package cli import ( "bufio" "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "math" "math/rand" "os" "path/filepath" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "text/tabwriter" "time" tm "" "" "" "" datatransfer "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" lapi "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var CidBaseFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "cid-base", Hidden: true, Value: "base32", Usage: "Multibase encoding used for version 1 CIDs in output.", DefaultText: "base32", } // GetCidEncoder returns an encoder using the `cid-base` flag if provided, or // the default (Base32) encoder if not. func GetCidEncoder(cctx *cli.Context) (cidenc.Encoder, error) { val := cctx.String("cid-base") e := cidenc.Encoder{Base: multibase.MustNewEncoder(multibase.Base32)} if val != "" { var err error e.Base, err = multibase.EncoderByName(val) if err != nil { return e, err } } return e, nil } var clientCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "client", Usage: "Make deals, store data, retrieve data", Subcommands: []*cli.Command{ WithCategory("storage", clientDealCmd), WithCategory("storage", clientQueryAskCmd), WithCategory("storage", clientListDeals), WithCategory("storage", clientGetDealCmd), WithCategory("storage", clientListAsksCmd), WithCategory("storage", clientDealStatsCmd), WithCategory("storage", clientInspectDealCmd), WithCategory("data", clientImportCmd), WithCategory("data", clientDropCmd), WithCategory("data", clientLocalCmd), WithCategory("data", clientStat), WithCategory("retrieval", clientFindCmd), WithCategory("retrieval", clientRetrieveCmd), WithCategory("retrieval", clientCancelRetrievalDealCmd), WithCategory("retrieval", clientListRetrievalsCmd), WithCategory("util", clientCommPCmd), WithCategory("util", clientCarGenCmd), WithCategory("util", clientBalancesCmd), WithCategory("util", clientListTransfers), WithCategory("util", clientRestartTransfer), WithCategory("util", clientCancelTransfer), }, } var clientImportCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "import", Usage: "Import data", ArgsUsage: "[inputPath]", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "car", Usage: "import from a car file instead of a regular file", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "quiet", Aliases: []string{"q"}, Usage: "Output root CID only", }, &CidBaseFlag, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) if cctx.NArg() != 1 { return xerrors.New("expected input path as the only arg") } absPath, err := filepath.Abs(cctx.Args().First()) if err != nil { return err } ref := lapi.FileRef{ Path: absPath, IsCAR: cctx.Bool("car"), } c, err := api.ClientImport(ctx, ref) if err != nil { return err } encoder, err := GetCidEncoder(cctx) if err != nil { return err } if !cctx.Bool("quiet") { fmt.Printf("Import %d, Root ", c.ImportID) } fmt.Println(encoder.Encode(c.Root)) return nil }, } var clientDropCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "drop", Usage: "Remove import", ArgsUsage: "[import ID...]", Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { if !cctx.Args().Present() { return xerrors.Errorf("no imports specified") } api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) var ids []multistore.StoreID for i, s := range cctx.Args().Slice() { id, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 0) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("parsing %d-th import ID: %w", i, err) } ids = append(ids, multistore.StoreID(id)) } for _, id := range ids { if err := api.ClientRemoveImport(ctx, id); err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("removing import %d: %w", id, err) } } return nil }, } var clientCommPCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "commP", Usage: "Calculate the piece-cid (commP) of a CAR file", ArgsUsage: "[inputFile]", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &CidBaseFlag, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) if cctx.Args().Len() != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("usage: commP ") } ret, err := api.ClientCalcCommP(ctx, cctx.Args().Get(0)) if err != nil { return err } encoder, err := GetCidEncoder(cctx) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Println("CID: ", encoder.Encode(ret.Root)) fmt.Println("Piece size: ", types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(uint64(ret.Size)))) return nil }, } var clientCarGenCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "generate-car", Usage: "Generate a car file from input", ArgsUsage: "[inputPath outputPath]", Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) if cctx.Args().Len() != 2 { return fmt.Errorf("usage: generate-car ") } ref := lapi.FileRef{ Path: cctx.Args().First(), IsCAR: false, } op := cctx.Args().Get(1) if err = api.ClientGenCar(ctx, ref, op); err != nil { return err } return nil }, } var clientLocalCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "local", Usage: "List locally imported data", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &CidBaseFlag, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) list, err := api.ClientListImports(ctx) if err != nil { return err } encoder, err := GetCidEncoder(cctx) if err != nil { return err } sort.Slice(list, func(i, j int) bool { return list[i].Key < list[j].Key }) for _, v := range list { cidStr := "" if v.Root != nil { cidStr = encoder.Encode(*v.Root) } fmt.Printf("%d: %s @%s (%s)\n", v.Key, cidStr, v.FilePath, v.Source) if v.Err != "" { fmt.Printf("\terror: %s\n", v.Err) } } return nil }, } var clientDealCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "deal", Usage: "Initialize storage deal with a miner", Description: `Make a deal with a miner. dataCid comes from running 'lotus client import'. miner is the address of the miner you wish to make a deal with. price is measured in FIL/Epoch. Miners usually don't accept a bid lower than their advertised ask (which is in FIL/GiB/Epoch). You can check a miners listed price with 'lotus client query-ask '. duration is how long the miner should store the data for, in blocks. The minimum value is 518400 (6 months).`, ArgsUsage: "[dataCid miner price duration]", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "manual-piece-cid", Usage: "manually specify piece commitment for data (dataCid must be to a car file)", }, &cli.Int64Flag{ Name: "manual-piece-size", Usage: "if manually specifying piece cid, used to specify size (dataCid must be to a car file)", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "manual-stateless-deal", Usage: "instructs the node to send an offline deal without registering it with the deallist/fsm", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "from", Usage: "specify address to fund the deal with", }, &cli.Int64Flag{ Name: "start-epoch", Usage: "specify the epoch that the deal should start at", Value: -1, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "fast-retrieval", Usage: "indicates that data should be available for fast retrieval", Value: true, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "verified-deal", Usage: "indicate that the deal counts towards verified client total", DefaultText: "true if client is verified, false otherwise", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "provider-collateral", Usage: "specify the requested provider collateral the miner should put up", }, &CidBaseFlag, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { if !cctx.Args().Present() { return interactiveDeal(cctx) } api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) afmt := NewAppFmt(cctx.App) if cctx.NArg() != 4 { return xerrors.New("expected 4 args: dataCid, miner, price, duration") } // [data, miner, price, dur] data, err := cid.Parse(cctx.Args().Get(0)) if err != nil { return err } miner, err := address.NewFromString(cctx.Args().Get(1)) if err != nil { return err } price, err := types.ParseFIL(cctx.Args().Get(2)) if err != nil { return err } dur, err := strconv.ParseInt(cctx.Args().Get(3), 10, 32) if err != nil { return err } var provCol big.Int if pcs := cctx.String("provider-collateral"); pcs != "" { pc, err := big.FromString(pcs) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse provider-collateral: %w", err) } provCol = pc } if abi.ChainEpoch(dur) < build.MinDealDuration { return xerrors.Errorf("minimum deal duration is %d blocks", build.MinDealDuration) } if abi.ChainEpoch(dur) > build.MaxDealDuration { return xerrors.Errorf("maximum deal duration is %d blocks", build.MaxDealDuration) } var a address.Address if from := cctx.String("from"); from != "" { faddr, err := address.NewFromString(from) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("failed to parse 'from' address: %w", err) } a = faddr } else { def, err := api.WalletDefaultAddress(ctx) if err != nil { return err } a = def } ref := &storagemarket.DataRef{ TransferType: storagemarket.TTGraphsync, Root: data, } if mpc := cctx.String("manual-piece-cid"); mpc != "" { c, err := cid.Parse(mpc) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("failed to parse provided manual piece cid: %w", err) } ref.PieceCid = &c psize := cctx.Int64("manual-piece-size") if psize == 0 { return xerrors.Errorf("must specify piece size when manually setting cid") } ref.PieceSize = abi.UnpaddedPieceSize(psize) ref.TransferType = storagemarket.TTManual } // Check if the address is a verified client dcap, err := api.StateVerifiedClientStatus(ctx, a, types.EmptyTSK) if err != nil { return err } isVerified := dcap != nil // If the user has explicitly set the --verified-deal flag if cctx.IsSet("verified-deal") { // If --verified-deal is true, but the address is not a verified // client, return an error verifiedDealParam := cctx.Bool("verified-deal") if verifiedDealParam && !isVerified { return xerrors.Errorf("address %s does not have verified client status", a) } // Override the default isVerified = verifiedDealParam } sdParams := &lapi.StartDealParams{ Data: ref, Wallet: a, Miner: miner, EpochPrice: types.BigInt(price), MinBlocksDuration: uint64(dur), DealStartEpoch: abi.ChainEpoch(cctx.Int64("start-epoch")), FastRetrieval: cctx.Bool("fast-retrieval"), VerifiedDeal: isVerified, ProviderCollateral: provCol, } var proposal *cid.Cid if cctx.Bool("manual-stateless-deal") { if ref.TransferType != storagemarket.TTManual || price.Int64() != 0 { return xerrors.New("when manual-stateless-deal is enabled, you must also provide a 'price' of 0 and specify 'manual-piece-cid' and 'manual-piece-size'") } proposal, err = api.ClientStatelessDeal(ctx, sdParams) } else { proposal, err = api.ClientStartDeal(ctx, sdParams) } if err != nil { return err } encoder, err := GetCidEncoder(cctx) if err != nil { return err } afmt.Println(encoder.Encode(*proposal)) return nil }, } func interactiveDeal(cctx *cli.Context) error { api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) defer cancel() afmt := NewAppFmt(cctx.App) state := "import" gib := types.NewInt(1 << 30) var data cid.Cid var days int var maddrs []address.Address var ask []storagemarket.StorageAsk var epochPrices []big.Int var dur time.Duration var epochs abi.ChainEpoch var verified bool var ds lapi.DataCIDSize // find var candidateAsks []QueriedAsk var budget types.FIL var dealCount int64 var medianPing, maxAcceptablePing time.Duration var a address.Address if from := cctx.String("from"); from != "" { faddr, err := address.NewFromString(from) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("failed to parse 'from' address: %w", err) } a = faddr } else { def, err := api.WalletDefaultAddress(ctx) if err != nil { return err } a = def } fromBal, err := api.WalletBalance(ctx, a) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("checking from address balance: %w", err) } printErr := func(err error) { afmt.Printf("%s %s\n", color.RedString("Error:"), err.Error()) } cs := readline.NewCancelableStdin(afmt.Stdin) go func() { <-ctx.Done() cs.Close() // nolint:errcheck }() rl := bufio.NewReader(cs) uiLoop: for { // TODO: better exit handling if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil { return err } switch state { case "import": afmt.Print("Data CID (from " + color.YellowString("lotus client import") + "): ") _cidStr, _, err := rl.ReadLine() cidStr := string(_cidStr) if err != nil { printErr(xerrors.Errorf("reading cid string: %w", err)) continue } data, err = cid.Parse(cidStr) if err != nil { printErr(xerrors.Errorf("parsing cid string: %w", err)) continue } color.Blue(".. calculating data size\n") ds, err = api.ClientDealPieceCID(ctx, data) if err != nil { return err } state = "duration" case "duration": afmt.Print("Deal duration (days): ") _daystr, _, err := rl.ReadLine() daystr := string(_daystr) if err != nil { return err } _, err = fmt.Sscan(daystr, &days) if err != nil { printErr(xerrors.Errorf("parsing duration: %w", err)) continue } if days < int(build.MinDealDuration/builtin.EpochsInDay) { printErr(xerrors.Errorf("minimum duration is %d days", int(build.MinDealDuration/builtin.EpochsInDay))) continue } dur = 24 * time.Hour * time.Duration(days) epochs = abi.ChainEpoch(dur / (time.Duration(build.BlockDelaySecs) * time.Second)) state = "verified" case "verified": ts, err := api.ChainHead(ctx) if err != nil { return err } dcap, err := api.StateVerifiedClientStatus(ctx, a, ts.Key()) if err != nil { return err } if dcap == nil { state = "miner" continue } if dcap.Uint64() < uint64(ds.PieceSize) { color.Yellow(".. not enough DataCap available for a verified deal\n") state = "miner" continue } afmt.Print("\nMake this a verified deal? (yes/no): ") _yn, _, err := rl.ReadLine() yn := string(_yn) if err != nil { return err } switch yn { case "yes": verified = true case "no": verified = false default: afmt.Println("Type in full 'yes' or 'no'") continue } state = "miner" case "miner": afmt.Print("Miner Addresses (f0.. f0..), none to find: ") _maddrsStr, _, err := rl.ReadLine() maddrsStr := string(_maddrsStr) if err != nil { printErr(xerrors.Errorf("reading miner address: %w", err)) continue } for _, s := range strings.Fields(maddrsStr) { maddr, err := address.NewFromString(strings.TrimSpace(s)) if err != nil { printErr(xerrors.Errorf("parsing miner address: %w", err)) continue uiLoop } maddrs = append(maddrs, maddr) } state = "query" if len(maddrs) == 0 { state = "find" } case "find": asks, err := GetAsks(ctx, api) if err != nil { return err } if len(asks) == 0 { printErr(xerrors.Errorf("no asks found")) continue uiLoop } medianPing = asks[len(asks)/2].Ping var avgPing time.Duration for _, ask := range asks { avgPing += ask.Ping } avgPing /= time.Duration(len(asks)) for _, ask := range asks { if ask.Ask.MinPieceSize > ds.PieceSize { continue } if ask.Ask.MaxPieceSize < ds.PieceSize { continue } candidateAsks = append(candidateAsks, ask) } afmt.Printf("Found %d candidate asks\n", len(candidateAsks)) afmt.Printf("Average network latency: %s; Median latency: %s\n", avgPing.Truncate(time.Millisecond), medianPing.Truncate(time.Millisecond)) state = "max-ping" case "max-ping": maxAcceptablePing = medianPing afmt.Printf("Maximum network latency (default: %s) (ms): ", maxAcceptablePing.Truncate(time.Millisecond)) _latStr, _, err := rl.ReadLine() latStr := string(_latStr) if err != nil { printErr(xerrors.Errorf("reading maximum latency: %w", err)) continue } if latStr != "" { maxMs, err := strconv.ParseInt(latStr, 10, 64) if err != nil { printErr(xerrors.Errorf("parsing FIL: %w", err)) continue uiLoop } maxAcceptablePing = time.Millisecond * time.Duration(maxMs) } var goodAsks []QueriedAsk for _, candidateAsk := range candidateAsks { if candidateAsk.Ping < maxAcceptablePing { goodAsks = append(goodAsks, candidateAsk) } } if len(goodAsks) == 0 { afmt.Printf("no asks left after filtering for network latency\n") continue uiLoop } afmt.Printf("%d asks left after filtering for network latency\n", len(goodAsks)) candidateAsks = goodAsks state = "find-budget" case "find-budget": afmt.Printf("Proposing from %s, Current Balance: %s\n", a, types.FIL(fromBal)) afmt.Print("Maximum budget (FIL): ") // TODO: Propose some default somehow? _budgetStr, _, err := rl.ReadLine() budgetStr := string(_budgetStr) if err != nil { printErr(xerrors.Errorf("reading miner address: %w", err)) continue } budget, err = types.ParseFIL(budgetStr) if err != nil { printErr(xerrors.Errorf("parsing FIL: %w", err)) continue uiLoop } var goodAsks []QueriedAsk for _, ask := range candidateAsks { p := ask.Ask.Price if verified { p = ask.Ask.VerifiedPrice } epochPrice := types.BigDiv(types.BigMul(p, types.NewInt(uint64(ds.PieceSize))), gib) totalPrice := types.BigMul(epochPrice, types.NewInt(uint64(epochs))) if totalPrice.LessThan(abi.TokenAmount(budget)) { goodAsks = append(goodAsks, ask) } } candidateAsks = goodAsks afmt.Printf("%d asks within budget\n", len(candidateAsks)) state = "find-count" case "find-count": afmt.Print("Deals to make (1): ") dealcStr, _, err := rl.ReadLine() if err != nil { printErr(xerrors.Errorf("reading deal count: %w", err)) continue } dealCount, err = strconv.ParseInt(string(dealcStr), 10, 64) if err != nil { return err } color.Blue(".. Picking miners") // TODO: some better strategy (this tries to pick randomly) var pickedAsks []*storagemarket.StorageAsk pickLoop: for i := 0; i < 64; i++ { rand.Shuffle(len(candidateAsks), func(i, j int) { candidateAsks[i], candidateAsks[j] = candidateAsks[j], candidateAsks[i] }) remainingBudget := abi.TokenAmount(budget) pickedAsks = []*storagemarket.StorageAsk{} for _, ask := range candidateAsks { p := ask.Ask.Price if verified { p = ask.Ask.VerifiedPrice } epochPrice := types.BigDiv(types.BigMul(p, types.NewInt(uint64(ds.PieceSize))), gib) totalPrice := types.BigMul(epochPrice, types.NewInt(uint64(epochs))) if totalPrice.GreaterThan(remainingBudget) { continue } pickedAsks = append(pickedAsks, ask.Ask) remainingBudget = big.Sub(remainingBudget, totalPrice) if len(pickedAsks) == int(dealCount) { break pickLoop } } } for _, pickedAsk := range pickedAsks { maddrs = append(maddrs, pickedAsk.Miner) ask = append(ask, *pickedAsk) } state = "confirm" case "query": color.Blue(".. querying miner asks") for _, maddr := range maddrs { mi, err := api.StateMinerInfo(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK) if err != nil { printErr(xerrors.Errorf("failed to get peerID for miner: %w", err)) state = "miner" continue uiLoop } a, err := api.ClientQueryAsk(ctx, *mi.PeerId, maddr) if err != nil { printErr(xerrors.Errorf("failed to query ask: %w", err)) state = "miner" continue uiLoop } ask = append(ask, *a) } // TODO: run more validation state = "confirm" case "confirm": // TODO: do some more or epochs math (round to miner PP, deal start buffer) afmt.Printf("-----\n") afmt.Printf("Proposing from %s\n", a) afmt.Printf("\tBalance: %s\n", types.FIL(fromBal)) afmt.Printf("\n") afmt.Printf("Piece size: %s (Payload size: %s)\n", units.BytesSize(float64(ds.PieceSize)), units.BytesSize(float64(ds.PayloadSize))) afmt.Printf("Duration: %s\n", dur) pricePerGib := big.Zero() for _, a := range ask { p := a.Price if verified { p = a.VerifiedPrice } pricePerGib = big.Add(pricePerGib, p) epochPrice := types.BigDiv(types.BigMul(p, types.NewInt(uint64(ds.PieceSize))), gib) epochPrices = append(epochPrices, epochPrice) mpow, err := api.StateMinerPower(ctx, a.Miner, types.EmptyTSK) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("getting power (%s): %w", a.Miner, err) } if len(ask) > 1 { totalPrice := types.BigMul(epochPrice, types.NewInt(uint64(epochs))) afmt.Printf("Miner %s (Power:%s) price: ~%s (%s per epoch)\n", color.YellowString(a.Miner.String()), color.GreenString(types.SizeStr(mpow.MinerPower.QualityAdjPower)), color.BlueString(types.FIL(totalPrice).String()), types.FIL(epochPrice)) } } // TODO: price is based on PaddedPieceSize, right? epochPrice := types.BigDiv(types.BigMul(pricePerGib, types.NewInt(uint64(ds.PieceSize))), gib) totalPrice := types.BigMul(epochPrice, types.NewInt(uint64(epochs))) afmt.Printf("Total price: ~%s (%s per epoch)\n", color.CyanString(types.FIL(totalPrice).String()), types.FIL(epochPrice)) afmt.Printf("Verified: %v\n", verified) state = "accept" case "accept": afmt.Print("\nAccept (yes/no): ") _yn, _, err := rl.ReadLine() yn := string(_yn) if err != nil { return err } if yn == "no" { return nil } if yn != "yes" { afmt.Println("Type in full 'yes' or 'no'") continue } state = "execute" case "execute": color.Blue(".. executing\n") for i, maddr := range maddrs { proposal, err := api.ClientStartDeal(ctx, &lapi.StartDealParams{ Data: &storagemarket.DataRef{ TransferType: storagemarket.TTGraphsync, Root: data, PieceCid: &ds.PieceCID, PieceSize: ds.PieceSize.Unpadded(), }, Wallet: a, Miner: maddr, EpochPrice: epochPrices[i], MinBlocksDuration: uint64(epochs), DealStartEpoch: abi.ChainEpoch(cctx.Int64("start-epoch")), FastRetrieval: cctx.Bool("fast-retrieval"), VerifiedDeal: verified, }) if err != nil { return err } encoder, err := GetCidEncoder(cctx) if err != nil { return err } afmt.Printf("Deal (%s) CID: %s\n", maddr, color.GreenString(encoder.Encode(*proposal))) } return nil default: return xerrors.Errorf("unknown state: %s", state) } } } var clientFindCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "find", Usage: "Find data in the network", ArgsUsage: "[dataCid]", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "pieceCid", Usage: "require data to be retrieved from a specific Piece CID", }, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { if !cctx.Args().Present() { fmt.Println("Usage: find [CID]") return nil } file, err := cid.Parse(cctx.Args().First()) if err != nil { return err } api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) // Check if we already have this data locally has, err := api.ClientHasLocal(ctx, file) if err != nil { return err } if has { fmt.Println("LOCAL") } var pieceCid *cid.Cid if cctx.String("pieceCid") != "" { parsed, err := cid.Parse(cctx.String("pieceCid")) if err != nil { return err } pieceCid = &parsed } offers, err := api.ClientFindData(ctx, file, pieceCid) if err != nil { return err } for _, offer := range offers { if offer.Err != "" { fmt.Printf("ERR %s@%s: %s\n", offer.Miner, offer.MinerPeer.ID, offer.Err) continue } fmt.Printf("RETRIEVAL %s@%s-%s-%s\n", offer.Miner, offer.MinerPeer.ID, types.FIL(offer.MinPrice), types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(offer.Size))) } return nil }, } const DefaultMaxRetrievePrice = "0.01" var clientRetrieveCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "retrieve", Usage: "Retrieve data from network", ArgsUsage: "[dataCid outputPath]", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "from", Usage: "address to send transactions from", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "car", Usage: "export to a car file instead of a regular file", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "miner", Usage: "miner address for retrieval, if not present it'll use local discovery", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "maxPrice", Usage: fmt.Sprintf("maximum price the client is willing to consider (default: %s FIL)", DefaultMaxRetrievePrice), }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "pieceCid", Usage: "require data to be retrieved from a specific Piece CID", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "allow-local", }, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { if cctx.NArg() != 2 { return ShowHelp(cctx, fmt.Errorf("incorrect number of arguments")) } fapi, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) afmt := NewAppFmt(cctx.App) var payer address.Address if cctx.String("from") != "" { payer, err = address.NewFromString(cctx.String("from")) } else { payer, err = fapi.WalletDefaultAddress(ctx) } if err != nil { return err } file, err := cid.Parse(cctx.Args().Get(0)) if err != nil { return err } var pieceCid *cid.Cid if cctx.String("pieceCid") != "" { parsed, err := cid.Parse(cctx.String("pieceCid")) if err != nil { return err } pieceCid = &parsed } var order *lapi.RetrievalOrder if cctx.Bool("allow-local") { imports, err := fapi.ClientListImports(ctx) if err != nil { return err } for _, i := range imports { if i.Root != nil && i.Root.Equals(file) { order = &lapi.RetrievalOrder{ Root: file, LocalCARV2FilePath: i.CARv2FilePath, Total: big.Zero(), UnsealPrice: big.Zero(), } break } } } if order == nil { var offer api.QueryOffer minerStrAddr := cctx.String("miner") if minerStrAddr == "" { // Local discovery offers, err := fapi.ClientFindData(ctx, file, pieceCid) var cleaned []api.QueryOffer // filter out offers that errored for _, o := range offers { if o.Err == "" { cleaned = append(cleaned, o) } } offers = cleaned // sort by price low to high sort.Slice(offers, func(i, j int) bool { return offers[i].MinPrice.LessThan(offers[j].MinPrice) }) if err != nil { return err } // TODO: parse offer strings from `client find`, make this smarter if len(offers) < 1 { fmt.Println("Failed to find file") return nil } offer = offers[0] } else { // Directed retrieval minerAddr, err := address.NewFromString(minerStrAddr) if err != nil { return err } offer, err = fapi.ClientMinerQueryOffer(ctx, minerAddr, file, pieceCid) if err != nil { return err } } if offer.Err != "" { return fmt.Errorf("The received offer errored: %s", offer.Err) } maxPrice := types.MustParseFIL(DefaultMaxRetrievePrice) if cctx.String("maxPrice") != "" { maxPrice, err = types.ParseFIL(cctx.String("maxPrice")) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("parsing maxPrice: %w", err) } } if offer.MinPrice.GreaterThan(big.Int(maxPrice)) { return xerrors.Errorf("failed to find offer satisfying maxPrice: %s", maxPrice) } o := offer.Order(payer) order = &o } ref := &lapi.FileRef{ Path: cctx.Args().Get(1), IsCAR: cctx.Bool("car"), } updates, err := fapi.ClientRetrieveWithEvents(ctx, *order, ref) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error setting up retrieval: %w", err) } var prevStatus retrievalmarket.DealStatus for { select { case evt, ok := <-updates: if ok { afmt.Printf("> Recv: %s, Paid %s, %s (%s)\n", types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(evt.BytesReceived)), types.FIL(evt.FundsSpent), retrievalmarket.ClientEvents[evt.Event], retrievalmarket.DealStatuses[evt.Status], ) prevStatus = evt.Status } if evt.Err != "" { return xerrors.Errorf("retrieval failed: %s", evt.Err) } if !ok { if prevStatus == retrievalmarket.DealStatusCompleted { afmt.Println("Success") } else { afmt.Printf("saw final deal state %s instead of expected success state DealStatusCompleted\n", retrievalmarket.DealStatuses[prevStatus]) } return nil } case <-ctx.Done(): return xerrors.Errorf("retrieval timed out") } } }, } var clientListRetrievalsCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "list-retrievals", Usage: "List retrieval market deals", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "verbose", Aliases: []string{"v"}, Usage: "print verbose deal details", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "color", Usage: "use color in display output", Value: true, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "show-failed", Usage: "show failed/failing deals", Value: true, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "completed", Usage: "show completed retrievals", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "watch", Usage: "watch deal updates in real-time, rather than a one time list", }, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) verbose := cctx.Bool("verbose") color := cctx.Bool("color") watch := cctx.Bool("watch") showFailed := cctx.Bool("show-failed") completed := cctx.Bool("completed") localDeals, err := api.ClientListRetrievals(ctx) if err != nil { return err } if watch { updates, err := api.ClientGetRetrievalUpdates(ctx) if err != nil { return err } for { tm.Clear() tm.MoveCursor(1, 1) err = outputRetrievalDeals(ctx, tm.Screen, localDeals, verbose, color, showFailed, completed) if err != nil { return err } tm.Flush() select { case <-ctx.Done(): return nil case updated := <-updates: var found bool for i, existing := range localDeals { if existing.ID == updated.ID { localDeals[i] = updated found = true break } } if !found { localDeals = append(localDeals, updated) } } } } return outputRetrievalDeals(ctx, cctx.App.Writer, localDeals, verbose, color, showFailed, completed) }, } func isTerminalError(status retrievalmarket.DealStatus) bool { // should patch this in go-fil-markets but to solve the problem immediate and not have buggy output return retrievalmarket.IsTerminalError(status) || status == retrievalmarket.DealStatusErrored || status == retrievalmarket.DealStatusCancelled } func outputRetrievalDeals(ctx context.Context, out io.Writer, localDeals []lapi.RetrievalInfo, verbose bool, color bool, showFailed bool, completed bool) error { var deals []api.RetrievalInfo for _, deal := range localDeals { if !showFailed && isTerminalError(deal.Status) { continue } if !completed && retrievalmarket.IsTerminalSuccess(deal.Status) { continue } deals = append(deals, deal) } tableColumns := []tablewriter.Column{ tablewriter.Col("PayloadCID"), tablewriter.Col("DealId"), tablewriter.Col("Provider"), tablewriter.Col("Status"), tablewriter.Col("PricePerByte"), tablewriter.Col("Received"), tablewriter.Col("TotalPaid"), } if verbose { tableColumns = append(tableColumns, tablewriter.Col("PieceCID"), tablewriter.Col("UnsealPrice"), tablewriter.Col("BytesPaidFor"), tablewriter.Col("TransferChannelID"), tablewriter.Col("TransferStatus"), ) } tableColumns = append(tableColumns, tablewriter.NewLineCol("Message")) w := tablewriter.New(tableColumns...) for _, d := range deals { w.Write(toRetrievalOutput(d, color, verbose)) } return w.Flush(out) } func toRetrievalOutput(d api.RetrievalInfo, color bool, verbose bool) map[string]interface{} { payloadCID := d.PayloadCID.String() provider := d.Provider.String() if !verbose { payloadCID = ellipsis(payloadCID, 8) provider = ellipsis(provider, 8) } retrievalOutput := map[string]interface{}{ "PayloadCID": payloadCID, "DealId": d.ID, "Provider": provider, "Status": retrievalStatusString(color, d.Status), "PricePerByte": types.FIL(d.PricePerByte), "Received": units.BytesSize(float64(d.BytesReceived)), "TotalPaid": types.FIL(d.TotalPaid), "Message": d.Message, } if verbose { transferChannelID := "" if d.TransferChannelID != nil { transferChannelID = d.TransferChannelID.String() } transferStatus := "" if d.DataTransfer != nil { transferStatus = datatransfer.Statuses[d.DataTransfer.Status] } pieceCID := "" if d.PieceCID != nil { pieceCID = d.PieceCID.String() } retrievalOutput["PieceCID"] = pieceCID retrievalOutput["UnsealPrice"] = types.FIL(d.UnsealPrice) retrievalOutput["BytesPaidFor"] = units.BytesSize(float64(d.BytesPaidFor)) retrievalOutput["TransferChannelID"] = transferChannelID retrievalOutput["TransferStatus"] = transferStatus } return retrievalOutput } func retrievalStatusString(c bool, status retrievalmarket.DealStatus) string { s := retrievalmarket.DealStatuses[status] if !c { return s } if isTerminalError(status) { return color.RedString(s) } if retrievalmarket.IsTerminalSuccess(status) { return color.GreenString(s) } return s } var clientInspectDealCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "inspect-deal", Usage: "Inspect detailed information about deal's lifecycle and the various stages it goes through", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.IntFlag{ Name: "deal-id", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "proposal-cid", }, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) return inspectDealCmd(ctx, api, cctx.String("proposal-cid"), cctx.Int("deal-id")) }, } var clientDealStatsCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "deal-stats", Usage: "Print statistics about local storage deals", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.DurationFlag{ Name: "newer-than", }, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) localDeals, err := api.ClientListDeals(ctx) if err != nil { return err } var totalSize uint64 byState := map[storagemarket.StorageDealStatus][]uint64{} for _, deal := range localDeals { if cctx.IsSet("newer-than") { if time.Now().Sub(deal.CreationTime) > cctx.Duration("newer-than") { continue } } totalSize += deal.Size byState[deal.State] = append(byState[deal.State], deal.Size) } fmt.Printf("Total: %d deals, %s\n", len(localDeals), types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(totalSize))) type stateStat struct { state storagemarket.StorageDealStatus count int bytes uint64 } stateStats := make([]stateStat, 0, len(byState)) for state, deals := range byState { if state == storagemarket.StorageDealActive { state = math.MaxUint64 // for sort } st := stateStat{ state: state, count: len(deals), } for _, b := range deals { st.bytes += b } stateStats = append(stateStats, st) } sort.Slice(stateStats, func(i, j int) bool { return int64(stateStats[i].state) < int64(stateStats[j].state) }) for _, st := range stateStats { if st.state == math.MaxUint64 { st.state = storagemarket.StorageDealActive } fmt.Printf("%s: %d deals, %s\n", storagemarket.DealStates[st.state], st.count, types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(st.bytes))) } return nil }, } var clientListAsksCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "list-asks", Usage: "List asks for top miners", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "by-ping", Usage: "sort by ping", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "output-format", Value: "text", Usage: "Either 'text' or 'csv'", }, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) asks, err := GetAsks(ctx, api) if err != nil { return err } if cctx.Bool("by-ping") { sort.Slice(asks, func(i, j int) bool { return asks[i].Ping < asks[j].Ping }) } pfmt := "%s: min:%s max:%s price:%s/GiB/Epoch verifiedPrice:%s/GiB/Epoch ping:%s\n" if cctx.String("output-format") == "csv" { fmt.Printf("Miner,Min,Max,Price,VerifiedPrice,Ping\n") pfmt = "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n" } for _, a := range asks { ask := a.Ask fmt.Printf(pfmt, ask.Miner, types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(uint64(ask.MinPieceSize))), types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(uint64(ask.MaxPieceSize))), types.FIL(ask.Price), types.FIL(ask.VerifiedPrice), a.Ping, ) } return nil }, } type QueriedAsk struct { Ask *storagemarket.StorageAsk Ping time.Duration } func GetAsks(ctx context.Context, api v0api.FullNode) ([]QueriedAsk, error) { isTTY := true if fileInfo, _ := os.Stdout.Stat(); (fileInfo.Mode() & os.ModeCharDevice) == 0 { isTTY = false } if isTTY { color.Blue(".. getting miner list") } miners, err := api.StateListMiners(ctx, types.EmptyTSK) if err != nil { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("getting miner list: %w", err) } var lk sync.Mutex var found int64 var withMinPower []address.Address done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { defer close(done) var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(len(miners)) throttle := make(chan struct{}, 50) for _, miner := range miners { throttle <- struct{}{} go func(miner address.Address) { defer wg.Done() defer func() { <-throttle }() power, err := api.StateMinerPower(ctx, miner, types.EmptyTSK) if err != nil { return } if power.HasMinPower { // TODO: Lower threshold atomic.AddInt64(&found, 1) lk.Lock() withMinPower = append(withMinPower, miner) lk.Unlock() } }(miner) } }() loop: for { select { case <-time.After(150 * time.Millisecond): if isTTY { fmt.Printf("\r* Found %d miners with power", atomic.LoadInt64(&found)) } case <-done: break loop } } if isTTY { fmt.Printf("\r* Found %d miners with power\n", atomic.LoadInt64(&found)) color.Blue(".. querying asks") } var asks []QueriedAsk var queried, got int64 done = make(chan struct{}) go func() { defer close(done) var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(len(withMinPower)) throttle := make(chan struct{}, 50) for _, miner := range withMinPower { throttle <- struct{}{} go func(miner address.Address) { defer wg.Done() defer func() { <-throttle atomic.AddInt64(&queried, 1) }() ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 4*time.Second) defer cancel() mi, err := api.StateMinerInfo(ctx, miner, types.EmptyTSK) if err != nil { return } if mi.PeerId == nil { return } ask, err := api.ClientQueryAsk(ctx, *mi.PeerId, miner) if err != nil { return } rt := time.Now() _, err = api.ClientQueryAsk(ctx, *mi.PeerId, miner) if err != nil { return } pingDuration := time.Now().Sub(rt) atomic.AddInt64(&got, 1) lk.Lock() asks = append(asks, QueriedAsk{ Ask: ask, Ping: pingDuration, }) lk.Unlock() }(miner) } }() loop2: for { select { case <-time.After(150 * time.Millisecond): if isTTY { fmt.Printf("\r* Queried %d asks, got %d responses", atomic.LoadInt64(&queried), atomic.LoadInt64(&got)) } case <-done: break loop2 } } if isTTY { fmt.Printf("\r* Queried %d asks, got %d responses\n", atomic.LoadInt64(&queried), atomic.LoadInt64(&got)) } sort.Slice(asks, func(i, j int) bool { return asks[i].Ask.Price.LessThan(asks[j].Ask.Price) }) return asks, nil } var clientQueryAskCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "query-ask", Usage: "Find a miners ask", ArgsUsage: "[minerAddress]", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "peerid", Usage: "specify peer ID of node to make query against", }, &cli.Int64Flag{ Name: "size", Usage: "data size in bytes", }, &cli.Int64Flag{ Name: "duration", Usage: "deal duration", }, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { afmt := NewAppFmt(cctx.App) if cctx.NArg() != 1 { afmt.Println("Usage: query-ask [minerAddress]") return nil } maddr, err := address.NewFromString(cctx.Args().First()) if err != nil { return err } api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) var pid peer.ID if pidstr := cctx.String("peerid"); pidstr != "" { p, err := peer.Decode(pidstr) if err != nil { return err } pid = p } else { mi, err := api.StateMinerInfo(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get peerID for miner: %w", err) } if mi.PeerId == nil || *mi.PeerId == peer.ID("SETME") { return fmt.Errorf("the miner hasn't initialized yet") } pid = *mi.PeerId } ask, err := api.ClientQueryAsk(ctx, pid, maddr) if err != nil { return err } afmt.Printf("Ask: %s\n", maddr) afmt.Printf("Price per GiB: %s\n", types.FIL(ask.Price)) afmt.Printf("Verified Price per GiB: %s\n", types.FIL(ask.VerifiedPrice)) afmt.Printf("Max Piece size: %s\n", types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(uint64(ask.MaxPieceSize)))) afmt.Printf("Min Piece size: %s\n", types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(uint64(ask.MinPieceSize)))) size := cctx.Int64("size") if size == 0 { return nil } perEpoch := types.BigDiv(types.BigMul(ask.Price, types.NewInt(uint64(size))), types.NewInt(1<<30)) afmt.Printf("Price per Block: %s\n", types.FIL(perEpoch)) duration := cctx.Int64("duration") if duration == 0 { return nil } afmt.Printf("Total Price: %s\n", types.FIL(types.BigMul(perEpoch, types.NewInt(uint64(duration))))) return nil }, } var clientListDeals = &cli.Command{ Name: "list-deals", Usage: "List storage market deals", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "verbose", Aliases: []string{"v"}, Usage: "print verbose deal details", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "color", Usage: "use color in display output", Value: true, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "show-failed", Usage: "show failed/failing deals", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "watch", Usage: "watch deal updates in real-time, rather than a one time list", }, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) verbose := cctx.Bool("verbose") color := cctx.Bool("color") watch := cctx.Bool("watch") showFailed := cctx.Bool("show-failed") localDeals, err := api.ClientListDeals(ctx) if err != nil { return err } if watch { updates, err := api.ClientGetDealUpdates(ctx) if err != nil { return err } for { tm.Clear() tm.MoveCursor(1, 1) err = outputStorageDeals(ctx, tm.Screen, api, localDeals, verbose, color, showFailed) if err != nil { return err } tm.Flush() select { case <-ctx.Done(): return nil case updated := <-updates: var found bool for i, existing := range localDeals { if existing.ProposalCid.Equals(updated.ProposalCid) { localDeals[i] = updated found = true break } } if !found { localDeals = append(localDeals, updated) } } } } return outputStorageDeals(ctx, cctx.App.Writer, api, localDeals, verbose, color, showFailed) }, } func dealFromDealInfo(ctx context.Context, full v0api.FullNode, head *types.TipSet, v api.DealInfo) deal { if v.DealID == 0 { return deal{ LocalDeal: v, OnChainDealState: *market.EmptyDealState(), } } onChain, err := full.StateMarketStorageDeal(ctx, v.DealID, head.Key()) if err != nil { return deal{LocalDeal: v} } return deal{ LocalDeal: v, OnChainDealState: onChain.State, } } func outputStorageDeals(ctx context.Context, out io.Writer, full v0api.FullNode, localDeals []lapi.DealInfo, verbose bool, color bool, showFailed bool) error { sort.Slice(localDeals, func(i, j int) bool { return localDeals[i].CreationTime.Before(localDeals[j].CreationTime) }) head, err := full.ChainHead(ctx) if err != nil { return err } var deals []deal for _, localDeal := range localDeals { if showFailed || localDeal.State != storagemarket.StorageDealError { deals = append(deals, dealFromDealInfo(ctx, full, head, localDeal)) } } if verbose { w := tabwriter.NewWriter(out, 2, 4, 2, ' ', 0) fmt.Fprintf(w, "Created\tDealCid\tDealId\tProvider\tState\tOn Chain?\tSlashed?\tPieceCID\tSize\tPrice\tDuration\tTransferChannelID\tTransferStatus\tVerified\tMessage\n") for _, d := range deals { onChain := "N" if d.OnChainDealState.SectorStartEpoch != -1 { onChain = fmt.Sprintf("Y (epoch %d)", d.OnChainDealState.SectorStartEpoch) } slashed := "N" if d.OnChainDealState.SlashEpoch != -1 { slashed = fmt.Sprintf("Y (epoch %d)", d.OnChainDealState.SlashEpoch) } price := types.FIL(types.BigMul(d.LocalDeal.PricePerEpoch, types.NewInt(d.LocalDeal.Duration))) transferChannelID := "" if d.LocalDeal.TransferChannelID != nil { transferChannelID = d.LocalDeal.TransferChannelID.String() } transferStatus := "" if d.LocalDeal.DataTransfer != nil { transferStatus = datatransfer.Statuses[d.LocalDeal.DataTransfer.Status] // TODO: Include the transferred percentage once this bug is fixed: // //fmt.Printf("transferred: %d / size: %d\n", d.LocalDeal.DataTransfer.Transferred, d.LocalDeal.Size) //if d.LocalDeal.Size > 0 { // pct := (100 * d.LocalDeal.DataTransfer.Transferred) / d.LocalDeal.Size // transferPct = fmt.Sprintf("%d%%", pct) //} } fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%v\t%s\n", d.LocalDeal.CreationTime.Format(time.Stamp), d.LocalDeal.ProposalCid, d.LocalDeal.DealID, d.LocalDeal.Provider, dealStateString(color, d.LocalDeal.State), onChain, slashed, d.LocalDeal.PieceCID, types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(d.LocalDeal.Size)), price, d.LocalDeal.Duration, transferChannelID, transferStatus, d.LocalDeal.Verified, d.LocalDeal.Message) } return w.Flush() } w := tablewriter.New(tablewriter.Col("DealCid"), tablewriter.Col("DealId"), tablewriter.Col("Provider"), tablewriter.Col("State"), tablewriter.Col("On Chain?"), tablewriter.Col("Slashed?"), tablewriter.Col("PieceCID"), tablewriter.Col("Size"), tablewriter.Col("Price"), tablewriter.Col("Duration"), tablewriter.Col("Verified"), tablewriter.NewLineCol("Message")) for _, d := range deals { propcid := ellipsis(d.LocalDeal.ProposalCid.String(), 8) onChain := "N" if d.OnChainDealState.SectorStartEpoch != -1 { onChain = fmt.Sprintf("Y (epoch %d)", d.OnChainDealState.SectorStartEpoch) } slashed := "N" if d.OnChainDealState.SlashEpoch != -1 { slashed = fmt.Sprintf("Y (epoch %d)", d.OnChainDealState.SlashEpoch) } piece := ellipsis(d.LocalDeal.PieceCID.String(), 8) price := types.FIL(types.BigMul(d.LocalDeal.PricePerEpoch, types.NewInt(d.LocalDeal.Duration))) w.Write(map[string]interface{}{ "DealCid": propcid, "DealId": d.LocalDeal.DealID, "Provider": d.LocalDeal.Provider, "State": dealStateString(color, d.LocalDeal.State), "On Chain?": onChain, "Slashed?": slashed, "PieceCID": piece, "Size": types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(d.LocalDeal.Size)), "Price": price, "Verified": d.LocalDeal.Verified, "Duration": d.LocalDeal.Duration, "Message": d.LocalDeal.Message, }) } return w.Flush(out) } func dealStateString(c bool, state storagemarket.StorageDealStatus) string { s := storagemarket.DealStates[state] if !c { return s } switch state { case storagemarket.StorageDealError, storagemarket.StorageDealExpired: return color.RedString(s) case storagemarket.StorageDealActive: return color.GreenString(s) default: return s } } type deal struct { LocalDeal lapi.DealInfo OnChainDealState market.DealState } var clientGetDealCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "get-deal", Usage: "Print detailed deal information", Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { if !cctx.Args().Present() { return cli.ShowCommandHelp(cctx, cctx.Command.Name) } api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) propcid, err := cid.Decode(cctx.Args().First()) if err != nil { return err } di, err := api.ClientGetDealInfo(ctx, propcid) if err != nil { return err } out := map[string]interface{}{ "DealInfo: ": di, } if di.DealID != 0 { onChain, err := api.StateMarketStorageDeal(ctx, di.DealID, types.EmptyTSK) if err != nil { return err } out["OnChain"] = onChain } b, err := json.MarshalIndent(out, "", " ") if err != nil { return err } fmt.Println(string(b)) return nil }, } var clientBalancesCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "balances", Usage: "Print storage market client balances", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "client", Usage: "specify storage client address", }, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) var addr address.Address if clientFlag := cctx.String("client"); clientFlag != "" { ca, err := address.NewFromString(clientFlag) if err != nil { return err } addr = ca } else { def, err := api.WalletDefaultAddress(ctx) if err != nil { return err } addr = def } balance, err := api.StateMarketBalance(ctx, addr, types.EmptyTSK) if err != nil { return err } reserved, err := api.MarketGetReserved(ctx, addr) if err != nil { return err } avail := big.Sub(big.Sub(balance.Escrow, balance.Locked), reserved) if avail.LessThan(big.Zero()) { avail = big.Zero() } fmt.Printf("Client Market Balance for address %s:\n", addr) fmt.Printf(" Escrowed Funds: %s\n", types.FIL(balance.Escrow)) fmt.Printf(" Locked Funds: %s\n", types.FIL(balance.Locked)) fmt.Printf(" Reserved Funds: %s\n", types.FIL(reserved)) fmt.Printf(" Available to Withdraw: %s\n", types.FIL(avail)) return nil }, } var clientStat = &cli.Command{ Name: "stat", Usage: "Print information about a locally stored file (piece size, etc)", ArgsUsage: "", Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) if !cctx.Args().Present() || cctx.NArg() != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("must specify cid of data") } dataCid, err := cid.Parse(cctx.Args().First()) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("parsing data cid: %w", err) } ds, err := api.ClientDealSize(ctx, dataCid) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Printf("Piece Size : %v\n", ds.PieceSize) fmt.Printf("Payload Size: %v\n", ds.PayloadSize) return nil }, } var clientRestartTransfer = &cli.Command{ Name: "restart-transfer", Usage: "Force restart a stalled data transfer", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "peerid", Usage: "narrow to transfer with specific peer", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "initiator", Usage: "specify only transfers where peer is/is not initiator", Value: true, }, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { if !cctx.Args().Present() { return cli.ShowCommandHelp(cctx, cctx.Command.Name) } api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) transferUint, err := strconv.ParseUint(cctx.Args().First(), 10, 64) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error reading transfer ID: %w", err) } transferID := datatransfer.TransferID(transferUint) initiator := cctx.Bool("initiator") var other peer.ID if pidstr := cctx.String("peerid"); pidstr != "" { p, err := peer.Decode(pidstr) if err != nil { return err } other = p } else { channels, err := api.ClientListDataTransfers(ctx) if err != nil { return err } found := false for _, channel := range channels { if channel.IsInitiator == initiator && channel.TransferID == transferID { other = channel.OtherPeer found = true break } } if !found { return errors.New("unable to find matching data transfer") } } return api.ClientRestartDataTransfer(ctx, transferID, other, initiator) }, } var clientCancelTransfer = &cli.Command{ Name: "cancel-transfer", Usage: "Force cancel a data transfer", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "peerid", Usage: "narrow to transfer with specific peer", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "initiator", Usage: "specify only transfers where peer is/is not initiator", Value: true, }, &cli.DurationFlag{ Name: "cancel-timeout", Usage: "time to wait for cancel to be sent to storage provider", Value: 5 * time.Second, }, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { if !cctx.Args().Present() { return cli.ShowCommandHelp(cctx, cctx.Command.Name) } api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) transferUint, err := strconv.ParseUint(cctx.Args().First(), 10, 64) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error reading transfer ID: %w", err) } transferID := datatransfer.TransferID(transferUint) initiator := cctx.Bool("initiator") var other peer.ID if pidstr := cctx.String("peerid"); pidstr != "" { p, err := peer.Decode(pidstr) if err != nil { return err } other = p } else { channels, err := api.ClientListDataTransfers(ctx) if err != nil { return err } found := false for _, channel := range channels { if channel.IsInitiator == initiator && channel.TransferID == transferID { other = channel.OtherPeer found = true break } } if !found { return errors.New("unable to find matching data transfer") } } timeoutCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, cctx.Duration("cancel-timeout")) defer cancel() return api.ClientCancelDataTransfer(timeoutCtx, transferID, other, initiator) }, } var clientCancelRetrievalDealCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "cancel-retrieval", Usage: "Cancel a retrieval deal by deal ID; this also cancels the associated transfer", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.Int64Flag{ Name: "deal-id", Usage: "specify retrieval deal by deal ID", Required: true, }, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) id := cctx.Int64("deal-id") if id < 0 { return errors.New("deal id cannot be negative") } return api.ClientCancelRetrievalDeal(ctx, retrievalmarket.DealID(id)) }, } var clientListTransfers = &cli.Command{ Name: "list-transfers", Usage: "List ongoing data transfers for deals", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "verbose", Aliases: []string{"v"}, Usage: "print verbose transfer details", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "color", Usage: "use color in display output", Value: true, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "completed", Usage: "show completed data transfers", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "watch", Usage: "watch deal updates in real-time, rather than a one time list", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "show-failed", Usage: "show failed/cancelled transfers", }, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { api, closer, err := GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := ReqContext(cctx) channels, err := api.ClientListDataTransfers(ctx) if err != nil { return err } verbose := cctx.Bool("verbose") completed := cctx.Bool("completed") color := cctx.Bool("color") watch := cctx.Bool("watch") showFailed := cctx.Bool("show-failed") if watch { channelUpdates, err := api.ClientDataTransferUpdates(ctx) if err != nil { return err } for { tm.Clear() // Clear current screen tm.MoveCursor(1, 1) OutputDataTransferChannels(tm.Screen, channels, verbose, completed, color, showFailed) tm.Flush() select { case <-ctx.Done(): return nil case channelUpdate := <-channelUpdates: var found bool for i, existing := range channels { if existing.TransferID == channelUpdate.TransferID && existing.OtherPeer == channelUpdate.OtherPeer && existing.IsSender == channelUpdate.IsSender && existing.IsInitiator == channelUpdate.IsInitiator { channels[i] = channelUpdate found = true break } } if !found { channels = append(channels, channelUpdate) } } } } OutputDataTransferChannels(os.Stdout, channels, verbose, completed, color, showFailed) return nil }, } // OutputDataTransferChannels generates table output for a list of channels func OutputDataTransferChannels(out io.Writer, channels []lapi.DataTransferChannel, verbose, completed, color, showFailed bool) { sort.Slice(channels, func(i, j int) bool { return channels[i].TransferID < channels[j].TransferID }) var receivingChannels, sendingChannels []lapi.DataTransferChannel for _, channel := range channels { if !completed && channel.Status == datatransfer.Completed { continue } if !showFailed && (channel.Status == datatransfer.Failed || channel.Status == datatransfer.Cancelled) { continue } if channel.IsSender { sendingChannels = append(sendingChannels, channel) } else { receivingChannels = append(receivingChannels, channel) } } fmt.Fprintf(out, "Sending Channels\n\n") w := tablewriter.New(tablewriter.Col("ID"), tablewriter.Col("Status"), tablewriter.Col("Sending To"), tablewriter.Col("Root Cid"), tablewriter.Col("Initiated?"), tablewriter.Col("Transferred"), tablewriter.Col("Voucher"), tablewriter.NewLineCol("Message")) for _, channel := range sendingChannels { w.Write(toChannelOutput(color, "Sending To", channel, verbose)) } w.Flush(out) //nolint:errcheck fmt.Fprintf(out, "\nReceiving Channels\n\n") w = tablewriter.New(tablewriter.Col("ID"), tablewriter.Col("Status"), tablewriter.Col("Receiving From"), tablewriter.Col("Root Cid"), tablewriter.Col("Initiated?"), tablewriter.Col("Transferred"), tablewriter.Col("Voucher"), tablewriter.NewLineCol("Message")) for _, channel := range receivingChannels { w.Write(toChannelOutput(color, "Receiving From", channel, verbose)) } w.Flush(out) //nolint:errcheck } func channelStatusString(useColor bool, status datatransfer.Status) string { s := datatransfer.Statuses[status] if !useColor { return s } switch status { case datatransfer.Failed, datatransfer.Cancelled: return color.RedString(s) case datatransfer.Completed: return color.GreenString(s) default: return s } } func toChannelOutput(useColor bool, otherPartyColumn string, channel lapi.DataTransferChannel, verbose bool) map[string]interface{} { rootCid := channel.BaseCID.String() otherParty := channel.OtherPeer.String() if !verbose { rootCid = ellipsis(rootCid, 8) otherParty = ellipsis(otherParty, 8) } initiated := "N" if channel.IsInitiator { initiated = "Y" } voucher := channel.Voucher if len(voucher) > 40 && !verbose { voucher = ellipsis(voucher, 37) } return map[string]interface{}{ "ID": channel.TransferID, "Status": channelStatusString(useColor, channel.Status), otherPartyColumn: otherParty, "Root Cid": rootCid, "Initiated?": initiated, "Transferred": units.BytesSize(float64(channel.Transferred)), "Voucher": voucher, "Message": channel.Message, } } func ellipsis(s string, length int) string { if length > 0 && len(s) > length { return "..." + s[len(s)-length:] } return s } func inspectDealCmd(ctx context.Context, api v0api.FullNode, proposalCid string, dealId int) error { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) defer cancel() deals, err := api.ClientListDeals(ctx) if err != nil { return err } var di *lapi.DealInfo for i, cdi := range deals { if proposalCid != "" && cdi.ProposalCid.String() == proposalCid { di = &deals[i] break } if dealId != 0 && int(cdi.DealID) == dealId { di = &deals[i] break } } if di == nil { if proposalCid != "" { return fmt.Errorf("cannot find deal with proposal cid: %s", proposalCid) } if dealId != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("cannot find deal with deal id: %v", dealId) } return errors.New("you must specify proposal cid or deal id in order to inspect a deal") } // populate DealInfo.DealStages and DataTransfer.Stages di, err = api.ClientGetDealInfo(ctx, di.ProposalCid) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot get deal info for proposal cid: %v", di.ProposalCid) } renderDeal(di) return nil } func renderDeal(di *lapi.DealInfo) { color.Blue("Deal ID: %d\n", int(di.DealID)) color.Blue("Proposal CID: %s\n\n", di.ProposalCid.String()) if di.DealStages == nil { color.Yellow("Deal was made with an older version of Lotus and Lotus did not collect detailed information about its stages") return } for _, stg := range di.DealStages.Stages { msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s: %s (expected duration: %s)", color.BlueString("Stage:"), color.BlueString(strings.TrimPrefix(stg.Name, "StorageDeal")), stg.Description, color.GreenString(stg.ExpectedDuration)) if stg.UpdatedTime.Time().IsZero() { msg = color.YellowString(msg) } fmt.Println(msg) for _, l := range stg.Logs { fmt.Printf(" %s %s\n", color.YellowString(l.UpdatedTime.Time().UTC().Round(time.Second).Format(time.Stamp)), l.Log) } if stg.Name == "StorageDealStartDataTransfer" { for _, dtStg := range di.DataTransfer.Stages.Stages { fmt.Printf(" %s %s %s\n", color.YellowString(dtStg.CreatedTime.Time().UTC().Round(time.Second).Format(time.Stamp)), color.BlueString("Data transfer stage:"), color.BlueString(dtStg.Name)) for _, l := range dtStg.Logs { fmt.Printf(" %s %s\n", color.YellowString(l.UpdatedTime.Time().UTC().Round(time.Second).Format(time.Stamp)), l.Log) } } } } }