package main import ( "fmt" "os" address "" "" "" abi_spec "" big_spec "" builtin_spec "" multisig_spec "" exitcode_spec "" "" ) func MessageTest_MultiSigActor() error { err := func(testname string) error { const numApprovals = 1 const unlockDuration = 10 var valueSend = abi_spec.NewTokenAmount(10) var initialBal = abi_spec.NewTokenAmount(200000000000) td := drivers.NewTestDriver() td.Vector.Meta.Desc = testname // creator of the multisig actor alice, aliceID := td.NewAccountActor(drivers.SECP, initialBal) // expected address of the actor multisigAddr := chain.MustNewIDAddr(1 + chain.MustIDFromAddress(aliceID)) preroot := td.GetStateRoot() createRet := td.ComputeInitActorExecReturn(alice, 0, 0, multisigAddr) td.MustCreateAndVerifyMultisigActor(0, valueSend, multisigAddr, alice, &multisig_spec.ConstructorParams{ Signers: []address.Address{aliceID}, NumApprovalsThreshold: numApprovals, UnlockDuration: unlockDuration, }, exitcode_spec.Ok, chain.MustSerialize(&createRet)) postroot := td.GetStateRoot() td.Vector.CAR = td.MustMarshalGzippedCAR(preroot, postroot) td.Vector.Pre.StateTree.RootCID = preroot td.Vector.Post.StateTree.RootCID = postroot // encode and output fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, string(td.Vector.MustMarshalJSON())) return nil }("constructor test") if err != nil { return err } err = func(testname string) error { const numApprovals = 2 const unlockDuration = 10 var valueSend = abi_spec.NewTokenAmount(10) var initialBal = abi_spec.NewTokenAmount(200000000000) td := drivers.NewTestDriver() td.Vector.Meta.Desc = testname alice, aliceID := td.NewAccountActor(drivers.SECP, initialBal) bob, bobID := td.NewAccountActor(drivers.SECP, initialBal) outsider, outsiderID := td.NewAccountActor(drivers.SECP, initialBal) multisigAddr := chain.MustNewIDAddr(1 + chain.MustIDFromAddress(outsiderID)) preroot := td.GetStateRoot() createRet := td.ComputeInitActorExecReturn(alice, 0, 0, multisigAddr) // create the multisig actor td.MustCreateAndVerifyMultisigActor(0, valueSend, multisigAddr, alice, &multisig_spec.ConstructorParams{ Signers: []address.Address{aliceID, bobID}, NumApprovalsThreshold: numApprovals, UnlockDuration: unlockDuration, }, exitcode_spec.Ok, chain.MustSerialize(&createRet)) td.AssertBalance(multisigAddr, valueSend) // alice proposes that outsider should receive 'valueSend' FIL. pparams := multisig_spec.ProposeParams{ To: outsider, Value: valueSend, Method: builtin_spec.MethodSend, Params: nil, } // propose the transaction and assert it exists in the actor state txID0 := multisig_spec.TxnID(0) expected := multisig_spec.ProposeReturn{ TxnID: 0, Applied: false, Code: 0, Ret: nil, } td.ApplyExpect( td.MessageProducer.MultisigPropose(alice, multisigAddr, &pparams, chain.Nonce(1)), chain.MustSerialize(&expected)) txn0 := multisig_spec.Transaction{ To: pparams.To, Value: pparams.Value, Method: pparams.Method, Params: pparams.Params, Approved: []address.Address{aliceID}, } ph := mustMakeProposalHash(&txn0) td.AssertMultisigTransaction(multisigAddr, txID0, txn0) // bob cancels alice's transaction. This fails as bob did not create alice's transaction. td.ApplyFailure( td.MessageProducer.MultisigCancel(bob, multisigAddr, &multisig_spec.TxnIDParams{ID: txID0, ProposalHash: ph}, chain.Nonce(0)), exitcode_spec.ErrForbidden) // alice cancels their transaction. The outsider doesn't receive any FIL, the multisig actor's balance is empty, and the // transaction is canceled. td.ApplyOk( td.MessageProducer.MultisigCancel(alice, multisigAddr, &multisig_spec.TxnIDParams{ID: txID0, ProposalHash: ph}, chain.Nonce(2)), ) td.AssertMultisigState(multisigAddr, multisig_spec.State{ Signers: []address.Address{aliceID, bobID}, NumApprovalsThreshold: numApprovals, NextTxnID: 1, InitialBalance: valueSend, StartEpoch: 1, UnlockDuration: unlockDuration, }) td.AssertBalance(multisigAddr, valueSend) postroot := td.GetStateRoot() td.Vector.CAR = td.MustMarshalGzippedCAR(preroot, postroot) td.Vector.Pre.StateTree.RootCID = preroot td.Vector.Post.StateTree.RootCID = postroot // encode and output fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, string(td.Vector.MustMarshalJSON())) return nil }("propose and cancel") if err != nil { return err } err = func(testname string) error { td := drivers.NewTestDriver() td.Vector.Meta.Desc = testname var initialBal = abi_spec.NewTokenAmount(200000000000) const numApprovals = 2 const unlockDuration = 1 var valueSend = abi_spec.NewTokenAmount(10) // Signers alice, aliceID := td.NewAccountActor(drivers.SECP, initialBal) bob, bobID := td.NewAccountActor(drivers.SECP, initialBal) // Not Signer outsider, outsiderID := td.NewAccountActor(drivers.SECP, initialBal) preroot := td.GetStateRoot() // Multisig actor address multisigAddr := chain.MustNewIDAddr(1 + chain.MustIDFromAddress(outsiderID)) createRet := td.ComputeInitActorExecReturn(alice, 0, 0, multisigAddr) // create the multisig actor td.MustCreateAndVerifyMultisigActor(0, valueSend, multisigAddr, alice, &multisig_spec.ConstructorParams{ Signers: []address.Address{aliceID, bobID}, NumApprovalsThreshold: numApprovals, UnlockDuration: unlockDuration, }, exitcode_spec.Ok, chain.MustSerialize(&createRet)) // setup propose expected values and params pparams := multisig_spec.ProposeParams{ To: outsider, Value: valueSend, Method: builtin_spec.MethodSend, Params: nil, } // propose the transaction and assert it exists in the actor state txID0 := multisig_spec.TxnID(0) expectedPropose := multisig_spec.ProposeReturn{ TxnID: 0, Applied: false, Code: 0, Ret: nil, } td.ApplyExpect( td.MessageProducer.MultisigPropose(alice, multisigAddr, &pparams, chain.Nonce(1)), chain.MustSerialize(&expectedPropose)) txn0 := multisig_spec.Transaction{ To: pparams.To, Value: pparams.Value, Method: pparams.Method, Params: pparams.Params, Approved: []address.Address{aliceID}, } ph := mustMakeProposalHash(&txn0) td.AssertMultisigTransaction(multisigAddr, txID0, txn0) // outsider proposes themselves to receive 'valueSend' FIL. This fails as they are not a signer. td.ApplyFailure( td.MessageProducer.MultisigPropose(outsider, multisigAddr, &pparams, chain.Nonce(0)), exitcode_spec.ErrForbidden) // outsider approves the value transfer alice sent. This fails as they are not a signer. td.ApplyFailure( td.MessageProducer.MultisigApprove(outsider, multisigAddr, &multisig_spec.TxnIDParams{ID: txID0, ProposalHash: ph}, chain.Nonce(1)), exitcode_spec.ErrForbidden) // increment the epoch to unlock the funds td.ExeCtx.Epoch += unlockDuration balanceBefore := td.GetBalance(outsider) // bob approves transfer of 'valueSend' FIL to outsider. expectedApprove := multisig_spec.ApproveReturn{ Applied: true, Code: 0, Ret: nil, } td.ApplyExpect( td.MessageProducer.MultisigApprove(bob, multisigAddr, &multisig_spec.TxnIDParams{ID: txID0, ProposalHash: ph}, chain.Nonce(0)), chain.MustSerialize(&expectedApprove)) txID1 := multisig_spec.TxnID(1) td.AssertMultisigState(multisigAddr, multisig_spec.State{ Signers: []address.Address{aliceID, bobID}, NumApprovalsThreshold: numApprovals, NextTxnID: txID1, InitialBalance: valueSend, StartEpoch: 1, UnlockDuration: unlockDuration, }) td.AssertMultisigContainsTransaction(multisigAddr, txID0, false) // Multisig balance has been transferred to outsider. td.AssertBalance(multisigAddr, big_spec.Zero()) td.AssertBalance(outsider, big_spec.Add(balanceBefore, valueSend)) postroot := td.GetStateRoot() td.Vector.CAR = td.MustMarshalGzippedCAR(preroot, postroot) td.Vector.Pre.StateTree.RootCID = preroot td.Vector.Post.StateTree.RootCID = postroot // encode and output fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, string(td.Vector.MustMarshalJSON())) return nil }("propose and approve") if err != nil { return err } err = func(testname string) error { const initialNumApprovals = 1 var msValue = abi_spec.NewTokenAmount(100000000000) var initialBal = abi_spec.NewTokenAmount(200000000000) td := drivers.NewTestDriver() td.Vector.Meta.Desc = testname alice, aliceID := td.NewAccountActor(drivers.SECP, initialBal) // 101 _, bobID := td.NewAccountActor(drivers.SECP, initialBal) // 102 var initialSigners = []address.Address{aliceID} multisigAddr := chain.MustNewIDAddr(1 + chain.MustIDFromAddress(bobID)) preroot := td.GetStateRoot() createRet := td.ComputeInitActorExecReturn(alice, 0, 0, multisigAddr) td.MustCreateAndVerifyMultisigActor(0, msValue, multisigAddr, alice, &multisig_spec.ConstructorParams{ Signers: initialSigners, NumApprovalsThreshold: initialNumApprovals, UnlockDuration: 0, }, exitcode_spec.Ok, chain.MustSerialize(&createRet), ) addSignerParams := multisig_spec.AddSignerParams{ Signer: bobID, Increase: false, } // alice fails to call directly since AddSigner td.ApplyFailure( td.MessageProducer.MultisigAddSigner(alice, multisigAddr, &addSignerParams, chain.Nonce(1)), exitcode_spec.SysErrForbidden, ) // AddSigner must be staged through the multisig itself // Alice proposes the AddSigner. // Since approvals = 1 this auto-approves the transaction. expected := multisig_spec.ProposeReturn{ TxnID: 0, Applied: true, Code: 0, Ret: nil, } td.ApplyExpect( td.MessageProducer.MultisigPropose(alice, multisigAddr, &multisig_spec.ProposeParams{ To: multisigAddr, Value: big_spec.Zero(), Method: builtin_spec.MethodsMultisig.AddSigner, Params: chain.MustSerialize(&addSignerParams), }, chain.Nonce(2)), chain.MustSerialize(&expected), ) // TODO also exercise the approvals = 2 case with explicit approval. // Check that bob is now a signer td.AssertMultisigState(multisigAddr, multisig_spec.State{ Signers: append(initialSigners, bobID), NumApprovalsThreshold: initialNumApprovals, NextTxnID: multisig_spec.TxnID(1), InitialBalance: big_spec.Zero(), StartEpoch: 0, UnlockDuration: 0, }) postroot := td.GetStateRoot() td.Vector.CAR = td.MustMarshalGzippedCAR(preroot, postroot) td.Vector.Pre.StateTree.RootCID = preroot td.Vector.Post.StateTree.RootCID = postroot // encode and output fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, string(td.Vector.MustMarshalJSON())) return nil }("add signer") if err != nil { return err } return nil } func mustMakeProposalHash(txn *multisig_spec.Transaction) []byte { txnHash, err := multisig_spec.ComputeProposalHash(txn, blake2b.Sum256) if err != nil { panic(err) } return txnHash }