package drivers import ( "bytes" "" commcid "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var fakeVerifySignatureFunc = func(signature crypto.Signature, signer address.Address, plaintext []byte) error { return nil } var defaultHashBlake2bFunc = func(data []byte) [32]byte { return blake2b.Sum256(data) } var fakeComputerUnsealedSectorCIDFunc = func(proof abi.RegisteredSealProof, pieces []abi.PieceInfo) (cid.Cid, error) { // Fake CID computation by hashing the piece info (rather than the real computation over piece commitments). buf := bytes.Buffer{} for _, p := range pieces { err := p.MarshalCBOR(&buf) if err != nil { panic(err) } } token := blake2b.Sum256(buf.Bytes()) return commcid.DataCommitmentV1ToCID(token[:]) } var fakeVerifySealFunc = func(info abi.SealVerifyInfo) error { return nil } var fakeVerifyPoStFunc = func(info abi.WindowPoStVerifyInfo) error { return nil } var fakeBatchVerifySealfunc = func(inp map[address.Address][]abi.SealVerifyInfo) (map[address.Address][]bool, error) { out := make(map[address.Address][]bool) for a, svis := range inp { res := make([]bool, len(svis)) for i := range res { res[i] = true } out[a] = res } return out, nil } var panicingVerifyConsensusFaultFunc = func(h1, h2, extra []byte) (*runtime.ConsensusFault, error) { panic("implement me") } type ChainValidationSysCalls struct { VerifySigFunc func(signature crypto.Signature, signer address.Address, plaintext []byte) error HashBlake2bFunc func(data []byte) [32]byte ComputeUnSealedSectorCIDFunc func(proof abi.RegisteredSealProof, pieces []abi.PieceInfo) (cid.Cid, error) VerifySealFunc func(info abi.SealVerifyInfo) error VerifyPoStFunc func(info abi.WindowPoStVerifyInfo) error VerifyConsensusFaultFunc func(h1, h2, extra []byte) (*runtime.ConsensusFault, error) BatchVerifySealsFunc func(map[address.Address][]abi.SealVerifyInfo) (map[address.Address][]bool, error) } func NewChainValidationSysCalls() *ChainValidationSysCalls { return &ChainValidationSysCalls{ HashBlake2bFunc: defaultHashBlake2bFunc, VerifySigFunc: fakeVerifySignatureFunc, ComputeUnSealedSectorCIDFunc: fakeComputerUnsealedSectorCIDFunc, VerifySealFunc: fakeVerifySealFunc, VerifyPoStFunc: fakeVerifyPoStFunc, VerifyConsensusFaultFunc: panicingVerifyConsensusFaultFunc, BatchVerifySealsFunc: fakeBatchVerifySealfunc, } } func (c ChainValidationSysCalls) VerifySignature(signature crypto.Signature, signer address.Address, plaintext []byte) error { return c.VerifySigFunc(signature, signer, plaintext) } func (c ChainValidationSysCalls) HashBlake2b(data []byte) [32]byte { return c.HashBlake2bFunc(data) } func (c ChainValidationSysCalls) ComputeUnsealedSectorCID(proof abi.RegisteredSealProof, pieces []abi.PieceInfo) (cid.Cid, error) { return c.ComputeUnSealedSectorCIDFunc(proof, pieces) } func (c ChainValidationSysCalls) VerifySeal(info abi.SealVerifyInfo) error { return c.VerifySealFunc(info) } func (c ChainValidationSysCalls) VerifyPoSt(info abi.WindowPoStVerifyInfo) error { return c.VerifyPoStFunc(info) } func (c ChainValidationSysCalls) VerifyConsensusFault(h1, h2, extra []byte) (*runtime.ConsensusFault, error) { return c.VerifyConsensusFaultFunc(h1, h2, extra) } func (c ChainValidationSysCalls) BatchVerifySeals(inp map[address.Address][]abi.SealVerifyInfo) (map[address.Address][]bool, error) { return c.BatchVerifySealsFunc(inp) }