linters: disable-all: true enable: - gofmt - govet - goimports - misspell - goconst - golint - errcheck - gosec - unconvert - staticcheck - varcheck - structcheck - deadcode - scopelint # We don't want to skip builtin/ skip-dirs-use-default: false skip-dirs: - vendor$ - testdata$ - examples$ issues: exclude: - "by other packages, and that stutters; consider calling this" - "Potential file inclusion via variable" - "should have( a package)? comment" - "Error return value of `logging.SetLogLevel` is not checked" - "comment on exported" - "(func|method) \\w+ should be \\w+" - "(type|var|struct field|(method|func) parameter) `\\w+` should be `\\w+`" - "(G306|G301|G307|G108|G302|G204|G104)" - "don't use ALL_CAPS in Go names" - "string .* has .* occurrences, make it a constant" - "a blank import should be only in a main or test package, or have a comment justifying it" - "package comment should be of the form" - "Potential hardcoded credentials" - "Use of weak random number generator" - "xerrors.* is deprecated" exclude-use-default: false exclude-rules: - path: lotuspond linters: - errcheck - path: node/modules/lp2p linters: - golint - path: build/params_.*\.go linters: - golint - path: api/apistruct/struct.go linters: - golint - path: .*_test.go linters: - gosec - path: chain/vectors/gen/.* linters: - gosec - path: cmd/lotus-bench/.* linters: - gosec - path: api/test/.* text: "context.Context should be the first parameter" linters: - golint linters-settings: goconst: min-occurrences: 6