// +build !debug
// +build !2k
// +build !testground

package build

import (


	builtin2 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/v2/actors/builtin"

var DrandSchedule = map[abi.ChainEpoch]DrandEnum{
	0:                  DrandIncentinet,
	UpgradeSmokeHeight: DrandMainnet,

const UpgradeBreezeHeight = 41280
const BreezeGasTampingDuration = 120

const UpgradeSmokeHeight = 51000

const UpgradeIgnitionHeight = 94000
const UpgradeRefuelHeight = 130800

var UpgradeActorsV2Height = abi.ChainEpoch(138720)

const UpgradeTapeHeight = 140760

// This signals our tentative epoch for mainnet launch. Can make it later, but not earlier.
// Miners, clients, developers, custodians all need time to prepare.
// We still have upgrades and state changes to do, but can happen after signaling timing here.
const UpgradeLiftoffHeight = 148888

const UpgradeKumquatHeight = 170000

func init() {
	policy.SetConsensusMinerMinPower(abi.NewStoragePower(10 << 40))

	if os.Getenv("LOTUS_USE_TEST_ADDRESSES") != "1" {

	if os.Getenv("LOTUS_DISABLE_V2_ACTOR_MIGRATION") == "1" {
		UpgradeActorsV2Height = math.MaxInt64

	Devnet = false

const BlockDelaySecs = uint64(builtin2.EpochDurationSeconds)

const PropagationDelaySecs = uint64(6)