  name = "lotus-soup"
  author = ""

  plan = "lotus-soup"
  case = "deals-e2e"
  total_instances = 3
  builder = "docker:go"
  runner = "local:docker"

  selectors = ["testground"]

  exposed_ports = { pprof = "6060", node_rpc = "1234", miner_rpc = "2345" }

  enable_go_build_cache = true

  clients = "1"
  miners = "1"
  genesis_timestamp_offset = "0"
  balance = "20000000" # These balances will work for maximum 100 nodes, as TotalFilecoin is 2B
  sectors = "3"
  random_beacon_type = "mock"
  mining_mode = "natural"
  bandwidth = "4MB"

  id = "bootstrapper"
    count = 1
    percentage = 0.0
      role = "bootstrapper"

  id = "miners"
    count = 1
    percentage = 0.0
      role = "miner"

  id = "clients"
    count = 1
    percentage = 0.0
      role = "client"
      # Bounce the connection during push and pull requests
      bounce_conn_data_transfers = "true"