2020-03-09 07:54:29 +01:00

97 lines
1.8 KiB

package build
import (
// Core network constants
const NetworkName = "interop"
const BlocksTopic = "/fil/blocks/" + NetworkName
const MessagesTopic = "/fil/msgs/" + NetworkName
const DhtProtocolName = "/fil/kad/" + NetworkName
// /////
// Storage
const UnixfsChunkSize uint64 = 1 << 20
const UnixfsLinksPerLevel = 1024
const SectorChallengeRatioDiv = 25
// /////
// Payments
// Epochs
const PaymentChannelClosingDelay = 6 * 60 * 60 / BlockDelay // six hours
// /////
// Consensus / Network
// Seconds
const AllowableClockDrift = 1
// Epochs
const ForkLengthThreshold = Finality
// Blocks (e)
const BlocksPerEpoch = 5
// Epochs
const Finality = 500
// constants for Weight calculation
// The ratio of weight contributed by short-term vs long-term factors in a given round
const WRatioNum = int64(1)
const WRatioDen = 2
// /////
// Proofs
// Epochs
const FallbackPoStConfidence = 6
// Epochs
const SealRandomnessLookback = Finality
// Epochs
const SealRandomnessLookbackLimit = SealRandomnessLookback + 2000
// Maximum lookback that randomness can be sourced from for a seal proof submission
const MaxSealLookback = SealRandomnessLookbackLimit + 2000
// /////
// Mining
// Epochs
const EcRandomnessLookback = 300
// /////
// Devnet settings
const TotalFilecoin = 2_000_000_000
const MiningRewardTotal = 1_400_000_000
const FilecoinPrecision = 1_000_000_000_000_000_000
var InitialRewardBalance *big.Int
// TODO: Move other important consts here
func init() {
InitialRewardBalance = big.NewInt(MiningRewardTotal)
InitialRewardBalance = InitialRewardBalance.Mul(InitialRewardBalance, big.NewInt(FilecoinPrecision))
// Sync
const BadBlockCacheSize = 1 << 15
// assuming 4000 messages per round, this lets us not lose any messages across a
// 10 block reorg.
const BlsSignatureCacheSize = 40000
// ///////
// Limits
const BlockMessageLimit = 512