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Lotus Seal Worker

The Lotus Seal Worker is an extra process that can offload heavy processing tasks from your Lotus Storage Miner. The sealing process automatically runs in the Lotus Storage Miner process, but you can use the Seal Worker on another machine communicating over a fast network to free up resources on the machine running the mining process.

Note: Using the Lotus Seal Worker from China

If you are trying to use lotus-seal-worker from China. You should set this environment variable on your machine:


Get Started

Make sure that the lotus-seal-worker is compiled and installed by running:

make lotus-seal-worker

Setting up the Storage Miner

First, you will need to ensure your lotus-storage-miner's API is accessible over the network.

To do this, open up ~/.lotusstorage/config.toml (Or if you manually set LOTUS_STORAGE_PATH, look under that directory) and look for the API field.

Default config:

ListenAddress = "/ip4/"
RemoteListenAddress = ""

To make your node accessible over the local area network, you will need to determine your machines IP on the LAN, and change the in the file to that address.

A more permissive and less secure option is to change it to This will allow anyone who can connect to your computer on that port to access the API. They will still need an auth token.

RemoteListenAddress must be set to an address which other nodes on your network will be able to reach.

Next, you will need to create an authentication token. All Lotus APIs require authentication tokens to ensure your processes are as secure against attackers attempting to make unauthenticated requests to them.

Connect the Lotus Seal Worker

On the machine that will run lotus-seal-worker, set the STORAGE_API_INFO environment variable to TOKEN:STORAGE_NODE_MULTIADDR. Where TOKEN is the token we created above, and STORAGE_NODE_MULTIADDR is the multiaddr of the Lotus Storage Miner API that was set in config.toml.

Once this is set, run:

lotus-seal-worker run --address

Replace with the proper IP and port.

To check that the Lotus Seal Worker is connected to your Lotus Storage Miner, run lotus-storage-miner workers list and check that the remote worker count has increased.

why@computer ~/lotus> lotus-storage-miner workers list
Worker 0, host computer
        CPU:  [                                                                ] 0 core(s) in use
        RAM:  [||||||||||||||||||                                              ] 28% 18.1 GiB/62.7 GiB
        VMEM: [||||||||||||||||||                                              ] 28% 18.1 GiB/62.7 GiB
        GPU: GeForce RTX 2080, not used

Worker 1, host othercomputer
        CPU:  [                                                                ] 0 core(s) in use
        RAM:  [||||||||||||||                                                  ] 23% 14 GiB/62.7 GiB
        VMEM: [||||||||||||||                                                  ] 23% 14 GiB/62.7 GiB
        GPU: GeForce RTX 2080, not used

Running locally for manually managing process priority

You can also run the Lotus Seal Worker on the same machine as your Lotus Storage Miner, so you can manually manage the process priority. To do so you have to first disable all seal task types in the miner config. This is important to prevent conflicts between the two processes.

You can then run the storage miner on your local-loopback interface;

lotus-seal-worker run --address