We were ignoring quite a few error cases, and had one case where we weren't actually updating state where we wanted to. Unfortunately, if the linter doesn't pass, nobody has any reason to actually check lint failures in CI. There are three remaining XXXs marked in the code for lint.
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package vm
import (
gruntime "runtime"
vmr "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/runtime"
cbor "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-cbor"
cbg "github.com/whyrusleeping/cbor-gen"
type Runtime struct {
ctx context.Context
vm *VM
state *state.StateTree
msg *types.Message
vmsg vmr.Message
height abi.ChainEpoch
cst cbor.IpldStore
pricelist Pricelist
gasAvailable int64
gasUsed int64
sys runtime.Syscalls
// address that started invoke chain
origin address.Address
originNonce uint64
executionTrace types.ExecutionTrace
numActorsCreated uint64
allowInternal bool
callerValidated bool
lastGasChargeTime time.Time
lastGasCharge *types.GasTrace
func (rt *Runtime) TotalFilCircSupply() abi.TokenAmount {
cs, err := rt.vm.GetCircSupply(rt.ctx)
if err != nil {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to get total circ supply: %s", err)
return cs
func (rt *Runtime) ResolveAddress(addr address.Address) (ret address.Address, ok bool) {
r, err := rt.state.LookupID(addr)
if err != nil {
if xerrors.Is(err, types.ErrActorNotFound) {
return address.Undef, false
panic(aerrors.Fatalf("failed to resolve address %s: %s", addr, err))
return r, true
type notFoundErr interface {
IsNotFound() bool
func (rt *Runtime) Get(c cid.Cid, o vmr.CBORUnmarshaler) bool {
if err := rt.cst.Get(context.TODO(), c, o); err != nil {
var nfe notFoundErr
if xerrors.As(err, &nfe) && nfe.IsNotFound() {
if xerrors.As(err, new(cbor.SerializationError)) {
panic(aerrors.Newf(exitcode.ErrSerialization, "failed to unmarshal cbor object %s", err))
return false
panic(aerrors.Fatalf("failed to get cbor object %s: %s", c, err))
return true
func (rt *Runtime) Put(x vmr.CBORMarshaler) cid.Cid {
c, err := rt.cst.Put(context.TODO(), x)
if err != nil {
if xerrors.As(err, new(cbor.SerializationError)) {
panic(aerrors.Newf(exitcode.ErrSerialization, "failed to marshal cbor object %s", err))
panic(aerrors.Fatalf("failed to put cbor object: %s", err))
return c
var _ vmr.Runtime = (*Runtime)(nil)
func (rt *Runtime) shimCall(f func() interface{}) (rval []byte, aerr aerrors.ActorError) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
if ar, ok := r.(aerrors.ActorError); ok {
log.Warnf("VM.Call failure: %+v", ar)
aerr = ar
//Sugar().Errorf("spec actors failure: %s", r)
log.Errorf("spec actors failure: %s", r)
aerr = aerrors.Newf(1, "spec actors failure: %s", r)
ret := f()
if !rt.callerValidated {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrorIllegalActor, "Caller MUST be validated during method execution")
switch ret := ret.(type) {
case []byte:
return ret, nil
case *adt.EmptyValue:
return nil, nil
case cbg.CBORMarshaler:
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := ret.MarshalCBOR(buf); err != nil {
return nil, aerrors.Absorb(err, 2, "failed to marshal response to cbor")
return buf.Bytes(), nil
case nil:
return nil, nil
return nil, aerrors.New(3, "could not determine type for response from call")
func (rt *Runtime) Message() vmr.Message {
return rt.vmsg
func (rt *Runtime) ValidateImmediateCallerAcceptAny() {
func (rt *Runtime) CurrentBalance() abi.TokenAmount {
b, err := rt.GetBalance(rt.Message().Receiver())
if err != nil {
rt.Abortf(err.RetCode(), "get current balance: %v", err)
return b
func (rt *Runtime) GetActorCodeCID(addr address.Address) (ret cid.Cid, ok bool) {
act, err := rt.state.GetActor(addr)
if err != nil {
if xerrors.Is(err, types.ErrActorNotFound) {
return cid.Undef, false
panic(aerrors.Fatalf("failed to get actor: %s", err))
return act.Code, true
func (rt *Runtime) GetRandomnessFromTickets(personalization crypto.DomainSeparationTag, randEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, entropy []byte) abi.Randomness {
res, err := rt.vm.rand.GetChainRandomness(rt.ctx, personalization, randEpoch, entropy)
if err != nil {
panic(aerrors.Fatalf("could not get randomness: %s", err))
return res
func (rt *Runtime) GetRandomnessFromBeacon(personalization crypto.DomainSeparationTag, randEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, entropy []byte) abi.Randomness {
res, err := rt.vm.rand.GetBeaconRandomness(rt.ctx, personalization, randEpoch, entropy)
if err != nil {
panic(aerrors.Fatalf("could not get randomness: %s", err))
return res
func (rt *Runtime) Store() vmr.Store {
return rt
func (rt *Runtime) NewActorAddress() address.Address {
var b bytes.Buffer
oa, _ := ResolveToKeyAddr(rt.vm.cstate, rt.vm.cst, rt.origin)
if err := oa.MarshalCBOR(&b); err != nil { // todo: spec says cbor; why not just bytes?
panic(aerrors.Fatalf("writing caller address into a buffer: %v", err))
if err := binary.Write(&b, binary.BigEndian, rt.originNonce); err != nil {
panic(aerrors.Fatalf("writing nonce address into a buffer: %v", err))
if err := binary.Write(&b, binary.BigEndian, rt.numActorsCreated); err != nil { // TODO: expose on vm
panic(aerrors.Fatalf("writing callSeqNum address into a buffer: %v", err))
addr, err := address.NewActorAddress(b.Bytes())
if err != nil {
panic(aerrors.Fatalf("create actor address: %v", err))
return addr
func (rt *Runtime) CreateActor(codeID cid.Cid, address address.Address) {
if !builtin.IsBuiltinActor(codeID) {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrorIllegalArgument, "Can only create built-in actors.")
if builtin.IsSingletonActor(codeID) {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrorIllegalArgument, "Can only have one instance of singleton actors.")
_, err := rt.state.GetActor(address)
if err == nil {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrorIllegalArgument, "Actor address already exists")
err = rt.state.SetActor(address, &types.Actor{
Code: codeID,
Head: EmptyObjectCid,
Nonce: 0,
Balance: big.Zero(),
if err != nil {
panic(aerrors.Fatalf("creating actor entry: %v", err))
_ = rt.chargeGasSafe(gasOnActorExec)
// DeleteActor deletes the executing actor from the state tree, transferring
// any balance to beneficiary.
// Aborts if the beneficiary does not exist.
// May only be called by the actor itself.
func (rt *Runtime) DeleteActor(beneficiary address.Address) {
act, err := rt.state.GetActor(rt.Message().Receiver())
if err != nil {
if xerrors.Is(err, types.ErrActorNotFound) {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrorIllegalActor, "failed to load actor in delete actor: %s", err)
panic(aerrors.Fatalf("failed to get actor: %s", err))
if !act.Balance.IsZero() {
// Transfer the executing actor's balance to the beneficiary
if err := rt.vm.transfer(rt.Message().Receiver(), beneficiary, act.Balance); err != nil {
panic(aerrors.Fatalf("failed to transfer balance to beneficiary actor: %s", err))
// Delete the executing actor
if err := rt.state.DeleteActor(rt.Message().Receiver()); err != nil {
panic(aerrors.Fatalf("failed to delete actor: %s", err))
_ = rt.chargeGasSafe(gasOnActorExec)
func (rt *Runtime) Syscalls() vmr.Syscalls {
return rt.sys
func (rt *Runtime) StartSpan(name string) vmr.TraceSpan {
panic("implement me")
func (rt *Runtime) ValidateImmediateCallerIs(as ...address.Address) {
imm := rt.Message().Caller()
for _, a := range as {
if imm == a {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrForbidden, "caller %s is not one of %s", rt.Message().Caller(), as)
func (rt *Runtime) Context() context.Context {
return rt.ctx
func (rt *Runtime) Abortf(code exitcode.ExitCode, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
log.Warnf("Abortf: " + fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))
panic(aerrors.NewfSkip(2, code, msg, args...))
func (rt *Runtime) AbortStateMsg(msg string) {
panic(aerrors.NewfSkip(3, 101, msg))
func (rt *Runtime) ValidateImmediateCallerType(ts ...cid.Cid) {
callerCid, ok := rt.GetActorCodeCID(rt.Message().Caller())
if !ok {
panic(aerrors.Fatalf("failed to lookup code cid for caller"))
for _, t := range ts {
if t == callerCid {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrForbidden, "caller cid type %q was not one of %v", callerCid, ts)
func (rt *Runtime) CurrEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return rt.height
type dumbWrapperType struct {
val []byte
func (dwt *dumbWrapperType) Into(um vmr.CBORUnmarshaler) error {
return um.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(dwt.val))
func (rt *Runtime) Send(to address.Address, method abi.MethodNum, m vmr.CBORMarshaler, value abi.TokenAmount) (vmr.SendReturn, exitcode.ExitCode) {
if !rt.allowInternal {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrorIllegalActor, "runtime.Send() is currently disallowed")
var params []byte
if m != nil {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := m.MarshalCBOR(buf); err != nil {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrInvalidParameters, "failed to marshal input parameters: %s", err)
params = buf.Bytes()
ret, err := rt.internalSend(rt.Message().Receiver(), to, method, value, params)
if err != nil {
if err.IsFatal() {
log.Warnf("vmctx send failed: to: %s, method: %d: ret: %d, err: %s", to, method, ret, err)
return &dumbWrapperType{nil}, err.RetCode()
_ = rt.chargeGasSafe(gasOnActorExec)
return &dumbWrapperType{ret}, 0
func (rt *Runtime) internalSend(from, to address.Address, method abi.MethodNum, value types.BigInt, params []byte) ([]byte, aerrors.ActorError) {
start := build.Clock.Now()
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(rt.ctx, "vmc.Send")
defer span.End()
if span.IsRecordingEvents() {
trace.StringAttribute("to", to.String()),
trace.Int64Attribute("method", int64(method)),
trace.StringAttribute("value", value.String()),
msg := &types.Message{
From: from,
To: to,
Method: method,
Value: value,
Params: params,
GasLimit: rt.gasAvailable,
st := rt.state
if err := st.Snapshot(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, aerrors.Fatalf("snapshot failed: %s", err)
defer st.ClearSnapshot()
ret, errSend, subrt := rt.vm.send(ctx, msg, rt, nil, start)
if errSend != nil {
if errRevert := st.Revert(); errRevert != nil {
return nil, aerrors.Escalate(errRevert, "failed to revert state tree after failed subcall")
if subrt != nil {
rt.numActorsCreated = subrt.numActorsCreated
rt.executionTrace.Subcalls = append(rt.executionTrace.Subcalls, subrt.executionTrace)
return ret, errSend
func (rt *Runtime) State() vmr.StateHandle {
return &shimStateHandle{rt: rt}
type shimStateHandle struct {
rt *Runtime
func (ssh *shimStateHandle) Create(obj vmr.CBORMarshaler) {
c := ssh.rt.Put(obj)
err := ssh.rt.stateCommit(EmptyObjectCid, c)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to commit state after creating object: %w", err))
func (ssh *shimStateHandle) Readonly(obj vmr.CBORUnmarshaler) {
act, err := ssh.rt.state.GetActor(ssh.rt.Message().Receiver())
if err != nil {
ssh.rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrorIllegalArgument, "failed to get actor for Readonly state: %s", err)
ssh.rt.Get(act.Head, obj)
func (ssh *shimStateHandle) Transaction(obj vmr.CBORer, f func()) {
if obj == nil {
ssh.rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrorIllegalActor, "Must not pass nil to Transaction()")
act, err := ssh.rt.state.GetActor(ssh.rt.Message().Receiver())
if err != nil {
ssh.rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrorIllegalActor, "failed to get actor for Transaction: %s", err)
baseState := act.Head
ssh.rt.Get(baseState, obj)
ssh.rt.allowInternal = false
ssh.rt.allowInternal = true
c := ssh.rt.Put(obj)
err = ssh.rt.stateCommit(baseState, c)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to commit state after transaction: %w", err))
func (rt *Runtime) GetBalance(a address.Address) (types.BigInt, aerrors.ActorError) {
act, err := rt.state.GetActor(a)
switch err {
return types.EmptyInt, aerrors.Escalate(err, "failed to look up actor balance")
case types.ErrActorNotFound:
return types.NewInt(0), nil
case nil:
return act.Balance, nil
func (rt *Runtime) stateCommit(oldh, newh cid.Cid) aerrors.ActorError {
// TODO: we can make this more efficient in the future...
act, err := rt.state.GetActor(rt.Message().Receiver())
if err != nil {
return aerrors.Escalate(err, "failed to get actor to commit state")
if act.Head != oldh {
return aerrors.Fatal("failed to update, inconsistent base reference")
act.Head = newh
if err := rt.state.SetActor(rt.Message().Receiver(), act); err != nil {
return aerrors.Fatalf("failed to set actor in commit state: %s", err)
return nil
func (rt *Runtime) finilizeGasTracing() {
if rt.lastGasCharge != nil {
rt.lastGasCharge.TimeTaken = time.Since(rt.lastGasChargeTime)
// ChargeGas is spec actors function
func (rt *Runtime) ChargeGas(name string, compute int64, virtual int64) {
err := rt.chargeGasInternal(newGasCharge(name, compute, 0).WithVirtual(virtual, 0), 1)
if err != nil {
func (rt *Runtime) chargeGas(gas GasCharge) {
err := rt.chargeGasInternal(gas, 1)
if err != nil {
func (rt *Runtime) chargeGasFunc(skip int) func(GasCharge) {
return func(gas GasCharge) {
err := rt.chargeGasInternal(gas, 1+skip)
if err != nil {
func (rt *Runtime) chargeGasInternal(gas GasCharge, skip int) aerrors.ActorError {
toUse := gas.Total()
var callers [10]uintptr
cout := gruntime.Callers(2+skip, callers[:])
now := build.Clock.Now()
if rt.lastGasCharge != nil {
rt.lastGasCharge.TimeTaken = now.Sub(rt.lastGasChargeTime)
gasTrace := types.GasTrace{
Name: gas.Name,
Extra: gas.Extra,
TotalGas: toUse,
ComputeGas: gas.ComputeGas,
StorageGas: gas.StorageGas,
TotalVirtualGas: gas.VirtualCompute*GasComputeMulti + gas.VirtualStorage*GasStorageMulti,
VirtualComputeGas: gas.VirtualCompute,
VirtualStorageGas: gas.VirtualStorage,
Callers: callers[:cout],
rt.executionTrace.GasCharges = append(rt.executionTrace.GasCharges, &gasTrace)
rt.lastGasChargeTime = now
rt.lastGasCharge = &gasTrace
// overflow safe
if rt.gasUsed > rt.gasAvailable-toUse {
rt.gasUsed = rt.gasAvailable
return aerrors.Newf(exitcode.SysErrOutOfGas, "not enough gas: used=%d, available=%d",
rt.gasUsed, rt.gasAvailable)
rt.gasUsed += toUse
return nil
func (rt *Runtime) chargeGasSafe(gas GasCharge) aerrors.ActorError {
return rt.chargeGasInternal(gas, 1)
func (rt *Runtime) Pricelist() Pricelist {
return rt.pricelist
func (rt *Runtime) incrementNumActorsCreated() {
func (rt *Runtime) abortIfAlreadyValidated() {
if rt.callerValidated {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrorIllegalActor, "Method must validate caller identity exactly once")
rt.callerValidated = true
func (rt *Runtime) Log(level vmr.LogLevel, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
switch level {
case vmr.DEBUG:
actorLog.Debugf(msg, args...)
case vmr.INFO:
actorLog.Infof(msg, args...)
case vmr.WARN:
actorLog.Warnf(msg, args...)
case vmr.ERROR:
actorLog.Errorf(msg, args...)