name: "M1 Bug Report For Non Deal Making Issue" description: "File a bug report around non deal making issue for the M1 releases" labels: [need/triage, kind/bug, M1-release] body: - type: checkboxes id: checklist attributes: label: Checklist description: Please check off the following boxes before continuing to file a bug report! options: - label: This is **not** a question or a support request. If you have any lotus related questions, please ask in the [lotus forum]( required: true - label: I **am** reporting a bug w.r.t one of the [M1 tags]( If not, choose another issue option [here]( required: true - label: I am **not** reporting a bug around deal making. If yes, choose `M1 Bug Report For Deal Making` option [here]( required: true - label: I **have** searched on the [issue tracker]( and the [lotus forum](, and there is no existing related issue or discussion. required: true - type: dropdown id: component-and-area validations: required: true attributes: label: Lotus component description: Please select the lotus component you are filing a bug for options: - lotus daemon - chain sync **with** splitstore enabled - lotus daemon - chain sync **without** splitstore enabled - lotus miner - mining and block production - lotus miner/worker - sealing - lotus miner - proving(WindowPoSt) - lotus client - lotus JSON-RPC API - lotus message management (mpool) - Other - type: textarea id: version attributes: label: Lotus Tag and Version description: Enter the lotus tag, output of `lotus version` and `lotus-miner version`. validations: reuiqred: true - type: textarea id: Description attributes: label: Describe the Bug description: | This is where you get to tell us what went wrong, when doing so, please try to provide a clear and concise description of the bug with all related information: * What you were doding when you experienced the bug? * Any *error* messages you saw, *where* you saw them, and what you believe may have caused them (if you have any ideas). * What is the expected behaviour? * For sealing issues, include the output of `lotus-miner sectors status --log ` for the failed sector(s). * For proving issues, include the output of `lotus-miner proving` info. render: bash validations: required: true - type: textarea id: extraInfo attributes: label: Logging Information description: | Please provide debug logs of the problem, remember you can get set log level control for: * lotus: use `lotus log list` to get all log systems available and set level by `lotus log set-level`. An example can be found [here]( * lotus-miner:`lotus-miner log list` to get all log systems available and set level by `lotus-miner log set-level If you don't provide detailed logs when you raise the issue it will almost certainly be the first request I make before furthur diagnosing the problem. render: bash validations: required: true - type: textarea id: RepoSteps attributes: label: Repo Steps description: "Steps to reproduce the behavior" value: | 1. Run '...' 2. Do '...' 3. See error '...' ... render: bash validations: required: false