Raúl Kripalani 270bad8144 pull dagstore migration into Lotus and simplify.
Migration registers all shards with lazy init.

Shards are then initialized as they are retrieved for the
first time, or in bulk through a lotus-shed tool that will
be provided separately.
2021-08-04 16:59:27 +01:00

421 lines
12 KiB

package dagstore
import (
ds "github.com/ipfs/go-datastore"
levelds "github.com/ipfs/go-ds-leveldb"
measure "github.com/ipfs/go-ds-measure"
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
ldbopts "github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/opt"
const (
maxRecoverAttempts = 1
shardRegMarker = ".shard-registration-complete"
var log = logging.Logger("dagstore")
type Wrapper struct {
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
backgroundWg sync.WaitGroup
cfg config.DAGStoreConfig
dagst dagstore.Interface
minerAPI MinerAPI
failureCh chan dagstore.ShardResult
traceCh chan dagstore.Trace
gcInterval time.Duration
var _ stores.DAGStoreWrapper = (*Wrapper)(nil)
func NewDAGStore(cfg config.DAGStoreConfig, mountApi MinerAPI) (*dagstore.DAGStore, *Wrapper, error) {
// construct the DAG Store.
registry := mount.NewRegistry()
if err := registry.Register(lotusScheme, mountTemplate(mountApi)); err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to create registry: %w", err)
// The dagstore will write Shard failures to the `failureCh` here.
failureCh := make(chan dagstore.ShardResult, 1)
// The dagstore will write Trace events to the `traceCh` here.
traceCh := make(chan dagstore.Trace, 32)
var (
transientsDir = filepath.Join(cfg.RootDir, "transients")
datastoreDir = filepath.Join(cfg.RootDir, "datastore")
indexDir = filepath.Join(cfg.RootDir, "index")
dstore, err := newDatastore(datastoreDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to create dagstore datastore in %s: %w", datastoreDir, err)
irepo, err := index.NewFSRepo(indexDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to initialise dagstore index repo")
dcfg := dagstore.Config{
TransientsDir: transientsDir,
IndexRepo: irepo,
Datastore: dstore,
MountRegistry: registry,
FailureCh: failureCh,
TraceCh: traceCh,
// not limiting fetches globally, as the Lotus mount does
// conditional throttling.
MaxConcurrentIndex: cfg.MaxConcurrentIndex,
MaxConcurrentReadyFetches: cfg.MaxConcurrentReadyFetches,
RecoverOnStart: dagstore.RecoverOnAcquire,
dagst, err := dagstore.NewDAGStore(dcfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to create DAG store: %w", err)
w := &Wrapper{
cfg: cfg,
dagst: dagst,
minerAPI: mountApi,
failureCh: failureCh,
traceCh: traceCh,
gcInterval: time.Duration(cfg.GCInterval),
return dagst, w, nil
// newDatastore creates a datastore under the given base directory
// for dagstore metadata.
func newDatastore(dir string) (ds.Batching, error) {
// Create the datastore directory if it doesn't exist yet.
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to create directory %s for DAG store datastore: %w", dir, err)
// Create a new LevelDB datastore
dstore, err := levelds.NewDatastore(dir, &levelds.Options{
Compression: ldbopts.NoCompression,
NoSync: false,
Strict: ldbopts.StrictAll,
ReadOnly: false,
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to open datastore for DAG store: %w", err)
// Keep statistics about the datastore
mds := measure.New("measure.", dstore)
return mds, nil
func (w *Wrapper) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
w.ctx, w.cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
// Run a go-routine to do DagStore GC.
go w.gcLoop()
// run a go-routine to read the trace for debugging.
go w.traceLoop()
// Run a go-routine for shard recovery
if dss, ok := w.dagst.(*dagstore.DAGStore); ok {
go dagstore.RecoverImmediately(w.ctx, dss, w.failureCh, maxRecoverAttempts, w.backgroundWg.Done)
return w.dagst.Start(ctx)
func (w *Wrapper) traceLoop() {
defer w.backgroundWg.Done()
for w.ctx.Err() == nil {
select {
// Log trace events from the DAG store
case tr := <-w.traceCh:
"shard-key", tr.Key.String(),
"op-type", tr.Op.String(),
"after", tr.After.String())
case <-w.ctx.Done():
func (w *Wrapper) gcLoop() {
defer w.backgroundWg.Done()
ticker := time.NewTicker(w.gcInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for w.ctx.Err() == nil {
select {
// GC the DAG store on every tick
case <-ticker.C:
_, _ = w.dagst.GC(w.ctx)
// Exit when the DAG store wrapper is shutdown
case <-w.ctx.Done():
func (w *Wrapper) LoadShard(ctx context.Context, pieceCid cid.Cid) (stores.ClosableBlockstore, error) {
log.Debugf("acquiring shard for piece CID %s", pieceCid)
key := shard.KeyFromCID(pieceCid)
resch := make(chan dagstore.ShardResult, 1)
err := w.dagst.AcquireShard(ctx, key, resch, dagstore.AcquireOpts{})
log.Debugf("sent message to acquire shard for piece CID %s", pieceCid)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, dagstore.ErrShardUnknown) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to schedule acquire shard for piece CID %s: %w", pieceCid, err)
// if the DAGStore does not know about the Shard -> register it and then try to acquire it again.
log.Warnw("failed to load shard as shard is not registered, will re-register", "pieceCID", pieceCid)
// The path of a transient file that we can ask the DAG Store to use
// to perform the Indexing rather than fetching it via the Mount if
// we already have a transient file. However, we don't have it here
// and therefore we pass an empty file path.
carPath := ""
if err := stores.RegisterShardSync(ctx, w, pieceCid, carPath, false); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to re-register shard during loading piece CID %s: %w", pieceCid, err)
log.Warnw("successfully re-registered shard", "pieceCID", pieceCid)
resch = make(chan dagstore.ShardResult, 1)
if err := w.dagst.AcquireShard(ctx, key, resch, dagstore.AcquireOpts{}); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to acquire Shard for piece CID %s after re-registering: %w", pieceCid, err)
// TODO: The context is not yet being actively monitored by the DAG store,
// so we need to select against ctx.Done() until the following issue is
// implemented:
// https://github.com/filecoin-project/dagstore/issues/39
var res dagstore.ShardResult
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
case res = <-resch:
if res.Error != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to acquire shard for piece CID %s: %w", pieceCid, res.Error)
bs, err := res.Accessor.Blockstore()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debugf("successfully loaded blockstore for piece CID %s", pieceCid)
return &Blockstore{ReadBlockstore: bs, Closer: res.Accessor}, nil
func (w *Wrapper) RegisterShard(ctx context.Context, pieceCid cid.Cid, carPath string, eagerInit bool, resch chan dagstore.ShardResult) error {
// Create a lotus mount with the piece CID
key := shard.KeyFromCID(pieceCid)
mt, err := NewLotusMount(pieceCid, w.minerAPI)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to create lotus mount for piece CID %s: %w", pieceCid, err)
// Register the shard
opts := dagstore.RegisterOpts{
ExistingTransient: carPath,
LazyInitialization: !eagerInit,
err = w.dagst.RegisterShard(ctx, key, mt, resch, opts)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to schedule register shard for piece CID %s: %w", pieceCid, err)
log.Debugf("successfully submitted Register Shard request for piece CID %s with eagerInit=%t", pieceCid, eagerInit)
return nil
func (w *Wrapper) MigrateDeals(ctx context.Context, deals []storagemarket.MinerDeal) (bool, error) {
log := log.Named("migrator")
// Check if all deals have already been registered as shards
isComplete, err := w.registrationComplete()
if err != nil {
return false, xerrors.Errorf("failed to get dagstore migration status: %w", err)
if isComplete {
// All deals have been registered as shards, bail out
log.Info("no shard migration necessary; already marked complete")
return false, nil
log.Infow("registering shards for all active deals in sealing subsystem", "count", len(deals))
inSealingSubsystem := make(map[fsm.StateKey]struct{}, len(providerstates.StatesKnownBySealingSubsystem))
for _, s := range providerstates.StatesKnownBySealingSubsystem {
inSealingSubsystem[s] = struct{}{}
// channel where results will be received, and channel where the total
// number of registered shards will be sent.
resch := make(chan dagstore.ShardResult, 32)
totalCh := make(chan int)
doneCh := make(chan struct{})
// Start making progress consuming results. We won't know how many to
// actually consume until we register all shards.
// If there are any problems registering shards, just log an error
go func() {
defer close(doneCh)
var total = math.MaxInt64
var res dagstore.ShardResult
for rcvd := 0; rcvd < total; {
select {
case total = <-totalCh:
// we now know the total number of registered shards
// nullify so that we no longer consume from it after closed.
totalCh = nil
case res = <-resch:
if res.Error == nil {
log.Infow("async shard registration completed successfully", "shard_key", res.Key)
} else {
log.Warnw("async shard registration failed", "shard_key", res.Key, "error", res.Error)
// Filter for deals that are handed off.
// If the deal has not yet been handed off to the sealing subsystem, we
// don't need to call RegisterShard in this migration; RegisterShard will
// be called in the new code once the deal reaches the state where it's
// handed off to the sealing subsystem.
var registered int
for _, deal := range deals {
if deal.Ref.PieceCid == nil {
log.Warnw("deal has nil piece CID; skipping", "deal_id", deal.DealID)
// enrich log statements in this iteration with deal ID and piece CID.
log := log.With("deal_id", deal.DealID, "piece_cid", deal.Ref.PieceCid)
// Filter for deals that have been handed off to the sealing subsystem
if _, ok := inSealingSubsystem[deal.State]; !ok {
log.Infow("deal not ready; skipping")
log.Infow("registering deal in dagstore with lazy init")
// Register the deal as a shard with the DAG store with lazy initialization.
// The index will be populated the first time the deal is retrieved, or
// through the bulk initialization script.
err = w.RegisterShard(ctx, *deal.Ref.PieceCid, "", false, resch)
if err != nil {
log.Warnw("failed to register shard", "error", err)
log.Infow("finished registering all shards", "total", registered)
totalCh <- registered
log.Infow("confirmed registration of all shards")
// Completed registering all shards, so mark the migration as complete
err = w.markRegistrationComplete()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to mark shards as registered: %s", err)
} else {
log.Info("successfully marked migration as complete")
log.Infow("dagstore migration complete")
return true, nil
// Check for the existence of a "marker" file indicating that the migration
// has completed
func (w *Wrapper) registrationComplete() (bool, error) {
path := filepath.Join(w.cfg.RootDir, shardRegMarker)
_, err := os.Stat(path)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false, nil
if err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
// Create a "marker" file indicating that the migration has completed
func (w *Wrapper) markRegistrationComplete() error {
path := filepath.Join(w.cfg.RootDir, shardRegMarker)
file, err := os.Create(path)
if err != nil {
return err
return file.Close()
func (w *Wrapper) Close() error {
// Cancel the context
// Close the DAG store
log.Info("will close the dagstore")
if err := w.dagst.Close(); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to close DAG store: %w", err)
log.Info("dagstore closed")
// Wait for the background go routine to exit
log.Info("waiting for dagstore background wrapper routines to exist")
log.Info("exited dagstore background warpper routines")
return nil