2024-04-04 18:06:19 +02:00

768 lines
21 KiB

package paths
import (
gopath "path"
var HeartbeatInterval = 10 * time.Second
var SkippedHeartbeatThresh = HeartbeatInterval * 5
//go:generate go run github.com/golang/mock/mockgen -destination=mocks/index.go -package=mocks . SectorIndex
type SectorIndex interface { // part of storage-miner api
StorageAttach(context.Context, storiface.StorageInfo, fsutil.FsStat) error
StorageDetach(ctx context.Context, id storiface.ID, url string) error
StorageInfo(context.Context, storiface.ID) (storiface.StorageInfo, error)
StorageReportHealth(context.Context, storiface.ID, storiface.HealthReport) error
StorageDeclareSector(ctx context.Context, storageID storiface.ID, s abi.SectorID, ft storiface.SectorFileType, primary bool) error
StorageDropSector(ctx context.Context, storageID storiface.ID, s abi.SectorID, ft storiface.SectorFileType) error
StorageFindSector(ctx context.Context, sector abi.SectorID, ft storiface.SectorFileType, ssize abi.SectorSize, allowFetch bool) ([]storiface.SectorStorageInfo, error)
StorageBestAlloc(ctx context.Context, allocate storiface.SectorFileType, ssize abi.SectorSize, pathType storiface.PathType, miner abi.ActorID) ([]storiface.StorageInfo, error)
// atomically acquire locks on all sector file types. close ctx to unlock
StorageLock(ctx context.Context, sector abi.SectorID, read storiface.SectorFileType, write storiface.SectorFileType) error
StorageTryLock(ctx context.Context, sector abi.SectorID, read storiface.SectorFileType, write storiface.SectorFileType) (bool, error)
StorageGetLocks(ctx context.Context) (storiface.SectorLocks, error)
StorageList(ctx context.Context) (map[storiface.ID][]storiface.Decl, error)
type declMeta struct {
storage storiface.ID
primary bool
type storageEntry struct {
info *storiface.StorageInfo
fsi fsutil.FsStat
lastHeartbeat time.Time
heartbeatErr error
// MemIndex represents an in-memory index of storage sectors and storage entries.
type MemIndex struct {
lk sync.RWMutex
// optional
alerting *alerting.Alerting
pathAlerts map[storiface.ID]alerting.AlertType
sectors map[storiface.Decl][]*declMeta
stores map[storiface.ID]*storageEntry
func NewMemIndex(al *alerting.Alerting) *MemIndex {
return &MemIndex{
indexLocks: &indexLocks{
locks: map[abi.SectorID]*sectorLock{},
alerting: al,
pathAlerts: map[storiface.ID]alerting.AlertType{},
sectors: map[storiface.Decl][]*declMeta{},
stores: map[storiface.ID]*storageEntry{},
func (i *MemIndex) StorageList(ctx context.Context) (map[storiface.ID][]storiface.Decl, error) {
defer i.lk.RUnlock()
byID := map[storiface.ID]map[abi.SectorID]storiface.SectorFileType{}
for id := range i.stores {
byID[id] = map[abi.SectorID]storiface.SectorFileType{}
for decl, ids := range i.sectors {
for _, id := range ids {
byID[id.storage][decl.SectorID] |= decl.SectorFileType
out := map[storiface.ID][]storiface.Decl{}
for id, m := range byID {
out[id] = []storiface.Decl{}
for sectorID, fileType := range m {
out[id] = append(out[id], storiface.Decl{
SectorID: sectorID,
SectorFileType: fileType,
return out, nil
func (i *MemIndex) StorageAttach(ctx context.Context, si storiface.StorageInfo, st fsutil.FsStat) error {
var allow, deny = make([]string, 0, len(si.AllowTypes)), make([]string, 0, len(si.DenyTypes))
if _, hasAlert := i.pathAlerts[si.ID]; i.alerting != nil && !hasAlert {
i.pathAlerts[si.ID] = i.alerting.AddAlertType("sector-index", "pathconf-"+string(si.ID))
var hasConfigIssues bool
for id, typ := range si.AllowTypes {
_, err := storiface.TypeFromString(typ)
if err != nil {
// No need to hard-fail here, just warn the user
// (note that even with all-invalid entries we'll deny all types, so nothing unexpected should enter the path)
hasConfigIssues = true
if i.alerting != nil {
i.alerting.Raise(i.pathAlerts[si.ID], map[string]interface{}{
"message": "bad path type in AllowTypes",
"path": string(si.ID),
"idx": id,
"path_type": typ,
"error": err.Error(),
allow = append(allow, typ)
for id, typ := range si.DenyTypes {
_, err := storiface.TypeFromString(typ)
if err != nil {
// No need to hard-fail here, just warn the user
hasConfigIssues = true
if i.alerting != nil {
i.alerting.Raise(i.pathAlerts[si.ID], map[string]interface{}{
"message": "bad path type in DenyTypes",
"path": string(si.ID),
"idx": id,
"path_type": typ,
"error": err.Error(),
deny = append(deny, typ)
si.AllowTypes = allow
si.DenyTypes = deny
if i.alerting != nil && !hasConfigIssues && i.alerting.IsRaised(i.pathAlerts[si.ID]) {
i.alerting.Resolve(i.pathAlerts[si.ID], map[string]string{
"message": "path config is now correct",
defer i.lk.Unlock()
log.Infof("New sector storage: %s", si.ID)
if _, ok := i.stores[si.ID]; ok {
for _, u := range si.URLs {
if _, err := url.Parse(u); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to parse url %s: %w", si.URLs, err)
for _, u := range si.URLs {
for _, l := range i.stores[si.ID].info.URLs {
if u == l {
continue uloop
i.stores[si.ID].info.URLs = append(i.stores[si.ID].info.URLs, u)
i.stores[si.ID].info.Weight = si.Weight
i.stores[si.ID].info.MaxStorage = si.MaxStorage
i.stores[si.ID].info.CanSeal = si.CanSeal
i.stores[si.ID].info.CanStore = si.CanStore
i.stores[si.ID].info.Groups = si.Groups
i.stores[si.ID].info.AllowTo = si.AllowTo
i.stores[si.ID].info.AllowTypes = allow
i.stores[si.ID].info.DenyTypes = deny
i.stores[si.ID].info.AllowMiners = si.AllowMiners
i.stores[si.ID].info.DenyMiners = si.DenyMiners
return nil
i.stores[si.ID] = &storageEntry{
info: &si,
fsi: st,
lastHeartbeat: time.Now(),
return nil
func (i *MemIndex) StorageDetach(ctx context.Context, id storiface.ID, url string) error {
defer i.lk.Unlock()
// ent: *storageEntry
ent, ok := i.stores[id]
if !ok {
return xerrors.Errorf("storage '%s' isn't registered", id)
// check if this is the only path provider/url for this pathID
drop := true
if len(ent.info.URLs) > 0 {
drop = len(ent.info.URLs) == 1 // only one url
if drop && ent.info.URLs[0] != url {
return xerrors.Errorf("not dropping path, requested and index urls don't match ('%s' != '%s')", url, ent.info.URLs[0])
if drop {
if a, hasAlert := i.pathAlerts[id]; hasAlert && i.alerting != nil {
if i.alerting.IsRaised(a) {
i.alerting.Resolve(a, map[string]string{
"message": "path detached",
delete(i.pathAlerts, id)
// stats
var droppedEntries, primaryEntries, droppedDecls int
// drop declarations
for decl, dms := range i.sectors {
var match bool
for _, dm := range dms {
if dm.storage == id {
match = true
if dm.primary {
// if no entries match, nothing to do here
if !match {
// if there's a match, and only one entry, drop the whole declaration
if len(dms) <= 1 {
delete(i.sectors, decl)
// rewrite entries with the path we're dropping filtered out
filtered := make([]*declMeta, 0, len(dms)-1)
for _, dm := range dms {
if dm.storage != id {
filtered = append(filtered, dm)
i.sectors[decl] = filtered
delete(i.stores, id)
log.Warnw("Dropping sector storage", "path", id, "url", url, "droppedEntries", droppedEntries, "droppedPrimaryEntries", primaryEntries, "droppedDecls", droppedDecls)
} else {
newUrls := make([]string, 0, len(ent.info.URLs))
for _, u := range ent.info.URLs {
if u != url {
newUrls = append(newUrls, u)
ent.info.URLs = newUrls
log.Warnw("Dropping sector path endpoint", "path", id, "url", url)
return nil
func (i *MemIndex) StorageReportHealth(ctx context.Context, id storiface.ID, report storiface.HealthReport) error {
defer i.lk.Unlock()
ent, ok := i.stores[id]
if !ok {
return xerrors.Errorf("health report for unknown storage: %s", id)
ent.fsi = report.Stat
if report.Err != "" {
ent.heartbeatErr = errors.New(report.Err)
} else {
ent.heartbeatErr = nil
ent.lastHeartbeat = time.Now()
if report.Stat.Capacity > 0 {
ctx, _ = tag.New(ctx,
tag.Upsert(metrics.StorageID, string(id)),
tag.Upsert(metrics.PathStorage, fmt.Sprint(ent.info.CanStore)),
tag.Upsert(metrics.PathSeal, fmt.Sprint(ent.info.CanSeal)),
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.StorageFSAvailable.M(float64(report.Stat.FSAvailable)/float64(report.Stat.Capacity)))
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.StorageAvailable.M(float64(report.Stat.Available)/float64(report.Stat.Capacity)))
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.StorageReserved.M(float64(report.Stat.Reserved)/float64(report.Stat.Capacity)))
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.StorageCapacityBytes.M(report.Stat.Capacity))
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.StorageFSAvailableBytes.M(report.Stat.FSAvailable))
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.StorageAvailableBytes.M(report.Stat.Available))
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.StorageReservedBytes.M(report.Stat.Reserved))
if report.Stat.Max > 0 {
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.StorageLimitUsed.M(float64(report.Stat.Used)/float64(report.Stat.Max)))
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.StorageLimitUsedBytes.M(report.Stat.Used))
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.StorageLimitMaxBytes.M(report.Stat.Max))
return nil
func (i *MemIndex) StorageDeclareSector(ctx context.Context, storageID storiface.ID, s abi.SectorID, ft storiface.SectorFileType, primary bool) error {
defer i.lk.Unlock()
for _, fileType := range storiface.PathTypes {
if fileType&ft == 0 {
d := storiface.Decl{SectorID: s, SectorFileType: fileType}
for _, sid := range i.sectors[d] {
if sid.storage == storageID {
if !sid.primary && primary {
sid.primary = true
} else {
log.Debugf("sector %v redeclared in %s", s, storageID)
continue loop
i.sectors[d] = append(i.sectors[d], &declMeta{
storage: storageID,
primary: primary,
return nil
func (i *MemIndex) StorageDropSector(ctx context.Context, storageID storiface.ID, s abi.SectorID, ft storiface.SectorFileType) error {
defer i.lk.Unlock()
for _, fileType := range storiface.PathTypes {
if fileType&ft == 0 {
d := storiface.Decl{SectorID: s, SectorFileType: fileType}
if len(i.sectors[d]) == 0 {
rewritten := make([]*declMeta, 0, len(i.sectors[d])-1)
for _, sid := range i.sectors[d] {
if sid.storage == storageID {
rewritten = append(rewritten, sid)
if len(rewritten) == 0 {
delete(i.sectors, d)
i.sectors[d] = rewritten
return nil
func (i *MemIndex) StorageFindSector(ctx context.Context, s abi.SectorID, ft storiface.SectorFileType, ssize abi.SectorSize, allowFetch bool) ([]storiface.SectorStorageInfo, error) {
defer i.lk.RUnlock()
storageIDs := map[storiface.ID]uint64{}
isprimary := map[storiface.ID]bool{}
allowTo := map[storiface.Group]struct{}{}
for _, pathType := range storiface.PathTypes {
if ft&pathType == 0 {
for _, id := range i.sectors[storiface.Decl{SectorID: s, SectorFileType: pathType}] {
isprimary[id.storage] = isprimary[id.storage] || id.primary
out := make([]storiface.SectorStorageInfo, 0, len(storageIDs))
for id, n := range storageIDs {
st, ok := i.stores[id]
if !ok {
log.Warnf("storage %s is not present in sector index (referenced by sector %v)", id, s)
urls, burls := make([]string, len(st.info.URLs)), make([]string, len(st.info.URLs))
for k, u := range st.info.URLs {
rl, err := url.Parse(u)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to parse url: %w", err)
rl.Path = gopath.Join(rl.Path, ft.String(), storiface.SectorName(s))
urls[k] = rl.String()
burls[k] = u
if allowTo != nil && len(st.info.AllowTo) > 0 {
for _, group := range st.info.AllowTo {
allowTo[group] = struct{}{}
} else {
allowTo = nil // allow to any
out = append(out, storiface.SectorStorageInfo{
ID: id,
URLs: urls,
BaseURLs: burls,
Weight: st.info.Weight * n, // storage with more sector types is better
CanSeal: st.info.CanSeal,
CanStore: st.info.CanStore,
Primary: isprimary[id],
AllowTypes: st.info.AllowTypes,
DenyTypes: st.info.DenyTypes,
AllowMiners: st.info.AllowMiners,
DenyMiners: st.info.DenyMiners,
if allowFetch {
spaceReq, err := ft.SealSpaceUse(ssize)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("estimating required space: %w", err)
for id, st := range i.stores {
if !st.info.CanSeal {
proceed, msg, err := MinerFilter(st.info.AllowMiners, st.info.DenyMiners, s.Miner)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !proceed {
log.Debugf("not allocating on %s, miner %s %s", st.info.ID, s.Miner.String(), msg)
if spaceReq > uint64(st.fsi.Available) {
log.Debugf("not selecting on %s, out of space (available: %d, need: %d)", st.info.ID, st.fsi.Available, spaceReq)
if time.Since(st.lastHeartbeat) > SkippedHeartbeatThresh {
log.Debugf("not selecting on %s, didn't receive heartbeats for %s", st.info.ID, time.Since(st.lastHeartbeat))
if st.heartbeatErr != nil {
log.Debugf("not selecting on %s, heartbeat error: %s", st.info.ID, st.heartbeatErr)
if _, ok := storageIDs[id]; ok {
if !ft.AnyAllowed(st.info.AllowTypes, st.info.DenyTypes) {
log.Debugf("not selecting on %s, not allowed by file type filters", st.info.ID)
if allowTo != nil {
allow := false
for _, group := range st.info.Groups {
if _, found := allowTo[group]; found {
log.Debugf("path %s in allowed group %s", st.info.ID, group)
allow = true
if !allow {
log.Debugf("not selecting on %s, not in allowed group, allow %+v; path has %+v", st.info.ID, allowTo, st.info.Groups)
urls, burls := make([]string, len(st.info.URLs)), make([]string, len(st.info.URLs))
for k, u := range st.info.URLs {
rl, err := url.Parse(u)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to parse url: %w", err)
rl.Path = gopath.Join(rl.Path, ft.String(), storiface.SectorName(s))
urls[k] = rl.String()
burls[k] = u
out = append(out, storiface.SectorStorageInfo{
ID: id,
URLs: urls,
BaseURLs: burls,
Weight: st.info.Weight * 0, // TODO: something better than just '0'
CanSeal: st.info.CanSeal,
CanStore: st.info.CanStore,
Primary: false,
AllowTypes: st.info.AllowTypes,
DenyTypes: st.info.DenyTypes,
AllowMiners: st.info.AllowMiners,
DenyMiners: st.info.DenyMiners,
return out, nil
// StorageInfo retrieves the storage information for a given storage ID.
// The method first acquires a read lock on the MemIndex to ensure thread-safety.
// It then checks if the storage ID exists in the stores map. If not, it returns
// an error indicating that the sector store was not found.
// Finally, it returns the storage information of the selected storage.
// Parameters:
// - ctx: the context.Context object for cancellation and timeouts
// - id: the ID of the storage to retrieve information for
// Returns:
// - storiface.StorageInfo: the storage information of the selected storage ID
// - error: an error indicating any issues encountered during the process
func (i *MemIndex) StorageInfo(ctx context.Context, id storiface.ID) (storiface.StorageInfo, error) {
defer i.lk.RUnlock()
si, found := i.stores[id]
if !found {
return storiface.StorageInfo{}, xerrors.Errorf("sector store not found")
return *si.info, nil
// StorageBestAlloc selects the best available storage options for allocating
// a sector file. It takes into account the allocation type (sealing or storage),
// sector size, and path type (sealing or storage).
// The method first estimates the required space for the allocation based on the
// sector size and path type. It then iterates through all available storage options
// and filters out those that cannot be used for the given path type. It also filters
// out storage options that do not have enough available space or have not received
// heartbeats within a certain threshold.
// The remaining storage options are sorted based on their available space and weight,
// with higher availability and weight being prioritized. The method then returns
// the information of the selected storage options.
// If no suitable storage options are found, it returns an error indicating that
// no good path is available.
// Parameters:
// - ctx: the context.Context object for cancellation and timeouts
// - allocate: the type of allocation (sealing or storage)
// - ssize: the size of the sector file
// - pathType: the path type (sealing or storage)
// Returns:
// - []storiface.StorageInfo: the information of the selected storage options
// - error: an error indicating any issues encountered during the process
func (i *MemIndex) StorageBestAlloc(ctx context.Context, allocate storiface.SectorFileType, ssize abi.SectorSize, pathType storiface.PathType, miner abi.ActorID) ([]storiface.StorageInfo, error) {
defer i.lk.RUnlock()
var candidates []storageEntry
var err error
var spaceReq uint64
switch pathType {
case storiface.PathSealing:
spaceReq, err = allocate.SealSpaceUse(ssize)
case storiface.PathStorage:
spaceReq, err = allocate.StoreSpaceUse(ssize)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected pathType: %s", pathType))
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("estimating required space: %w", err)
for _, p := range i.stores {
if (pathType == storiface.PathSealing) && !p.info.CanSeal {
if (pathType == storiface.PathStorage) && !p.info.CanStore {
proceed, msg, err := MinerFilter(p.info.AllowMiners, p.info.DenyMiners, miner)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !proceed {
log.Debugf("not allocating on %s, miner %s %s", p.info.ID, miner.String(), msg)
if spaceReq > uint64(p.fsi.Available) {
log.Debugf("not allocating on %s, out of space (available: %d, need: %d)", p.info.ID, p.fsi.Available, spaceReq)
if time.Since(p.lastHeartbeat) > SkippedHeartbeatThresh {
log.Debugf("not allocating on %s, didn't receive heartbeats for %s", p.info.ID, time.Since(p.lastHeartbeat))
if p.heartbeatErr != nil {
log.Debugf("not allocating on %s, heartbeat error: %s", p.info.ID, p.heartbeatErr)
candidates = append(candidates, *p)
if len(candidates) == 0 {
return nil, xerrors.New("no good path found")
sort.Slice(candidates, func(i, j int) bool {
iw := big.Mul(big.NewInt(candidates[i].fsi.Available), big.NewInt(int64(candidates[i].info.Weight)))
jw := big.Mul(big.NewInt(candidates[j].fsi.Available), big.NewInt(int64(candidates[j].info.Weight)))
return iw.GreaterThan(jw)
out := make([]storiface.StorageInfo, len(candidates))
for i, candidate := range candidates {
out[i] = *candidate.info
return out, nil
func (i *MemIndex) FindSector(id abi.SectorID, typ storiface.SectorFileType) ([]storiface.ID, error) {
defer i.lk.RUnlock()
f, ok := i.sectors[storiface.Decl{
SectorID: id,
SectorFileType: typ,
if !ok {
return nil, nil
out := make([]storiface.ID, 0, len(f))
for _, meta := range f {
out = append(out, meta.storage)
return out, nil
var _ SectorIndex = &MemIndex{}
func MinerFilter(allowMiners, denyMiners []string, miner abi.ActorID) (bool, string, error) {
checkMinerInList := func(minersList []string, miner abi.ActorID) (bool, error) {
for _, m := range minersList {
minerIDStr := m
maddr, err := address.NewFromString(minerIDStr)
if err != nil {
return false, xerrors.Errorf("parsing miner address: %w", err)
mid, err := address.IDFromAddress(maddr)
if err != nil {
return false, xerrors.Errorf("converting miner address to ID: %w", err)
if abi.ActorID(mid) == miner {
return true, nil
return false, nil
if len(allowMiners) > 0 {
found, err := checkMinerInList(allowMiners, miner)
if err != nil || !found {
return false, "not allowed", err
if len(denyMiners) > 0 {
found, err := checkMinerInList(denyMiners, miner)
if err != nil || found {
return false, "denied", err
return true, "", nil