package lp2p

import (

	host ""
	peer ""
	pubsub ""
	pubsub_pb ""
	blake2b ""
	ma ""


func init() {
	// configure larger overlay parameters
	pubsub.GossipSubD = 8
	pubsub.GossipSubDscore = 6
	pubsub.GossipSubDout = 3
	pubsub.GossipSubDlo = 6
	pubsub.GossipSubDhi = 12
	pubsub.GossipSubDlazy = 12
	pubsub.GossipSubDirectConnectInitialDelay = 30 * time.Second
func ScoreKeeper() *dtypes.ScoreKeeper {
	return new(dtypes.ScoreKeeper)

type GossipIn struct {
	Mctx helpers.MetricsCtx
	Lc   fx.Lifecycle
	Host host.Host
	Nn   dtypes.NetworkName
	Bp   dtypes.BootstrapPeers
	Db   dtypes.DrandBootstrap
	Cfg  *config.Pubsub
	Sk   *dtypes.ScoreKeeper
	Dr   dtypes.DrandConfig

func getDrandTopic(chainInfoJSON string) (string, error) {
	var drandInfo = struct {
		Hash string `json:"hash"`
	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(chainInfoJSON), &drandInfo)
	if err != nil {
		return "", xerrors.Errorf("could not unmarshal drand chain info: %w", err)
	return "/drand/pubsub/v0.0.0/" + drandInfo.Hash, nil

func GossipSub(in GossipIn) (service *pubsub.PubSub, err error) {
	bootstrappers := make(map[peer.ID]struct{})
	for _, pi := range in.Bp {
		bootstrappers[pi.ID] = struct{}{}
	drandBootstrappers := make(map[peer.ID]struct{})
	for _, pi := range in.Db {
		drandBootstrappers[pi.ID] = struct{}{}

	isBootstrapNode := in.Cfg.Bootstrapper
	drandTopic, err := getDrandTopic(in.Dr.ChainInfoJSON)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	options := []pubsub.Option{
		// Gossipsubv1.1 configuration
				AppSpecificScore: func(p peer.ID) float64 {
					// return a heavy positive score for bootstrappers so that we don't unilaterally prune
					// them and accept PX from them.
					// we don't do that in the bootstrappers themselves to avoid creating a closed mesh
					// between them (however we might want to consider doing just that)
					_, ok := bootstrappers[p]
					if ok && !isBootstrapNode {
						return 2500

					_, ok = drandBootstrappers[p]
					if ok && !isBootstrapNode {
						return 1500

					// TODO: we want to  plug the application specific score to the node itself in order
					//       to provide feedback to the pubsub system based on observed behaviour
					return 0
				AppSpecificWeight: 1,

				// This sets the IP colocation threshold to 1 peer per
				IPColocationFactorThreshold: 1,
				IPColocationFactorWeight:    -100,
				// TODO we want to whitelist IPv6 /64s that belong to datacenters etc
				// IPColocationFactorWhitelist: map[string]struct{}{},

				// P7: behavioural penalties, decay after 1hr
				BehaviourPenaltyWeight: -10,
				BehaviourPenaltyDecay:  pubsub.ScoreParameterDecay(time.Hour),

				DecayInterval: pubsub.DefaultDecayInterval,
				DecayToZero:   pubsub.DefaultDecayToZero,

				// this retains non-positive scores for 6 hours
				RetainScore: 6 * time.Hour,

				// topic parameters
				Topics: map[string]*pubsub.TopicScoreParams{
					drandTopic: {
						// expected 2 beaconsn/min
						TopicWeight: 0.5, // 5x block topic

						// 1 tick per second, maxes at 1 after 1 hour
						TimeInMeshWeight:  0.00027, // ~1/3600
						TimeInMeshQuantum: time.Second,
						TimeInMeshCap:     1,

						// deliveries decay after 1 hour, cap at 100 blocks
						FirstMessageDeliveriesWeight: 5, // max value is 500
						FirstMessageDeliveriesDecay:  pubsub.ScoreParameterDecay(time.Hour),
						FirstMessageDeliveriesCap:    100, // 100 blocks in an hour

						// Mesh Delivery Failure is currently turned off for blocks
						// This is on purpose as
						// - the traffic is very low for meaningful distribution of incoming edges.
						// - the reaction time needs to be very slow -- in the order of 10 min at least
						//   so we might as well let opportunistic grafting repair the mesh on its own
						//   pace.
						// - the network is too small, so large asymmetries can be expected between mesh
						//   edges.
						// We should revisit this once the network grows.
						// // tracks deliveries in the last minute
						// // penalty activates at 1 minute and expects ~0.4 blocks
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesWeight:     -576, // max penalty is -100
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesDecay:      pubsub.ScoreParameterDecay(time.Minute),
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesCap:        10,      // 10 blocks in a minute
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesThreshold:  0.41666, // 10/12/2 blocks/min
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesWindow:     10 * time.Millisecond,
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesActivation: time.Minute,
						// // decays after 15 min
						// MeshFailurePenaltyWeight: -576,
						// MeshFailurePenaltyDecay:  pubsub.ScoreParameterDecay(15 * time.Minute),

						// invalid messages decay after 1 hour
						InvalidMessageDeliveriesWeight: -1000,
						InvalidMessageDeliveriesDecay:  pubsub.ScoreParameterDecay(time.Hour),
					build.BlocksTopic(in.Nn): {
						// expected 10 blocks/min
						TopicWeight: 0.1, // max is 50, max mesh penalty is -10, single invalid message is -100

						// 1 tick per second, maxes at 1 after 1 hour
						TimeInMeshWeight:  0.00027, // ~1/3600
						TimeInMeshQuantum: time.Second,
						TimeInMeshCap:     1,

						// deliveries decay after 1 hour, cap at 100 blocks
						FirstMessageDeliveriesWeight: 5, // max value is 500
						FirstMessageDeliveriesDecay:  pubsub.ScoreParameterDecay(time.Hour),
						FirstMessageDeliveriesCap:    100, // 100 blocks in an hour

						// Mesh Delivery Failure is currently turned off for blocks
						// This is on purpose as
						// - the traffic is very low for meaningful distribution of incoming edges.
						// - the reaction time needs to be very slow -- in the order of 10 min at least
						//   so we might as well let opportunistic grafting repair the mesh on its own
						//   pace.
						// - the network is too small, so large asymmetries can be expected between mesh
						//   edges.
						// We should revisit this once the network grows.
						// // tracks deliveries in the last minute
						// // penalty activates at 1 minute and expects ~0.4 blocks
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesWeight:     -576, // max penalty is -100
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesDecay:      pubsub.ScoreParameterDecay(time.Minute),
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesCap:        10,      // 10 blocks in a minute
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesThreshold:  0.41666, // 10/12/2 blocks/min
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesWindow:     10 * time.Millisecond,
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesActivation: time.Minute,
						// // decays after 15 min
						// MeshFailurePenaltyWeight: -576,
						// MeshFailurePenaltyDecay:  pubsub.ScoreParameterDecay(15 * time.Minute),

						// invalid messages decay after 1 hour
						InvalidMessageDeliveriesWeight: -1000,
						InvalidMessageDeliveriesDecay:  pubsub.ScoreParameterDecay(time.Hour),
					build.MessagesTopic(in.Nn): {
						// expected > 1 tx/second
						TopicWeight: 0.05, // max is 25, max mesh penalty is -5, single invalid message is -100

						// 1 tick per second, maxes at 1 hour
						TimeInMeshWeight:  0.0002778, // ~1/3600
						TimeInMeshQuantum: time.Second,
						TimeInMeshCap:     1,

						// deliveries decay after 10min, cap at 1000 tx
						FirstMessageDeliveriesWeight: 0.5, // max value is 500
						FirstMessageDeliveriesDecay:  pubsub.ScoreParameterDecay(10 * time.Minute),
						//FirstMessageDeliveriesCap:    1000,
						FirstMessageDeliveriesCap: 1, // we can't yet properly validate them so only confer a tiny boost from delivery

						// Mesh Delivery Failure is currently turned off for messages
						// This is on purpose as the network is still too small, which results in
						// asymmetries and potential unmeshing from negative scores.
						// // tracks deliveries in the last minute
						// // penalty activates at 1 min and expects 2.5 txs
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesWeight:     -16, // max penalty is -100
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesDecay:      pubsub.ScoreParameterDecay(time.Minute),
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesCap:        100, // 100 txs in a minute
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesThreshold:  2.5, // 60/12/2 txs/minute
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesWindow:     10 * time.Millisecond,
						// MeshMessageDeliveriesActivation: time.Minute,

						// // decays after 5min
						// MeshFailurePenaltyWeight: -16,
						// MeshFailurePenaltyDecay:  pubsub.ScoreParameterDecay(5 * time.Minute),

						// invalid messages decay after 1 hour
						InvalidMessageDeliveriesWeight: -2000,
						InvalidMessageDeliveriesDecay:  pubsub.ScoreParameterDecay(time.Hour),
				GossipThreshold:             -500,
				PublishThreshold:            -1000,
				GraylistThreshold:           -2500,
				AcceptPXThreshold:           1000,
				OpportunisticGraftThreshold: 5,
		pubsub.WithPeerScoreInspect(in.Sk.Update, 10*time.Second),

	// enable Peer eXchange on bootstrappers
	if isBootstrapNode {
		// turn off the mesh in bootstrappers -- only do gossip and PX
		pubsub.GossipSubD = 0
		pubsub.GossipSubDscore = 0
		pubsub.GossipSubDlo = 0
		pubsub.GossipSubDhi = 0
		pubsub.GossipSubDout = 0
		pubsub.GossipSubDlazy = 1024
		pubsub.GossipSubGossipFactor = 0.5
		// turn on PX
		options = append(options, pubsub.WithPeerExchange(true))

	// direct peers
	if in.Cfg.DirectPeers != nil {
		var directPeerInfo []peer.AddrInfo

		for _, addr := range in.Cfg.DirectPeers {
			a, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(addr)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			pi, err := peer.AddrInfoFromP2pAddr(a)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			directPeerInfo = append(directPeerInfo, *pi)

		options = append(options, pubsub.WithDirectPeers(directPeerInfo))

	// tracer
	if in.Cfg.RemoteTracer != "" {
		a, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(in.Cfg.RemoteTracer)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		pi, err := peer.AddrInfoFromP2pAddr(a)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		tr, err := pubsub.NewRemoteTracer(context.TODO(), in.Host, *pi)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		trw := newTracerWrapper(tr, build.BlocksTopic(in.Nn))
		options = append(options, pubsub.WithEventTracer(trw))
	} else {
		// still instantiate a tracer for collecting metrics
		trw := newTracerWrapper(nil)
		options = append(options, pubsub.WithEventTracer(trw))

	return pubsub.NewGossipSub(helpers.LifecycleCtx(in.Mctx, in.Lc), in.Host, options...)

func HashMsgId(m *pubsub_pb.Message) string {
	hash := blake2b.Sum256(m.Data)
	return string(hash[:])

func newTracerWrapper(tr pubsub.EventTracer, topics ...string) pubsub.EventTracer {
	var topicsMap map[string]struct{}
	if len(topics) > 0 {
		topicsMap = make(map[string]struct{})
		for _, topic := range topics {
			topicsMap[topic] = struct{}{}

	return &tracerWrapper{tr: tr, topics: topicsMap}

type tracerWrapper struct {
	tr     pubsub.EventTracer
	topics map[string]struct{}

func (trw *tracerWrapper) traceMessage(topics []string) bool {
	for _, topic := range topics {
		_, ok := trw.topics[topic]
		if ok {
			return true
	return false

func (trw *tracerWrapper) Trace(evt *pubsub_pb.TraceEvent) {
	// this filters the trace events reported to the remote tracer to include only
	// JOIN/LEAVE/GRAFT/PRUNE/PUBLISH/DELIVER. This significantly reduces bandwidth usage and still
	// collects enough data to recover the state of the mesh and compute message delivery latency
	// distributions.
	// Furthermore, we only trace message publication and deliveries for specified topics
	// (here just the blocks topic).
	switch evt.GetType() {
	case pubsub_pb.TraceEvent_PUBLISH_MESSAGE:
		stats.Record(context.TODO(), metrics.PubsubPublishMessage.M(1))
		if != nil && trw.traceMessage(evt.GetPublishMessage().Topics) {
	case pubsub_pb.TraceEvent_DELIVER_MESSAGE:
		stats.Record(context.TODO(), metrics.PubsubDeliverMessage.M(1))
		if != nil && trw.traceMessage(evt.GetDeliverMessage().Topics) {
	case pubsub_pb.TraceEvent_REJECT_MESSAGE:
		stats.Record(context.TODO(), metrics.PubsubRejectMessage.M(1))
	case pubsub_pb.TraceEvent_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE:
		stats.Record(context.TODO(), metrics.PubsubDuplicateMessage.M(1))
	case pubsub_pb.TraceEvent_JOIN:
		if != nil {
	case pubsub_pb.TraceEvent_LEAVE:
		if != nil {
	case pubsub_pb.TraceEvent_GRAFT:
		if != nil {
	case pubsub_pb.TraceEvent_PRUNE:
		if != nil {