2021-02-16 19:16:35 +01:00

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package api
import (
datatransfer "github.com/filecoin-project/go-data-transfer"
// StorageMiner is a low-level interface to the Filecoin network storage miner node
type StorageMiner interface {
ActorAddress(context.Context) (address.Address, error)
ActorSectorSize(context.Context, address.Address) (abi.SectorSize, error)
ActorAddressConfig(ctx context.Context) (AddressConfig, error)
MiningBase(context.Context) (*types.TipSet, error)
// Temp api for testing
PledgeSector(context.Context) (abi.SectorID, error)
// Get the status of a given sector by ID
SectorsStatus(ctx context.Context, sid abi.SectorNumber, showOnChainInfo bool) (SectorInfo, error)
// List all staged sectors
SectorsList(context.Context) ([]abi.SectorNumber, error)
// Get summary info of sectors
SectorsSummary(ctx context.Context) (map[SectorState]int, error)
// List sectors in particular states
SectorsListInStates(context.Context, []SectorState) ([]abi.SectorNumber, error)
SectorsRefs(context.Context) (map[string][]SealedRef, error)
// SectorStartSealing can be called on sectors in Empty or WaitDeals states
// to trigger sealing early
SectorStartSealing(context.Context, abi.SectorNumber) error
// SectorSetSealDelay sets the time that a newly-created sector
// waits for more deals before it starts sealing
SectorSetSealDelay(context.Context, time.Duration) error
// SectorGetSealDelay gets the time that a newly-created sector
// waits for more deals before it starts sealing
SectorGetSealDelay(context.Context) (time.Duration, error)
// SectorSetExpectedSealDuration sets the expected time for a sector to seal
SectorSetExpectedSealDuration(context.Context, time.Duration) error
// SectorGetExpectedSealDuration gets the expected time for a sector to seal
SectorGetExpectedSealDuration(context.Context) (time.Duration, error)
SectorsUpdate(context.Context, abi.SectorNumber, SectorState) error
// SectorRemove removes the sector from storage. It doesn't terminate it on-chain, which can
// be done with SectorTerminate. Removing and not terminating live sectors will cause additional penalties.
SectorRemove(context.Context, abi.SectorNumber) error
// SectorTerminate terminates the sector on-chain (adding it to a termination batch first), then
// automatically removes it from storage
SectorTerminate(context.Context, abi.SectorNumber) error
// SectorTerminateFlush immediately sends a terminate message with sectors batched for termination.
// Returns null if message wasn't sent
SectorTerminateFlush(ctx context.Context) (*cid.Cid, error)
// SectorTerminatePending returns a list of pending sector terminations to be sent in the next batch message
SectorTerminatePending(ctx context.Context) ([]abi.SectorID, error)
SectorMarkForUpgrade(ctx context.Context, id abi.SectorNumber) error
StorageList(ctx context.Context) (map[stores.ID][]stores.Decl, error)
StorageLocal(ctx context.Context) (map[stores.ID]string, error)
StorageStat(ctx context.Context, id stores.ID) (fsutil.FsStat, error)
// WorkerConnect tells the node to connect to workers RPC
WorkerConnect(context.Context, string) error
WorkerStats(context.Context) (map[uuid.UUID]storiface.WorkerStats, error)
WorkerJobs(context.Context) (map[uuid.UUID][]storiface.WorkerJob, error)
// SealingSchedDiag dumps internal sealing scheduler state
SealingSchedDiag(ctx context.Context, doSched bool) (interface{}, error)
SealingAbort(ctx context.Context, call storiface.CallID) error
MarketImportDealData(ctx context.Context, propcid cid.Cid, path string) error
MarketListDeals(ctx context.Context) ([]MarketDeal, error)
MarketListRetrievalDeals(ctx context.Context) ([]retrievalmarket.ProviderDealState, error)
MarketGetDealUpdates(ctx context.Context) (<-chan storagemarket.MinerDeal, error)
MarketListIncompleteDeals(ctx context.Context) ([]storagemarket.MinerDeal, error)
MarketSetAsk(ctx context.Context, price types.BigInt, verifiedPrice types.BigInt, duration abi.ChainEpoch, minPieceSize abi.PaddedPieceSize, maxPieceSize abi.PaddedPieceSize) error
MarketGetAsk(ctx context.Context) (*storagemarket.SignedStorageAsk, error)
MarketSetRetrievalAsk(ctx context.Context, rask *retrievalmarket.Ask) error
MarketGetRetrievalAsk(ctx context.Context) (*retrievalmarket.Ask, error)
MarketListDataTransfers(ctx context.Context) ([]DataTransferChannel, error)
MarketDataTransferUpdates(ctx context.Context) (<-chan DataTransferChannel, error)
// MarketRestartDataTransfer attempts to restart a data transfer with the given transfer ID and other peer
MarketRestartDataTransfer(ctx context.Context, transferID datatransfer.TransferID, otherPeer peer.ID, isInitiator bool) error
// MarketCancelDataTransfer cancels a data transfer with the given transfer ID and other peer
MarketCancelDataTransfer(ctx context.Context, transferID datatransfer.TransferID, otherPeer peer.ID, isInitiator bool) error
MarketPendingDeals(ctx context.Context) (PendingDealInfo, error)
MarketPublishPendingDeals(ctx context.Context) error
DealsImportData(ctx context.Context, dealPropCid cid.Cid, file string) error
DealsList(ctx context.Context) ([]MarketDeal, error)
DealsConsiderOnlineStorageDeals(context.Context) (bool, error)
DealsSetConsiderOnlineStorageDeals(context.Context, bool) error
DealsConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals(context.Context) (bool, error)
DealsSetConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals(context.Context, bool) error
DealsPieceCidBlocklist(context.Context) ([]cid.Cid, error)
DealsSetPieceCidBlocklist(context.Context, []cid.Cid) error
DealsConsiderOfflineStorageDeals(context.Context) (bool, error)
DealsSetConsiderOfflineStorageDeals(context.Context, bool) error
DealsConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals(context.Context) (bool, error)
DealsSetConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals(context.Context, bool) error
DealsConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals(context.Context) (bool, error)
DealsSetConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals(context.Context, bool) error
DealsConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals(context.Context) (bool, error)
DealsSetConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals(context.Context, bool) error
StorageAddLocal(ctx context.Context, path string) error
PiecesListPieces(ctx context.Context) ([]cid.Cid, error)
PiecesListCidInfos(ctx context.Context) ([]cid.Cid, error)
PiecesGetPieceInfo(ctx context.Context, pieceCid cid.Cid) (*piecestore.PieceInfo, error)
PiecesGetCIDInfo(ctx context.Context, payloadCid cid.Cid) (*piecestore.CIDInfo, error)
// CreateBackup creates node backup onder the specified file name. The
// method requires that the lotus-miner is running with the
// LOTUS_BACKUP_BASE_PATH environment variable set to some path, and that
// the path specified when calling CreateBackup is within the base path
CreateBackup(ctx context.Context, fpath string) error
CheckProvable(ctx context.Context, pp abi.RegisteredPoStProof, sectors []storage.SectorRef, expensive bool) (map[abi.SectorNumber]string, error)
type SealRes struct {
Err string
GoErr error `json:"-"`
Proof []byte
type SectorLog struct {
Kind string
Timestamp uint64
Trace string
Message string
type SectorInfo struct {
SectorID abi.SectorNumber
State SectorState
CommD *cid.Cid
CommR *cid.Cid
Proof []byte
Deals []abi.DealID
Ticket SealTicket
Seed SealSeed
PreCommitMsg *cid.Cid
CommitMsg *cid.Cid
Retries uint64
ToUpgrade bool
LastErr string
Log []SectorLog
// On Chain Info
SealProof abi.RegisteredSealProof // The seal proof type implies the PoSt proof/s
Activation abi.ChainEpoch // Epoch during which the sector proof was accepted
Expiration abi.ChainEpoch // Epoch during which the sector expires
DealWeight abi.DealWeight // Integral of active deals over sector lifetime
VerifiedDealWeight abi.DealWeight // Integral of active verified deals over sector lifetime
InitialPledge abi.TokenAmount // Pledge collected to commit this sector
// Expiration Info
OnTime abi.ChainEpoch
// non-zero if sector is faulty, epoch at which it will be permanently
// removed if it doesn't recover
Early abi.ChainEpoch
type SealedRef struct {
SectorID abi.SectorNumber
Offset abi.PaddedPieceSize
Size abi.UnpaddedPieceSize
type SealedRefs struct {
Refs []SealedRef
type SealTicket struct {
Value abi.SealRandomness
Epoch abi.ChainEpoch
type SealSeed struct {
Value abi.InteractiveSealRandomness
Epoch abi.ChainEpoch
func (st *SealTicket) Equals(ost *SealTicket) bool {
return bytes.Equal(st.Value, ost.Value) && st.Epoch == ost.Epoch
func (st *SealSeed) Equals(ost *SealSeed) bool {
return bytes.Equal(st.Value, ost.Value) && st.Epoch == ost.Epoch
type SectorState string
type AddrUse int
const (
PreCommitAddr AddrUse = iota
type AddressConfig struct {
PreCommitControl []address.Address
CommitControl []address.Address
TerminateControl []address.Address
// PendingDealInfo has info about pending deals and when they are due to be
// published
type PendingDealInfo struct {
Deals []market.ClientDealProposal
PublishPeriodStart time.Time
PublishPeriod time.Duration