package chain_test import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "testing" "time" "" ds "" logging "" "" mocknet "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" mocktypes "" "" "" "" "" ) func init() { build.InsecurePoStValidation = true err := os.Setenv("TRUST_PARAMS", "1") if err != nil { panic(err) } miner.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{ abi.RegisteredSealProof_StackedDrg2KiBV1: {}, } power.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(2048) verifreg.MinVerifiedDealSize = big.NewInt(256) } const source = 0 func (tu *syncTestUtil) repoWithChain(t testing.TB, h int) (repo.Repo, []byte, []*store.FullTipSet) { blks := make([]*store.FullTipSet, h) for i := 0; i < h; i++ { mts, err := tu.g.NextTipSet() require.NoError(t, err) blks[i] = mts.TipSet } r, err := tu.g.YieldRepo() require.NoError(t, err) genb, err := tu.g.GenesisCar() require.NoError(t, err) return r, genb, blks } type syncTestUtil struct { t testing.TB ctx context.Context cancel func() mn mocknet.Mocknet g *gen.ChainGen genesis []byte blocks []*store.FullTipSet nds []api.FullNode } func prepSyncTest(t testing.TB, h int) *syncTestUtil { logging.SetLogLevel("*", "INFO") g, err := gen.NewGenerator() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v", err) } ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) tu := &syncTestUtil{ t: t, ctx: ctx, cancel: cancel, mn: mocknet.New(ctx), g: g, } tu.addSourceNode(h) //tu.checkHeight("source", source, h) // separate logs fmt.Println("\x1b[31m///////////////////////////////////////////////////\x1b[39b") return tu } func (tu *syncTestUtil) Shutdown() { tu.cancel() } func (tu *syncTestUtil) printHeads() { for i, n := range tu.nds { head, err := n.ChainHead(tu.ctx) if err != nil { tu.t.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("Node %d: %s\n", i, head.Cids()) } } func (tu *syncTestUtil) pushFtsAndWait(to int, fts *store.FullTipSet, wait bool) { // TODO: would be great if we could pass a whole tipset here... tu.pushTsExpectErr(to, fts, false) if wait { start := time.Now() h, err := tu.nds[to].ChainHead(tu.ctx) require.NoError(tu.t, err) for !h.Equals(fts.TipSet()) { time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 50) h, err = tu.nds[to].ChainHead(tu.ctx) require.NoError(tu.t, err) if time.Since(start) > time.Second*10 { tu.t.Fatal("took too long waiting for block to be accepted") } } } } func (tu *syncTestUtil) pushTsExpectErr(to int, fts *store.FullTipSet, experr bool) { for _, fb := range fts.Blocks { var b types.BlockMsg // -1 to match block.Height b.Header = fb.Header for _, msg := range fb.SecpkMessages { c, err := tu.nds[to].(*impl.FullNodeAPI).ChainAPI.Chain.PutMessage(msg) require.NoError(tu.t, err) b.SecpkMessages = append(b.SecpkMessages, c) } for _, msg := range fb.BlsMessages { c, err := tu.nds[to].(*impl.FullNodeAPI).ChainAPI.Chain.PutMessage(msg) require.NoError(tu.t, err) b.BlsMessages = append(b.BlsMessages, c) } err := tu.nds[to].SyncSubmitBlock(tu.ctx, &b) if experr { require.Error(tu.t, err, "expected submit block to fail") } else { require.NoError(tu.t, err) } } } func (tu *syncTestUtil) mineOnBlock(blk *store.FullTipSet, to int, miners []int, wait, fail bool, msgs [][]*types.SignedMessage) *store.FullTipSet { if miners == nil { for i := range tu.g.Miners { miners = append(miners, i) } } var maddrs []address.Address for _, i := range miners { maddrs = append(maddrs, tu.g.Miners[i]) } fmt.Println("Miner mining block: ", maddrs) var nts *store.FullTipSet var err error if msgs != nil { nts, err = tu.g.NextTipSetFromMinersWithMessages(blk.TipSet(), maddrs, msgs) require.NoError(tu.t, err) } else { mt, err := tu.g.NextTipSetFromMiners(blk.TipSet(), maddrs) require.NoError(tu.t, err) nts = mt.TipSet } if fail { tu.pushTsExpectErr(to, nts, true) } else { tu.pushFtsAndWait(to, nts, wait) } return nts } func (tu *syncTestUtil) mineNewBlock(src int, miners []int) { mts := tu.mineOnBlock(tu.g.CurTipset, src, miners, true, false, nil) tu.g.CurTipset = mts } func (tu *syncTestUtil) addSourceNode(gen int) { if tu.genesis != nil { tu.t.Fatal("source node already exists") } sourceRepo, genesis, blocks := tu.repoWithChain(tu.t, gen) var out api.FullNode // TODO: Don't ignore stop _, err := node.New(tu.ctx, node.FullAPI(&out), node.Online(), node.Repo(sourceRepo), node.MockHost(, node.Test(), node.Override(new(modules.Genesis), modules.LoadGenesis(genesis)), ) require.NoError(tu.t, err) lastTs := blocks[len(blocks)-1].Blocks for _, lastB := range lastTs { cs := out.(*impl.FullNodeAPI).ChainAPI.Chain require.NoError(tu.t, cs.AddToTipSetTracker(lastB.Header)) err = cs.AddBlock(tu.ctx, lastB.Header) require.NoError(tu.t, err) } tu.genesis = genesis tu.blocks = blocks tu.nds = append(tu.nds, out) // always at 0 } func (tu *syncTestUtil) addClientNode() int { if tu.genesis == nil { tu.t.Fatal("source doesn't exists") } var out api.FullNode // TODO: Don't ignore stop _, err := node.New(tu.ctx, node.FullAPI(&out), node.Online(), node.Repo(repo.NewMemory(nil)), node.MockHost(, node.Test(), node.Override(new(modules.Genesis), modules.LoadGenesis(tu.genesis)), ) require.NoError(tu.t, err) tu.nds = append(tu.nds, out) return len(tu.nds) - 1 } func (tu *syncTestUtil) pid(n int) peer.ID { nal, err := tu.nds[n].NetAddrsListen(tu.ctx) require.NoError(tu.t, err) return nal.ID } func (tu *syncTestUtil) connect(from, to int) { toPI, err := tu.nds[to].NetAddrsListen(tu.ctx) require.NoError(tu.t, err) err = tu.nds[from].NetConnect(tu.ctx, toPI) require.NoError(tu.t, err) } func (tu *syncTestUtil) disconnect(from, to int) { toPI, err := tu.nds[to].NetAddrsListen(tu.ctx) require.NoError(tu.t, err) err = tu.nds[from].NetDisconnect(tu.ctx, toPI.ID) require.NoError(tu.t, err) } func (tu *syncTestUtil) checkHeight(name string, n int, h int) { b, err := tu.nds[n].ChainHead(tu.ctx) require.NoError(tu.t, err) require.Equal(tu.t, uint64(h), b.Height()) fmt.Printf("%s H: %d\n", name, b.Height()) } func (tu *syncTestUtil) compareSourceState(with int) { sourceHead, err := tu.nds[source].ChainHead(tu.ctx) require.NoError(tu.t, err) targetHead, err := tu.nds[with].ChainHead(tu.ctx) require.NoError(tu.t, err) if !sourceHead.Equals(targetHead) { fmt.Println("different chains: ", sourceHead.Height(), targetHead.Height()) tu.t.Fatalf("nodes were not synced correctly: %s != %s", sourceHead.Cids(), targetHead.Cids()) } sourceAccounts, err := tu.nds[source].WalletList(tu.ctx) require.NoError(tu.t, err) for _, addr := range sourceAccounts { sourceBalance, err := tu.nds[source].WalletBalance(tu.ctx, addr) require.NoError(tu.t, err) fmt.Printf("Source state check for %s, expect %s\n", addr, sourceBalance) actBalance, err := tu.nds[with].WalletBalance(tu.ctx, addr) require.NoError(tu.t, err) require.Equal(tu.t, sourceBalance, actBalance) fmt.Printf("Source state check <OK> for %s\n", addr) } } func (tu *syncTestUtil) waitUntilSync(from, to int) { target, err := tu.nds[from].ChainHead(tu.ctx) if err != nil { tu.t.Fatal(err) } tu.waitUntilSyncTarget(to, target) } func (tu *syncTestUtil) waitUntilSyncTarget(to int, target *types.TipSet) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() hc, err := tu.nds[to].ChainNotify(ctx) if err != nil { tu.t.Fatal(err) } // TODO: some sort of timeout? for n := range hc { for _, c := range n { if c.Val.Equals(target) { return } } } } func TestSyncSimple(t *testing.T) { H := 50 tu := prepSyncTest(t, H) client := tu.addClientNode() //tu.checkHeight("client", client, 0) require.NoError(t, tu.connect(1, 0) tu.waitUntilSync(0, client) //tu.checkHeight("client", client, H) tu.compareSourceState(client) } func TestSyncMining(t *testing.T) { H := 50 tu := prepSyncTest(t, H) client := tu.addClientNode() //tu.checkHeight("client", client, 0) require.NoError(t, tu.connect(client, 0) tu.waitUntilSync(0, client) //tu.checkHeight("client", client, H) tu.compareSourceState(client) for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { tu.mineNewBlock(0, nil) tu.waitUntilSync(0, client) tu.compareSourceState(client) } } func TestSyncBadTimestamp(t *testing.T) { H := 50 tu := prepSyncTest(t, H) client := tu.addClientNode() require.NoError(t, tu.connect(client, 0) tu.waitUntilSync(0, client) base := tu.g.CurTipset tu.g.Timestamper = func(pts *types.TipSet, tl abi.ChainEpoch) uint64 { return pts.MinTimestamp() + (build.BlockDelaySecs / 2) } fmt.Println("BASE: ", base.Cids()) tu.printHeads() a1 := tu.mineOnBlock(base, 0, nil, false, true, nil) tu.g.Timestamper = nil require.NoError(t, tu.g.ResyncBankerNonce(a1.TipSet())) tu.nds[0].(*impl.FullNodeAPI).SlashFilter = slashfilter.New(ds.NewMapDatastore()) fmt.Println("After mine bad block!") tu.printHeads() a2 := tu.mineOnBlock(base, 0, nil, true, false, nil) tu.waitUntilSync(0, client) head, err := tu.nds[0].ChainHead(tu.ctx) require.NoError(t, err) if !head.Equals(a2.TipSet()) { t.Fatalf("expected head to be %s, but got %s", a2.Cids(), head.Cids()) } } type badWpp struct{} func (wpp badWpp) GenerateCandidates(context.Context, abi.PoStRandomness, uint64) ([]uint64, error) { return []uint64{1}, nil } func (wpp badWpp) ComputeProof(context.Context, []abi.SectorInfo, abi.PoStRandomness) ([]abi.PoStProof, error) { return []abi.PoStProof{ { PoStProof: abi.RegisteredPoStProof_StackedDrgWinning2KiBV1, ProofBytes: []byte("evil"), }, }, nil } func TestSyncBadWinningPoSt(t *testing.T) { H := 15 tu := prepSyncTest(t, H) client := tu.addClientNode() require.NoError(t, tu.connect(client, 0) tu.waitUntilSync(0, client) base := tu.g.CurTipset // both miners now produce invalid winning posts tu.g.SetWinningPoStProver(tu.g.Miners[0], &badWpp{}) tu.g.SetWinningPoStProver(tu.g.Miners[1], &badWpp{}) // now ensure that new blocks are not accepted tu.mineOnBlock(base, client, nil, false, true, nil) } func (tu *syncTestUtil) loadChainToNode(to int) { // utility to simulate incoming blocks without miner process // TODO: should call syncer directly, this won't work correctly in all cases for i := 0; i < len(tu.blocks); i++ { tu.pushFtsAndWait(to, tu.blocks[i], true) } } func TestSyncFork(t *testing.T) { H := 10 tu := prepSyncTest(t, H) p1 := tu.addClientNode() p2 := tu.addClientNode() fmt.Println("GENESIS: ", tu.g.Genesis().Cid()) tu.loadChainToNode(p1) tu.loadChainToNode(p2) phead := func() { h1, err := tu.nds[1].ChainHead(tu.ctx) require.NoError(tu.t, err) h2, err := tu.nds[2].ChainHead(tu.ctx) require.NoError(tu.t, err) fmt.Println("Node 1: ", h1.Cids(), h1.Parents(), h1.Height()) fmt.Println("Node 2: ", h2.Cids(), h1.Parents(), h2.Height()) //time.Sleep(time.Second * 2) fmt.Println() fmt.Println() fmt.Println() fmt.Println() } phead() base := tu.g.CurTipset fmt.Println("Mining base: ", base.TipSet().Cids(), base.TipSet().Height()) // The two nodes fork at this point into 'a' and 'b' a1 := tu.mineOnBlock(base, p1, []int{0}, true, false, nil) a := tu.mineOnBlock(a1, p1, []int{0}, true, false, nil) a = tu.mineOnBlock(a, p1, []int{0}, true, false, nil) require.NoError(t, tu.g.ResyncBankerNonce(a1.TipSet())) // chain B will now be heaviest b := tu.mineOnBlock(base, p2, []int{1}, true, false, nil) b = tu.mineOnBlock(b, p2, []int{1}, true, false, nil) b = tu.mineOnBlock(b, p2, []int{1}, true, false, nil) b = tu.mineOnBlock(b, p2, []int{1}, true, false, nil) fmt.Println("A: ", a.Cids(), a.TipSet().Height()) fmt.Println("B: ", b.Cids(), b.TipSet().Height()) // Now for the fun part!! require.NoError(t, tu.connect(p1, p2) tu.waitUntilSyncTarget(p1, b.TipSet()) tu.waitUntilSyncTarget(p2, b.TipSet()) phead() } // This test crafts a tipset with 2 blocks, A and B. // A and B both include _different_ messages from sender X with nonce N (where N is the correct nonce for X). // We can confirm that the state can be correctly computed, and that `MessagesForTipset` behaves as expected. func TestDuplicateNonce(t *testing.T) { H := 10 tu := prepSyncTest(t, H) base := tu.g.CurTipset // Produce a message from the banker to the rcvr makeMsg := func(rcvr address.Address) *types.SignedMessage { ba, err := tu.nds[0].StateGetActor(context.TODO(), tu.g.Banker(), base.TipSet().Key()) require.NoError(t, err) msg := types.Message{ To: rcvr, From: tu.g.Banker(), Nonce: ba.Nonce, Value: types.NewInt(1), Method: 0, GasLimit: 100_000_000, GasFeeCap: types.NewInt(0), GasPremium: types.NewInt(0), } sig, err := tu.g.Wallet().Sign(context.TODO(), tu.g.Banker(), msg.Cid().Bytes()) require.NoError(t, err) return &types.SignedMessage{ Message: msg, Signature: *sig, } } msgs := make([][]*types.SignedMessage, 2) // Each miner includes a message from the banker with the same nonce, but to different addresses for k := range msgs { msgs[k] = []*types.SignedMessage{makeMsg(tu.g.Miners[k])} } ts1 := tu.mineOnBlock(base, 0, []int{0, 1}, true, false, msgs) tu.waitUntilSyncTarget(0, ts1.TipSet()) // mine another tipset ts2 := tu.mineOnBlock(ts1, 0, []int{0, 1}, true, false, make([][]*types.SignedMessage, 2)) tu.waitUntilSyncTarget(0, ts2.TipSet()) var includedMsg cid.Cid var skippedMsg cid.Cid r0, err0 := tu.nds[0].StateGetReceipt(context.TODO(), msgs[0][0].Cid(), ts2.TipSet().Key()) r1, err1 := tu.nds[0].StateGetReceipt(context.TODO(), msgs[1][0].Cid(), ts2.TipSet().Key()) if err0 == nil { require.Error(t, err1, "at least one of the StateGetReceipt calls should fail") require.True(t, r0.ExitCode.IsSuccess()) includedMsg = msgs[0][0].Message.Cid() skippedMsg = msgs[1][0].Message.Cid() } else { require.NoError(t, err1, "both the StateGetReceipt calls should not fail") require.True(t, r1.ExitCode.IsSuccess()) includedMsg = msgs[1][0].Message.Cid() skippedMsg = msgs[0][0].Message.Cid() } _, rslts, err := tu.g.StateManager().ExecutionTrace(context.TODO(), ts1.TipSet()) require.NoError(t, err) found := false for _, v := range rslts { if v.Msg.Cid() == skippedMsg { t.Fatal("skipped message should not be in exec trace") } if v.Msg.Cid() == includedMsg { found = true } } if !found { t.Fatal("included message should be in exec trace") } mft, err := tu.g.ChainStore().MessagesForTipset(ts1.TipSet()) require.NoError(t, err) require.True(t, len(mft) == 1, "only expecting one message for this tipset") require.Equal(t, includedMsg, mft[0].VMMessage().Cid(), "messages for tipset didn't contain expected message") } func BenchmarkSyncBasic(b *testing.B) { for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { runSyncBenchLength(b, 100) } } func runSyncBenchLength(b *testing.B, l int) { tu := prepSyncTest(b, l) client := tu.addClientNode() tu.checkHeight("client", client, 0) b.ResetTimer() require.NoError(b, tu.connect(1, 0) tu.waitUntilSync(0, client) } func TestSyncInputs(t *testing.T) { H := 10 tu := prepSyncTest(t, H) p1 := tu.addClientNode() fn := tu.nds[p1].(*impl.FullNodeAPI) s := fn.SyncAPI.Syncer err := s.ValidateBlock(context.TODO(), &types.FullBlock{ Header: &types.BlockHeader{}, }) if err == nil { t.Fatal("should error on empty block") } h := mocktypes.MkBlock(nil, 123, 432) h.ElectionProof = nil err = s.ValidateBlock(context.TODO(), &types.FullBlock{Header: h}) if err == nil { t.Fatal("should error on block with nil election proof") } }