2019-08-07 18:23:44 -07:00

496 lines
14 KiB

package actors
import (
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
hamt "github.com/ipfs/go-hamt-ipld"
cbor "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-cbor"
func init() {
var ProvingPeriodDuration = uint64(2 * 60) // an hour, for now
type StorageMinerActor struct{}
type StorageMinerActorState struct {
// Contains mostly static info about this miner
Info cid.Cid
// Collateral that is waiting to be withdrawn.
DePledgedCollateral types.BigInt
// Time at which the depledged collateral may be withdrawn.
DePledgeTime types.BigInt
// All sectors this miner has committed.
Sectors cid.Cid // TODO: Using a HAMT for now, needs to be an AMT once we implement it
SectorSetSize uint64 // TODO: the AMT should be able to tell us how many items are in it. This field won't be needed at that point
// Sectors this miner is currently mining. It is only updated
// when a PoSt is submitted (not as each new sector commitment is added).
ProvingSet cid.Cid
ProvingSetSize uint64
// Sectors reported during the last PoSt submission as being 'done'. The collateral
// for them is still being held until the next PoSt submission in case early sector
// removal penalization is needed.
//NextDoneSet BitField
// Deals this miner has been slashed for since the last post submission.
//TODO: unsupported map key type "Cid" (if you want to use struct keys, your atlas needs a transform to string)
//ArbitratedDeals map[cid.Cid]struct{}
// Amount of power this miner has.
Power types.BigInt
// List of sectors that this miner was slashed for.
//SlashedSet SectorSet
// The height at which this miner was slashed at.
SlashedAt types.BigInt
// The amount of storage collateral that is owed to clients, and cannot be used for collateral anymore.
OwedStorageCollateral types.BigInt
ProvingPeriodEnd uint64
type MinerInfo struct {
// Account that owns this miner.
// - Income and returned collateral are paid to this address.
// - This address is also allowed to change the worker address for the miner.
Owner address.Address
// Worker account for this miner.
// This will be the key that is used to sign blocks created by this miner, and
// sign messages sent on behalf of this miner to commit sectors, submit PoSts, and
// other day to day miner activities.
Worker address.Address
// Libp2p identity that should be used when connecting to this miner.
PeerID peer.ID
// Amount of space in each sector committed to the network by this miner.
SectorSize types.BigInt
type StorageMinerConstructorParams struct {
Owner address.Address
Worker address.Address
SectorSize types.BigInt
PeerID peer.ID
type maMethods struct {
Constructor uint64
CommitSector uint64
SubmitPoSt uint64
SlashStorageFault uint64
GetCurrentProvingSet uint64
ArbitrateDeal uint64
DePledge uint64
GetOwner uint64
GetWorkerAddr uint64
GetPower uint64
GetPeerID uint64
GetSectorSize uint64
UpdatePeerID uint64
ChangeWorker uint64
var MAMethods = maMethods{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14}
func (sma StorageMinerActor) Exports() []interface{} {
return []interface{}{
1: sma.StorageMinerConstructor,
2: sma.CommitSector,
3: sma.SubmitPoSt,
//4: sma.SlashStorageFault,
//5: sma.GetCurrentProvingSet,
//6: sma.ArbitrateDeal,
//7: sma.DePledge,
8: sma.GetOwner,
9: sma.GetWorkerAddr,
10: sma.GetPower,
11: sma.GetPeerID,
12: sma.GetSectorSize,
13: sma.UpdatePeerID,
//14: sma.ChangeWorker,
func loadState(vmctx types.VMContext) (cid.Cid, *StorageMinerActorState, ActorError) {
var self StorageMinerActorState
oldstate := vmctx.Storage().GetHead()
if err := vmctx.Storage().Get(oldstate, &self); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, nil, err
return oldstate, &self, nil
func loadMinerInfo(vmctx types.VMContext, m *StorageMinerActorState) (*MinerInfo, ActorError) {
var mi MinerInfo
if err := vmctx.Storage().Get(m.Info, &mi); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &mi, nil
func (sma StorageMinerActor) StorageMinerConstructor(act *types.Actor, vmctx types.VMContext, params *StorageMinerConstructorParams) ([]byte, ActorError) {
minerInfo := &MinerInfo{
Owner: params.Owner,
Worker: params.Worker,
PeerID: params.PeerID,
SectorSize: params.SectorSize,
minfocid, err := vmctx.Storage().Put(minerInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var self StorageMinerActorState
nd := hamt.NewNode(vmctx.Ipld())
sectors, nerr := vmctx.Ipld().Put(context.TODO(), nd)
if nerr != nil {
return nil, aerrors.Escalate(nerr, "could not put in storage")
self.Sectors = sectors
self.ProvingSet = sectors
self.Info = minfocid
storage := vmctx.Storage()
c, err := storage.Put(self)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := storage.Commit(EmptyCBOR, c); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
type CommitSectorParams struct {
SectorID types.BigInt
CommD []byte
CommR []byte
CommRStar []byte
Proof []byte
func (sma StorageMinerActor) CommitSector(act *types.Actor, vmctx types.VMContext, params *CommitSectorParams) ([]byte, ActorError) {
oldstate, self, err := loadState(vmctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mi, err := loadMinerInfo(vmctx, self)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO: this needs to get normalized to either the ID address or the actor address
maddr := vmctx.Message().To
if ok, err := ValidatePoRep(maddr, mi.SectorSize, params); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !ok {
return nil, aerrors.New(1, "bad proof!")
// make sure the miner isnt trying to submit a pre-existing sector
unique, err := SectorIsUnique(vmctx.Ipld(), self.Sectors, params.SectorID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !unique {
return nil, aerrors.New(2, "sector already committed!")
// Power of the miner after adding this sector
futurePower := types.BigAdd(self.Power, mi.SectorSize)
collateralRequired := CollateralForPower(futurePower)
if types.BigCmp(collateralRequired, act.Balance) < 0 {
return nil, aerrors.New(3, "not enough collateral")
// ensure that the miner cannot commit more sectors than can be proved with a single PoSt
if self.SectorSetSize >= POST_SECTORS_COUNT {
return nil, aerrors.New(4, "too many sectors")
// Note: There must exist a unique index in the miner's sector set for each
// sector ID. The `faults`, `recovered`, and `done` parameters of the
// SubmitPoSt method express indices into this sector set.
nssroot, err := AddToSectorSet(context.TODO(), vmctx.Ipld(), self.Sectors, params.SectorID, params.CommR, params.CommD)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
self.Sectors = nssroot
// if miner is not mining, start their proving period now
// Note: As written here, every miners first PoSt will only be over one sector.
// We could set up a 'grace period' for starting mining that would allow miners
// to submit several sectors for their first proving period. Alternatively, we
// could simply make the 'CommitSector' call take multiple sectors at a time.
// Note: Proving period is a function of sector size; small sectors take less
// time to prove than large sectors do. Sector size is selected when pledging.
if self.ProvingSetSize == 0 {
self.ProvingSet = self.Sectors
self.ProvingSetSize = self.SectorSetSize
self.ProvingPeriodEnd = vmctx.BlockHeight() + ProvingPeriodDuration
nstate, err := vmctx.Storage().Put(self)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := vmctx.Storage().Commit(oldstate, nstate); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
type SubmitPoStParams struct {
// TODO: once the spec changes finish, we have more work to do here...
// TODO: this is a dummy method that allows us to plumb in other parts of the
// system for now.
func (sma StorageMinerActor) SubmitPoSt(act *types.Actor, vmctx types.VMContext, params *SubmitPoStParams) ([]byte, ActorError) {
oldstate, self, err := loadState(vmctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mi, err := loadMinerInfo(vmctx, self)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if vmctx.Message().From != mi.Worker {
return nil, aerrors.New(1, "not authorized to submit post for miner")
oldProvingSetSize := self.ProvingSetSize
self.ProvingSet = self.Sectors
self.ProvingSetSize = self.SectorSetSize
oldPower := self.Power
self.Power = types.BigMul(types.NewInt(oldProvingSetSize), mi.SectorSize)
enc, err := SerializeParams(&UpdateStorageParams{Delta: types.BigSub(self.Power, oldPower)})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = vmctx.Send(StorageMarketAddress, SMAMethods.UpdateStorage, types.NewInt(0), enc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c, err := vmctx.Storage().Put(self)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := vmctx.Storage().Commit(oldstate, c); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
func (sma StorageMinerActor) GetPower(act *types.Actor, vmctx types.VMContext, params *struct{}) ([]byte, ActorError) {
_, self, err := loadState(vmctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return self.Power.Bytes(), nil
func SectorIsUnique(cst *hamt.CborIpldStore, sroot cid.Cid, sid types.BigInt) (bool, ActorError) {
nd, err := hamt.LoadNode(context.TODO(), cst, sroot)
if err != nil {
return false, aerrors.Escalate(err, "could not load node in HAMT")
if _, err := nd.Find(context.TODO(), sid.String()); err != nil {
if xerrors.Is(err, hamt.ErrNotFound) {
return true, nil
return false, aerrors.Escalate(err, "could not find node in HAMT")
return false, nil
func AddToSectorSet(ctx context.Context, cst *hamt.CborIpldStore, ss cid.Cid, sectorID types.BigInt, commR, commD []byte) (cid.Cid, ActorError) {
nd, err := hamt.LoadNode(ctx, cst, ss)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, aerrors.Escalate(err, "could not load HAMT node")
enc, aerr := SerializeParams([][]byte{commR, commD})
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, aerrors.Wrap(aerr, "failed to serialize commR and commD for sector set")
if err := nd.Set(ctx, sectorID.String(), enc); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, aerrors.Escalate(err, "failed to set new sector in sector set")
if err := nd.Flush(ctx); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, aerrors.Escalate(err, "failed to flush sector set")
ssroot, err := cst.Put(ctx, nd)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, aerrors.Escalate(err, "failed to store new sector set root")
return ssroot, nil
func ValidatePoRep(maddr address.Address, ssize types.BigInt, params *CommitSectorParams) (bool, ActorError) {
ok, err := sectorbuilder.VerifySeal(ssize.Uint64(), params.CommR, params.CommD, params.CommRStar, maddr, params.SectorID.Uint64(), params.Proof)
if err != nil {
return false, aerrors.Escalate(err, "verify seal failed")
return ok, nil
func CollateralForPower(power types.BigInt) types.BigInt {
return types.BigMul(power, types.NewInt(10))
/* TODO: this
availableFil = FakeGlobalMethods.GetAvailableFil()
totalNetworkPower = StorageMinerActor.GetTotalStorage()
numMiners = StorageMarket.GetMinerCount()
powerCollateral = availableFil * NetworkConstants.POWER_COLLATERAL_PROPORTION * power / totalNetworkPower
perCapitaCollateral = availableFil * NetworkConstants.PER_CAPITA_COLLATERAL_PROPORTION / numMiners
collateralRequired = math.Ceil(minerPowerCollateral + minerPerCapitaCollateral)
return collateralRequired
func (sma StorageMinerActor) GetWorkerAddr(act *types.Actor, vmctx types.VMContext, params *struct{}) ([]byte, ActorError) {
_, self, err := loadState(vmctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mi, err := loadMinerInfo(vmctx, self)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mi.Worker.Bytes(), nil
func (sma StorageMinerActor) GetOwner(act *types.Actor, vmctx types.VMContext, params *struct{}) ([]byte, ActorError) {
_, self, err := loadState(vmctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mi, err := loadMinerInfo(vmctx, self)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mi.Owner.Bytes(), nil
func (sma StorageMinerActor) GetPeerID(act *types.Actor, vmctx types.VMContext, params *struct{}) ([]byte, ActorError) {
_, self, err := loadState(vmctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mi, err := loadMinerInfo(vmctx, self)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []byte(mi.PeerID), nil
type UpdatePeerIDParams struct {
PeerID peer.ID
func (sma StorageMinerActor) UpdatePeerID(act *types.Actor, vmctx types.VMContext, params *UpdatePeerIDParams) ([]byte, ActorError) {
oldstate, self, err := loadState(vmctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mi, err := loadMinerInfo(vmctx, self)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if vmctx.Message().From != mi.Worker {
return nil, aerrors.New(2, "only the mine worker may update the peer ID")
mi.PeerID = params.PeerID
mic, err := vmctx.Storage().Put(mi)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
self.Info = mic
c, err := vmctx.Storage().Put(self)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := vmctx.Storage().Commit(oldstate, c); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
func (sma StorageMinerActor) GetSectorSize(act *types.Actor, vmctx types.VMContext, params *struct{}) ([]byte, ActorError) {
_, self, err := loadState(vmctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mi, err := loadMinerInfo(vmctx, self)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mi.SectorSize.Bytes(), nil