package market

import (

	cbg ""

	market0 ""
{{range .versions}}
	builtin{{.}} "{{import .}}actors/builtin"


func init() {
{{range .versions}}
	builtin.RegisterActorState(builtin{{.}}.StorageMarketActorCodeID, func(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid) (cbor.Marshaler, error) {
		return load{{.}}(store, root)

var (
	Address = builtin{{.latestVersion}}.StorageMarketActorAddr
	Methods = builtin{{.latestVersion}}.MethodsMarket

func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
	switch act.Code {
{{range .versions}}
	case builtin{{.}}.StorageMarketActorCodeID:
		return load{{.}}(store, act.Head)
	return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor code %s", act.Code)

type State interface {
	BalancesChanged(State) (bool, error)
	EscrowTable() (BalanceTable, error)
	LockedTable() (BalanceTable, error)
	TotalLocked() (abi.TokenAmount, error)
	StatesChanged(State) (bool, error)
	States() (DealStates, error)
	ProposalsChanged(State) (bool, error)
	Proposals() (DealProposals, error)
		minerAddr address.Address, deals []abi.DealID, currEpoch, sectorExpiry abi.ChainEpoch,
	) (weight, verifiedWeight abi.DealWeight, err error)
	NextID() (abi.DealID, error)

type BalanceTable interface {
	ForEach(cb func(address.Address, abi.TokenAmount) error) error
	Get(key address.Address) (abi.TokenAmount, error)

type DealStates interface {
	ForEach(cb func(id abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error
	Get(id abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error)

	array() adt.Array
	decode(*cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error)

type DealProposals interface {
	ForEach(cb func(id abi.DealID, dp DealProposal) error) error
	Get(id abi.DealID) (*DealProposal, bool, error)

	array() adt.Array
	decode(*cbg.Deferred) (*DealProposal, error)

type PublishStorageDealsParams = market0.PublishStorageDealsParams
type PublishStorageDealsReturn = market0.PublishStorageDealsReturn
type VerifyDealsForActivationParams = market0.VerifyDealsForActivationParams
type WithdrawBalanceParams = market0.WithdrawBalanceParams

type ClientDealProposal = market0.ClientDealProposal

type DealState struct {
	SectorStartEpoch abi.ChainEpoch // -1 if not yet included in proven sector
	LastUpdatedEpoch abi.ChainEpoch // -1 if deal state never updated
	SlashEpoch       abi.ChainEpoch // -1 if deal never slashed

type DealProposal struct {
	PieceCID             cid.Cid
	PieceSize            abi.PaddedPieceSize
	VerifiedDeal         bool
	Client               address.Address
	Provider             address.Address
	Label                string
	StartEpoch           abi.ChainEpoch
	EndEpoch             abi.ChainEpoch
	StoragePricePerEpoch abi.TokenAmount
	ProviderCollateral   abi.TokenAmount
	ClientCollateral     abi.TokenAmount

type DealStateChanges struct {
	Added    []DealIDState
	Modified []DealStateChange
	Removed  []DealIDState

type DealIDState struct {
	ID   abi.DealID
	Deal DealState

// DealStateChange is a change in deal state from -> to
type DealStateChange struct {
	ID   abi.DealID
	From *DealState
	To   *DealState

type DealProposalChanges struct {
	Added   []ProposalIDState
	Removed []ProposalIDState

type ProposalIDState struct {
	ID       abi.DealID
	Proposal DealProposal

func EmptyDealState() *DealState {
	return &DealState{
		SectorStartEpoch: -1,
		SlashEpoch:       -1,
		LastUpdatedEpoch: -1,

// returns the earned fees and pending fees for a given deal
func (deal DealProposal) GetDealFees(height abi.ChainEpoch) (abi.TokenAmount, abi.TokenAmount) {
       tf := big.Mul(deal.StoragePricePerEpoch, big.NewInt(int64(deal.EndEpoch-deal.StartEpoch)))

       ef := big.Mul(deal.StoragePricePerEpoch, big.NewInt(int64(height-deal.StartEpoch)))
       if ef.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
               ef = big.Zero()

       if ef.GreaterThan(tf) {
               ef = tf

       return ef, big.Sub(tf, ef)