114 lines
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114 lines
3.1 KiB
package testkit
import (
type Role string
const (
RoleBootstrapper = Role("bootstrapper")
RoleMiner = Role("miner")
RoleClient = Role("client")
RoleDrand = Role("drand")
RolePubsubTracer = Role("pubsub-tracer")
type RoleConfig struct {
Role Role
PrepareFunc interface{}
RunFunc interface{}
nodeType reflect.Type
func (rc *RoleConfig) validate() error {
var (
ptyp = reflect.TypeOf(rc.PrepareFunc)
rtyp = reflect.TypeOf(rc.RunFunc)
// validate signature of prepare function.
// it's a function
ptypvalid := ptyp.Kind() == reflect.Func
// validate in args
ptypvalid = ptypvalid && ptyp.NumIn() == 1 && ptyp.In(0) == reflect.TypeOf((*TestEnvironment)(nil))
// validate out args
ptypvalid = ptypvalid && ptyp.NumOut() == 2 && ptyp.Out(1) == reflect.TypeOf((error)(nil))
if !ptypvalid {
return fmt.Errorf("signature of prepare function is invalid")
// retain node type
rc.nodeType = ptyp.Out(0)
// validate signature of run function.
rtypvalid := rtyp.Kind() == reflect.Func
// validate in args
rtypvalid = rtypvalid && rtyp.NumIn() == 2 && rtyp.In(0) == reflect.TypeOf((*TestEnvironment)(nil)) && rtyp.In(1) == rc.nodeType
// validate out args
rtypvalid = rtypvalid && rtyp.NumOut() == 1 && rtyp.Out(0) == reflect.TypeOf((error)(nil))
if !rtypvalid {
return fmt.Errorf("signature of run function is invalid")
return nil
var basicRoles = make(map[Role]*RoleConfig)
func MustRegisterRole(role Role, prepareFunc interface{}, runFunc interface{}) {
if _, ok := basicRoles[role]; ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("duplicate role registration: %s", role))
rc := &RoleConfig{Role: role, PrepareFunc: prepareFunc, RunFunc: runFunc}
if err := rc.validate(); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to validate role config: %w", err))
basicRoles[role] = rc
func MustOverrideRoleRun(role Role, runFunc interface{}) {
rc, ok := basicRoles[role]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("role not registered: %s", role))
newrc := &RoleConfig{Role: role, PrepareFunc: rc.PrepareFunc, RunFunc: runFunc}
if err := newrc.validate(); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to validate role config: %w", err))
basicRoles[role] = newrc
func ExecuteRole(role Role, runenv *runtime.RunEnv, initCtx *run.InitContext) error {
rc, ok := basicRoles[role]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("role not registered: %s", role))
t := &TestEnvironment{runenv, initCtx}
prepareFn := reflect.ValueOf(rc.PrepareFunc)
runFn := reflect.ValueOf(rc.RunFunc)
out := prepareFn.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(t)})
if err := out[1].Interface().(error); err != nil {
return err
out = runFn.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(t), out[0]})
return out[0].Interface().(error)
func init() {
MustRegisterRole(RoleBootstrapper, prepareBootstrapper, runBootstrapper)
MustRegisterRole(RoleMiner, prepareMiner, runDefaultMiner)
MustRegisterRole(RoleClient, prepareClient, runDefaultClient)
MustRegisterRole(RoleDrand, prepareDrandNode, runDrandNode)
MustRegisterRole(RolePubsubTracer, preparePubsubTracer, runPubsubTracer)