> Release Issue Template # Lotus X.Y.Z Release [//]: # (Open this issue as [WIP] Lotus vX.Y.Z) [//]: # (Apply the `tpm` label to it, and pin the issue on GitHub) ## 🚢 Estimated shipping date ## ✅ Release Checklist **Note for whoever is owning the release:** please capture notes as comments in this issue for anything you noticed that could be improved for future releases. There is a *Post Release* step below for incorporating changes back into the [RELEASE_ISSUE_TEMPLATE](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/blob/master/documentation/misc/RELEASE_ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md), and this is easier done by collecting notes from along the way rather than just thinking about it at the end. - [ ] Fork a new branch (`release/vX.Y.Z`) from `master` and make any further release related changes to this branch. If any "non-trivial" changes get added to the release, uncheck all the checkboxes and return to this stage. - [ ] Bump the version in `build/version.go` in the `master` branch to `vX.Y.(Z+1)-dev` (bump from feature release) or `vX.(Y+1).0-dev` (bump from mandatory release). Run make gen and make docsgen-cli before committing changes **Prepping an RC**: - [ ] version string in `build/version.go` needs to be updated to end with '-rcX' (in the `release/vX.Y.Z` branch) - [ ] run `make gen && make docsgen-cli` - [ ] Generate changelog using the script at scripts/mkreleaselog - [ ] Add contents of generated text to lotus/CHANGELOG.md in addition to other details - [ ] Commit using PR - [ ] tag commit with `vX.Y.Z-rcN` - [ ] cut a pre-release [here](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/releases/new?prerelease=true) **Testing** Test the release candidate thoroughly, including automated and manual tests to ensure stability and functionality across various environments and scenarios. **Stable Release** - [ ] Final preparation - [ ] Verify that version string in [`version.go`](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/blob/master/build/version.go) has been updated. - [ ] Verify that codegen is up to date (`make gen && make docsgen-cli`) - [ ] Ensure that [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) is up to date - [ ] Open a pull request against the `releases` branch with a merge of `release-vX.Y.Z`. - [ ] Cut the release [here](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/releases/new?prerelease=false&target=releases). - The target should be the `releases` branch. - Either make the tag locally and push to the `releases` branch, or allow GitHub to create a new tag via the UI when the release is published. **Post-Release** - [ ] Open a pull request against the `master` branch with a merge of the `releases` branch. Conflict resolution should ignore the changes to `version.go` (keep the `-dev` version from master). Do NOT delete the `releases` branch when doing so! - [ ] Update [RELEASE_ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/blob/master/documentation/misc/RELEASE_ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md) with any improvements determined from this latest release iteration. - [ ] Create an issue using [RELEASE_ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/blob/master/documentation/misc/RELEASE_ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md) for the _next_ release. ## ❤️ Contributors See the final release notes! ## ⁉️ Do you have questions? Leave a comment in this ticket!