2019-12-07 23:44:45 +01:00

61 lines
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Lotus ChainWatch</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css">
{{$cid := param "cid"}}
<div class="Index">
<div class="Index-header">
<span>Lotus ChainWatch - Wallets</span>
<div class="Index-nodes">
<div class="Index-node">
<div>Miner: {{index (strings "blocks" "miner" "cid=?" $cid) 0}}</div>
{{range strings "block_parents" "parent" "block=?" $cid}}
{{$parent := .}}
<a href="block.html?cid={{$parent}}">{{. | substr 54 62}}</a>
{{range strings "block_messages" "message" "block=?" $cid}}
{{$msg := .}}
<td><a href="message.html?cid={{$msg}}">{{$msg | substr 54 62}}</a></td>
{{$from := qstr "select \"from\" from messages where cid=?" $msg}}
{{$nonce := qstr "select nonce from messages where cid=?" $msg}}
<a href="key.html?w={{$from}}">{{$from}}</a> (N:{{$nonce}})
{{$to := qstr "select \"to\" from messages where cid=?" $msg}}
<a href="key.html?w={{$to}}">{{$to}}</a>
Method:<b>{{qstr "select method from messages where cid=?" $msg}}</b>
{{$rec := qstrs `select r.exit, r.gas_used from messages
inner join block_messages bm on messages.cid = bm.message
inner join blocks b on bm.block = b.cid
inner join block_parents bp on b.cid = bp.parent
inner join blocks chd on bp.block = chd.cid
inner join receipts r on messages.cid = r.msg and chd.parentStateRoot = r.state
where messages.cid=? and b.cid=?` 2 $msg $cid}}
<td>exit:<b>{{index $rec 0}}</b></td>
<td>gasUsed:<b>{{index $rec 1}}</b></td>