# Lotus documentation

This folder contains some Lotus documentation mostly intended for Lotus developers.

User documentation (including documentation for miners) has been moved to https://lotus.filecoin.io:

- https://lotus.filecoin.io/lotus/get-started/what-is-lotus/
- https://lotus.filecoin.io/tutorials/lotus/store-and-retrieve/store-data/
- https://lotus.filecoin.io/tutorials/lotus-miner/run-a-miner/
- https://lotus.filecoin.io/developers/

## Documentation Website

https://lotus.filecoin.io source is in [lotus-docs repository](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus-docs), which contains Lotus as a git submodule.

To update the site, the lotus-docs repository should be updated with the desired version for the lotus git submodule. Once pushed to master, it will be auto-deployed.