package multisig

import (


	builtin7 ""
	init7 ""
	multisig7 ""

	init_ ""

type message7 struct{ message0 }

func (m message7) Create(
	signers []address.Address, threshold uint64,
	unlockStart, unlockDuration abi.ChainEpoch,
	initialAmount abi.TokenAmount,
) (*types.Message, error) {

	lenAddrs := uint64(len(signers))

	if lenAddrs < threshold {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("cannot require signing of more addresses than provided for multisig")

	if threshold == 0 {
		threshold = lenAddrs

	if m.from == address.Undef {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("must provide source address")

	// Set up constructor parameters for multisig
	msigParams := &multisig7.ConstructorParams{
		Signers:               signers,
		NumApprovalsThreshold: threshold,
		UnlockDuration:        unlockDuration,
		StartEpoch:            unlockStart,

	enc, actErr := actors.SerializeParams(msigParams)
	if actErr != nil {
		return nil, actErr

	// new actors are created by invoking 'exec' on the init actor with the constructor params
	execParams := &init7.ExecParams{
		CodeCID:           builtin7.MultisigActorCodeID,
		ConstructorParams: enc,

	enc, actErr = actors.SerializeParams(execParams)
	if actErr != nil {
		return nil, actErr

	return &types.Message{
		To:     init_.Address,
		From:   m.from,
		Method: builtin7.MethodsInit.Exec,
		Params: enc,
		Value:  initialAmount,
	}, nil