# Groups * [](#) * [Closing](#Closing) * [Discover](#Discover) * [Session](#Session) * [Shutdown](#Shutdown) * [Version](#Version) * [Actor](#Actor) * [ActorAddress](#ActorAddress) * [ActorAddressConfig](#ActorAddressConfig) * [ActorSectorSize](#ActorSectorSize) * [ActorWithdrawBalance](#ActorWithdrawBalance) * [Auth](#Auth) * [AuthNew](#AuthNew) * [AuthVerify](#AuthVerify) * [Check](#Check) * [CheckProvable](#CheckProvable) * [Compute](#Compute) * [ComputeDataCid](#ComputeDataCid) * [ComputeProof](#ComputeProof) * [ComputeWindowPoSt](#ComputeWindowPoSt) * [Create](#Create) * [CreateBackup](#CreateBackup) * [Dagstore](#Dagstore) * [DagstoreGC](#DagstoreGC) * [DagstoreInitializeAll](#DagstoreInitializeAll) * [DagstoreInitializeShard](#DagstoreInitializeShard) * [DagstoreListShards](#DagstoreListShards) * [DagstoreLookupPieces](#DagstoreLookupPieces) * [DagstoreRecoverShard](#DagstoreRecoverShard) * [DagstoreRegisterShard](#DagstoreRegisterShard) * [Deals](#Deals) * [DealsConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals](#DealsConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals) * [DealsConsiderOfflineStorageDeals](#DealsConsiderOfflineStorageDeals) * [DealsConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals](#DealsConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals) * [DealsConsiderOnlineStorageDeals](#DealsConsiderOnlineStorageDeals) * [DealsConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals](#DealsConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals) * [DealsConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals](#DealsConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals) * [DealsImportData](#DealsImportData) * [DealsList](#DealsList) * [DealsPieceCidBlocklist](#DealsPieceCidBlocklist) * [DealsSetConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals](#DealsSetConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals) * [DealsSetConsiderOfflineStorageDeals](#DealsSetConsiderOfflineStorageDeals) * [DealsSetConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals](#DealsSetConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals) * [DealsSetConsiderOnlineStorageDeals](#DealsSetConsiderOnlineStorageDeals) * [DealsSetConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals](#DealsSetConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals) * [DealsSetConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals](#DealsSetConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals) * [DealsSetPieceCidBlocklist](#DealsSetPieceCidBlocklist) * [I](#I) * [ID](#ID) * [Indexer](#Indexer) * [IndexerAnnounceAllDeals](#IndexerAnnounceAllDeals) * [IndexerAnnounceDeal](#IndexerAnnounceDeal) * [Log](#Log) * [LogAlerts](#LogAlerts) * [LogList](#LogList) * [LogSetLevel](#LogSetLevel) * [Market](#Market) * [MarketCancelDataTransfer](#MarketCancelDataTransfer) * [MarketDataTransferDiagnostics](#MarketDataTransferDiagnostics) * [MarketDataTransferUpdates](#MarketDataTransferUpdates) * [MarketGetAsk](#MarketGetAsk) * [MarketGetDealUpdates](#MarketGetDealUpdates) * [MarketGetRetrievalAsk](#MarketGetRetrievalAsk) * [MarketImportDealData](#MarketImportDealData) * [MarketListDataTransfers](#MarketListDataTransfers) * [MarketListDeals](#MarketListDeals) * [MarketListIncompleteDeals](#MarketListIncompleteDeals) * [MarketListRetrievalDeals](#MarketListRetrievalDeals) * [MarketPendingDeals](#MarketPendingDeals) * [MarketPublishPendingDeals](#MarketPublishPendingDeals) * [MarketRestartDataTransfer](#MarketRestartDataTransfer) * [MarketRetryPublishDeal](#MarketRetryPublishDeal) * [MarketSetAsk](#MarketSetAsk) * [MarketSetRetrievalAsk](#MarketSetRetrievalAsk) * [Mining](#Mining) * [MiningBase](#MiningBase) * [Net](#Net) * [NetAddrsListen](#NetAddrsListen) * [NetAgentVersion](#NetAgentVersion) * [NetAutoNatStatus](#NetAutoNatStatus) * [NetBandwidthStats](#NetBandwidthStats) * [NetBandwidthStatsByPeer](#NetBandwidthStatsByPeer) * [NetBandwidthStatsByProtocol](#NetBandwidthStatsByProtocol) * [NetBlockAdd](#NetBlockAdd) * [NetBlockList](#NetBlockList) * [NetBlockRemove](#NetBlockRemove) * [NetConnect](#NetConnect) * [NetConnectedness](#NetConnectedness) * [NetDisconnect](#NetDisconnect) * [NetFindPeer](#NetFindPeer) * [NetLimit](#NetLimit) * [NetPeerInfo](#NetPeerInfo) * [NetPeers](#NetPeers) * [NetPing](#NetPing) * [NetProtectAdd](#NetProtectAdd) * [NetProtectList](#NetProtectList) * [NetProtectRemove](#NetProtectRemove) * [NetPubsubScores](#NetPubsubScores) * [NetSetLimit](#NetSetLimit) * [NetStat](#NetStat) * [Pieces](#Pieces) * [PiecesGetCIDInfo](#PiecesGetCIDInfo) * [PiecesGetPieceInfo](#PiecesGetPieceInfo) * [PiecesListCidInfos](#PiecesListCidInfos) * [PiecesListPieces](#PiecesListPieces) * [Pledge](#Pledge) * [PledgeSector](#PledgeSector) * [Return](#Return) * [ReturnAddPiece](#ReturnAddPiece) * [ReturnDataCid](#ReturnDataCid) * [ReturnFetch](#ReturnFetch) * [ReturnFinalizeReplicaUpdate](#ReturnFinalizeReplicaUpdate) * [ReturnFinalizeSector](#ReturnFinalizeSector) * [ReturnGenerateSectorKeyFromData](#ReturnGenerateSectorKeyFromData) * [ReturnMoveStorage](#ReturnMoveStorage) * [ReturnProveReplicaUpdate1](#ReturnProveReplicaUpdate1) * [ReturnProveReplicaUpdate2](#ReturnProveReplicaUpdate2) * [ReturnReadPiece](#ReturnReadPiece) * [ReturnReleaseUnsealed](#ReturnReleaseUnsealed) * [ReturnReplicaUpdate](#ReturnReplicaUpdate) * [ReturnSealCommit1](#ReturnSealCommit1) * [ReturnSealCommit2](#ReturnSealCommit2) * [ReturnSealPreCommit1](#ReturnSealPreCommit1) * [ReturnSealPreCommit2](#ReturnSealPreCommit2) * [ReturnUnsealPiece](#ReturnUnsealPiece) * [Runtime](#Runtime) * [RuntimeSubsystems](#RuntimeSubsystems) * [Sealing](#Sealing) * [SealingAbort](#SealingAbort) * [SealingSchedDiag](#SealingSchedDiag) * [Sector](#Sector) * [SectorAbortUpgrade](#SectorAbortUpgrade) * [SectorAddPieceToAny](#SectorAddPieceToAny) * [SectorCommitFlush](#SectorCommitFlush) * [SectorCommitPending](#SectorCommitPending) * [SectorGetExpectedSealDuration](#SectorGetExpectedSealDuration) * [SectorGetSealDelay](#SectorGetSealDelay) * [SectorMarkForUpgrade](#SectorMarkForUpgrade) * [SectorMatchPendingPiecesToOpenSectors](#SectorMatchPendingPiecesToOpenSectors) * [SectorPreCommitFlush](#SectorPreCommitFlush) * [SectorPreCommitPending](#SectorPreCommitPending) * [SectorRemove](#SectorRemove) * [SectorSetExpectedSealDuration](#SectorSetExpectedSealDuration) * [SectorSetSealDelay](#SectorSetSealDelay) * [SectorStartSealing](#SectorStartSealing) * [SectorTerminate](#SectorTerminate) * [SectorTerminateFlush](#SectorTerminateFlush) * [SectorTerminatePending](#SectorTerminatePending) * [Sectors](#Sectors) * [SectorsList](#SectorsList) * [SectorsListInStates](#SectorsListInStates) * [SectorsRefs](#SectorsRefs) * [SectorsStatus](#SectorsStatus) * [SectorsSummary](#SectorsSummary) * [SectorsUnsealPiece](#SectorsUnsealPiece) * [SectorsUpdate](#SectorsUpdate) * [Storage](#Storage) * [StorageAddLocal](#StorageAddLocal) * [StorageAttach](#StorageAttach) * [StorageAuthVerify](#StorageAuthVerify) * [StorageBestAlloc](#StorageBestAlloc) * [StorageDeclareSector](#StorageDeclareSector) * [StorageDropSector](#StorageDropSector) * [StorageFindSector](#StorageFindSector) * [StorageGetLocks](#StorageGetLocks) * [StorageInfo](#StorageInfo) * [StorageList](#StorageList) * [StorageLocal](#StorageLocal) * [StorageLock](#StorageLock) * [StorageReportHealth](#StorageReportHealth) * [StorageStat](#StorageStat) * [StorageTryLock](#StorageTryLock) * [Worker](#Worker) * [WorkerConnect](#WorkerConnect) * [WorkerJobs](#WorkerJobs) * [WorkerStats](#WorkerStats) ## ### Closing Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `{}` ### Discover Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "info": { "title": "Lotus RPC API", "version": "1.2.1/generated=2020-11-22T08:22:42-06:00" }, "methods": [], "openrpc": "1.2.6" } ``` ### Session Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `"07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707"` ### Shutdown Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `{}` ### Version Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Version": "string value", "APIVersion": 131840, "BlockDelay": 42 } ``` ## Actor ### ActorAddress Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `"f01234"` ### ActorAddressConfig Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "PreCommitControl": [ "f01234" ], "CommitControl": [ "f01234" ], "TerminateControl": [ "f01234" ], "DealPublishControl": [ "f01234" ], "DisableOwnerFallback": true, "DisableWorkerFallback": true } ``` ### ActorSectorSize Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ "f01234" ] ``` Response: `34359738368` ### ActorWithdrawBalance WithdrawBalance allows to withdraw balance from miner actor to owner address Specify amount as "0" to withdraw full balance. This method returns a message CID and does not wait for message execution Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "0" ] ``` Response: ```json { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } ``` ## Auth ### AuthNew Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ [ "write" ] ] ``` Response: `"Ynl0ZSBhcnJheQ=="` ### AuthVerify Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ "string value" ] ``` Response: ```json [ "write" ] ``` ## Check ### CheckProvable Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 8, [ { "ID": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ProofType": 8 } ], true ] ``` Response: ```json { "123": "can't acquire read lock" } ``` ## Compute ### ComputeDataCid Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 1024, {} ] ``` Response: ```json { "Size": 1032, "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } } ``` ### ComputeProof Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ [ { "SealProof": 8, "SectorNumber": 9, "SectorKey": null, "SealedCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } } ], "Bw==", 10101, 16 ] ``` Response: ```json [ { "PoStProof": 8, "ProofBytes": "Ynl0ZSBhcnJheQ==" } ] ``` ### ComputeWindowPoSt Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 42, [ { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, { "/": "bafy2bzacebp3shtrn43k7g3unredz7fxn4gj533d3o43tqn2p2ipxxhrvchve" } ] ] ``` Response: ```json [ { "Deadline": 42, "Partitions": [ { "Index": 42, "Skipped": [ 5, 1 ] } ], "Proofs": [ { "PoStProof": 8, "ProofBytes": "Ynl0ZSBhcnJheQ==" } ], "ChainCommitEpoch": 10101, "ChainCommitRand": "Bw==" } ] ``` ## Create ### CreateBackup CreateBackup creates node backup onder the specified file name. The method requires that the lotus-miner is running with the LOTUS_BACKUP_BASE_PATH environment variable set to some path, and that the path specified when calling CreateBackup is within the base path Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "string value" ] ``` Response: `{}` ## Dagstore ### DagstoreGC DagstoreGC runs garbage collection on the DAG store. Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "Key": "baga6ea4seaqecmtz7iak33dsfshi627abz4i4665dfuzr3qfs4bmad6dx3iigdq", "Success": false, "Error": "\u003cerror\u003e" } ] ``` ### DagstoreInitializeAll DagstoreInitializeAll initializes all uninitialized shards in bulk, according to the policy passed in the parameters. It is recommended to set a maximum concurrency to avoid extreme IO pressure if the storage subsystem has a large amount of deals. It returns a stream of events to report progress. Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ { "MaxConcurrency": 123, "IncludeSealed": true } ] ``` Response: ```json { "Key": "string value", "Event": "string value", "Success": true, "Error": "string value", "Total": 123, "Current": 123 } ``` ### DagstoreInitializeShard DagstoreInitializeShard initializes an uninitialized shard. Initialization consists of fetching the shard's data (deal payload) from the storage subsystem, generating an index, and persisting the index to facilitate later retrievals, and/or to publish to external sources. This operation is intended to complement the initial migration. The migration registers a shard for every unique piece CID, with lazy initialization. Thus, shards are not initialized immediately to avoid IO activity competing with proving. Instead, shard are initialized when first accessed. This method forces the initialization of a shard by accessing it and immediately releasing it. This is useful to warm up the cache to facilitate subsequent retrievals, and to generate the indexes to publish them externally. This operation fails if the shard is not in ShardStateNew state. It blocks until initialization finishes. Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ "string value" ] ``` Response: `{}` ### DagstoreListShards DagstoreListShards returns information about all shards known to the DAG store. Only available on nodes running the markets subsystem. Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "Key": "baga6ea4seaqecmtz7iak33dsfshi627abz4i4665dfuzr3qfs4bmad6dx3iigdq", "State": "ShardStateAvailable", "Error": "\u003cerror\u003e" } ] ``` ### DagstoreLookupPieces DagstoreLookupPieces returns information about shards that contain the given CID. Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } ] ``` Response: ```json [ { "Key": "baga6ea4seaqecmtz7iak33dsfshi627abz4i4665dfuzr3qfs4bmad6dx3iigdq", "State": "ShardStateAvailable", "Error": "\u003cerror\u003e" } ] ``` ### DagstoreRecoverShard DagstoreRecoverShard attempts to recover a failed shard. This operation fails if the shard is not in ShardStateErrored state. It blocks until recovery finishes. If recovery failed, it returns the error. Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ "string value" ] ``` Response: `{}` ### DagstoreRegisterShard DagstoreRegisterShard registers a shard manually with dagstore with given pieceCID Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "string value" ] ``` Response: `{}` ## Deals ### DealsConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `true` ### DealsConsiderOfflineStorageDeals Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `true` ### DealsConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `true` ### DealsConsiderOnlineStorageDeals Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `true` ### DealsConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `true` ### DealsConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `true` ### DealsImportData Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "string value" ] ``` Response: `{}` ### DealsList Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "Proposal": { "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "PieceSize": 1032, "VerifiedDeal": true, "Client": "f01234", "Provider": "f01234", "Label": "", "StartEpoch": 10101, "EndEpoch": 10101, "StoragePricePerEpoch": "0", "ProviderCollateral": "0", "ClientCollateral": "0" }, "State": { "SectorStartEpoch": 10101, "LastUpdatedEpoch": 10101, "SlashEpoch": 10101 } } ] ``` ### DealsPieceCidBlocklist Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } ] ``` ### DealsSetConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### DealsSetConsiderOfflineStorageDeals Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### DealsSetConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### DealsSetConsiderOnlineStorageDeals Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### DealsSetConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### DealsSetConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### DealsSetPieceCidBlocklist Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ [ { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } ] ] ``` Response: `{}` ## I ### ID Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `"12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf"` ## Indexer ### IndexerAnnounceAllDeals IndexerAnnounceAllDeals informs the indexer nodes aboutall active deals. Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `{}` ### IndexerAnnounceDeal IndexerAnnounceDeal informs indexer nodes that a new deal was received, so they can download its index Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ## Log ### LogAlerts Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "Type": { "System": "string value", "Subsystem": "string value" }, "Active": true, "LastActive": { "Type": "string value", "Message": "json raw message", "Time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "LastResolved": { "Type": "string value", "Message": "json raw message", "Time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } } ] ``` ### LogList Perms: write Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ "string value" ] ``` ### LogSetLevel Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ "string value", "string value" ] ``` Response: `{}` ## Market ### MarketCancelDataTransfer MarketCancelDataTransfer cancels a data transfer with the given transfer ID and other peer Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ 3, "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### MarketDataTransferDiagnostics MarketDataTransferDiagnostics generates debugging information about current data transfers over graphsync Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ] ``` Response: ```json { "ReceivingTransfers": [ { "RequestID": {}, "RequestState": "string value", "IsCurrentChannelRequest": true, "ChannelID": { "Initiator": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Responder": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "ID": 3 }, "ChannelState": { "TransferID": 3, "Status": 1, "BaseCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "IsInitiator": true, "IsSender": true, "Voucher": "string value", "Message": "string value", "OtherPeer": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Transferred": 42, "Stages": { "Stages": [ { "Name": "string value", "Description": "string value", "CreatedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "UpdatedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Logs": [ { "Log": "string value", "UpdatedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ] } ] } }, "Diagnostics": [ "string value" ] } ], "SendingTransfers": [ { "RequestID": {}, "RequestState": "string value", "IsCurrentChannelRequest": true, "ChannelID": { "Initiator": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Responder": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "ID": 3 }, "ChannelState": { "TransferID": 3, "Status": 1, "BaseCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "IsInitiator": true, "IsSender": true, "Voucher": "string value", "Message": "string value", "OtherPeer": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Transferred": 42, "Stages": { "Stages": [ { "Name": "string value", "Description": "string value", "CreatedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "UpdatedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Logs": [ { "Log": "string value", "UpdatedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ] } ] } }, "Diagnostics": [ "string value" ] } ] } ``` ### MarketDataTransferUpdates Perms: write Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "TransferID": 3, "Status": 1, "BaseCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "IsInitiator": true, "IsSender": true, "Voucher": "string value", "Message": "string value", "OtherPeer": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Transferred": 42, "Stages": { "Stages": [ { "Name": "string value", "Description": "string value", "CreatedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "UpdatedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Logs": [ { "Log": "string value", "UpdatedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ] } ] } } ``` ### MarketGetAsk Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Ask": { "Price": "0", "VerifiedPrice": "0", "MinPieceSize": 1032, "MaxPieceSize": 1032, "Miner": "f01234", "Timestamp": 10101, "Expiry": 10101, "SeqNo": 42 }, "Signature": { "Type": 2, "Data": "Ynl0ZSBhcnJheQ==" } } ``` ### MarketGetDealUpdates Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Proposal": { "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "PieceSize": 1032, "VerifiedDeal": true, "Client": "f01234", "Provider": "f01234", "Label": "", "StartEpoch": 10101, "EndEpoch": 10101, "StoragePricePerEpoch": "0", "ProviderCollateral": "0", "ClientCollateral": "0" }, "ClientSignature": { "Type": 2, "Data": "Ynl0ZSBhcnJheQ==" }, "ProposalCid": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "AddFundsCid": null, "PublishCid": null, "Miner": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Client": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "State": 42, "PiecePath": ".lotusminer/fstmp123", "MetadataPath": ".lotusminer/fstmp123", "SlashEpoch": 10101, "FastRetrieval": true, "Message": "string value", "FundsReserved": "0", "Ref": { "TransferType": "string value", "Root": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "PieceCid": null, "PieceSize": 1024, "RawBlockSize": 42 }, "AvailableForRetrieval": true, "DealID": 5432, "CreationTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "TransferChannelId": { "Initiator": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Responder": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "ID": 3 }, "SectorNumber": 9, "InboundCAR": "string value" } ``` ### MarketGetRetrievalAsk Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "PricePerByte": "0", "UnsealPrice": "0", "PaymentInterval": 42, "PaymentIntervalIncrease": 42 } ``` ### MarketImportDealData Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "string value" ] ``` Response: `{}` ### MarketListDataTransfers Perms: write Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "TransferID": 3, "Status": 1, "BaseCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "IsInitiator": true, "IsSender": true, "Voucher": "string value", "Message": "string value", "OtherPeer": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Transferred": 42, "Stages": { "Stages": [ { "Name": "string value", "Description": "string value", "CreatedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "UpdatedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Logs": [ { "Log": "string value", "UpdatedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ] } ] } } ] ``` ### MarketListDeals Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "Proposal": { "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "PieceSize": 1032, "VerifiedDeal": true, "Client": "f01234", "Provider": "f01234", "Label": "", "StartEpoch": 10101, "EndEpoch": 10101, "StoragePricePerEpoch": "0", "ProviderCollateral": "0", "ClientCollateral": "0" }, "State": { "SectorStartEpoch": 10101, "LastUpdatedEpoch": 10101, "SlashEpoch": 10101 } } ] ``` ### MarketListIncompleteDeals Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "Proposal": { "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "PieceSize": 1032, "VerifiedDeal": true, "Client": "f01234", "Provider": "f01234", "Label": "", "StartEpoch": 10101, "EndEpoch": 10101, "StoragePricePerEpoch": "0", "ProviderCollateral": "0", "ClientCollateral": "0" }, "ClientSignature": { "Type": 2, "Data": "Ynl0ZSBhcnJheQ==" }, "ProposalCid": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "AddFundsCid": null, "PublishCid": null, "Miner": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Client": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "State": 42, "PiecePath": ".lotusminer/fstmp123", "MetadataPath": ".lotusminer/fstmp123", "SlashEpoch": 10101, "FastRetrieval": true, "Message": "string value", "FundsReserved": "0", "Ref": { "TransferType": "string value", "Root": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "PieceCid": null, "PieceSize": 1024, "RawBlockSize": 42 }, "AvailableForRetrieval": true, "DealID": 5432, "CreationTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "TransferChannelId": { "Initiator": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Responder": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "ID": 3 }, "SectorNumber": 9, "InboundCAR": "string value" } ] ``` ### MarketListRetrievalDeals Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "PayloadCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "ID": 5, "Selector": { "Raw": "Ynl0ZSBhcnJheQ==" }, "PieceCID": null, "PricePerByte": "0", "PaymentInterval": 42, "PaymentIntervalIncrease": 42, "UnsealPrice": "0", "StoreID": 42, "ChannelID": { "Initiator": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Responder": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "ID": 3 }, "PieceInfo": { "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "Deals": [ { "DealID": 5432, "SectorID": 9, "Offset": 1032, "Length": 1032 } ] }, "Status": 0, "Receiver": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "TotalSent": 42, "FundsReceived": "0", "Message": "string value", "CurrentInterval": 42, "LegacyProtocol": true } ] ``` ### MarketPendingDeals Perms: write Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Deals": [ { "Proposal": { "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "PieceSize": 1032, "VerifiedDeal": true, "Client": "f01234", "Provider": "f01234", "Label": "", "StartEpoch": 10101, "EndEpoch": 10101, "StoragePricePerEpoch": "0", "ProviderCollateral": "0", "ClientCollateral": "0" }, "ClientSignature": { "Type": 2, "Data": "Ynl0ZSBhcnJheQ==" } } ], "PublishPeriodStart": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "PublishPeriod": 60000000000 } ``` ### MarketPublishPendingDeals Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `{}` ### MarketRestartDataTransfer MarketRestartDataTransfer attempts to restart a data transfer with the given transfer ID and other peer Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ 3, "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### MarketRetryPublishDeal Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### MarketSetAsk Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "0", "0", 10101, 1032, 1032 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### MarketSetRetrievalAsk Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "PricePerByte": "0", "UnsealPrice": "0", "PaymentInterval": 42, "PaymentIntervalIncrease": 42 } ] ``` Response: `{}` ## Mining ### MiningBase Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Cids": null, "Blocks": null, "Height": 0 } ``` ## Net ### NetAddrsListen Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "ID": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Addrs": [ "/ip4/" ] } ``` ### NetAgentVersion Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ] ``` Response: `"string value"` ### NetAutoNatStatus Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Reachability": 1, "PublicAddr": "string value" } ``` ### NetBandwidthStats Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "TotalIn": 9, "TotalOut": 9, "RateIn": 12.3, "RateOut": 12.3 } ``` ### NetBandwidthStatsByPeer Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "12D3KooWSXmXLJmBR1M7i9RW9GQPNUhZSzXKzxDHWtAgNuJAbyEJ": { "TotalIn": 174000, "TotalOut": 12500, "RateIn": 100, "RateOut": 50 } } ``` ### NetBandwidthStatsByProtocol Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "/fil/hello/1.0.0": { "TotalIn": 174000, "TotalOut": 12500, "RateIn": 100, "RateOut": 50 } } ``` ### NetBlockAdd Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Peers": [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ], "IPAddrs": [ "string value" ], "IPSubnets": [ "string value" ] } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### NetBlockList Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Peers": [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ], "IPAddrs": [ "string value" ], "IPSubnets": [ "string value" ] } ``` ### NetBlockRemove Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Peers": [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ], "IPAddrs": [ "string value" ], "IPSubnets": [ "string value" ] } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### NetConnect Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ { "ID": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Addrs": [ "/ip4/" ] } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### NetConnectedness Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ] ``` Response: `1` ### NetDisconnect Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ] ``` Response: `{}` ### NetFindPeer Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ] ``` Response: ```json { "ID": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Addrs": [ "/ip4/" ] } ``` ### NetLimit Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ "string value" ] ``` Response: ```json { "Memory": 123, "Streams": 3, "StreamsInbound": 1, "StreamsOutbound": 2, "Conns": 4, "ConnsInbound": 3, "ConnsOutbound": 4, "FD": 5 } ``` ### NetPeerInfo Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ] ``` Response: ```json { "ID": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Agent": "string value", "Addrs": [ "string value" ], "Protocols": [ "string value" ], "ConnMgrMeta": { "FirstSeen": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Value": 123, "Tags": { "name": 42 }, "Conns": { "name": "2021-03-08T22:52:18Z" } } } ``` ### NetPeers Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "ID": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Addrs": [ "/ip4/" ] } ] ``` ### NetPing Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ] ``` Response: `60000000000` ### NetProtectAdd Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ] ] ``` Response: `{}` ### NetProtectList Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ] ``` ### NetProtectRemove Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ] ] ``` Response: `{}` ### NetPubsubScores Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "ID": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Score": { "Score": 12.3, "Topics": { "/blocks": { "TimeInMesh": 60000000000, "FirstMessageDeliveries": 122, "MeshMessageDeliveries": 1234, "InvalidMessageDeliveries": 3 } }, "AppSpecificScore": 12.3, "IPColocationFactor": 12.3, "BehaviourPenalty": 12.3 } } ] ``` ### NetSetLimit Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "string value", { "Memory": 123, "Streams": 3, "StreamsInbound": 1, "StreamsOutbound": 2, "Conns": 4, "ConnsInbound": 3, "ConnsOutbound": 4, "FD": 5 } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### NetStat Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ "string value" ] ``` Response: ```json { "System": { "NumStreamsInbound": 123, "NumStreamsOutbound": 123, "NumConnsInbound": 123, "NumConnsOutbound": 123, "NumFD": 123, "Memory": 9 }, "Transient": { "NumStreamsInbound": 123, "NumStreamsOutbound": 123, "NumConnsInbound": 123, "NumConnsOutbound": 123, "NumFD": 123, "Memory": 9 }, "Services": { "abc": { "NumStreamsInbound": 1, "NumStreamsOutbound": 2, "NumConnsInbound": 3, "NumConnsOutbound": 4, "NumFD": 5, "Memory": 123 } }, "Protocols": { "abc": { "NumStreamsInbound": 1, "NumStreamsOutbound": 2, "NumConnsInbound": 3, "NumConnsOutbound": 4, "NumFD": 5, "Memory": 123 } }, "Peers": { "abc": { "NumStreamsInbound": 1, "NumStreamsOutbound": 2, "NumConnsInbound": 3, "NumConnsOutbound": 4, "NumFD": 5, "Memory": 123 } } } ``` ## Pieces ### PiecesGetCIDInfo Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } ] ``` Response: ```json { "CID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "PieceBlockLocations": [ { "RelOffset": 42, "BlockSize": 42, "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } } ] } ``` ### PiecesGetPieceInfo Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } ] ``` Response: ```json { "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "Deals": [ { "DealID": 5432, "SectorID": 9, "Offset": 1032, "Length": 1032 } ] } ``` ### PiecesListCidInfos Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } ] ``` ### PiecesListPieces Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } ] ``` ## Pledge ### PledgeSector Temp api for testing Perms: write Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 } ``` ## Return ### ReturnAddPiece Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Size": 1032, "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnDataCid storiface.WorkerReturn Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Size": 1032, "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnFetch Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnFinalizeReplicaUpdate Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnFinalizeSector Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnGenerateSectorKeyFromData Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnMoveStorage Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnProveReplicaUpdate1 Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, [ "Ynl0ZSBhcnJheQ==" ], { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnProveReplicaUpdate2 Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, "Bw==", { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnReadPiece Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, true, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnReleaseUnsealed Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnReplicaUpdate Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "NewSealed": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "NewUnsealed": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnSealCommit1 Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, "Bw==", { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnSealCommit2 Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, "Bw==", { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnSealPreCommit1 Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, "Bw==", { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnSealPreCommit2 Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Unsealed": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "Sealed": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnUnsealPiece Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ## Runtime ### RuntimeSubsystems RuntimeSubsystems returns the subsystems that are enabled in this instance. Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ "Mining", "Sealing", "SectorStorage", "Markets" ] ``` ## Sealing ### SealingAbort Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SealingSchedDiag SealingSchedDiag dumps internal sealing scheduler state Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ true ] ``` Response: `{}` ## Sector ### SectorAbortUpgrade SectorAbortUpgrade can be called on sectors that are in the process of being upgraded to abort it Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 9 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SectorAddPieceToAny Add piece to an open sector. If no sectors with enough space are open, either a new sector will be created, or this call will block until more sectors can be created. Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 1024, {}, { "PublishCid": null, "DealID": 5432, "DealProposal": { "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "PieceSize": 1032, "VerifiedDeal": true, "Client": "f01234", "Provider": "f01234", "Label": "", "StartEpoch": 10101, "EndEpoch": 10101, "StoragePricePerEpoch": "0", "ProviderCollateral": "0", "ClientCollateral": "0" }, "DealSchedule": { "StartEpoch": 10101, "EndEpoch": 10101 }, "KeepUnsealed": true } ] ``` Response: ```json { "Sector": 9, "Offset": 1032 } ``` ### SectorCommitFlush SectorCommitFlush immediately sends a Commit message with sectors aggregated for Commit. Returns null if message wasn't sent Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "Sectors": [ 123, 124 ], "FailedSectors": { "123": "can't acquire read lock" }, "Msg": null, "Error": "string value" } ] ``` ### SectorCommitPending SectorCommitPending returns a list of pending Commit sectors to be sent in the next aggregate message Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 } ] ``` ### SectorGetExpectedSealDuration SectorGetExpectedSealDuration gets the expected time for a sector to seal Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `60000000000` ### SectorGetSealDelay SectorGetSealDelay gets the time that a newly-created sector waits for more deals before it starts sealing Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `60000000000` ### SectorMarkForUpgrade Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 9, true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SectorMatchPendingPiecesToOpenSectors Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `{}` ### SectorPreCommitFlush SectorPreCommitFlush immediately sends a PreCommit message with sectors batched for PreCommit. Returns null if message wasn't sent Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "Sectors": [ 123, 124 ], "Msg": null, "Error": "string value" } ] ``` ### SectorPreCommitPending SectorPreCommitPending returns a list of pending PreCommit sectors to be sent in the next batch message Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 } ] ``` ### SectorRemove SectorRemove removes the sector from storage. It doesn't terminate it on-chain, which can be done with SectorTerminate. Removing and not terminating live sectors will cause additional penalties. Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 9 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SectorSetExpectedSealDuration SectorSetExpectedSealDuration sets the expected time for a sector to seal Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ 60000000000 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SectorSetSealDelay SectorSetSealDelay sets the time that a newly-created sector waits for more deals before it starts sealing Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ 60000000000 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SectorStartSealing SectorStartSealing can be called on sectors in Empty or WaitDeals states to trigger sealing early Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ 9 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SectorTerminate SectorTerminate terminates the sector on-chain (adding it to a termination batch first), then automatically removes it from storage Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 9 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SectorTerminateFlush SectorTerminateFlush immediately sends a terminate message with sectors batched for termination. Returns null if message wasn't sent Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ### SectorTerminatePending SectorTerminatePending returns a list of pending sector terminations to be sent in the next batch message Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 } ] ``` ## Sectors ### SectorsList List all staged sectors Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ 123, 124 ] ``` ### SectorsListInStates List sectors in particular states Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ [ "Proving" ] ] ``` Response: ```json [ 123, 124 ] ``` ### SectorsRefs Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "98000": [ { "SectorID": 100, "Offset": 10485760, "Size": 1048576 } ] } ``` ### SectorsStatus Get the status of a given sector by ID Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ 9, true ] ``` Response: ```json { "SectorID": 9, "State": "Proving", "CommD": null, "CommR": null, "Proof": "Ynl0ZSBhcnJheQ==", "Deals": [ 5432 ], "Pieces": [ { "Piece": { "Size": 1032, "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } }, "DealInfo": { "PublishCid": null, "DealID": 5432, "DealProposal": { "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "PieceSize": 1032, "VerifiedDeal": true, "Client": "f01234", "Provider": "f01234", "Label": "", "StartEpoch": 10101, "EndEpoch": 10101, "StoragePricePerEpoch": "0", "ProviderCollateral": "0", "ClientCollateral": "0" }, "DealSchedule": { "StartEpoch": 10101, "EndEpoch": 10101 }, "KeepUnsealed": true } } ], "Ticket": { "Value": "Bw==", "Epoch": 10101 }, "Seed": { "Value": "Bw==", "Epoch": 10101 }, "PreCommitMsg": null, "CommitMsg": null, "Retries": 42, "ToUpgrade": true, "ReplicaUpdateMessage": null, "LastErr": "string value", "Log": [ { "Kind": "string value", "Timestamp": 42, "Trace": "string value", "Message": "string value" } ], "SealProof": 8, "Activation": 10101, "Expiration": 10101, "DealWeight": "0", "VerifiedDealWeight": "0", "InitialPledge": "0", "OnTime": 10101, "Early": 10101 } ``` ### SectorsSummary Get summary info of sectors Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Proving": 120 } ``` ### SectorsUnsealPiece Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "ID": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ProofType": 8 }, 1040384, 1024, "Bw==", null ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SectorsUpdate Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 9, "Proving" ] ``` Response: `{}` ## Storage ### StorageAddLocal Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "string value" ] ``` Response: `{}` ### StorageAttach paths.SectorIndex Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "ID": "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8", "URLs": [ "string value" ], "Weight": 42, "MaxStorage": 42, "CanSeal": true, "CanStore": true, "Groups": [ "string value" ], "AllowTo": [ "string value" ], "AllowTypes": [ "string value" ], "DenyTypes": [ "string value" ] }, { "Capacity": 9, "Available": 9, "FSAvailable": 9, "Reserved": 9, "Max": 9, "Used": 9 } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### StorageAuthVerify Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ "string value" ] ``` Response: ```json [ "write" ] ``` ### StorageBestAlloc StorageBestAlloc returns list of paths where sector files of the specified type can be allocated, ordered by preference. Paths with more weight and more % of free space are preferred. Note: This method doesn't filter paths based on AllowTypes/DenyTypes. Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 1, 34359738368, "sealing" ] ``` Response: ```json [ { "ID": "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8", "URLs": [ "string value" ], "Weight": 42, "MaxStorage": 42, "CanSeal": true, "CanStore": true, "Groups": [ "string value" ], "AllowTo": [ "string value" ], "AllowTypes": [ "string value" ], "DenyTypes": [ "string value" ] } ] ``` ### StorageDeclareSector Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8", { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, 1, true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### StorageDropSector Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8", { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, 1 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### StorageFindSector StorageFindSector returns list of paths where the specified sector files exist. If allowFetch is set, list of paths to which the sector can be fetched will also be returned. - Paths which have sector files locally (don't require fetching) will be listed first. - Paths which have sector files locally will not be filtered based on based on AllowTypes/DenyTypes. - Paths which require fetching will be filtered based on AllowTypes/DenyTypes. If multiple file types are specified, each type will be considered individually, and a union of all paths which can accommodate each file type will be returned. Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, 1, 34359738368, true ] ``` Response: ```json [ { "ID": "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8", "URLs": [ "string value" ], "BaseURLs": [ "string value" ], "Weight": 42, "CanSeal": true, "CanStore": true, "Primary": true, "AllowTypes": [ "string value" ], "DenyTypes": [ "string value" ] } ] ``` ### StorageGetLocks Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Locks": [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 123 }, "Write": [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "Read": [ 2, 3, 0, 0, 0 ] } ] } ``` ### StorageInfo Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8" ] ``` Response: ```json { "ID": "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8", "URLs": [ "string value" ], "Weight": 42, "MaxStorage": 42, "CanSeal": true, "CanStore": true, "Groups": [ "string value" ], "AllowTo": [ "string value" ], "AllowTypes": [ "string value" ], "DenyTypes": [ "string value" ] } ``` ### StorageList Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8": [ { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 100, "SectorFileType": 2 } ] } ``` ### StorageLocal Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8": "/data/path" } ``` ### StorageLock Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, 1, 1 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### StorageReportHealth Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8", { "Stat": { "Capacity": 9, "Available": 9, "FSAvailable": 9, "Reserved": 9, "Max": 9, "Used": 9 }, "Err": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### StorageStat Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8" ] ``` Response: ```json { "Capacity": 9, "Available": 9, "FSAvailable": 9, "Reserved": 9, "Max": 9, "Used": 9 } ``` ### StorageTryLock Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, 1, 1 ] ``` Response: `true` ## Worker ### WorkerConnect WorkerConnect tells the node to connect to workers RPC Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "string value" ] ``` Response: `{}` ### WorkerJobs Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "ef8d99a2-6865-4189-8ffa-9fef0f806eee": [ { "ID": { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 100 }, "ID": "76081ba0-61bd-45a5-bc08-af05f1c26e5d" }, "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 100 }, "Task": "seal/v0/precommit/2", "RunWait": 0, "Start": "2020-11-12T09:22:07Z", "Hostname": "host" } ] } ``` ### WorkerStats Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "ef8d99a2-6865-4189-8ffa-9fef0f806eee": { "Info": { "Hostname": "host", "IgnoreResources": false, "Resources": { "MemPhysical": 274877906944, "MemUsed": 2147483648, "MemSwap": 128849018880, "MemSwapUsed": 2147483648, "CPUs": 64, "GPUs": [ "aGPU 1337" ], "Resources": { "post/v0/windowproof": { "0": { "MinMemory": 2048, "MaxMemory": 2048, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 2048, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "1": { "MinMemory": 8388608, "MaxMemory": 8388608, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 8388608, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "2": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1610612736, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 10737418240, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "3": { "MinMemory": 32212254720, "MaxMemory": 103079215104, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": -1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 6, "BaseMinMemory": 34359738368, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "4": { "MinMemory": 64424509440, "MaxMemory": 128849018880, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": -1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 6, "BaseMinMemory": 68719476736, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "5": { "MinMemory": 2048, "MaxMemory": 2048, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 2048, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "6": { "MinMemory": 8388608, "MaxMemory": 8388608, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 8388608, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "7": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1610612736, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 10737418240, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "8": { "MinMemory": 32212254720, "MaxMemory": 103079215104, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": -1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 6, "BaseMinMemory": 34359738368, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "9": { "MinMemory": 64424509440, "MaxMemory": 128849018880, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": -1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 6, "BaseMinMemory": 68719476736, "MaxConcurrent": 0 } }, "post/v0/winningproof": { "0": { "MinMemory": 2048, "MaxMemory": 2048, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 2048, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "1": { "MinMemory": 8388608, "MaxMemory": 8388608, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 8388608, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "2": { "MinMemory": 2048, "MaxMemory": 2048, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 10737418240, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "3": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1073741824, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": -1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 6, "BaseMinMemory": 34359738368, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "4": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1073741824, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": -1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 6, "BaseMinMemory": 68719476736, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "5": { "MinMemory": 2048, "MaxMemory": 2048, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 2048, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "6": { "MinMemory": 8388608, "MaxMemory": 8388608, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 8388608, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "7": { "MinMemory": 2048, "MaxMemory": 2048, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 10737418240, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "8": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1073741824, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": -1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 6, "BaseMinMemory": 34359738368, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "9": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1073741824, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": -1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 6, "BaseMinMemory": 68719476736, "MaxConcurrent": 0 } }, "seal/v0/addpiece": { "0": { "MinMemory": 2048, "MaxMemory": 2048, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 2048, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "1": { "MinMemory": 8388608, "MaxMemory": 8388608, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 8388608, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "2": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1073741824, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "3": { "MinMemory": 4294967296, "MaxMemory": 4294967296, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "4": { "MinMemory": 8589934592, "MaxMemory": 8589934592, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "5": { "MinMemory": 2048, "MaxMemory": 2048, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 2048, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "6": { "MinMemory": 8388608, "MaxMemory": 8388608, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 8388608, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "7": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1073741824, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "8": { "MinMemory": 4294967296, "MaxMemory": 4294967296, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "9": { "MinMemory": 8589934592, "MaxMemory": 8589934592, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 } }, "seal/v0/commit/1": { "0": { "MinMemory": 2048, "MaxMemory": 2048, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 0, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 2048, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "1": { "MinMemory": 8388608, "MaxMemory": 8388608, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 0, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 8388608, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "2": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1073741824, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 0, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "3": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1073741824, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 0, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "4": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1073741824, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 0, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "5": { "MinMemory": 2048, "MaxMemory": 2048, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 0, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 2048, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "6": { "MinMemory": 8388608, "MaxMemory": 8388608, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 0, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 8388608, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "7": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1073741824, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 0, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "8": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1073741824, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 0, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "9": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1073741824, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 0, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 } }, "seal/v0/commit/2": { "0": { "MinMemory": 2048, "MaxMemory": 2048, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 2048, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "1": { "MinMemory": 8388608, "MaxMemory": 8388608, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 8388608, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "2": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1610612736, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 10737418240, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "3": { "MinMemory": 32212254720, "MaxMemory": 161061273600, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": -1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 6, "BaseMinMemory": 34359738368, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "4": { "MinMemory": 64424509440, "MaxMemory": 204010946560, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": -1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 6, "BaseMinMemory": 68719476736, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "5": { "MinMemory": 2048, "MaxMemory": 2048, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 2048, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "6": { "MinMemory": 8388608, "MaxMemory": 8388608, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 8388608, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "7": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1610612736, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 10737418240, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "8": { "MinMemory": 32212254720, "MaxMemory": 161061273600, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": -1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 6, "BaseMinMemory": 34359738368, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "9": { "MinMemory": 64424509440, "MaxMemory": 204010946560, "GPUUtilization": 1, "MaxParallelism": -1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 6, "BaseMinMemory": 68719476736, "MaxConcurrent": 0 } }, "seal/v0/datacid": { "0": { "MinMemory": 2048, "MaxMemory": 2048, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 2048, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "1": { "MinMemory": 8388608, "MaxMemory": 8388608, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 8388608, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "2": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1073741824, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "3": { "MinMemory": 4294967296, "MaxMemory": 4294967296, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "4": { "MinMemory": 8589934592, "MaxMemory": 8589934592, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "5": { "MinMemory": 2048, "MaxMemory": 2048, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 2048, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "6": { "MinMemory": 8388608, "MaxMemory": 8388608, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 8388608, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "7": { "MinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxMemory": 1073741824, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "8": { "MinMemory": 4294967296, "MaxMemory": 4294967296, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "9": { "MinMemory": 8589934592, "MaxMemory": 8589934592, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1073741824, "MaxConcurrent": 0 } }, "seal/v0/fetch": { "0": { "MinMemory": 1048576, "MaxMemory": 1048576, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 0, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 0, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "1": { "MinMemory": 1048576, "MaxMemory": 1048576, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 0, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 0, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "2": { "MinMemory": 1048576, "MaxMemory": 1048576, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 0, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 0, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "3": { "MinMemory": 1048576, "MaxMemory": 1048576, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 0, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 0, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "4": { "MinMemory": 1048576, "MaxMemory": 1048576, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 0, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 0, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "5": { "MinMemory": 1048576, "MaxMemory": 1048576, "GPUUtilization": 0, 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"MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 8388608, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "2": { "MinMemory": 805306368, "MaxMemory": 1073741824, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 1048576, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "3": { "MinMemory": 60129542144, "MaxMemory": 68719476736, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 10485760, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "4": { "MinMemory": 120259084288, "MaxMemory": 137438953472, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 10485760, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "5": { "MinMemory": 2048, "MaxMemory": 2048, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 2048, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "6": { "MinMemory": 8388608, "MaxMemory": 8388608, "GPUUtilization": 0, "MaxParallelism": 1, "MaxParallelismGPU": 0, "BaseMinMemory": 8388608, "MaxConcurrent": 0 }, "7": { "MinMemory": 805306368, "MaxMemory": 1073741824, "GPUUtilization": 0, 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