package fr32 import ( "math/bits" "runtime" "sync" "" ) var MTTresh = uint64(32 << 20) func mtChunkCount(usz abi.PaddedPieceSize) uint64 { threads := (uint64(usz)) / MTTresh if threads > uint64(runtime.NumCPU()) { threads = 1 << (bits.Len32(uint32(runtime.NumCPU()))) } if threads == 0 { return 1 } if threads > 32 { return 32 // avoid too large buffers } return threads } func mt(in, out []byte, padLen int, op func(unpadded, padded []byte)) { threads := mtChunkCount(abi.PaddedPieceSize(padLen)) threadBytes := abi.PaddedPieceSize(padLen / int(threads)) var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(int(threads)) for i := 0; i < int(threads); i++ { go func(thread int) { defer wg.Done() start := threadBytes * abi.PaddedPieceSize(thread) end := start + threadBytes op(in[start.Unpadded():end.Unpadded()], out[start:end]) }(i) } wg.Wait() } func Pad(in, out []byte) { // Assumes len(in)%127==0 and len(out)%128==0 if len(out) > int(MTTresh) { mt(in, out, len(out), pad) return } pad(in, out) } func pad(in, out []byte) { chunks := len(out) / 128 for chunk := 0; chunk < chunks; chunk++ { inOff := chunk * 127 outOff := chunk * 128 copy(out[outOff:outOff+31], in[inOff:inOff+31]) t := in[inOff+31] >> 6 out[outOff+31] = in[inOff+31] & 0x3f var v byte for i := 32; i < 64; i++ { v = in[inOff+i] out[outOff+i] = (v << 2) | t t = v >> 6 } t = v >> 4 out[outOff+63] &= 0x3f for i := 64; i < 96; i++ { v = in[inOff+i] out[outOff+i] = (v << 4) | t t = v >> 4 } t = v >> 2 out[outOff+95] &= 0x3f for i := 96; i < 127; i++ { v = in[inOff+i] out[outOff+i] = (v << 6) | t t = v >> 2 } out[outOff+127] = t & 0x3f } } func Unpad(in []byte, out []byte) { // Assumes len(in)%128==0 and len(out)%127==0 if len(in) > int(MTTresh) { mt(out, in, len(in), unpad) return } unpad(out, in) } func unpad(out, in []byte) { chunks := len(in) / 128 for chunk := 0; chunk < chunks; chunk++ { inOffNext := chunk*128 + 1 outOff := chunk * 127 at := in[chunk*128] for i := 0; i < 32; i++ { next := in[i+inOffNext] out[outOff+i] = at //out[i] |= next << 8 at = next } out[outOff+31] |= at << 6 for i := 32; i < 64; i++ { next := in[i+inOffNext] out[outOff+i] = at >> 2 out[outOff+i] |= next << 6 at = next } out[outOff+63] ^= (at << 6) ^ (at << 4) for i := 64; i < 96; i++ { next := in[i+inOffNext] out[outOff+i] = at >> 4 out[outOff+i] |= next << 4 at = next } out[outOff+95] ^= (at << 4) ^ (at << 2) for i := 96; i < 127; i++ { next := in[i+inOffNext] out[outOff+i] = at >> 6 out[outOff+i] |= next << 2 at = next } } }