We were ignoring quite a few error cases, and had one case where we weren't actually updating state where we wanted to. Unfortunately, if the linter doesn't pass, nobody has any reason to actually check lint failures in CI. There are three remaining XXXs marked in the code for lint.
679 lines
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679 lines
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package chain_test
import (
ds "github.com/ipfs/go-datastore"
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
mocknet "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/net/mock"
mocktypes "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/chain/types/mock"
func init() {
build.InsecurePoStValidation = true
err := os.Setenv("TRUST_PARAMS", "1")
if err != nil {
miner.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
abi.RegisteredSealProof_StackedDrg2KiBV1: {},
power.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(2048)
verifreg.MinVerifiedDealSize = big.NewInt(256)
const source = 0
func (tu *syncTestUtil) repoWithChain(t testing.TB, h int) (repo.Repo, []byte, []*store.FullTipSet) {
blks := make([]*store.FullTipSet, h)
for i := 0; i < h; i++ {
mts, err := tu.g.NextTipSet()
require.NoError(t, err)
blks[i] = mts.TipSet
r, err := tu.g.YieldRepo()
require.NoError(t, err)
genb, err := tu.g.GenesisCar()
require.NoError(t, err)
return r, genb, blks
type syncTestUtil struct {
t testing.TB
ctx context.Context
cancel func()
mn mocknet.Mocknet
g *gen.ChainGen
genesis []byte
blocks []*store.FullTipSet
nds []api.FullNode
func prepSyncTest(t testing.TB, h int) *syncTestUtil {
logging.SetLogLevel("*", "INFO")
g, err := gen.NewGenerator()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%+v", err)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
tu := &syncTestUtil{
t: t,
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
mn: mocknet.New(ctx),
g: g,
//tu.checkHeight("source", source, h)
// separate logs
return tu
func (tu *syncTestUtil) Shutdown() {
func (tu *syncTestUtil) printHeads() {
for i, n := range tu.nds {
head, err := n.ChainHead(tu.ctx)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Node %d: %s\n", i, head.Cids())
func (tu *syncTestUtil) pushFtsAndWait(to int, fts *store.FullTipSet, wait bool) {
// TODO: would be great if we could pass a whole tipset here...
tu.pushTsExpectErr(to, fts, false)
if wait {
start := time.Now()
h, err := tu.nds[to].ChainHead(tu.ctx)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
for !h.Equals(fts.TipSet()) {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 50)
h, err = tu.nds[to].ChainHead(tu.ctx)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
if time.Since(start) > time.Second*10 {
tu.t.Fatal("took too long waiting for block to be accepted")
func (tu *syncTestUtil) pushTsExpectErr(to int, fts *store.FullTipSet, experr bool) {
for _, fb := range fts.Blocks {
var b types.BlockMsg
// -1 to match block.Height
b.Header = fb.Header
for _, msg := range fb.SecpkMessages {
c, err := tu.nds[to].(*impl.FullNodeAPI).ChainAPI.Chain.PutMessage(msg)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
b.SecpkMessages = append(b.SecpkMessages, c)
for _, msg := range fb.BlsMessages {
c, err := tu.nds[to].(*impl.FullNodeAPI).ChainAPI.Chain.PutMessage(msg)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
b.BlsMessages = append(b.BlsMessages, c)
err := tu.nds[to].SyncSubmitBlock(tu.ctx, &b)
if experr {
require.Error(tu.t, err, "expected submit block to fail")
} else {
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
func (tu *syncTestUtil) mineOnBlock(blk *store.FullTipSet, to int, miners []int, wait, fail bool, msgs [][]*types.SignedMessage) *store.FullTipSet {
if miners == nil {
for i := range tu.g.Miners {
miners = append(miners, i)
var maddrs []address.Address
for _, i := range miners {
maddrs = append(maddrs, tu.g.Miners[i])
fmt.Println("Miner mining block: ", maddrs)
var nts *store.FullTipSet
var err error
if msgs != nil {
nts, err = tu.g.NextTipSetFromMinersWithMessages(blk.TipSet(), maddrs, msgs)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
} else {
mt, err := tu.g.NextTipSetFromMiners(blk.TipSet(), maddrs)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
nts = mt.TipSet
if fail {
tu.pushTsExpectErr(to, nts, true)
} else {
tu.pushFtsAndWait(to, nts, wait)
return nts
func (tu *syncTestUtil) mineNewBlock(src int, miners []int) {
mts := tu.mineOnBlock(tu.g.CurTipset, src, miners, true, false, nil)
tu.g.CurTipset = mts
func (tu *syncTestUtil) addSourceNode(gen int) {
if tu.genesis != nil {
tu.t.Fatal("source node already exists")
sourceRepo, genesis, blocks := tu.repoWithChain(tu.t, gen)
var out api.FullNode
// TODO: Don't ignore stop
_, err := node.New(tu.ctx,
node.Override(new(modules.Genesis), modules.LoadGenesis(genesis)),
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
lastTs := blocks[len(blocks)-1].Blocks
for _, lastB := range lastTs {
cs := out.(*impl.FullNodeAPI).ChainAPI.Chain
require.NoError(tu.t, cs.AddToTipSetTracker(lastB.Header))
err = cs.AddBlock(tu.ctx, lastB.Header)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
tu.genesis = genesis
tu.blocks = blocks
tu.nds = append(tu.nds, out) // always at 0
func (tu *syncTestUtil) addClientNode() int {
if tu.genesis == nil {
tu.t.Fatal("source doesn't exists")
var out api.FullNode
// TODO: Don't ignore stop
_, err := node.New(tu.ctx,
node.Override(new(modules.Genesis), modules.LoadGenesis(tu.genesis)),
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
tu.nds = append(tu.nds, out)
return len(tu.nds) - 1
func (tu *syncTestUtil) pid(n int) peer.ID {
nal, err := tu.nds[n].NetAddrsListen(tu.ctx)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
return nal.ID
func (tu *syncTestUtil) connect(from, to int) {
toPI, err := tu.nds[to].NetAddrsListen(tu.ctx)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
err = tu.nds[from].NetConnect(tu.ctx, toPI)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
func (tu *syncTestUtil) disconnect(from, to int) {
toPI, err := tu.nds[to].NetAddrsListen(tu.ctx)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
err = tu.nds[from].NetDisconnect(tu.ctx, toPI.ID)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
func (tu *syncTestUtil) checkHeight(name string, n int, h int) {
b, err := tu.nds[n].ChainHead(tu.ctx)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
require.Equal(tu.t, uint64(h), b.Height())
fmt.Printf("%s H: %d\n", name, b.Height())
func (tu *syncTestUtil) compareSourceState(with int) {
sourceHead, err := tu.nds[source].ChainHead(tu.ctx)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
targetHead, err := tu.nds[with].ChainHead(tu.ctx)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
if !sourceHead.Equals(targetHead) {
fmt.Println("different chains: ", sourceHead.Height(), targetHead.Height())
tu.t.Fatalf("nodes were not synced correctly: %s != %s", sourceHead.Cids(), targetHead.Cids())
sourceAccounts, err := tu.nds[source].WalletList(tu.ctx)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
for _, addr := range sourceAccounts {
sourceBalance, err := tu.nds[source].WalletBalance(tu.ctx, addr)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
fmt.Printf("Source state check for %s, expect %s\n", addr, sourceBalance)
actBalance, err := tu.nds[with].WalletBalance(tu.ctx, addr)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
require.Equal(tu.t, sourceBalance, actBalance)
fmt.Printf("Source state check <OK> for %s\n", addr)
func (tu *syncTestUtil) waitUntilSync(from, to int) {
target, err := tu.nds[from].ChainHead(tu.ctx)
if err != nil {
tu.waitUntilSyncTarget(to, target)
func (tu *syncTestUtil) waitUntilSyncTarget(to int, target *types.TipSet) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
hc, err := tu.nds[to].ChainNotify(ctx)
if err != nil {
// TODO: some sort of timeout?
for n := range hc {
for _, c := range n {
if c.Val.Equals(target) {
func TestSyncSimple(t *testing.T) {
H := 50
tu := prepSyncTest(t, H)
client := tu.addClientNode()
//tu.checkHeight("client", client, 0)
require.NoError(t, tu.mn.LinkAll())
tu.connect(1, 0)
tu.waitUntilSync(0, client)
//tu.checkHeight("client", client, H)
func TestSyncMining(t *testing.T) {
H := 50
tu := prepSyncTest(t, H)
client := tu.addClientNode()
//tu.checkHeight("client", client, 0)
require.NoError(t, tu.mn.LinkAll())
tu.connect(client, 0)
tu.waitUntilSync(0, client)
//tu.checkHeight("client", client, H)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
tu.mineNewBlock(0, nil)
tu.waitUntilSync(0, client)
func TestSyncBadTimestamp(t *testing.T) {
H := 50
tu := prepSyncTest(t, H)
client := tu.addClientNode()
require.NoError(t, tu.mn.LinkAll())
tu.connect(client, 0)
tu.waitUntilSync(0, client)
base := tu.g.CurTipset
tu.g.Timestamper = func(pts *types.TipSet, tl abi.ChainEpoch) uint64 {
return pts.MinTimestamp() + (build.BlockDelaySecs / 2)
fmt.Println("BASE: ", base.Cids())
a1 := tu.mineOnBlock(base, 0, nil, false, true, nil)
tu.g.Timestamper = nil
require.NoError(t, tu.g.ResyncBankerNonce(a1.TipSet()))
tu.nds[0].(*impl.FullNodeAPI).SlashFilter = slashfilter.New(ds.NewMapDatastore())
fmt.Println("After mine bad block!")
a2 := tu.mineOnBlock(base, 0, nil, true, false, nil)
tu.waitUntilSync(0, client)
head, err := tu.nds[0].ChainHead(tu.ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
if !head.Equals(a2.TipSet()) {
t.Fatalf("expected head to be %s, but got %s", a2.Cids(), head.Cids())
type badWpp struct{}
func (wpp badWpp) GenerateCandidates(context.Context, abi.PoStRandomness, uint64) ([]uint64, error) {
return []uint64{1}, nil
func (wpp badWpp) ComputeProof(context.Context, []abi.SectorInfo, abi.PoStRandomness) ([]abi.PoStProof, error) {
return []abi.PoStProof{
PoStProof: abi.RegisteredPoStProof_StackedDrgWinning2KiBV1,
ProofBytes: []byte("evil"),
}, nil
func TestSyncBadWinningPoSt(t *testing.T) {
H := 15
tu := prepSyncTest(t, H)
client := tu.addClientNode()
require.NoError(t, tu.mn.LinkAll())
tu.connect(client, 0)
tu.waitUntilSync(0, client)
base := tu.g.CurTipset
// both miners now produce invalid winning posts
tu.g.SetWinningPoStProver(tu.g.Miners[0], &badWpp{})
tu.g.SetWinningPoStProver(tu.g.Miners[1], &badWpp{})
// now ensure that new blocks are not accepted
tu.mineOnBlock(base, client, nil, false, true, nil)
func (tu *syncTestUtil) loadChainToNode(to int) {
// utility to simulate incoming blocks without miner process
// TODO: should call syncer directly, this won't work correctly in all cases
for i := 0; i < len(tu.blocks); i++ {
tu.pushFtsAndWait(to, tu.blocks[i], true)
func TestSyncFork(t *testing.T) {
H := 10
tu := prepSyncTest(t, H)
p1 := tu.addClientNode()
p2 := tu.addClientNode()
fmt.Println("GENESIS: ", tu.g.Genesis().Cid())
phead := func() {
h1, err := tu.nds[1].ChainHead(tu.ctx)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
h2, err := tu.nds[2].ChainHead(tu.ctx)
require.NoError(tu.t, err)
fmt.Println("Node 1: ", h1.Cids(), h1.Parents(), h1.Height())
fmt.Println("Node 2: ", h2.Cids(), h1.Parents(), h2.Height())
//time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
base := tu.g.CurTipset
fmt.Println("Mining base: ", base.TipSet().Cids(), base.TipSet().Height())
// The two nodes fork at this point into 'a' and 'b'
a1 := tu.mineOnBlock(base, p1, []int{0}, true, false, nil)
a := tu.mineOnBlock(a1, p1, []int{0}, true, false, nil)
a = tu.mineOnBlock(a, p1, []int{0}, true, false, nil)
require.NoError(t, tu.g.ResyncBankerNonce(a1.TipSet()))
// chain B will now be heaviest
b := tu.mineOnBlock(base, p2, []int{1}, true, false, nil)
b = tu.mineOnBlock(b, p2, []int{1}, true, false, nil)
b = tu.mineOnBlock(b, p2, []int{1}, true, false, nil)
b = tu.mineOnBlock(b, p2, []int{1}, true, false, nil)
fmt.Println("A: ", a.Cids(), a.TipSet().Height())
fmt.Println("B: ", b.Cids(), b.TipSet().Height())
// Now for the fun part!!
require.NoError(t, tu.mn.LinkAll())
tu.connect(p1, p2)
tu.waitUntilSyncTarget(p1, b.TipSet())
tu.waitUntilSyncTarget(p2, b.TipSet())
// This test crafts a tipset with 2 blocks, A and B.
// A and B both include _different_ messages from sender X with nonce N (where N is the correct nonce for X).
// We can confirm that the state can be correctly computed, and that `MessagesForTipset` behaves as expected.
func TestDuplicateNonce(t *testing.T) {
H := 10
tu := prepSyncTest(t, H)
base := tu.g.CurTipset
// Produce a message from the banker to the rcvr
makeMsg := func(rcvr address.Address) *types.SignedMessage {
ba, err := tu.nds[0].StateGetActor(context.TODO(), tu.g.Banker(), base.TipSet().Key())
require.NoError(t, err)
msg := types.Message{
To: rcvr,
From: tu.g.Banker(),
Nonce: ba.Nonce,
Value: types.NewInt(1),
Method: 0,
GasLimit: 100_000_000,
GasFeeCap: types.NewInt(0),
GasPremium: types.NewInt(0),
sig, err := tu.g.Wallet().Sign(context.TODO(), tu.g.Banker(), msg.Cid().Bytes())
require.NoError(t, err)
return &types.SignedMessage{
Message: msg,
Signature: *sig,
msgs := make([][]*types.SignedMessage, 2)
// Each miner includes a message from the banker with the same nonce, but to different addresses
for k := range msgs {
msgs[k] = []*types.SignedMessage{makeMsg(tu.g.Miners[k])}
ts1 := tu.mineOnBlock(base, 0, []int{0, 1}, true, false, msgs)
tu.waitUntilSyncTarget(0, ts1.TipSet())
// mine another tipset
ts2 := tu.mineOnBlock(ts1, 0, []int{0, 1}, true, false, make([][]*types.SignedMessage, 2))
tu.waitUntilSyncTarget(0, ts2.TipSet())
var includedMsg cid.Cid
var skippedMsg cid.Cid
r0, err0 := tu.nds[0].StateGetReceipt(context.TODO(), msgs[0][0].Cid(), ts2.TipSet().Key())
r1, err1 := tu.nds[0].StateGetReceipt(context.TODO(), msgs[1][0].Cid(), ts2.TipSet().Key())
if err0 == nil {
require.Error(t, err1, "at least one of the StateGetReceipt calls should fail")
require.True(t, r0.ExitCode.IsSuccess())
includedMsg = msgs[0][0].Message.Cid()
skippedMsg = msgs[1][0].Message.Cid()
} else {
require.NoError(t, err1, "both the StateGetReceipt calls should not fail")
require.True(t, r1.ExitCode.IsSuccess())
includedMsg = msgs[1][0].Message.Cid()
skippedMsg = msgs[0][0].Message.Cid()
_, rslts, err := tu.g.StateManager().ExecutionTrace(context.TODO(), ts1.TipSet())
require.NoError(t, err)
found := false
for _, v := range rslts {
if v.Msg.Cid() == skippedMsg {
t.Fatal("skipped message should not be in exec trace")
if v.Msg.Cid() == includedMsg {
found = true
if !found {
t.Fatal("included message should be in exec trace")
mft, err := tu.g.ChainStore().MessagesForTipset(ts1.TipSet())
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, len(mft) == 1, "only expecting one message for this tipset")
require.Equal(t, includedMsg, mft[0].VMMessage().Cid(), "messages for tipset didn't contain expected message")
func BenchmarkSyncBasic(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
runSyncBenchLength(b, 100)
func runSyncBenchLength(b *testing.B, l int) {
tu := prepSyncTest(b, l)
client := tu.addClientNode()
tu.checkHeight("client", client, 0)
require.NoError(b, tu.mn.LinkAll())
tu.connect(1, 0)
tu.waitUntilSync(0, client)
func TestSyncInputs(t *testing.T) {
H := 10
tu := prepSyncTest(t, H)
p1 := tu.addClientNode()
fn := tu.nds[p1].(*impl.FullNodeAPI)
s := fn.SyncAPI.Syncer
err := s.ValidateBlock(context.TODO(), &types.FullBlock{
Header: &types.BlockHeader{},
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("should error on empty block")
h := mocktypes.MkBlock(nil, 123, 432)
h.ElectionProof = nil
err = s.ValidateBlock(context.TODO(), &types.FullBlock{Header: h})
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("should error on block with nil election proof")