version: 2.1 orbs: go: gotest/tools@0.0.9 commands: install-deps: steps: - go/install-ssh - go/install: {package: git} - run: curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y prepare: steps: - checkout - run: git submodule sync - run: git submodule update --init jobs: mod-tidy-check: executor: go/circleci-golang steps: - install-deps - prepare - go/mod-download - go/mod-tidy-check test: description: | Run tests with gotestsum. parameters: executor: type: executor default: go/circleci-golang go-test-flags: type: string default: "" description: Flags passed to go test. packages: type: string default: "./..." description: Import paths of packages to be tested. test-suite-name: type: string default: unit description: Test suite name to report to CircleCI. gotestsum-format: type: string default: short description: gotestsum format. coverage: type: string default: -coverprofile=coverage.txt description: Coverage flag. Set to the empty string to disable. codecov-upload: type: boolean default: false description: | Upload coverage report to Requires the codecov API token to be set as an environment variable for private projects. executor: << parameters.executor >> steps: - install-deps - prepare - go/mod-download - run: echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH' >> $BASH_ENV - run: command: make deps no_output_timeout: 30m - go/install-gotestsum: gobin: $HOME/.local/bin - run: name: go test environment: GOTESTSUM_JUNITFILE: /tmp/test-reports/<< parameters.test-suite-name >>/junit.xml GOTESTSUM_FORMAT: << parameters.gotestsum-format >> command: | mkdir -p /tmp/test-reports/<< parameters.test-suite-name >> gotestsum -- \ << parameters.coverage >> \ << parameters.go-test-flags >> \ << parameters.packages >> - store_test_results: path: /tmp/test-reports - when: condition: << parameters.codecov-upload >> steps: - go/install: {package: bash} - go/install: {package: curl} - run: shell: /bin/bash -eo pipefail command: | bash <(curl -s lint: &lint description: | Run golangci-lint. parameters: executor: type: executor default: go/circleci-golang golangci-lint-version: type: string default: 1.17.1 concurrency: type: string default: '2' description: | Concurrency used to run linters. Defaults to 2 because NumCPU is not aware of container CPU limits. args: type: string default: '' description: | Arguments to pass to golangci-lint executor: << parameters.executor >> steps: - install-deps - prepare - go/mod-download - run: command: make deps no_output_timeout: 30m - go/install-golangci-lint: gobin: $HOME/.local/bin version: << parameters.golangci-lint-version >> - run: name: Lint command: | $HOME/.local/bin/golangci-lint run -v \ --concurrency << parameters.concurrency >> << parameters.args >> lint-changes: <<: *lint lint-all: <<: *lint workflows: version: 2 ci: jobs: - lint-changes: args: "--new-from-rev origin/master" - test: codecov-upload: true - mod-tidy-check