package cli import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" types "" "" cid "" "" "" ) func InteractiveSend(ctx context.Context, cctx *cli.Context, srv ServicesAPI, proto *api.MessagePrototype) (*types.SignedMessage, error) { msg, checks, err := srv.PublishMessage(ctx, proto, cctx.Bool("force") || cctx.Bool("force-send")) printer := cctx.App.Writer if xerrors.Is(err, ErrCheckFailed) { if !cctx.Bool("interactive") { fmt.Fprintf(printer, "Following checks have failed:\n") printChecks(printer, checks, proto.Message.Cid()) } else { proto, err = resolveChecks(ctx, srv, cctx.App.Writer, proto, checks) if err != nil { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("from UI: %w", err) } msg, _, err = srv.PublishMessage(ctx, proto, true) } } if err != nil { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("publishing message: %w", err) } return msg, nil } var interactiveSolves = map[api.CheckStatusCode]bool{ api.CheckStatusMessageMinBaseFee: true, api.CheckStatusMessageBaseFee: true, api.CheckStatusMessageBaseFeeLowerBound: true, api.CheckStatusMessageBaseFeeUpperBound: true, } func baseFeeFromHints(hint map[string]interface{}) big.Int { bHint, ok := hint["baseFee"] if !ok { return big.Zero() } bHintS, ok := bHint.(string) if !ok { return big.Zero() } var err error baseFee, err := big.FromString(bHintS) if err != nil { return big.Zero() } return baseFee } func resolveChecks(ctx context.Context, s ServicesAPI, printer io.Writer, proto *api.MessagePrototype, checkGroups [][]api.MessageCheckStatus, ) (*api.MessagePrototype, error) { fmt.Fprintf(printer, "Following checks have failed:\n") printChecks(printer, checkGroups, proto.Message.Cid()) if feeCapBad, baseFee := isFeeCapProblem(checkGroups, proto.Message.Cid()); feeCapBad { fmt.Fprintf(printer, "Fee of the message can be adjusted\n") if askUser(printer, "Do you wish to do that? [Yes/no]: ", true) { var err error proto, err = runFeeCapAdjustmentUI(proto, baseFee) if err != nil { return nil, err } } checks, err := s.RunChecksForPrototype(ctx, proto) if err != nil { return nil, err } fmt.Fprintf(printer, "Following checks still failed:\n") printChecks(printer, checks, proto.Message.Cid()) } if !askUser(printer, "Do you wish to send this message? [yes/No]: ", false) { return nil, ErrAbortedByUser } return proto, nil } var ErrAbortedByUser = errors.New("aborted by user") func printChecks(printer io.Writer, checkGroups [][]api.MessageCheckStatus, protoCid cid.Cid) { for _, checks := range checkGroups { for _, c := range checks { if c.OK { continue } aboutProto := c.Cid.Equals(protoCid) msgName := "current" if !aboutProto { msgName = c.Cid.String() } fmt.Fprintf(printer, "%s message failed a check %s: %s\n", msgName, c.Code, c.Err) } } } func askUser(printer io.Writer, q string, def bool) bool { var resp string fmt.Fprint(printer, q) fmt.Scanln(&resp) resp = strings.ToLower(resp) if len(resp) == 0 { return def } return resp[0] == 'y' } func isFeeCapProblem(checkGroups [][]api.MessageCheckStatus, protoCid cid.Cid) (bool, big.Int) { baseFee := big.Zero() yes := false for _, checks := range checkGroups { for _, c := range checks { if c.OK { continue } aboutProto := c.Cid.Equals(protoCid) if aboutProto && interactiveSolves[c.Code] { yes = true if baseFee.IsZero() { baseFee = baseFeeFromHints(c.Hint) } } } } if baseFee.IsZero() { // this will only be the case if failing check is: MessageMinBaseFee baseFee = big.NewInt(build.MinimumBaseFee) } return yes, baseFee } func runFeeCapAdjustmentUI(proto *api.MessagePrototype, baseFee abi.TokenAmount) (*api.MessagePrototype, error) { t, err := imtui.NewTui() if err != nil { return nil, err } maxFee := big.Mul(proto.Message.GasFeeCap, big.NewInt(proto.Message.GasLimit)) send := false t.PushScene(feeUI(baseFee, proto.Message.GasLimit, &maxFee, &send)) err = t.Run() if err != nil { return nil, err } if !send { return nil, fmt.Errorf("aborted by user") } proto.Message.GasFeeCap = big.Div(maxFee, big.NewInt(proto.Message.GasLimit)) return proto, nil } func feeUI(baseFee abi.TokenAmount, gasLimit int64, maxFee *abi.TokenAmount, send *bool) func(*imtui.Tui) error { orignalMaxFee := *maxFee required := big.Mul(baseFee, big.NewInt(gasLimit)) safe := big.Mul(required, big.NewInt(10)) price := fmt.Sprintf("%s", types.FIL(*maxFee).Unitless()) return func(t *imtui.Tui) error { if t.CurrentKey != nil { if t.CurrentKey.Key() == tcell.KeyRune { pF, err := types.ParseFIL(price) switch t.CurrentKey.Rune() { case 's', 'S': price = types.FIL(safe).Unitless() case '+': if err == nil { p := big.Mul(big.Int(pF), types.NewInt(11)) p = big.Div(p, types.NewInt(10)) price = fmt.Sprintf("%s", types.FIL(p).Unitless()) } case '-': if err == nil { p := big.Mul(big.Int(pF), types.NewInt(10)) p = big.Div(p, types.NewInt(11)) price = fmt.Sprintf("%s", types.FIL(p).Unitless()) } default: } } if t.CurrentKey.Key() == tcell.KeyEnter { *send = true t.PopScene() return nil } } defS := tcell.StyleDefault row := 0 t.Label(0, row, "Fee of the message is too low.", defS) row++ t.Label(0, row, fmt.Sprintf("Your configured maximum fee is: %s FIL", types.FIL(orignalMaxFee).Unitless()), defS) row++ t.Label(0, row, fmt.Sprintf("Required maximum fee for the message: %s FIL", types.FIL(required).Unitless()), defS) row++ w := t.Label(0, row, fmt.Sprintf("Safe maximum fee for the message: %s FIL", types.FIL(safe).Unitless()), defS) t.Label(w, row, " Press S to use it", defS) row++ w = t.Label(0, row, "Current Maximum Fee: ", defS) w += t.EditFieldFiltered(w, row, 14, &price, imtui.FilterDecimal, defS.Foreground(tcell.ColorWhite).Background(tcell.ColorBlack)) w += t.Label(w, row, " FIL", defS) pF, err := types.ParseFIL(price) *maxFee = abi.TokenAmount(pF) if err != nil { w += t.Label(w, row, " invalid price", defS.Foreground(tcell.ColorMaroon).Bold(true)) } else if maxFee.GreaterThanEqual(safe) { w += t.Label(w, row, " SAFE", defS.Foreground(tcell.ColorDarkGreen).Bold(true)) } else if maxFee.GreaterThanEqual(required) { w += t.Label(w, row, " low", defS.Foreground(tcell.ColorYellow).Bold(true)) over := big.Div(big.Mul(*maxFee, big.NewInt(100)), required) w += t.Label(w, row, fmt.Sprintf(" %.1fx over the minimum", float64(over.Int64())/100.0), defS) } else { w += t.Label(w, row, " too low", defS.Foreground(tcell.ColorRed).Bold(true)) } row += 2 t.Label(0, row, fmt.Sprintf("Current Base Fee is: %s", types.FIL(baseFee).Nano()), defS) row++ t.Label(0, row, fmt.Sprintf("Resulting FeeCap is: %s", types.FIL(big.Div(*maxFee, big.NewInt(gasLimit))).Nano()), defS) row++ t.Label(0, row, "You can use '+' and '-' to adjust the fee.", defS) return nil } }