailed),
PreCommit2: planOne(
on(SectorPreCommit2{}, PreCommitting),
on(SectorSealPreCommit2Failed{}, SealPreCommit2Failed),
on(SectorPackingFailed{}, PackingFailed),
PreCommitting: planOne(
on(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{}, SealPreCommit1Failed),
on(SectorPreCommitted{}, PreCommitWait),
on(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{}, PreCommitFailed),
on(SectorPreCommitLanded{}, WaitSeed),
PreCommitWait: planOne(
on(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{}, PreCommitFailed),
on(SectorPreCommitLanded{}, WaitSeed),
WaitSeed: planOne(
on(SectorSeedReady{}, Committing),
on(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{}, PreCommitFailed),
Committing: planCommitting,
CommitWait: planOne(
on(SectorProving{}, FinalizeSector),
on(SectorCommitFailed{}, CommitFailed),
FinalizeSector: planOne(
on(SectorFinalized{}, Proving),
on(SectorFinalizeFailed{}, FinalizeFailed),
// Sealing errors
SealPreCommit1Failed: planOne(
on(SectorRetrySealPreCommit1{}, PreCommit1),
SealPreCommit2Failed: planOne(
on(SectorRetrySealPreCommit1{}, PreCommit1),
on(SectorRetrySealPreCommit2{}, PreCommit2),
PreCommitFailed: planOne(
on(SectorRetryPreCommit{}, PreCommitting),
on(SectorRetryWaitSeed{}, WaitSeed),
on(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{}, SealPreCommit1Failed),
on(SectorPreCommitLanded{}, WaitSeed),
ComputeProofFailed: planOne(
on(SectorRetryComputeProof{}, Committing),
on(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{}, SealPreCommit1Failed),
CommitFailed: planOne(
on(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{}, SealPreCommit1Failed),
on(SectorRetryWaitSeed{}, WaitSeed),
on(SectorRetryComputeProof{}, Committing),
on(SectorRetryInvalidProof{}, Committing),
on(SectorRetryPreCommitWait{}, PreCommitWait),
on(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{}, PreCommitFailed),
on(SectorRetryPreCommit{}, PreCommitting),
on(SectorRetryCommitWait{}, CommitWait),
FinalizeFailed: planOne(
on(SectorRetryFinalize{}, FinalizeSector),
// Post-seal
Proving: planOne(
on(SectorFaultReported{}, FaultReported),
on(SectorFaulty{}, Faulty),
on(SectorRemove{}, Removing),
Removing: planOne(
on(SectorRemoved{}, Removed),
on(SectorRemoveFailed{}, RemoveFailed),
Faulty: planOne(
on(SectorFaultReported{}, FaultReported),
FaultedFinal: final,
Removed: final,
func (m *Sealing) plan(events []statemachine.Event, state *SectorInfo) (func(statemachine.Context, SectorInfo) error, error) {
// First process all events
for _, event := range events {
e, err := json.Marshal(event)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("marshaling event for logging: %+v", err)
l := Log{
Timestamp: uint64(time.Now().Unix()),
Message: string(e),
Kind: fmt.Sprintf("event;%T", event.User),
if err, iserr := event.User.(xerrors.Formatter); iserr {
l.Trace = fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err)
if len(state.Log) > 8000 {
log.Warnw("truncating sector log", "sector", state.SectorNumber)
state.Log[2000] = Log{
Timestamp: uint64(time.Now().Unix()),
Message: "truncating log (above 8000 entries)",
Kind: fmt.Sprintf("truncate"),
state.Log = append(state.Log[:2000], state.Log[:6000]...)
state.Log = append(state.Log, l)
p := fsmPlanners[state.State]
if p == nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("planner for state %s not found", state.State)
if err := p(events, state); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("running planner for state %s failed: %w", state.State, err)
// Now decide what to do next
* Empty <- incoming deals
| |
| v
*<- WaitDeals <- incoming deals
| |
| v
*<- Packing <- incoming committed capacity
| |
| v
*<- PreCommit1 <--> SealPreCommit1Failed
| | ^ ^^
| | *----------++----\
| v v || |
*<- PreCommit2 --------++--> SealPreCommit2Failed
| | ||
| v /-------/|
* PreCommitting <-----+---> PreCommitFailed
| | | ^
| v | |
*<- WaitSeed -----------+-----/
| ||| ^ |
| ||| \--------*-----/
| ||| |
| vvv v----+----> ComputeProofFailed
*<- Committing |
| | ^--> CommitFailed
| v ^
*<- CommitWait ---/
| |
| v
| FinalizeSector <--> FinalizeFailed
| |
| v
*<- Proving
UndefinedSectorState <- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
| ^
m.stats.updateSector(m.minerSector(state.SectorNumber), state.State)
switch state.State {
// Happy path
case Empty:
case WaitDeals:
log.Infof("Waiting for deals %d", state.SectorNumber)
case Packing:
return m.handlePacking, nil
case PreCommit1:
return m.handlePreCommit1, nil
case PreCommit2:
return m.handlePreCommit2, nil
case PreCommitting:
return m.handlePreCommitting, nil
case PreCommitWait:
return m.handlePreCommitWait, nil
case WaitSeed:
return m.handleWaitSeed, nil
case Committing:
return m.handleCommitting, nil
case CommitWait:
return m.handleCommitWait, nil
case FinalizeSector:
return m.handleFinalizeSector, nil
// Handled failure modes
case SealPreCommit1Failed:
return m.handleSealPrecommit1Failed, nil
case SealPreCommit2Failed:
return m.handleSealPrecommit2Failed, nil
case PreCommitFailed:
return m.handlePreCommitFailed, nil
case ComputeProofFailed:
return m.handleComputeProofFailed, nil
case CommitFailed:
return m.handleCommitFailed, nil
case FinalizeFailed:
return m.handleFinalizeFailed, nil
// Post-seal
case Proving:
return m.handleProvingSector, nil
case Removing:
return m.handleRemoving, nil
case Removed:
return nil, nil
// Faults
case Faulty:
return m.handleFaulty, nil
case FaultReported:
return m.handleFaultReported, nil
// Fatal errors
case UndefinedSectorState:
log.Error("sector update with undefined state!")
case FailedUnrecoverable:
log.Errorf("sector %d failed unrecoverably", state.SectorNumber)
log.Errorf("unexpected sector update state: %s", state.State)
return nil, nil
func planCommitting(events []statemachine.Event, state *SectorInfo) error {
for _, event := range events {
switch e := event.User.(type) {
case globalMutator:
if e.applyGlobal(state) {
return nil
case SectorCommitted: // the normal case
state.State = CommitWait
case SectorSeedReady: // seed changed :/
if e.SeedEpoch == state.SeedEpoch && bytes.Equal(e.SeedValue, state.SeedValue) {
log.Warnf("planCommitting: got SectorSeedReady, but the seed didn't change")
continue // or it didn't!
log.Warnf("planCommitting: commit Seed changed")
state.State = Committing
return nil
case SectorComputeProofFailed:
state.State = ComputeProofFailed
case SectorSealPreCommit1Failed:
state.State = SealPreCommit1Failed
case SectorCommitFailed:
state.State = CommitFailed
case SectorRetryCommitWait:
state.State = CommitWait
return xerrors.Errorf("planCommitting got event of unknown type %T, events: %+v", event.User, events)
return nil
func (m *Sealing) restartSectors(ctx context.Context) error {
trackedSectors, err := m.ListSectors()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("loading sector list: %+v", err)
cfg, err := m.getConfig()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting the sealing delay: %w", err)
for _, sector := range trackedSectors {
if err := m.sectors.Send(uint64(sector.SectorNumber), SectorRestart{}); err != nil {
log.Errorf("restarting sector %d: %+v", sector.SectorNumber, err)
if sector.State == WaitDeals {
if cfg.WaitDealsDelay > 0 {
timer := time.NewTimer(cfg.WaitDealsDelay)
go func() {
if err := m.StartPacking(sector.SectorNumber); err != nil {
log.Errorf("starting sector %d: %+v", sector.SectorNumber, err)
// TODO: Grab on-chain sector set and diff with trackedSectors
return nil
func (m *Sealing) ForceSectorState(ctx context.Context, id abi.SectorNumber, state SectorState) error {
return m.sectors.Send(id, SectorForceState{state})
func final(events []statemachine.Event, state *SectorInfo) error {
return xerrors.Errorf("didn't expect any events in state %s, got %+v", state.State, events)
func on(mut mutator, next SectorState) func() (mutator, SectorState) {
return func() (mutator, SectorState) {
return mut, next
func planOne(ts ...func() (mut mutator, next SectorState)) func(events []statemachine.Event, state *SectorInfo) error {
return func(events []statemachine.Event, state *SectorInfo) error {
if len(events) != 1 {
for _, event := range events {
if gm, ok := event.User.(globalMutator); ok {
return nil
return xerrors.Errorf("planner for state %s only has a plan for a single event only, got %+v", state.State, events)
if gm, ok := events[0].User.(globalMutator); ok {
return nil
for _, t := range ts {
mut, next := t()
if reflect.TypeOf(events[0].User) != reflect.TypeOf(mut) {
if err, iserr := events[0].User.(error); iserr {
log.Warnf("sector %d got error event %T: %+v", state.SectorNumber, events[0].User, err)
state.State = next
return nil
_, ok := events[0].User.(Ignorable)
if ok {
return nil
return xerrors.Errorf("planner for state %s received unexpected event %T (%+v)", state.State, events[0].User, events[0])