package store

import (

	blocks ""
	format ""
	carutil ""
	carv2 ""
	cbg ""


	bstore ""

const TipsetkeyBackfillRange = 2 * build.Finality

func (cs *ChainStore) UnionStore() bstore.Blockstore {
	return bstore.Union(cs.stateBlockstore, cs.chainBlockstore)

func (cs *ChainStore) Export(ctx context.Context, ts *types.TipSet, inclRecentRoots abi.ChainEpoch, skipOldMsgs bool, w io.Writer) error {
	h := &car.CarHeader{
		Roots:   ts.Cids(),
		Version: 1,

	if err := car.WriteHeader(h, w); err != nil {
		return xerrors.Errorf("failed to write car header: %s", err)

	unionBs := cs.UnionStore()
	return cs.WalkSnapshot(ctx, ts, inclRecentRoots, skipOldMsgs, true, func(c cid.Cid) error {
		blk, err := unionBs.Get(ctx, c)
		if err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("writing object to car, bs.Get: %w", err)

		if err := carutil.LdWrite(w, c.Bytes(), blk.RawData()); err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("failed to write block to car output: %w", err)

		return nil

func (cs *ChainStore) Import(ctx context.Context, r io.Reader) (head *types.TipSet, genesis *types.BlockHeader, err error) {
	// TODO: writing only to the state blockstore is incorrect.
	//  At this time, both the state and chain blockstores are backed by the
	//  universal store. When we physically segregate the stores, we will need
	//  to route state objects to the state blockstore, and chain objects to
	//  the chain blockstore.

	br, err := carv2.NewBlockReader(r)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("loadcar failed: %w", err)

	s := cs.StateBlockstore()

	parallelPuts := 5
	putThrottle := make(chan error, parallelPuts)
	for i := 0; i < parallelPuts; i++ {
		putThrottle <- nil

	if len(br.Roots) == 0 {
		return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("no roots in snapshot car file")
	nextTailCid := br.Roots[0]

	var tailBlock types.BlockHeader
	tailBlock.Height = abi.ChainEpoch(-1)

	var buf []blocks.Block
	for {
		blk, err := br.Next()
		if err != nil {

			// we're at the end
			if err == io.EOF {
				if len(buf) > 0 {
					if err := s.PutMany(ctx, buf); err != nil {
						return nil, nil, err

			return nil, nil, err

		// check for header block, looking for genesis
		if blk.Cid() == nextTailCid && tailBlock.Height != 0 {
			if err := tailBlock.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(blk.RawData())); err != nil {
				return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to unmarshal genesis block: %w", err)
			if len(tailBlock.Parents) > 0 {
				nextTailCid = tailBlock.Parents[0]
			} else {
				// note: even the 0th block has a parent linking to the cbor genesis block
				return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("current block (epoch %d cid %s) has no parents", tailBlock.Height, tailBlock.Cid())

		// append to batch
		buf = append(buf, blk)

		if len(buf) > 1000 {
			if lastErr := <-putThrottle; lastErr != nil { // consume one error to have the right to add one
				return nil, nil, lastErr

			go func(buf []blocks.Block) {
				putThrottle <- s.PutMany(ctx, buf)
			buf = nil

	// check errors
	for i := 0; i < parallelPuts; i++ {
		if lastErr := <-putThrottle; lastErr != nil {
			return nil, nil, lastErr

	if tailBlock.Height != 0 {
		return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("expected genesis block to have height 0 (genesis), got %d: %s", tailBlock.Height, tailBlock.Cid())

	root, err := cs.LoadTipSet(ctx, types.NewTipSetKey(br.Roots...))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load root tipset from chainfile: %w", err)

	ts := root
	tssToPersist := make([]*types.TipSet, 0, TipsetkeyBackfillRange)
	for i := 0; i < int(TipsetkeyBackfillRange); i++ {
		tssToPersist = append(tssToPersist, ts)
		parentTsKey := ts.Parents()
		ts, err = cs.LoadTipSet(ctx, parentTsKey)
		if ts == nil || err != nil {
			log.Warnf("Only able to load the last %d tipsets", i)

	if err := cs.PersistTipsets(ctx, tssToPersist); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to persist tipsets: %w", err)

	return root, &tailBlock, nil

type walkSchedTaskType int

const (
	finishTask walkSchedTaskType = -1
	blockTask  walkSchedTaskType = iota

func (t walkSchedTaskType) String() string {
	switch t {
	case finishTask:
		return "finish"
	case blockTask:
		return "block"
	case messageTask:
		return "message"
	case receiptTask:
		return "receipt"
	case stateTask:
		return "state"
	case dagTask:
		return "dag"
	panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown task %d", t))

type walkTask struct {
	c                cid.Cid
	taskType         walkSchedTaskType
	topLevelTaskType walkSchedTaskType
	blockCid         cid.Cid
	epoch            abi.ChainEpoch

// an ever growing FIFO
type taskFifo struct {
	in   chan walkTask
	out  chan walkTask
	fifo []walkTask

type taskResult struct {
	c cid.Cid
	b blocks.Block

func newTaskFifo(bufferLen int) *taskFifo {
	f := taskFifo{
		in:   make(chan walkTask, bufferLen),
		out:  make(chan walkTask, bufferLen),
		fifo: make([]walkTask, 0),


	return &f

func (f *taskFifo) Close() error {
	return nil

func (f *taskFifo) run() {
	for {
		if len(f.fifo) > 0 {
			// we have items in slice
			// try to put next out or read something in.
			// blocks if nothing works.
			next := f.fifo[0]
			select {
			case f.out <- next:
				f.fifo = f.fifo[1:]
			case elem, ok := <
				if !ok {
					// drain and close out.
					for _, elem := range f.fifo {
						f.out <- elem
				f.fifo = append(f.fifo, elem)
		} else {
			// no elements in fifo to put out.
			// Try to read in and block.
			// When done, try to put out or add to fifo.
			select {
			case elem, ok := <
				if !ok {
				select {
				case f.out <- elem:
					f.fifo = append(f.fifo, elem)

type walkSchedulerConfig struct {
	numWorkers int

	head            *types.TipSet // Tipset to start walking from.
	tail            *types.TipSet // Tipset to end at.
	includeMessages bool
	includeReceipts bool
	includeState    bool

type walkScheduler struct {
	ctx    context.Context
	cancel context.CancelFunc

	store  bstore.Blockstore
	cfg    walkSchedulerConfig
	writer io.Writer

	workerTasks    *taskFifo
	totalTasks     atomic.Int64
	results        chan taskResult
	writeErrorChan chan error

	// tracks number of inflight tasks
	//taskWg sync.WaitGroup
	// launches workers and collects errors if any occur
	workers *errgroup.Group
	// set of CIDs already exported
	seen sync.Map

func newWalkScheduler(ctx context.Context, store bstore.Blockstore, cfg walkSchedulerConfig, w io.Writer) (*walkScheduler, error) {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
	workers, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
	s := &walkScheduler{
		ctx:            ctx,
		cancel:         cancel,
		store:          store,
		cfg:            cfg,
		writer:         w,
		results:        make(chan taskResult, cfg.numWorkers*64),
		workerTasks:    newTaskFifo(cfg.numWorkers * 64),
		writeErrorChan: make(chan error, 1),
		workers:        workers,

	go func() {
		defer close(s.writeErrorChan)
		for r := range s.results {
			// Write
			if err := carutil.LdWrite(s.writer, r.c.Bytes(), r.b.RawData()); err != nil {
				// abort operations
				s.writeErrorChan <- err

	// workers
	for i := 0; i < cfg.numWorkers; i++ {
		f := func(n int) func() error {
			return func() error {
				return s.workerFunc(n)

	for _, b := range cfg.head.Blocks() {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			log.Errorw("context done while sending root tasks", ctx.Err())
			cancel() // kill workers
			return nil, ctx.Err()
		case <- walkTask{
			c:                b.Cid(),
			taskType:         blockTask,
			topLevelTaskType: blockTask,
			blockCid:         b.Cid(),
			epoch:            cfg.head.Height(),

	return s, nil

func (s *walkScheduler) Wait() error {
	err := s.workers.Wait()
	// all workers done. One would have reached genesis and notified the
	// rest to exit. Yet, there might be some pending tasks in the queue,
	// so we need to run a "single worker".
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorw("export workers finished with error", "error", err)

	for {
		if n := s.totalTasks.Load(); n == 0 {
			break // finally fully done
		select {
		case task := <-s.workerTasks.out:
			if err != nil {
				continue // just drain if errors happened.
			err = s.processTask(task, 0)
	errWrite := <-s.writeErrorChan
	if errWrite != nil {
		log.Errorw("error writing to CAR file", "error", err)
		return errWrite
	_ = s.workerTasks.Close()
	return err

func (s *walkScheduler) enqueueIfNew(task walkTask) {
	if multicodec.Code(task.c.Prefix().MhType) == multicodec.Identity {
		//log.Infow("ignored", "cid", todo.c.String())

	// This lets through RAW, CBOR, and DagCBOR blocks, the only types that we end up writing to
	// the exported CAR.
	switch multicodec.Code(task.c.Prefix().Codec) {
	case multicodec.Cbor, multicodec.DagCbor, multicodec.Raw:
		//log.Infow("ignored", "cid", todo.c.String())
	if _, loaded := s.seen.LoadOrStore(task.c, struct{}{}); loaded {
		// we already had it on the map

	log.Debugw("enqueue", "type", task.taskType.String(), "cid", task.c.String())
	s.totalTasks.Add(1) <- task

func (s *walkScheduler) sendFinish(workerN int) error {
	log.Infow("worker finished work", "worker", workerN)
	s.totalTasks.Add(1) <- walkTask{
		taskType: finishTask,
	return nil

func (s *walkScheduler) workerFunc(workerN int) error {
	log.Infow("starting worker", "worker", workerN)
	for t := range s.workerTasks.out {
		select {
		case <-s.ctx.Done():
			return s.ctx.Err()
			// A worker reached genesis, so we wind down and let others do
			// the same. Exit.
			if t.taskType == finishTask {
				return s.sendFinish(workerN)

		err := s.processTask(t, workerN)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		// continue
	return nil

func (s *walkScheduler) processTask(t walkTask, workerN int) error {
	if t.taskType == finishTask {
		return nil

	blk, err :=, t.c)
	if errors.Is(err, format.ErrNotFound{}) && t.topLevelTaskType == receiptTask {
		log.Debugw("ignoring not-found block in Receipts",
			"block", t.blockCid,
			"epoch", t.epoch,
			"cid", t.c)
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return xerrors.Errorf(
			"blockstore.Get(%s). Task: %s. Block: %s (%s). Epoch: %d. Err: %w",
			t.c, t.taskType, t.topLevelTaskType, t.blockCid, t.epoch, err)

	s.results <- taskResult{
		c: t.c,
		b: blk,

	// We exported the ipld block. If it wasn't a CBOR block, there's nothing
	// else to do and we can bail out early as it won't have any links
	// etc.
	if multicodec.Code(t.c.Prefix().Codec) != multicodec.DagCbor ||
		multicodec.Code(t.c.Prefix().MhType) == multicodec.Identity {
		return nil

	rawData := blk.RawData()

	// extract relevant dags to walk from the block
	if t.taskType == blockTask {
		var b types.BlockHeader
		if err := b.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewBuffer(rawData)); err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("unmarshalling block header (cid=%s): %w", blk, err)
		if b.Height%1_000 == 0 {
			log.Infow("block export", "height", b.Height)
		if b.Height == 0 {
			log.Info("exporting genesis block")
			for i := range b.Parents {
					c:                b.Parents[i],
					taskType:         dagTask,
					topLevelTaskType: blockTask,
					blockCid:         b.Parents[i],
					epoch:            0,
				c:                b.ParentStateRoot,
				taskType:         stateTask,
				topLevelTaskType: stateTask,
				blockCid:         t.c,
				epoch:            0,

			return s.sendFinish(workerN)
		// enqueue block parents
		for i := range b.Parents {
				c:                b.Parents[i],
				taskType:         blockTask,
				topLevelTaskType: blockTask,
				blockCid:         b.Parents[i],
				epoch:            b.Height,
		if s.cfg.tail.Height() >= b.Height {
			log.Debugw("tail reached: only blocks will be exported from now until genesis", "cid", t.c.String())
			return nil

		if s.cfg.includeMessages {
			// enqueue block messages
				c:                b.Messages,
				taskType:         messageTask,
				topLevelTaskType: messageTask,
				blockCid:         t.c,
				epoch:            b.Height,
		if s.cfg.includeReceipts {
			// enqueue block receipts
				c:                b.ParentMessageReceipts,
				taskType:         receiptTask,
				topLevelTaskType: receiptTask,
				blockCid:         t.c,
				epoch:            b.Height,
		if s.cfg.includeState {
				c:                b.ParentStateRoot,
				taskType:         stateTask,
				topLevelTaskType: stateTask,
				blockCid:         t.c,
				epoch:            b.Height,

		return nil

	// Not a chain-block: we scan for CIDs in the raw block-data
	err = cbg.ScanForLinks(bytes.NewReader(rawData), func(c cid.Cid) {
			c:                c,
			taskType:         dagTask,
			topLevelTaskType: t.topLevelTaskType,
			blockCid:         t.blockCid,
			epoch:            t.epoch,

	if err != nil {
		return xerrors.Errorf(
			"ScanForLinks(%s). Task: %s. Block: %s (%s). Epoch: %d. Err: %w",
			t.c, t.taskType, t.topLevelTaskType, t.blockCid, t.epoch, err)
	return nil

func (cs *ChainStore) ExportRange(
	ctx context.Context,
	w io.Writer,
	head, tail *types.TipSet,
	messages, receipts, stateroots bool,
	workers int) error {

	h := &car.CarHeader{
		Roots:   head.Cids(),
		Version: 1,

	if err := car.WriteHeader(h, w); err != nil {
		return xerrors.Errorf("failed to write car header: %s", err)

	start := time.Now()
	log.Infow("walking snapshot range",
		"head", head.Key(),
		"tail", tail.Key(),
		"messages", messages,
		"receipts", receipts,
		"workers", workers)

	cfg := walkSchedulerConfig{
		numWorkers:      workers,
		head:            head,
		tail:            tail,
		includeMessages: messages,
		includeState:    stateroots,
		includeReceipts: receipts,

	pw, err := newWalkScheduler(ctx, cs.UnionStore(), cfg, w)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// wait until all workers are done.
	err = pw.Wait()
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorw("walker scheduler", "error", err)
		return err

	log.Infow("walking snapshot range complete", "duration", time.Since(start), "success", err == nil)
	return nil

func (cs *ChainStore) WalkSnapshot(ctx context.Context, ts *types.TipSet, inclRecentRoots abi.ChainEpoch, skipOldMsgs, skipMsgReceipts bool, cb func(cid.Cid) error) error {
	if ts == nil {
		ts = cs.GetHeaviestTipSet()

	seen := cid.NewSet()
	walked := cid.NewSet()

	blocksToWalk := ts.Cids()
	currentMinHeight := ts.Height()

	walkChain := func(blk cid.Cid) error {
		if !seen.Visit(blk) {
			return nil

		if err := cb(blk); err != nil {
			return err

		data, err := cs.chainBlockstore.Get(ctx, blk)
		if err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("getting block: %w", err)

		var b types.BlockHeader
		if err := b.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewBuffer(data.RawData())); err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling block header (cid=%s): %w", blk, err)

		if currentMinHeight > b.Height {
			currentMinHeight = b.Height
			if currentMinHeight%builtin.EpochsInDay == 0 {
				log.Infow("export", "height", currentMinHeight)

		var cids []cid.Cid
		if !skipOldMsgs || b.Height > ts.Height()-inclRecentRoots {
			if walked.Visit(b.Messages) {
				mcids, err := recurseLinks(ctx, cs.chainBlockstore, walked, b.Messages, []cid.Cid{b.Messages})
				if err != nil {
					return xerrors.Errorf("recursing messages failed: %w", err)
				cids = mcids

		if b.Height > 0 {
			blocksToWalk = append(blocksToWalk, b.Parents...)
		} else {
			// include the genesis block
			cids = append(cids, b.Parents...)

		out := cids

		if b.Height == 0 || b.Height > ts.Height()-inclRecentRoots {
			if walked.Visit(b.ParentStateRoot) {
				cids, err := recurseLinks(ctx, cs.stateBlockstore, walked, b.ParentStateRoot, []cid.Cid{b.ParentStateRoot})
				if err != nil {
					return xerrors.Errorf("recursing genesis state failed: %w", err)

				out = append(out, cids...)

			if !skipMsgReceipts && walked.Visit(b.ParentMessageReceipts) {
				out = append(out, b.ParentMessageReceipts)

		for _, c := range out {
			if seen.Visit(c) {
				prefix := c.Prefix()

				// Don't include identity CIDs.
				if multicodec.Code(prefix.MhType) == multicodec.Identity {

				// We only include raw, cbor, and dagcbor, for now.
				switch multicodec.Code(prefix.Codec) {
				case multicodec.Cbor, multicodec.DagCbor, multicodec.Raw:

				if err := cb(c); err != nil {
					return err


		return nil

	log.Infow("export started")
	exportStart := build.Clock.Now()

	for len(blocksToWalk) > 0 {
		next := blocksToWalk[0]
		blocksToWalk = blocksToWalk[1:]
		if err := walkChain(next); err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("walk chain failed: %w", err)

	log.Infow("export finished", "duration", build.Clock.Now().Sub(exportStart).Seconds())

	return nil

func recurseLinks(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, walked *cid.Set, root cid.Cid, in []cid.Cid) ([]cid.Cid, error) {
	if multicodec.Code(root.Prefix().Codec) != multicodec.DagCbor {
		return in, nil

	data, err := bs.Get(ctx, root)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("recurse links get (%s) failed: %w", root, err)

	var rerr error
	err = cbg.ScanForLinks(bytes.NewReader(data.RawData()), func(c cid.Cid) {
		if rerr != nil {
			// No error return on ScanForLinks :(

		// traversed this already...
		if !walked.Visit(c) {

		in = append(in, c)
		var err error
		in, err = recurseLinks(ctx, bs, walked, c, in)
		if err != nil {
			rerr = err
	if err != nil {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("scanning for links failed: %w", err)

	return in, rerr