1. Include the builtin-actors in the lotus source tree. 2. Embed the bundle on build instead of downloading at runtime. 3. Avoid reading the bundle whenever possible by including bundle metadata (the bundle CID, the actor CIDs, etc.). 4. Remove everything related to dependency injection. 1. We're no longer downloading the bundle, so doing anything ahead of time doesn't really help. 2. We register the manifests on init because, unfortunately, they're global. 3. We explicitly load the current actors bundle in the genesis state-tree method. 4. For testing, we just change the in-use bundle with a bit of a hack. It's not great, but using dependency injection doesn't make any sense either because, again, the manifest information is global. 5. Remove the bundle.toml file. Bundles may be overridden by specifying an override path in the parameters file, or an environment variable. fixes #8701
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package vm
import (
cbg "github.com/whyrusleeping/cbor-gen"
vmr "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/v7/actors/runtime"
rtt "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/rt"
type MethodMeta struct {
Name string
Params reflect.Type
Ret reflect.Type
type ActorRegistry struct {
actors map[cid.Cid]*actorInfo
Methods map[cid.Cid]map[abi.MethodNum]MethodMeta
// An ActorPredicate returns an error if the given actor is not valid for the given runtime environment (e.g., chain height, version, etc.).
type ActorPredicate func(vmr.Runtime, rtt.VMActor) error
func ActorsVersionPredicate(ver actors.Version) ActorPredicate {
return func(rt vmr.Runtime, v rtt.VMActor) error {
aver, err := actors.VersionForNetwork(rt.NetworkVersion())
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unsupported network version: %w", err)
if aver != ver {
return xerrors.Errorf("actor %s is a version %d actor; chain only supports actor version %d at height %d and nver %d", v.Code(), ver, aver, rt.CurrEpoch(), rt.NetworkVersion())
return nil
type invokeFunc func(rt vmr.Runtime, params []byte) ([]byte, aerrors.ActorError)
type nativeCode []invokeFunc
type actorInfo struct {
methods nativeCode
vmActor rtt.VMActor
// TODO: consider making this a network version range?
predicate ActorPredicate
func NewActorRegistry() *ActorRegistry {
return &ActorRegistry{
actors: make(map[cid.Cid]*actorInfo),
Methods: map[cid.Cid]map[abi.MethodNum]MethodMeta{},
func (ar *ActorRegistry) Invoke(codeCid cid.Cid, rt vmr.Runtime, method abi.MethodNum, params []byte) ([]byte, aerrors.ActorError) {
act, ok := ar.actors[codeCid]
if !ok {
log.Errorf("no code for actor %s (Addr: %s)", codeCid, rt.Receiver())
return nil, aerrors.Newf(exitcode.SysErrorIllegalActor, "no code for actor %s(%d)(%s)", codeCid, method, hex.EncodeToString(params))
if err := act.predicate(rt, act.vmActor); err != nil {
return nil, aerrors.Newf(exitcode.SysErrorIllegalActor, "unsupported actor: %s", err)
if method >= abi.MethodNum(len(act.methods)) || act.methods[method] == nil {
return nil, aerrors.Newf(exitcode.SysErrInvalidMethod, "no method %d on actor", method)
return act.methods[method](rt, params)
func (ar *ActorRegistry) Register(av actors.Version, pred ActorPredicate, vmactors ...rtt.VMActor) {
if pred == nil {
pred = func(vmr.Runtime, rtt.VMActor) error { return nil }
for _, a := range vmactors {
// register in the `actors` map (for the invoker)
code, err := ar.transform(a)
if err != nil {
panic(xerrors.Errorf("%s: %w", string(a.Code().Hash()), err))
ai := &actorInfo{
methods: code,
vmActor: a,
predicate: pred,
ac := a.Code()
ar.actors[ac] = ai
// necessary to make stuff work
var realCode cid.Cid
if av >= actors.Version8 {
name := actors.CanonicalName(builtin.ActorNameByCode(ac))
var ok bool
realCode, ok = actors.GetActorCodeID(av, name)
if ok {
ar.actors[realCode] = ai
// register in the `Methods` map (used by statemanager utils)
exports := a.Exports()
methods := make(map[abi.MethodNum]MethodMeta, len(exports))
// Explicitly add send, it's special.
methods[builtin.MethodSend] = MethodMeta{
Name: "Send",
Params: reflect.TypeOf(new(abi.EmptyValue)),
Ret: reflect.TypeOf(new(abi.EmptyValue)),
// Iterate over exported methods. Some of these _may_ be nil and
// must be skipped.
for number, export := range exports {
if export == nil {
ev := reflect.ValueOf(export)
et := ev.Type()
// Extract the method names using reflection. These
// method names always match the field names in the
// `builtin.Method*` structs (tested in the specs-actors
// tests).
fnName := runtime.FuncForPC(ev.Pointer()).Name()
fnName = strings.TrimSuffix(fnName[strings.LastIndexByte(fnName, '.')+1:], "-fm")
switch abi.MethodNum(number) {
case builtin.MethodSend:
panic("method 0 is reserved for Send")
case builtin.MethodConstructor:
if fnName != "Constructor" {
panic("method 1 is reserved for Constructor")
methods[abi.MethodNum(number)] = MethodMeta{
Name: fnName,
Params: et.In(1),
Ret: et.Out(0),
if realCode.Defined() {
ar.Methods[realCode] = methods
} else {
ar.Methods[a.Code()] = methods
func (ar *ActorRegistry) Create(codeCid cid.Cid, rt vmr.Runtime) (*types.Actor, aerrors.ActorError) {
act, ok := ar.actors[codeCid]
if !ok {
return nil, aerrors.Newf(exitcode.SysErrorIllegalArgument, "Can only create built-in actors.")
if err := act.predicate(rt, act.vmActor); err != nil {
return nil, aerrors.Newf(exitcode.SysErrorIllegalArgument, "Cannot create actor: %w", err)
if rtt.IsSingletonActor(act.vmActor) {
return nil, aerrors.Newf(exitcode.SysErrorIllegalArgument, "Can only have one instance of singleton actors.")
return &types.Actor{
Code: codeCid,
Head: EmptyObjectCid,
Nonce: 0,
Balance: abi.NewTokenAmount(0),
}, nil
type invokee interface {
Exports() []interface{}
func (*ActorRegistry) transform(instance invokee) (nativeCode, error) {
itype := reflect.TypeOf(instance)
exports := instance.Exports()
runtimeType := reflect.TypeOf((*vmr.Runtime)(nil)).Elem()
for i, m := range exports {
i := i
newErr := func(format string, args ...interface{}) error {
str := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
return fmt.Errorf("transform(%s) export(%d): %s", itype.Name(), i, str)
if m == nil {
meth := reflect.ValueOf(m)
t := meth.Type()
if t.Kind() != reflect.Func {
return nil, newErr("is not a function")
if t.NumIn() != 2 {
return nil, newErr("wrong number of inputs should be: " +
"vmr.Runtime, <parameter>")
if !runtimeType.Implements(t.In(0)) {
return nil, newErr("first argument should be vmr.Runtime")
if t.In(1).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return nil, newErr("second argument should be of kind reflect.Ptr")
if t.NumOut() != 1 {
return nil, newErr("wrong number of outputs should be: " +
o0 := t.Out(0)
if !o0.Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*cbg.CBORMarshaler)(nil)).Elem()) {
return nil, newErr("output needs to implement cgb.CBORMarshaler")
code := make(nativeCode, len(exports))
for id, m := range exports {
if m == nil {
meth := reflect.ValueOf(m)
code[id] = reflect.MakeFunc(reflect.TypeOf((invokeFunc)(nil)),
func(in []reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
paramT := meth.Type().In(1).Elem()
param := reflect.New(paramT)
rt := in[0].Interface().(*Runtime)
inBytes := in[1].Interface().([]byte)
if err := DecodeParams(inBytes, param.Interface()); err != nil {
ec := exitcode.ErrSerialization
if rt.NetworkVersion() < network.Version7 {
ec = 1
aerr := aerrors.Absorb(err, ec, "failed to decode parameters")
return []reflect.Value{
// Below is a hack, fixed in Go 1.13
// https://git.io/fjXU6
rval, aerror := rt.shimCall(func() interface{} {
ret := meth.Call([]reflect.Value{
return ret[0].Interface()
return []reflect.Value{
return code, nil
func DecodeParams(b []byte, out interface{}) error {
um, ok := out.(cbg.CBORUnmarshaler)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("type %T does not implement UnmarshalCBOR", out)
return um.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(b))
func DumpActorState(i *ActorRegistry, act *types.Actor, b []byte) (interface{}, error) {
if builtin.IsAccountActor(act.Code) { // Account code special case
return nil, nil
actInfo, ok := i.actors[act.Code]
if !ok {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("state type for actor %s not found", act.Code)
um := actInfo.vmActor.State()
if err := um.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(b)); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling actor state: %w", err)
return um, nil