SHELL=/usr/bin/env bash all: build .PHONY: all unexport GOFLAGS GOVERSION:=$(shell go version | cut -d' ' -f 3 | sed 's/^go//' | awk -F. '{printf "%d%03d%03d", $$1, $$2, $$3}') ifeq ($(shell expr $(GOVERSION) \< 1015005), 1) $(warning Your Golang version is go$(shell expr $(GOVERSION) / 1000000).$(shell expr $(GOVERSION) % 1000000 / 1000).$(shell expr $(GOVERSION) % 1000)) $(error Update Golang to version to at least 1.15.5) endif # git modules that need to be loaded MODULES:= CLEAN:= BINS:=$(subst -,.,$(shell git describe --always --match=NeVeRmAtCh --dirty 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null)) ifneq ($(strip $(LDFLAGS)),) ldflags+=-extldflags=$(LDFLAGS) endif GOFLAGS+=-ldflags="$(ldflags)" ## FFI FFI_PATH:=extern/filecoin-ffi/ FFI_DEPS:=.install-filcrypto FFI_DEPS:=$(addprefix $(FFI_PATH),$(FFI_DEPS)) $(FFI_DEPS): build/.filecoin-install ; build/.filecoin-install: $(FFI_PATH) $(MAKE) -C $(FFI_PATH) $(FFI_DEPS:$(FFI_PATH)%=%) @touch $@ MODULES+=$(FFI_PATH) BUILD_DEPS+=build/.filecoin-install CLEAN+=build/.filecoin-install ffi-version-check: @[[ "$$(awk '/const Version/{print $$5}' extern/filecoin-ffi/version.go)" -eq 2 ]] || (echo "FFI version mismatch, update submodules"; exit 1) BUILD_DEPS+=ffi-version-check .PHONY: ffi-version-check $(MODULES): build/.update-modules ; # dummy file that marks the last time modules were updated build/.update-modules: git submodule update --init --recursive touch $@ # end git modules ## MAIN BINARIES CLEAN+=build/.update-modules deps: $(BUILD_DEPS) .PHONY: deps build-devnets: build lotus-seed lotus-shed lotus-wallet lotus-gateway .PHONY: build-devnets debug: GOFLAGS+=-tags=debug debug: build-devnets 2k: GOFLAGS+=-tags=2k 2k: build-devnets calibnet: GOFLAGS+=-tags=calibnet calibnet: build-devnets nerpanet: GOFLAGS+=-tags=nerpanet nerpanet: build-devnets butterflynet: GOFLAGS+=-tags=butterflynet butterflynet: build-devnets lotus: $(BUILD_DEPS) rm -f lotus go build $(GOFLAGS) -o lotus ./cmd/lotus go run append --exec lotus -i ./build .PHONY: lotus BINS+=lotus lotus-miner: $(BUILD_DEPS) rm -f lotus-miner go build $(GOFLAGS) -o lotus-miner ./cmd/lotus-storage-miner go run append --exec lotus-miner -i ./build .PHONY: lotus-miner BINS+=lotus-miner lotus-worker: $(BUILD_DEPS) rm -f lotus-worker go build $(GOFLAGS) -o lotus-worker ./cmd/lotus-seal-worker go run append --exec lotus-worker -i ./build .PHONY: lotus-worker BINS+=lotus-worker lotus-shed: $(BUILD_DEPS) rm -f lotus-shed go build $(GOFLAGS) -o lotus-shed ./cmd/lotus-shed go run append --exec lotus-shed -i ./build .PHONY: lotus-shed BINS+=lotus-shed lotus-gateway: $(BUILD_DEPS) rm -f lotus-gateway go build $(GOFLAGS) -o lotus-gateway ./cmd/lotus-gateway .PHONY: lotus-gateway BINS+=lotus-gateway build: lotus lotus-miner lotus-worker @[[ $$(type -P "lotus") ]] && echo "Caution: you have \ an existing lotus binary in your PATH. This may cause problems if you don't run 'sudo make install'" || true .PHONY: build install: install-daemon install-miner install-worker install-daemon: install -C ./lotus /usr/local/bin/lotus install-miner: install -C ./lotus-miner /usr/local/bin/lotus-miner install-worker: install -C ./lotus-worker /usr/local/bin/lotus-worker # TOOLS lotus-seed: $(BUILD_DEPS) rm -f lotus-seed go build $(GOFLAGS) -o lotus-seed ./cmd/lotus-seed go run append --exec lotus-seed -i ./build .PHONY: lotus-seed BINS+=lotus-seed benchmarks: go run ./... > bench.json @echo Submitting results @curl -X POST '' -d '@bench.json' -u "${benchmark_http_cred}" .PHONY: benchmarks lotus-pond: 2k go build -o lotus-pond ./lotuspond .PHONY: lotus-pond BINS+=lotus-pond lotus-pond-front: (cd lotuspond/front && npm i && CI=false npm run build) .PHONY: lotus-pond-front lotus-pond-app: lotus-pond-front lotus-pond .PHONY: lotus-pond-app lotus-townhall: rm -f lotus-townhall go build -o lotus-townhall ./cmd/lotus-townhall .PHONY: lotus-townhall BINS+=lotus-townhall lotus-townhall-front: (cd ./cmd/lotus-townhall/townhall && npm i && npm run build) .PHONY: lotus-townhall-front lotus-townhall-app: lotus-touch lotus-townhall-front go run append --exec lotus-townhall -i ./cmd/lotus-townhall -i ./build .PHONY: lotus-townhall-app lotus-fountain: rm -f lotus-fountain go build -o lotus-fountain ./cmd/lotus-fountain go run append --exec lotus-fountain -i ./cmd/lotus-fountain -i ./build .PHONY: lotus-fountain BINS+=lotus-fountain lotus-chainwatch: rm -f lotus-chainwatch go build $(GOFLAGS) -o lotus-chainwatch ./cmd/lotus-chainwatch .PHONY: lotus-chainwatch BINS+=lotus-chainwatch lotus-bench: rm -f lotus-bench go build -o lotus-bench ./cmd/lotus-bench go run append --exec lotus-bench -i ./build .PHONY: lotus-bench BINS+=lotus-bench lotus-stats: rm -f lotus-stats go build $(GOFLAGS) -o lotus-stats ./cmd/lotus-stats go run append --exec lotus-stats -i ./build .PHONY: lotus-stats BINS+=lotus-stats lotus-pcr: rm -f lotus-pcr go build $(GOFLAGS) -o lotus-pcr ./cmd/lotus-pcr go run append --exec lotus-pcr -i ./build .PHONY: lotus-pcr BINS+=lotus-pcr lotus-health: rm -f lotus-health go build -o lotus-health ./cmd/lotus-health go run append --exec lotus-health -i ./build .PHONY: lotus-health BINS+=lotus-health lotus-wallet: rm -f lotus-wallet go build -o lotus-wallet ./cmd/lotus-wallet .PHONY: lotus-wallet BINS+=lotus-wallet lotus-keygen: rm -f lotus-keygen go build -o lotus-keygen ./cmd/lotus-keygen .PHONY: lotus-keygen BINS+=lotus-keygen testground: go build -tags testground -o /dev/null ./cmd/lotus .PHONY: testground BINS+=testground install-chainwatch: lotus-chainwatch install -C ./lotus-chainwatch /usr/local/bin/lotus-chainwatch # SYSTEMD install-daemon-service: install-daemon mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system mkdir -p /var/log/lotus install -C -m 0644 ./scripts/lotus-daemon.service /etc/systemd/system/lotus-daemon.service systemctl daemon-reload @echo @echo "lotus-daemon service installed. Don't forget to run 'sudo systemctl start lotus-daemon' to start it and 'sudo systemctl enable lotus-daemon' for it to be enabled on startup." install-miner-service: install-miner install-daemon-service mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system mkdir -p /var/log/lotus install -C -m 0644 ./scripts/lotus-miner.service /etc/systemd/system/lotus-miner.service systemctl daemon-reload @echo @echo "lotus-miner service installed. Don't forget to run 'sudo systemctl start lotus-miner' to start it and 'sudo systemctl enable lotus-miner' for it to be enabled on startup." install-chainwatch-service: install-chainwatch install-daemon-service mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system mkdir -p /var/log/lotus install -C -m 0644 ./scripts/lotus-chainwatch.service /etc/systemd/system/lotus-chainwatch.service systemctl daemon-reload @echo @echo "chainwatch service installed. Don't forget to run 'sudo systemctl start lotus-chainwatch' to start it and 'sudo systemctl enable lotus-chainwatch' for it to be enabled on startup." install-main-services: install-miner-service install-all-services: install-main-services install-chainwatch-service install-services: install-main-services clean-daemon-service: clean-miner-service clean-chainwatch-service -systemctl stop lotus-daemon -systemctl disable lotus-daemon rm -f /etc/systemd/system/lotus-daemon.service systemctl daemon-reload clean-miner-service: -systemctl stop lotus-miner -systemctl disable lotus-miner rm -f /etc/systemd/system/lotus-miner.service systemctl daemon-reload clean-chainwatch-service: -systemctl stop lotus-chainwatch -systemctl disable lotus-chainwatch rm -f /etc/systemd/system/lotus-chainwatch.service systemctl daemon-reload clean-main-services: clean-daemon-service clean-all-services: clean-main-services clean-services: clean-all-services # MISC buildall: $(BINS) completions: ./scripts/ lotus ./scripts/ lotus-miner .PHONY: completions install-completions: mkdir -p /usr/share/bash-completion/completions /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/ install -C ./scripts/bash-completion/lotus /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/lotus install -C ./scripts/bash-completion/lotus-miner /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/lotus-miner install -C ./scripts/zsh-completion/lotus /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_lotus install -C ./scripts/zsh-completion/lotus-miner /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_lotus-miner clean: rm -rf $(CLEAN) $(BINS) -$(MAKE) -C $(FFI_PATH) clean .PHONY: clean dist-clean: git clean -xdff git submodule deinit --all -f .PHONY: dist-clean type-gen: go run ./gen/main.go go generate ./... method-gen: (cd ./lotuspond/front/src/chain && go run ./methodgen.go) api-gen: go run ./gen/api goimports -w api/apistruct api/v0api goimports -w api/apistruct api/v0api .PHONY: api-gen docsgen: docsgen-md docsgen-openrpc docsgen-md-bin: go build $(GOFLAGS) -o docgen-md ./api/docgen/cmd docsgen-openrpc-bin: go build $(GOFLAGS) -o docgen-openrpc ./api/docgen-openrpc/cmd docsgen-md: docsgen-md-full docsgen-md-storage docsgen-md-worker docsgen-md-full: docsgen-md-bin ./docgen-md "api/api_full.go" "FullNode" "api" "./api" > documentation/en/ ./docgen-md "api/v0api/full.go" "FullNode" "v0api" "./api/v0api" > documentation/en/ docsgen-md-storage: docsgen-md-bin ./docgen-md "api/api_storage.go" "StorageMiner" "api" "./api" > documentation/en/ docsgen-md-worker: docsgen-md-bin ./docgen-md "api/api_worker.go" "Worker" "api" "./api" > documentation/en/ docsgen-openrpc: docsgen-openrpc-full docsgen-openrpc-storage docsgen-openrpc-worker docsgen-openrpc-full: docsgen-openrpc-bin ./docgen-openrpc "api/api_full.go" "FullNode" "api" "./api" -gzip > build/openrpc/full.json.gz docsgen-openrpc-storage: docsgen-openrpc-bin ./docgen-openrpc "api/api_storage.go" "StorageMiner" "api" "./api" -gzip > build/openrpc/miner.json.gz docsgen-openrpc-worker: docsgen-openrpc-bin ./docgen-openrpc "api/api_worker.go" "Worker" "api" "./api" -gzip > build/openrpc/worker.json.gz .PHONY: docsgen docsgen-md-bin docsgen-openrpc-bin gen: type-gen method-gen docsgen api-gen .PHONY: gen print-%: @echo $*=$($*)