ARG CURIO_TEST_IMAGE=curio/curio-all-in-one:latest ############################################################################# FROM ${CURIO_TEST_IMAGE} ARG BUILD_VERSION=0.1 LABEL org.opencontainers.image.version=$BUILD_VERSION \ org.opencontainers.image.authors="Curio Dev Team" \ name="lotus-dev" \ maintainer="Curio Dev Team" \ vendor="Curio Dev Team" \ version=$BUILD_VERSION \ release=$BUILD_VERSION \ summary="This image is used to host the curio dev service" \ description="This image is used to host the curio dev service" EXPOSE 12300 4701 32100 VOLUME /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters VOLUME /var/lib/genesis VOLUME /var/lib/builtin-actors WORKDIR /app RUN mkdir -p /app COPY /app USER root ENTRYPOINT ["./"]