2019-11-06 20:00:04 +01:00

124 lines
4.0 KiB

import React from 'react';
import Address from "./Address";
import Window from "./Window";
import Fil from "./Fil";
const dealStates = [
class Client extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
miners: ["t0101"],
ask: {Price: "1000000000"}, // 2x min default ask to account for bin packing (could also do the math correctly below, but..)
kbs: 1,
blocks: 12,
total: 36000,
miner: "t0101",
deals: [],
blockDelay: 10,
async componentDidMount() {
let ver = await this.props.client.call('Filecoin.Version', [])
this.setState({blockDelay: ver.BlockDelay})
setInterval(this.getDeals, 1325)
getDeals = async () => {
let miners = await this.props.client.call('Filecoin.StateListMiners', [null])
let deals = await this.props.client.call('Filecoin.ClientListDeals', [])
this.setState({deals, miners})
update = (name) => (e) => this.setState({ [name]: e.target.value });
makeDeal = async () => {
let perBlk = this.state.ask.Price * this.state.kbs * 1000 / (1 << 30) * 2
let file = await this.props.pondClient.call('Pond.CreateRandomFile', [this.state.kbs * 1000]) // 1024 won't fit in 1k blocks :(
let cid = await this.props.client.call('Filecoin.ClientImport', [file])
let dealcid = await this.props.client.call('Filecoin.ClientStartDeal', [cid, this.state.miner, `${Math.round(perBlk)}`, Number(this.state.blocks)])
console.log("deal cid: ", dealcid)
retrieve = (deal) => async () => {
let client = await this.props.client.call('Filecoin.WalletDefaultAddress', [])
let order = {
Root: deal.PieceRef,
Size: deal.Size,
// TODO: support offset
Total: String(deal.Size * 2),
Client: client,
Miner: deal.Miner
await this.props.client.call('Filecoin.ClientRetrieve', [order, '/dev/null'])
render() {
let perBlk = this.state.ask.Price * this.state.kbs * 1000
let total = perBlk * this.state.blocks
let days = (this.state.blocks * this.state.blockDelay) / 60 / 60 / 24
let dealMaker = <div hidden={!this.props.pondClient}>
<span>Make Deal: </span>
<select>{this.state.miners.map(m => <option key={m} value={m}>{m}</option>)}</select>
<span> Ask: <b><Fil>{this.state.ask.Price}</Fil></b> Fil/Byte/Block</span>
Data Size: <input type="text" placeholder="KBs" defaultValue={1} onChange={this.update("kbs")} style={{width: "5em"}}/>KB;
Duration:<input type="text" placeholder="blocks" defaultValue={12} onChange={this.update("blocks")} style={{width: "5em"}}/>Blocks
Total: <Fil>{total}</Fil>; {days} Days
<button onClick={this.makeDeal}>Deal!</button>
let deals = this.state.deals.map((deal, i) => <div key={i}>
<li>{i}. Proposal: {deal.ProposalCid['/'].substr(0, 18)}... <Address nobalance={true} client={this.props.client} addr={deal.Provider} mountWindow={this.props.mountWindow}/>: <b>{dealStates[deal.State]}</b>
{dealStates[deal.State] === 'Complete' ? <span>&nbsp;<a href="#" onClick={this.retrieve(deal)}>[Retrieve]</a></span> : <span/> }
<li>Data: {deal.PieceRef['/']}, <b>{deal.Size}</b>B; Duration: <b>{deal.Duration}</b>Blocks</li>
<li>Total: <b>{deal.TotalPrice}</b>FIL; Per Block: <b>{Math.round(deal.TotalPrice / deal.Duration * 100) / 100}</b>FIL; PerMbyteByteBlock: <b>{Math.round(deal.TotalPrice / deal.Duration / (deal.Size / 1000000) * 100) / 100}</b>FIL</li>
return <Window title={"Client - Node " + this.props.node.ID} onClose={this.props.onClose} initialSize={{width: 600, height: 400}}>
<div className="Client">
export default Client