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package sealing
import (
var DealSectorPriority = 1024
var MaxTicketAge = policy.MaxPreCommitRandomnessLookback
func (m *Sealing) handlePacking(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
// make sure we not accepting deals into this sector
for _, c := range m.assignedPieces[m.minerSectorID(sector.SectorNumber)] {
pp := m.pendingPieces[c]
delete(m.pendingPieces, c)
if pp == nil {
log.Errorf("nil assigned pending piece %s", c)
// todo: return to the sealing queue (this is extremely unlikely to happen)
pp.accepted(sector.SectorNumber, 0, xerrors.Errorf("sector %d entered packing state early", sector.SectorNumber))
delete(m.openSectors, m.minerSectorID(sector.SectorNumber))
delete(m.assignedPieces, m.minerSectorID(sector.SectorNumber))
log.Infow("performing filling up rest of the sector...", "sector", sector.SectorNumber)
var allocated abi.UnpaddedPieceSize
for _, piece := range sector.Pieces {
allocated += piece.Piece.Size.Unpadded()
ssize, err := sector.SectorType.SectorSize()
if err != nil {
return err
ubytes := abi.PaddedPieceSize(ssize).Unpadded()
if allocated > ubytes {
return xerrors.Errorf("too much data in sector: %d > %d", allocated, ubytes)
fillerSizes, err := fillersFromRem(ubytes - allocated)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(fillerSizes) > 0 {
log.Warnf("Creating %d filler pieces for sector %d", len(fillerSizes), sector.SectorNumber)
fillerPieces, err := m.padSector(sector.sealingCtx(ctx.Context()), m.minerSector(sector.SectorType, sector.SectorNumber), sector.existingPieceSizes(), fillerSizes...)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("filling up the sector (%v): %w", fillerSizes, err)
return ctx.Send(SectorPacked{FillerPieces: fillerPieces})
func (m *Sealing) padSector(ctx context.Context, sectorID storage.SectorRef, existingPieceSizes []abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, sizes ...abi.UnpaddedPieceSize) ([]abi.PieceInfo, error) {
if len(sizes) == 0 {
return nil, nil
log.Infof("Pledge %d, contains %+v", sectorID, existingPieceSizes)
out := make([]abi.PieceInfo, len(sizes))
for i, size := range sizes {
ppi, err := m.sealer.AddPiece(ctx, sectorID, existingPieceSizes, size, NewNullReader(size))
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("add piece: %w", err)
existingPieceSizes = append(existingPieceSizes, size)
out[i] = ppi
return out, nil
func checkTicketExpired(ticket, head abi.ChainEpoch) bool {
return head-ticket > MaxTicketAge // TODO: allow configuring expected seal durations
func checkProveCommitExpired(preCommitEpoch, msd abi.ChainEpoch, currEpoch abi.ChainEpoch) bool {
return currEpoch > preCommitEpoch+msd
func (m *Sealing) getTicket(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) (abi.SealRandomness, abi.ChainEpoch, bool, error) {
tok, epoch, err := m.api.ChainHead(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("getTicket: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil, 0, false, nil
// the reason why the StateMinerSectorAllocated function is placed here, if it is outside,
// if the MarshalCBOR function and StateSectorPreCommitInfo function return err, it will be executed
allocated, aerr := m.api.StateMinerSectorAllocated(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, sector.SectorNumber, nil)
if aerr != nil {
log.Errorf("getTicket: api error, checking if sector is allocated: %+v", aerr)
return nil, 0, false, nil
ticketEpoch := epoch - policy.SealRandomnessLookback
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := m.maddr.MarshalCBOR(buf); err != nil {
return nil, 0, allocated, err
pci, err := m.api.StateSectorPreCommitInfo(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, sector.SectorNumber, tok)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, allocated, xerrors.Errorf("getting precommit info: %w", err)
if pci != nil {
ticketEpoch = pci.Info.SealRandEpoch
nv, err := m.api.StateNetworkVersion(ctx.Context(), tok)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, allocated, xerrors.Errorf("getTicket: StateNetworkVersion: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
msd := policy.GetMaxProveCommitDuration(actors.VersionForNetwork(nv), sector.SectorType)
if checkProveCommitExpired(pci.PreCommitEpoch, msd, epoch) {
return nil, 0, allocated, xerrors.Errorf("ticket expired for precommitted sector")
if pci == nil && allocated { // allocated is true, sector precommitted but expired, will SectorCommitFailed or SectorRemove
return nil, 0, allocated, xerrors.Errorf("sector %s precommitted but expired", sector.SectorNumber)
rand, err := m.api.ChainGetRandomnessFromTickets(ctx.Context(), tok, crypto.DomainSeparationTag_SealRandomness, ticketEpoch, buf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, allocated, err
return abi.SealRandomness(rand), ticketEpoch, allocated, nil
func (m *Sealing) handleGetTicket(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
ticketValue, ticketEpoch, allocated, err := m.getTicket(ctx, sector)
if err != nil {
if allocated {
if sector.CommitMessage != nil {
// Some recovery paths with unfortunate timing lead here
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("sector %s is committed but got into the GetTicket state", sector.SectorNumber)})
log.Errorf("Sector %s precommitted but expired", sector.SectorNumber)
return ctx.Send(SectorRemove{})
return ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("getting ticket failed: %w", err)})
return ctx.Send(SectorTicket{
TicketValue: ticketValue,
TicketEpoch: ticketEpoch,
func (m *Sealing) handlePreCommit1(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
if err := checkPieces(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, sector, m.api); err != nil { // Sanity check state
switch err.(type) {
case *ErrApi:
log.Errorf("handlePreCommit1: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
case *ErrInvalidDeals:
log.Warnf("invalid deals in sector %d: %v", sector.SectorNumber, err)
return ctx.Send(SectorInvalidDealIDs{Return: RetPreCommit1})
case *ErrExpiredDeals: // Probably not much we can do here, maybe re-pack the sector?
return ctx.Send(SectorDealsExpired{xerrors.Errorf("expired dealIDs in sector: %w", err)})
return xerrors.Errorf("checkPieces sanity check error: %w", err)
tok, height, err := m.api.ChainHead(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handlePreCommit1: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
if checkTicketExpired(sector.TicketEpoch, height) {
pci, err := m.api.StateSectorPreCommitInfo(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, sector.SectorNumber, tok)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handlePreCommit1: StateSectorPreCommitInfo: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
if pci == nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorOldTicket{}) // go get new ticket
nv, err := m.api.StateNetworkVersion(ctx.Context(), tok)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handlePreCommit1: StateNetworkVersion: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
msd := policy.GetMaxProveCommitDuration(actors.VersionForNetwork(nv), sector.SectorType)
// if height > PreCommitEpoch + msd, there is no need to recalculate
if checkProveCommitExpired(pci.PreCommitEpoch, msd, height) {
return ctx.Send(SectorOldTicket{}) // will be removed
pc1o, err := m.sealer.SealPreCommit1(sector.sealingCtx(ctx.Context()), m.minerSector(sector.SectorType, sector.SectorNumber), sector.TicketValue, sector.pieceInfos())
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("seal pre commit(1) failed: %w", err)})
return ctx.Send(SectorPreCommit1{
PreCommit1Out: pc1o,
func (m *Sealing) handlePreCommit2(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
cids, err := m.sealer.SealPreCommit2(sector.sealingCtx(ctx.Context()), m.minerSector(sector.SectorType, sector.SectorNumber), sector.PreCommit1Out)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit2Failed{xerrors.Errorf("seal pre commit(2) failed: %w", err)})
if cids.Unsealed == cid.Undef {
return ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("seal pre commit(2) returned undefined CommD")})
return ctx.Send(SectorPreCommit2{
Unsealed: cids.Unsealed,
Sealed: cids.Sealed,
// TODO: We should probably invoke this method in most (if not all) state transition failures after handlePreCommitting
func (m *Sealing) remarkForUpgrade(sid abi.SectorNumber) {
err := m.MarkForUpgrade(sid)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error re-marking sector %d as for upgrade: %+v", sid, err)
func (m *Sealing) preCommitParams(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) (*miner.SectorPreCommitInfo, big.Int, TipSetToken, error) {
tok, height, err := m.api.ChainHead(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handlePreCommitting: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil, big.Zero(), nil, nil
if err := checkPrecommit(ctx.Context(), m.Address(), sector, tok, height, m.api); err != nil {
switch err := err.(type) {
case *ErrApi:
log.Errorf("handlePreCommitting: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil, big.Zero(), nil, nil
case *ErrBadCommD: // TODO: Should this just back to packing? (not really needed since handlePreCommit1 will do that too)
return nil, big.Zero(), nil, ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("bad CommD error: %w", err)})
case *ErrExpiredTicket:
return nil, big.Zero(), nil, ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("ticket expired: %w", err)})
case *ErrBadTicket:
return nil, big.Zero(), nil, ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("bad ticket: %w", err)})
case *ErrInvalidDeals:
log.Warnf("invalid deals in sector %d: %v", sector.SectorNumber, err)
return nil, big.Zero(), nil, ctx.Send(SectorInvalidDealIDs{Return: RetPreCommitting})
case *ErrExpiredDeals:
return nil, big.Zero(), nil, ctx.Send(SectorDealsExpired{xerrors.Errorf("sector deals expired: %w", err)})
case *ErrPrecommitOnChain:
return nil, big.Zero(), nil, ctx.Send(SectorPreCommitLanded{TipSet: tok}) // we re-did precommit
case *ErrSectorNumberAllocated:
log.Errorf("handlePreCommitFailed: sector number already allocated, not proceeding: %+v", err)
// TODO: check if the sector is committed (not sure how we'd end up here)
return nil, big.Zero(), nil, nil
return nil, big.Zero(), nil, xerrors.Errorf("checkPrecommit sanity check error: %w", err)
expiration, err := m.pcp.Expiration(ctx.Context(), sector.Pieces...)
if err != nil {
return nil, big.Zero(), nil, ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("handlePreCommitting: failed to compute pre-commit expiry: %w", err)})
// Sectors must last _at least_ MinSectorExpiration + MaxSealDuration.
// TODO: The "+10" allows the pre-commit to take 10 blocks to be accepted.
nv, err := m.api.StateNetworkVersion(ctx.Context(), tok)
if err != nil {
return nil, big.Zero(), nil, ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("failed to get network version: %w", err)})
msd := policy.GetMaxProveCommitDuration(actors.VersionForNetwork(nv), sector.SectorType)
if minExpiration := sector.TicketEpoch + policy.MaxPreCommitRandomnessLookback + msd + miner.MinSectorExpiration; expiration < minExpiration {
expiration = minExpiration
// TODO: enforce a reasonable _maximum_ sector lifetime?
params := &miner.SectorPreCommitInfo{
Expiration: expiration,
SectorNumber: sector.SectorNumber,
SealProof: sector.SectorType,
SealedCID: *sector.CommR,
SealRandEpoch: sector.TicketEpoch,
DealIDs: sector.dealIDs(),
depositMinimum := m.tryUpgradeSector(ctx.Context(), params)
collateral, err := m.api.StateMinerPreCommitDepositForPower(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, *params, tok)
if err != nil {
return nil, big.Zero(), nil, xerrors.Errorf("getting initial pledge collateral: %w", err)
deposit := big.Max(depositMinimum, collateral)
return params, deposit, tok, nil
func (m *Sealing) handlePreCommitting(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
cfg, err := m.getConfig()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting config: %w", err)
if cfg.BatchPreCommits {
nv, err := m.api.StateNetworkVersion(ctx.Context(), nil)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting network version: %w", err)
if nv >= network.Version13 {
return ctx.Send(SectorPreCommitBatch{})
params, pcd, tok, err := m.preCommitParams(ctx, sector)
if params == nil || err != nil {
return err
deposit, err := collateralSendAmount(ctx.Context(), m.api, m.maddr, cfg, pcd)
if err != nil {
return err
enc := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := params.MarshalCBOR(enc); err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("could not serialize pre-commit sector parameters: %w", err)})
mi, err := m.api.StateMinerInfo(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, tok)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handlePreCommitting: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
goodFunds := big.Add(deposit, big.Int(m.feeCfg.MaxPreCommitGasFee))
from, _, err := m.addrSel(ctx.Context(), mi, api.PreCommitAddr, goodFunds, deposit)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("no good address to send precommit message from: %w", err)})
log.Infof("submitting precommit for sector %d (deposit: %s): ", sector.SectorNumber, deposit)
mcid, err := m.api.SendMsg(ctx.Context(), from, m.maddr, miner.Methods.PreCommitSector, deposit, big.Int(m.feeCfg.MaxPreCommitGasFee), enc.Bytes())
if err != nil {
if params.ReplaceCapacity {
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("pushing message to mpool: %w", err)})
return ctx.Send(SectorPreCommitted{Message: mcid, PreCommitDeposit: pcd, PreCommitInfo: *params})
func (m *Sealing) handleSubmitPreCommitBatch(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
if sector.CommD == nil || sector.CommR == nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorSealPreCommit1Failed{xerrors.Errorf("sector had nil commR or commD")})
params, deposit, _, err := m.preCommitParams(ctx, sector)
if params == nil || err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("preCommitParams: %w", err)})
res, err := m.precommiter.AddPreCommit(ctx.Context(), sector, deposit, params)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("queuing precommit batch failed: %w", err)})
if res.Error != "" {
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("precommit batch error: %s", res.Error)})
if res.Msg == nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("batch message was nil")})
return ctx.Send(SectorPreCommitBatchSent{*res.Msg})
func (m *Sealing) handlePreCommitWait(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
if sector.PreCommitMessage == nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("precommit message was nil")})
// would be ideal to just use the events.Called handler, but it wouldn't be able to handle individual message timeouts
log.Info("Sector precommitted: ", sector.SectorNumber)
mw, err := m.api.StateWaitMsg(ctx.Context(), *sector.PreCommitMessage)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{err})
switch mw.Receipt.ExitCode {
case exitcode.Ok:
// this is what we expect
case exitcode.SysErrInsufficientFunds:
case exitcode.SysErrOutOfGas:
// gas estimator guessed a wrong number / out of funds:
return ctx.Send(SectorRetryPreCommit{})
log.Error("sector precommit failed: ", mw.Receipt.ExitCode)
err := xerrors.Errorf("sector precommit failed: %d", mw.Receipt.ExitCode)
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{err})
log.Info("precommit message landed on chain: ", sector.SectorNumber)
return ctx.Send(SectorPreCommitLanded{TipSet: mw.TipSetTok})
func (m *Sealing) handleWaitSeed(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
tok, _, err := m.api.ChainHead(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handleWaitSeed: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
pci, err := m.api.StateSectorPreCommitInfo(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, sector.SectorNumber, tok)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting precommit info: %w", err)
if pci == nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{error: xerrors.Errorf("precommit info not found on chain")})
randHeight := pci.PreCommitEpoch + policy.GetPreCommitChallengeDelay()
err = m.events.ChainAt(func(ectx context.Context, _ TipSetToken, curH abi.ChainEpoch) error {
// in case of null blocks the randomness can land after the tipset we
// get from the events API
tok, _, err := m.api.ChainHead(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handleCommitting: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := m.maddr.MarshalCBOR(buf); err != nil {
return err
rand, err := m.api.ChainGetRandomnessFromBeacon(ectx, tok, crypto.DomainSeparationTag_InteractiveSealChallengeSeed, randHeight, buf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
err = xerrors.Errorf("failed to get randomness for computing seal proof (ch %d; rh %d; tsk %x): %w", curH, randHeight, tok, err)
_ = ctx.Send(SectorChainPreCommitFailed{error: err})
return err
_ = ctx.Send(SectorSeedReady{SeedValue: abi.InteractiveSealRandomness(rand), SeedEpoch: randHeight})
return nil
}, func(ctx context.Context, ts TipSetToken) error {
log.Warn("revert in interactive commit sector step")
// TODO: need to cancel running process and restart...
return nil
}, InteractivePoRepConfidence, randHeight)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("waitForPreCommitMessage ChainAt errored: ", err)
return nil
func (m *Sealing) handleCommitting(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
if sector.CommitMessage != nil {
log.Warnf("sector %d entered committing state with a commit message cid", sector.SectorNumber)
ml, err := m.api.StateSearchMsg(ctx.Context(), *sector.CommitMessage)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("sector %d searching existing commit message %s: %+v", sector.SectorNumber, *sector.CommitMessage, err)
if ml != nil {
// some weird retry paths can lead here
return ctx.Send(SectorRetryCommitWait{})
cfg, err := m.getConfig()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting config: %w", err)
log.Info("scheduling seal proof computation...")
log.Infof("KOMIT %d %x(%d); %x(%d); %v; r:%s; d:%s", sector.SectorNumber, sector.TicketValue, sector.TicketEpoch, sector.SeedValue, sector.SeedEpoch, sector.pieceInfos(), sector.CommR, sector.CommD)
if sector.CommD == nil || sector.CommR == nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("sector had nil commR or commD")})
cids := storage.SectorCids{
Unsealed: *sector.CommD,
Sealed: *sector.CommR,
c2in, err := m.sealer.SealCommit1(sector.sealingCtx(ctx.Context()), m.minerSector(sector.SectorType, sector.SectorNumber), sector.TicketValue, sector.SeedValue, sector.pieceInfos(), cids)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorComputeProofFailed{xerrors.Errorf("computing seal proof failed(1): %w", err)})
proof, err := m.sealer.SealCommit2(sector.sealingCtx(ctx.Context()), m.minerSector(sector.SectorType, sector.SectorNumber), c2in)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorComputeProofFailed{xerrors.Errorf("computing seal proof failed(2): %w", err)})
tok, _, err := m.api.ChainHead(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handleCommitting: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
if err := m.checkCommit(ctx.Context(), sector, proof, tok); err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorComputeProofFailed{xerrors.Errorf("commit check error: %w", err)})
if cfg.FinalizeEarly {
return ctx.Send(SectorProofReady{
Proof: proof,
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitted{
Proof: proof,
func (m *Sealing) handleSubmitCommit(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
cfg, err := m.getConfig()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting config: %w", err)
if cfg.AggregateCommits {
nv, err := m.api.StateNetworkVersion(ctx.Context(), nil)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting network version: %w", err)
if nv >= network.Version13 {
return ctx.Send(SectorSubmitCommitAggregate{})
tok, _, err := m.api.ChainHead(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handleSubmitCommit: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
if err := m.checkCommit(ctx.Context(), sector, sector.Proof, tok); err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("commit check error: %w", err)})
enc := new(bytes.Buffer)
params := &miner.ProveCommitSectorParams{
SectorNumber: sector.SectorNumber,
Proof: sector.Proof,
if err := params.MarshalCBOR(enc); err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("could not serialize commit sector parameters: %w", err)})
mi, err := m.api.StateMinerInfo(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, tok)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handleCommitting: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
pci, err := m.api.StateSectorPreCommitInfo(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, sector.SectorNumber, tok)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting precommit info: %w", err)
if pci == nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{error: xerrors.Errorf("precommit info not found on chain")})
collateral, err := m.api.StateMinerInitialPledgeCollateral(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, pci.Info, tok)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting initial pledge collateral: %w", err)
collateral = big.Sub(collateral, pci.PreCommitDeposit)
if collateral.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
collateral = big.Zero()
collateral, err = collateralSendAmount(ctx.Context(), m.api, m.maddr, cfg, collateral)
if err != nil {
return err
goodFunds := big.Add(collateral, big.Int(m.feeCfg.MaxCommitGasFee))
from, _, err := m.addrSel(ctx.Context(), mi, api.CommitAddr, goodFunds, collateral)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("no good address to send commit message from: %w", err)})
// TODO: check seed / ticket / deals are up to date
mcid, err := m.api.SendMsg(ctx.Context(), from, m.maddr, miner.Methods.ProveCommitSector, collateral, big.Int(m.feeCfg.MaxCommitGasFee), enc.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("pushing message to mpool: %w", err)})
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitSubmitted{
Message: mcid,
func (m *Sealing) handleSubmitCommitAggregate(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
if sector.CommD == nil || sector.CommR == nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("sector had nil commR or commD")})
res, err := m.commiter.AddCommit(ctx.Context(), sector, AggregateInput{
Info: proof.AggregateSealVerifyInfo{
Number: sector.SectorNumber,
Randomness: sector.TicketValue,
InteractiveRandomness: sector.SeedValue,
SealedCID: *sector.CommR,
UnsealedCID: *sector.CommD,
Proof: sector.Proof, // todo: this correct??
Spt: sector.SectorType,
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorRetrySubmitCommit{})
if res.Error != "" {
tok, _, err := m.api.ChainHead(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("handleSubmitCommit: api error, not proceeding: %+v", err)
return nil
if err := m.checkCommit(ctx.Context(), sector, sector.Proof, tok); err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("commit check error: %w", err)})
return ctx.Send(SectorRetrySubmitCommit{})
if e, found := res.FailedSectors[sector.SectorNumber]; found {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("sector failed in aggregate processing: %s", e)})
if res.Msg == nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("aggregate message was nil")})
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitAggregateSent{*res.Msg})
func (m *Sealing) handleCommitWait(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
if sector.CommitMessage == nil {
log.Errorf("sector %d entered commit wait state without a message cid", sector.SectorNumber)
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("entered commit wait with no commit cid")})
mw, err := m.api.StateWaitMsg(ctx.Context(), *sector.CommitMessage)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("failed to wait for porep inclusion: %w", err)})
switch mw.Receipt.ExitCode {
case exitcode.Ok:
// this is what we expect
case exitcode.SysErrInsufficientFunds:
case exitcode.SysErrOutOfGas:
// gas estimator guessed a wrong number / out of funds
return ctx.Send(SectorRetrySubmitCommit{})
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("submitting sector proof failed (exit=%d, msg=%s) (t:%x; s:%x(%d); p:%x)", mw.Receipt.ExitCode, sector.CommitMessage, sector.TicketValue, sector.SeedValue, sector.SeedEpoch, sector.Proof)})
si, err := m.api.StateSectorGetInfo(ctx.Context(), m.maddr, sector.SectorNumber, mw.TipSetTok)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("proof validation failed, calling StateSectorGetInfo: %w", err)})
if si == nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorCommitFailed{xerrors.Errorf("proof validation failed, sector not found in sector set after cron")})
return ctx.Send(SectorProving{})
func (m *Sealing) handleFinalizeSector(ctx statemachine.Context, sector SectorInfo) error {
// TODO: Maybe wait for some finality
cfg, err := m.getConfig()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting sealing config: %w", err)
if err := m.sealer.FinalizeSector(sector.sealingCtx(ctx.Context()), m.minerSector(sector.SectorType, sector.SectorNumber), sector.keepUnsealedRanges(false, cfg.AlwaysKeepUnsealedCopy)); err != nil {
return ctx.Send(SectorFinalizeFailed{xerrors.Errorf("finalize sector: %w", err)})
return ctx.Send(SectorFinalized{})