Geoff Stuart 94add978b0
chore: actors: Allow builtin-actors to return a map of methods ()
* Allow builtin-actors to return a map of methods

* go mod

* Fix tests

* Fix tests, check carefully please
2022-09-21 10:56:58 -04:00

537 lines
14 KiB

// stm: #integration
package stmgr_test
import (
ipldcbor "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-cbor"
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
cbg "github.com/whyrusleeping/cbor-gen"
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
rtt "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/rt"
builtin0 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/builtin"
init2 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/v2/actors/builtin/init"
rt2 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/v2/actors/runtime"
_init "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/chain/actors/builtin/init"
. "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/chain/stmgr"
_ "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/lib/sigs/bls"
_ "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/lib/sigs/secp"
func init() {
const testForkHeight = 40
type testActor struct {
// must use existing actor that an account is allowed to exec.
func (testActor) Code() cid.Cid { return builtin0.PaymentChannelActorCodeID }
func (testActor) State() cbor.Er { return new(testActorState) }
type testActorState struct {
HasUpgraded uint64
func (tas *testActorState) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
return cbg.CborWriteHeader(w, cbg.MajUnsignedInt, tas.HasUpgraded)
func (tas *testActorState) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) error {
t, v, err := cbg.CborReadHeader(r)
if err != nil {
return err
if t != cbg.MajUnsignedInt {
return fmt.Errorf("wrong type in test actor state (got %d)", t)
tas.HasUpgraded = v
return nil
func (ta testActor) Exports() []interface{} {
return []interface{}{
1: ta.Constructor,
2: ta.TestMethod,
func (ta *testActor) Constructor(rt rt2.Runtime, params *abi.EmptyValue) *abi.EmptyValue {
//fmt.Println("NEW ACTOR ADDRESS IS: ", rt.Receiver())
return abi.Empty
func (ta *testActor) TestMethod(rt rt2.Runtime, params *abi.EmptyValue) *abi.EmptyValue {
var st testActorState
if rt.CurrEpoch() > testForkHeight {
if st.HasUpgraded != 55 {
panic(aerrors.Fatal("fork updating applied in wrong order"))
} else {
if st.HasUpgraded != 11 {
panic(aerrors.Fatal("fork updating happened too early"))
return abi.Empty
func TestForkHeightTriggers(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.TODO()
cg, err := gen.NewGenerator()
if err != nil {
// predicting the address here... may break if other assumptions change
taddr, err := address.NewIDAddress(1002)
if err != nil {
sm, err := NewStateManager(
cg.ChainStore(), filcns.NewTipSetExecutor(), cg.StateManager().VMSys(), UpgradeSchedule{{
Network: network.Version1,
Height: testForkHeight,
Migration: func(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, cache MigrationCache, cb ExecMonitor,
root cid.Cid, height abi.ChainEpoch, ts *types.TipSet) (cid.Cid, error) {
cst := ipldcbor.NewCborStore(sm.ChainStore().StateBlockstore())
st, err := sm.StateTree(root)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("getting state tree: %w", err)
act, err := st.GetActor(taddr)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, err
var tas testActorState
if err := cst.Get(ctx, act.Head, &tas); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("in fork handler, failed to run get: %w", err)
tas.HasUpgraded = 55
ns, err := cst.Put(ctx, &tas)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, err
act.Head = ns
if err := st.SetActor(taddr, act); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, err
return st.Flush(ctx)
}}}, cg.BeaconSchedule())
if err != nil {
inv := filcns.NewActorRegistry()
registry := builtin.MakeRegistryLegacy([]rtt.VMActor{testActor{}})
inv.Register(actorstypes.Version0, nil, registry)
sm.SetVMConstructor(func(ctx context.Context, vmopt *vm.VMOpts) (vm.Interface, error) {
nvm, err := vm.NewLegacyVM(ctx, vmopt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nvm, nil
var msgs []*types.SignedMessage
enc, err := actors.SerializeParams(&init2.ExecParams{CodeCID: (testActor{}).Code()})
if err != nil {
m := &types.Message{
From: cg.Banker(),
To: _init.Address,
Method: _init.Methods.Exec,
Params: enc,
GasLimit: types.TestGasLimit,
sig, err := cg.Wallet().WalletSign(ctx, cg.Banker(), m.Cid().Bytes(), api.MsgMeta{})
if err != nil {
msgs = append(msgs, &types.SignedMessage{
Signature: *sig,
Message: *m,
nonce := uint64(1)
cg.GetMessages = func(cg *gen.ChainGen) ([]*types.SignedMessage, error) {
if len(msgs) > 0 {
fmt.Println("added construct method")
m := msgs
msgs = nil
return m, nil
m := &types.Message{
From: cg.Banker(),
To: taddr,
Method: 2,
Params: nil,
Nonce: nonce,
GasLimit: types.TestGasLimit,
sig, err := cg.Wallet().WalletSign(ctx, cg.Banker(), m.Cid().Bytes(), api.MsgMeta{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []*types.SignedMessage{
Signature: *sig,
Message: *m,
}, nil
for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
_, err = cg.NextTipSet()
if err != nil {
func TestForkRefuseCall(t *testing.T) {
for after := 0; after < 3; after++ {
for before := 0; before < 3; before++ {
// Makes the lints happy...
after := after
before := before
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("after:%d,before:%d", after, before), func(t *testing.T) {
testForkRefuseCall(t, before, after)
func testForkRefuseCall(t *testing.T, nullsBefore, nullsAfter int) {
ctx := context.TODO()
cg, err := gen.NewGenerator()
if err != nil {
var migrationCount int
sm, err := NewStateManager(
cg.ChainStore(), filcns.NewTipSetExecutor(), cg.StateManager().VMSys(), UpgradeSchedule{{
Network: network.Version1,
Expensive: true,
Height: testForkHeight,
Migration: func(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, cache MigrationCache, cb ExecMonitor,
root cid.Cid, height abi.ChainEpoch, ts *types.TipSet) (cid.Cid, error) {
return root, nil
}}}, cg.BeaconSchedule())
if err != nil {
inv := filcns.NewActorRegistry()
registry := builtin.MakeRegistryLegacy([]rtt.VMActor{testActor{}})
inv.Register(actorstypes.Version0, nil, registry)
sm.SetVMConstructor(func(ctx context.Context, vmopt *vm.VMOpts) (vm.Interface, error) {
nvm, err := vm.NewLegacyVM(ctx, vmopt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nvm, nil
enc, err := actors.SerializeParams(&init2.ExecParams{CodeCID: (testActor{}).Code()})
if err != nil {
m := &types.Message{
From: cg.Banker(),
To: _init.Address,
Method: _init.Methods.Exec,
Params: enc,
GasLimit: types.TestGasLimit,
Value: types.NewInt(0),
GasPremium: types.NewInt(0),
GasFeeCap: types.NewInt(0),
nullStart := abi.ChainEpoch(testForkHeight - nullsBefore)
nullLength := abi.ChainEpoch(nullsBefore + nullsAfter)
for i := 0; i < testForkHeight*2; i++ {
pts := cg.CurTipset.TipSet()
skip := abi.ChainEpoch(0)
if pts.Height() == nullStart {
skip = nullLength
ts, err := cg.NextTipSetFromMiners(pts, cg.Miners, skip)
if err != nil {
parentHeight := pts.Height()
currentHeight := ts.TipSet.TipSet().Height()
// CallWithGas calls _at_ the current tipset.
ret, err := sm.CallWithGas(ctx, m, nil, ts.TipSet.TipSet())
if parentHeight <= testForkHeight && currentHeight >= testForkHeight {
// If I had a fork, or I _will_ have a fork, it should fail.
require.Equal(t, ErrExpensiveFork, err)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, ret.MsgRct.ExitCode.IsSuccess())
// Call always applies the message to the "next block" after the tipset's parent state.
ret, err = sm.Call(ctx, m, ts.TipSet.TipSet())
if parentHeight == testForkHeight {
require.Equal(t, ErrExpensiveFork, err)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, ret.MsgRct.ExitCode.IsSuccess())
// Calls without a tipset should walk back to the last non-fork tipset.
// We _verify_ that the migration wasn't run multiple times at the end of the
// test.
ret, err = sm.CallWithGas(ctx, m, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, ret.MsgRct.ExitCode.IsSuccess())
ret, err = sm.Call(ctx, m, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, ret.MsgRct.ExitCode.IsSuccess())
// Make sure we didn't execute the migration multiple times.
require.Equal(t, migrationCount, 1)
func TestForkPreMigration(t *testing.T) {
cg, err := gen.NewGenerator()
if err != nil {
fooCid, err := abi.CidBuilder.Sum([]byte("foo"))
require.NoError(t, err)
barCid, err := abi.CidBuilder.Sum([]byte("bar"))
require.NoError(t, err)
failCid, err := abi.CidBuilder.Sum([]byte("fail"))
require.NoError(t, err)
var wait20 sync.WaitGroup
wasCanceled := make(chan struct{})
checkCache := func(t *testing.T, cache MigrationCache) {
found, value, err := cache.Read("foo")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, found)
require.Equal(t, fooCid, value)
found, value, err = cache.Read("bar")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, found)
require.Equal(t, barCid, value)
found, _, err = cache.Read("fail")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, found)
counter := make(chan struct{}, 10)
sm, err := NewStateManager(
cg.ChainStore(), filcns.NewTipSetExecutor(), cg.StateManager().VMSys(), UpgradeSchedule{{
Network: network.Version1,
Height: testForkHeight,
Migration: func(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, cache MigrationCache, cb ExecMonitor,
root cid.Cid, height abi.ChainEpoch, ts *types.TipSet) (cid.Cid, error) {
// Make sure the test that should be canceled, is canceled.
select {
case <-wasCanceled:
case <-ctx.Done():
return cid.Undef, ctx.Err()
// the cache should be setup correctly.
checkCache(t, cache)
counter <- struct{}{}
return root, nil
PreMigrations: []PreMigration{{
StartWithin: 20,
PreMigration: func(ctx context.Context, _ *StateManager, cache MigrationCache,
_ cid.Cid, _ abi.ChainEpoch, _ *types.TipSet) error {
err := cache.Write("foo", fooCid)
require.NoError(t, err)
counter <- struct{}{}
return nil
}, {
StartWithin: 20,
PreMigration: func(ctx context.Context, _ *StateManager, cache MigrationCache,
_ cid.Cid, _ abi.ChainEpoch, _ *types.TipSet) error {
err := cache.Write("bar", barCid)
require.NoError(t, err)
counter <- struct{}{}
return nil
}, {
StartWithin: 20,
PreMigration: func(ctx context.Context, _ *StateManager, cache MigrationCache,
_ cid.Cid, _ abi.ChainEpoch, _ *types.TipSet) error {
err := cache.Write("fail", failCid)
require.NoError(t, err)
counter <- struct{}{}
// Fail this migration. The cached entry should not be persisted.
return fmt.Errorf("failed")
}, {
StartWithin: 15,
StopWithin: 5,
PreMigration: func(ctx context.Context, _ *StateManager, cache MigrationCache,
_ cid.Cid, _ abi.ChainEpoch, _ *types.TipSet) error {
counter <- struct{}{}
return nil
}, {
StartWithin: 10,
PreMigration: func(ctx context.Context, _ *StateManager, cache MigrationCache,
_ cid.Cid, _ abi.ChainEpoch, _ *types.TipSet) error {
checkCache(t, cache)
counter <- struct{}{}
return nil
}, cg.BeaconSchedule())
if err != nil {
require.NoError(t, sm.Start(context.Background()))
defer func() {
require.NoError(t, sm.Stop(context.Background()))
inv := filcns.NewActorRegistry()
registry := builtin.MakeRegistryLegacy([]rtt.VMActor{testActor{}})
inv.Register(actorstypes.Version0, nil, registry)
sm.SetVMConstructor(func(ctx context.Context, vmopt *vm.VMOpts) (vm.Interface, error) {
nvm, err := vm.NewLegacyVM(ctx, vmopt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nvm, nil
for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
_, err := cg.NextTipSet()
if err != nil {
// We have 5 pre-migration steps, and the migration. They should all have written something
// to this channel.
require.Equal(t, 6, len(counter))