# sptool ``` NAME: sptool - Manage Filecoin Miner Actor USAGE: sptool [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] VERSION: 1.27.1-dev COMMANDS: actor Manage Filecoin Miner Actor Metadata info Print miner actor info sectors interact with sector store proving View proving information help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command GLOBAL OPTIONS: --log-level value (default: "info") --actor value miner actor to manage [$SP_ADDRESS] --help, -h show help --version, -v print the version ``` ## sptool actor ``` NAME: sptool actor - Manage Filecoin Miner Actor Metadata USAGE: sptool actor command [command options] [arguments...] COMMANDS: set-addresses, set-addrs set addresses that your miner can be publicly dialed on withdraw withdraw available balance to beneficiary repay-debt pay down a miner's debt set-peer-id set the peer id of your miner set-owner Set owner address (this command should be invoked twice, first with the old owner as the senderAddress, and then with the new owner) control Manage control addresses propose-change-worker Propose a worker address change confirm-change-worker Confirm a worker address change compact-allocated compact allocated sectors bitfield propose-change-beneficiary Propose a beneficiary address change confirm-change-beneficiary Confirm a beneficiary address change new-miner Initializes a new miner actor help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command OPTIONS: --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool actor set-addresses ``` NAME: sptool actor set-addresses - set addresses that your miner can be publicly dialed on USAGE: sptool actor set-addresses [command options] OPTIONS: --from value optionally specify the account to send the message from --gas-limit value set gas limit (default: 0) --unset unset address (default: false) --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool actor withdraw ``` NAME: sptool actor withdraw - withdraw available balance to beneficiary USAGE: sptool actor withdraw [command options] [amount (FIL)] OPTIONS: --confidence value number of block confirmations to wait for (default: 5) --beneficiary send withdraw message from the beneficiary address (default: false) --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool actor repay-debt ``` NAME: sptool actor repay-debt - pay down a miner's debt USAGE: sptool actor repay-debt [command options] [amount (FIL)] OPTIONS: --from value optionally specify the account to send funds from --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool actor set-peer-id ``` NAME: sptool actor set-peer-id - set the peer id of your miner USAGE: sptool actor set-peer-id [command options] OPTIONS: --gas-limit value set gas limit (default: 0) --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool actor set-owner ``` NAME: sptool actor set-owner - Set owner address (this command should be invoked twice, first with the old owner as the senderAddress, and then with the new owner) USAGE: sptool actor set-owner [command options] [newOwnerAddress senderAddress] OPTIONS: --really-do-it Actually send transaction performing the action (default: false) --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool actor control ``` NAME: sptool actor control - Manage control addresses USAGE: sptool actor control command [command options] [arguments...] COMMANDS: list Get currently set control addresses. Note: This excludes most roles as they are not known to the immediate chain state. set Set control address(-es) help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command OPTIONS: --help, -h show help ``` #### sptool actor control list ``` NAME: sptool actor control list - Get currently set control addresses. Note: This excludes most roles as they are not known to the immediate chain state. USAGE: sptool actor control list [command options] [arguments...] OPTIONS: --verbose (default: false) --help, -h show help ``` #### sptool actor control set ``` NAME: sptool actor control set - Set control address(-es) USAGE: sptool actor control set [command options] [...address] OPTIONS: --really-do-it Actually send transaction performing the action (default: false) --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool actor propose-change-worker ``` NAME: sptool actor propose-change-worker - Propose a worker address change USAGE: sptool actor propose-change-worker [command options] [address] OPTIONS: --really-do-it Actually send transaction performing the action (default: false) --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool actor confirm-change-worker ``` NAME: sptool actor confirm-change-worker - Confirm a worker address change USAGE: sptool actor confirm-change-worker [command options] [address] OPTIONS: --really-do-it Actually send transaction performing the action (default: false) --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool actor compact-allocated ``` NAME: sptool actor compact-allocated - compact allocated sectors bitfield USAGE: sptool actor compact-allocated [command options] [arguments...] OPTIONS: --mask-last-offset value Mask sector IDs from 0 to 'highest_allocated - offset' (default: 0) --mask-upto-n value Mask sector IDs from 0 to 'n' (default: 0) --really-do-it Actually send transaction performing the action (default: false) --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool actor propose-change-beneficiary ``` NAME: sptool actor propose-change-beneficiary - Propose a beneficiary address change USAGE: sptool actor propose-change-beneficiary [command options] [beneficiaryAddress quota expiration] OPTIONS: --really-do-it Actually send transaction performing the action (default: false) --overwrite-pending-change Overwrite the current beneficiary change proposal (default: false) --actor value specify the address of miner actor --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool actor confirm-change-beneficiary ``` NAME: sptool actor confirm-change-beneficiary - Confirm a beneficiary address change USAGE: sptool actor confirm-change-beneficiary [command options] [minerID] OPTIONS: --really-do-it Actually send transaction performing the action (default: false) --existing-beneficiary send confirmation from the existing beneficiary address (default: false) --new-beneficiary send confirmation from the new beneficiary address (default: false) --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool actor new-miner ``` NAME: sptool actor new-miner - Initializes a new miner actor USAGE: sptool actor new-miner [command options] [arguments...] OPTIONS: --worker value, -w value worker key to use for new miner initialisation --owner value, -o value owner key to use for new miner initialisation --from value, -f value address to send actor(miner) creation message from --sector-size value specify sector size to use for new miner initialisation --confidence value number of block confirmations to wait for (default: 5) --help, -h show help ``` ## sptool info ``` NAME: sptool info - Print miner actor info USAGE: sptool info [command options] [arguments...] OPTIONS: --help, -h show help ``` ## sptool sectors ``` NAME: sptool sectors - interact with sector store USAGE: sptool sectors command [command options] [arguments...] COMMANDS: status Get the seal status of a sector by its number list List sectors precommits Print on-chain precommit info check-expire Inspect expiring sectors expired Get or cleanup expired sectors extend Extend expiring sectors while not exceeding each sector's max life terminate Forcefully terminate a sector (WARNING: This means losing power and pay a one-time termination penalty(including collateral) for the terminated sector) compact-partitions removes dead sectors from partitions and reduces the number of partitions used if possible help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command OPTIONS: --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool sectors status ``` NAME: sptool sectors status - Get the seal status of a sector by its number USAGE: sptool sectors status [command options] OPTIONS: --log, -l display event log (default: false) --on-chain-info, -c show sector on chain info (default: false) --partition-info, -p show partition related info (default: false) --proof print snark proof bytes as hex (default: false) --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool sectors list ``` NAME: sptool sectors list - List sectors USAGE: sptool sectors list [command options] [arguments...] OPTIONS: --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool sectors precommits ``` NAME: sptool sectors precommits - Print on-chain precommit info USAGE: sptool sectors precommits [command options] [arguments...] OPTIONS: --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool sectors check-expire ``` NAME: sptool sectors check-expire - Inspect expiring sectors USAGE: sptool sectors check-expire [command options] [arguments...] OPTIONS: --cutoff value skip sectors whose current expiration is more than epochs from now, defaults to 60 days (default: 172800) --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool sectors expired ``` NAME: sptool sectors expired - Get or cleanup expired sectors USAGE: sptool sectors expired [command options] [arguments...] OPTIONS: --expired-epoch value epoch at which to check sector expirations (default: WinningPoSt lookback epoch) --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool sectors extend ``` NAME: sptool sectors extend - Extend expiring sectors while not exceeding each sector's max life USAGE: sptool sectors extend [command options] OPTIONS: --from value only consider sectors whose current expiration epoch is in the range of [from, to], defaults to: now + 120 (1 hour) (default: 0) --to value only consider sectors whose current expiration epoch is in the range of [from, to], defaults to: now + 92160 (32 days) (default: 0) --sector-file value provide a file containing one sector number in each line, ignoring above selecting criteria --exclude value optionally provide a file containing excluding sectors --extension value try to extend selected sectors by this number of epochs, defaults to 540 days (default: 1555200) --new-expiration value try to extend selected sectors to this epoch, ignoring extension (default: 0) --only-cc only extend CC sectors (useful for making sector ready for snap upgrade) (default: false) --drop-claims drop claims for sectors that can be extended, but only by dropping some of their verified power claims (default: false) --tolerance value don't try to extend sectors by fewer than this number of epochs, defaults to 7 days (default: 20160) --max-fee value use up to this amount of FIL for one message. pass this flag to avoid message congestion. (default: "0") --max-sectors value the maximum number of sectors contained in each message (default: 0) --really-do-it pass this flag to really extend sectors, otherwise will only print out json representation of parameters (default: false) --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool sectors terminate ``` NAME: sptool sectors terminate - Forcefully terminate a sector (WARNING: This means losing power and pay a one-time termination penalty(including collateral) for the terminated sector) USAGE: sptool sectors terminate [command options] [sectorNum1 sectorNum2 ...] OPTIONS: --actor value specify the address of miner actor --really-do-it pass this flag if you know what you are doing (default: false) --from value specify the address to send the terminate message from --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool sectors compact-partitions ``` NAME: sptool sectors compact-partitions - removes dead sectors from partitions and reduces the number of partitions used if possible USAGE: sptool sectors compact-partitions [command options] [arguments...] OPTIONS: --deadline value the deadline to compact the partitions in (default: 0) --partitions value [ --partitions value ] list of partitions to compact sectors in --really-do-it Actually send transaction performing the action (default: false) --help, -h show help ``` ## sptool proving ``` NAME: sptool proving - View proving information USAGE: sptool proving command [command options] [arguments...] COMMANDS: info View current state information deadlines View the current proving period deadlines information deadline View the current proving period deadline information by its index faults View the currently known proving faulty sectors information help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command OPTIONS: --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool proving info ``` NAME: sptool proving info - View current state information USAGE: sptool proving info [command options] [arguments...] OPTIONS: --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool proving deadlines ``` NAME: sptool proving deadlines - View the current proving period deadlines information USAGE: sptool proving deadlines [command options] [arguments...] OPTIONS: --all, -a Count all sectors (only live sectors are counted by default) (default: false) --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool proving deadline ``` NAME: sptool proving deadline - View the current proving period deadline information by its index USAGE: sptool proving deadline [command options] OPTIONS: --sector-nums, -n Print sector/fault numbers belonging to this deadline (default: false) --bitfield, -b Print partition bitfield stats (default: false) --help, -h show help ``` ### sptool proving faults ``` NAME: sptool proving faults - View the currently known proving faulty sectors information USAGE: sptool proving faults [command options] [arguments...] OPTIONS: --help, -h show help ```